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Apr 23rd, 2019
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  1. Sam pos5 @
  2. I dont remember much of sam but we never had a problem with him and i belieave he didnt with us. His not cheerful not sad something inbetween. Dota wise nothing bad can be said we almost never had to say anything to him everything was always there. Often he took the shot caller role and did great with it. Many times me and him had our own way of thinking about the game i always compromised without him knowing he didnt seem to be a chap you should argue with before shit goes south. His bane is juicy from what i recall. Value pick overall dont mind playing with him another time if it so happens.
  4. Zorbons pos3 @Zorbons:trophy:
  5. Somewhat of a tribo mixed with a little sam and inx thats how i see myself. Cancerous if met with bad conditions the oposite if all is well. Plays most pos 1/2 heros. Has a puddle of pos 3 heros tho. Tends to miss games, often does tell that he is going to. At days a 6k at others a 4k, one day happy another sad unstable in every aspect. /roll is what you get in all aspects. Dodge ty!
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