

Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. MOOC English
  3. I -> Wikileaks & Snowden
  4. Assange’s motivation
  5. Wikileaks -> intersection between passion of (freedom and transparency) + (extensive understanding of computer networks)
  6. Assange = Hacker
  7. Wikileaks -> break the conspiracy power
  8. Hacking + Political purposes -> hacktivism => biggest preoccupation is the freedom of the internet
  9. User Data -> Collected by: government google Facebook apple
  10. Only one tool to protect => Encryption (See the POV of Snowden)
  12. II -> Snowden
  13. June 2013 <- leak
  14. Reveal that US government was doing a massive and global data collection from everyone in the world with telephones and ISP
  15. The data collection programmes were authorised by:
  16. - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) act
  17. - USA Patriot Act
  18. - Court Order
  19. Not unknown because a news reporting of that have been posted in 2005 (by James Risen)
  20. Data collection = Violation of the 4th amendment
  21. Encouraged by: UK + Australia + New Zealand + Canada
  23. 700 million persons had changed their comportment due to Snowden revelations
  24. It’s impossible for us to live in a new totalitarianism and mass surveillance
  25. We need more information to figure out what is happening
  26. Documents are the key to confirm what people was saying
  27. The biggest surprise of the documents is that there was no surprise inside about what they are doing
  29. Media response:
  30. 1. Hard to report because it’s some code hardcore words
  31. 2. Hard to write for a not-tech audience -> not enough value to be posted inside mainstream newspapers
  32. Reponses to Snowden:
  33. 1. 4th amendment
  34. It has not kept pace with technological realities of modern world
  35. Contacting groups that are getting data is the simplest way to get information without investing a lot of money -> easier for governments to track individuals
  36. 4th amendment limit power of government surveillance but doesn’t limit surveillance of corporations or business
  37. Doctrine of US -> if you share your data voluntary with a third party, you waived the constitutional protection over it
  38. 2012 -> start of this idea => If you drive a car, which can be seen by everybody, why the government could not track you?
  40. Police is getting the permission to search content on a phone because they could search on your body to find possible weapons or contraband items
  41. In 2014, they force police to get a warrant to get access to phones
  43. 2. The vital role of journalists
  44. Reveal abuses of the US (Ex of many things that the US tried to dissimulate)
  45. Without free press -> government can control everything => importance of 1st amendment
  47. III -> Anonymous
  48. Group without leader -> fascinating
  49. ad-hoc projects management
  50. Online protest movement doing some hacktivism to be known <- dealing with things that are not every time internet related
  51. Anonymous => internet factory for creation of activists who work both offline and online
  52. Started as trolls and then upgraded to activist
  53. Anonymous -> Can give power to little protestors by giving legitimize their words
  54. Hackers -> From a privileged group economically and socially
  55. Wikileaks’s success inspired many hackers to go to the political arena
  56. They do so through technology, but not only
  57. Hacking -> Operation ISIS (started after Charlie Hebdo) <- To destroy communications of terrorists
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