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console.log( pokemon )

a guest
Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. Pokemon {
  2. getDetails: [Function],
  3. getHealth: [Function],
  4. side:
  5. Side {
  6. battle:
  7. Battle {
  8. ModdedDex: [Function: ModdedDex],
  9. Data: [Object],
  10. name: '[ModdedDex]',
  11. isBase: false,
  12. currentMod: 'benchabilities',
  13. getId: [Function: getId],
  14. getString: [Function: getString],
  15. abilityCache: Map {},
  16. effectCache: [Map],
  17. itemCache: Map {},
  18. moveCache: [Map],
  19. templateCache: [Map],
  20. typeCache: Map {},
  21. gen: 7,
  22. parentMod: 'base',
  23. modsLoaded: false,
  24. dataCache: [Object],
  25. formatsCache: null,
  26. zMoveTable: [Object],
  27. runMove: [Function: runMove],
  28. useMove: [Function: useMove],
  29. useMoveInner: [Function: useMoveInner],
  30. trySpreadMoveHit: [Function: trySpreadMoveHit],
  31. hitStepTryImmunityEvent: [Function: hitStepTryImmunityEvent],
  32. hitStepTryHitEvent: [Function: hitStepTryHitEvent],
  33. hitStepTypeImmunity: [Function: hitStepTypeImmunity],
  34. hitStepPowderImmunity: [Function: hitStepPowderImmunity],
  35. hitStepPranksterImmunity: [Function: hitStepPranksterImmunity],
  36. hitStepAccuracy: [Function: hitStepAccuracy],
  37. hitStepBreakProtect: [Function: hitStepBreakProtect],
  38. hitStepStealBoosts: [Function: hitStepStealBoosts],
  39. afterMoveSecondaryEvent: [Function: afterMoveSecondaryEvent],
  40. tryMoveHit: [Function: tryMoveHit],
  41. hitStepMoveHitLoop: [Function: hitStepMoveHitLoop],
  42. spreadMoveHit: [Function: spreadMoveHit],
  43. tryPrimaryHitEvent: [Function: tryPrimaryHitEvent],
  44. getSpreadDamage: [Function: getSpreadDamage],
  45. runMoveEffects: [Function: runMoveEffects],
  46. selfDrops: [Function: selfDrops],
  47. secondaries: [Function: secondaries],
  48. forceSwitch: [Function: forceSwitch],
  49. moveHit: [Function: moveHit],
  50. calcRecoilDamage: [Function: calcRecoilDamage],
  51. getZMove: [Function: getZMove],
  52. getActiveZMove: [Function: getActiveZMove],
  53. canZMove: [Function: canZMove],
  54. canMegaEvo: [Function: canMegaEvo],
  55. canUltraBurst: [Function: canUltraBurst],
  56. runMegaEvo: [Function: runMegaEvo],
  57. runZPower: [Function: runZPower],
  58. isAdjacent: [Function: isAdjacent],
  59. targetTypeChoices: [Function: targetTypeChoices],
  60. id: '',
  61. debugMode: false,
  62. strictChoices: false,
  63. format: 'gen7benchabilities',
  64. formatData: [Object],
  65. cachedFormat: [Format],
  66. gameType: 'singles',
  67. field: [Field],
  68. sides: [Array],
  69. prng: [PRNG],
  70. prngSeed: [Array],
  71. rated: false,
  72. reportExactHP: false,
  73. reportPercentages: false,
  74. supportCancel: false,
  75. queue: [],
  76. faintQueue: [],
  77. log: [],
  78. inputLog: [Array],
  79. messageLog: [],
  80. sentLogPos: 0,
  81. sentEnd: false,
  82. requestState: '',
  83. turn: 0,
  84. midTurn: false,
  85. started: false,
  86. ended: false,
  87. effect: [Format],
  88. effectData: [Object],
  89. event: [Object],
  90. events: null,
  91. eventDepth: 1,
  92. activeMove: null,
  93. activePokemon: null,
  94. activeTarget: null,
  95. lastMove: null,
  96. lastMoveLine: -1,
  97. lastDamage: 0,
  98. abilityOrder: 0,
  99. teamGenerator: null,
  100. hints: Set {},
  101. NOT_FAIL: '',
  102. FAIL: false,
  103. SILENT_FAIL: null,
  104. send: [Function],
  105. comparePriority: [Function: bound comparePriority],
  106. benchPokemon: [Object] },
  107. id: 'p1',
  108. n: 0,
  109. name: 'avdvawefasdf',
  110. avatar: '',
  111. maxTeamSize: 6,
  112. foe: null,
  113. team:
  114. [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
  115. pokemon: [ [Pokemon] ] },
  116. battle:
  117. Battle {
  118. ModdedDex: [Function: ModdedDex],
  119. Data:
  120. { Tools: [Function: Tools],
  121. BasicEffect: [Function: BasicEffect],
  122. RuleTable: [Function: RuleTable],
  123. Format: [Function: Format],
  124. PureEffect: [Function: PureEffect],
  125. Item: [Function: Item],
  126. Ability: [Function: Ability],
  127. Template: [Function: Template],
  128. Move: [Function: Move],
  129. TypeInfo: [Function: TypeInfo] },
  130. name: '[ModdedDex]',
  131. isBase: false,
  132. currentMod: 'benchabilities',
  133. getId: [Function: getId],
  134. getString: [Function: getString],
  135. abilityCache: Map {},
  136. effectCache:
  137. Map { 'teampreview' => [Format], 'sleepclausemod' => [Format] },
  138. itemCache: Map {},
  139. moveCache: Map { 'return' => [Move], 'brickbreak' => [Move] },
  140. templateCache: Map { 'celesteela' => [Template], 'chansey' => [Template] },
  141. typeCache: Map {},
  142. gen: 7,
  143. parentMod: 'base',
  144. modsLoaded: false,
  145. dataCache:
  146. { Abilities: [Object],
  147. Formats: [Object],
  148. FormatsData: [Object],
  149. Items: [Object],
  150. Learnsets: [Object],
  151. Movedex: [Object],
  152. Natures: [Object],
  153. Pokedex: [Object],
  154. Scripts: [Object],
  155. Statuses: [Object],
  156. TypeChart: [Object],
  157. Aliases: [Object] },
  158. formatsCache: null,
  159. zMoveTable:
  160. { Poison: 'Acid Downpour',
  161. Fighting: 'All-Out Pummeling',
  162. Dark: 'Black Hole Eclipse',
  163. Grass: 'Bloom Doom',
  164. Normal: 'Breakneck Blitz',
  165. Rock: 'Continental Crush',
  166. Steel: 'Corkscrew Crash',
  167. Dragon: 'Devastating Drake',
  168. Electric: 'Gigavolt Havoc',
  169. Water: 'Hydro Vortex',
  170. Fire: 'Inferno Overdrive',
  171. Ghost: 'Never-Ending Nightmare',
  172. Bug: 'Savage Spin-Out',
  173. Psychic: 'Shattered Psyche',
  174. Ice: 'Subzero Slammer',
  175. Flying: 'Supersonic Skystrike',
  176. Ground: 'Tectonic Rage',
  177. Fairy: 'Twinkle Tackle' },
  178. runMove: [Function: runMove],
  179. useMove: [Function: useMove],
  180. useMoveInner: [Function: useMoveInner],
  181. trySpreadMoveHit: [Function: trySpreadMoveHit],
  182. hitStepTryImmunityEvent: [Function: hitStepTryImmunityEvent],
  183. hitStepTryHitEvent: [Function: hitStepTryHitEvent],
  184. hitStepTypeImmunity: [Function: hitStepTypeImmunity],
  185. hitStepPowderImmunity: [Function: hitStepPowderImmunity],
  186. hitStepPranksterImmunity: [Function: hitStepPranksterImmunity],
  187. hitStepAccuracy: [Function: hitStepAccuracy],
  188. hitStepBreakProtect: [Function: hitStepBreakProtect],
  189. hitStepStealBoosts: [Function: hitStepStealBoosts],
  190. afterMoveSecondaryEvent: [Function: afterMoveSecondaryEvent],
  191. tryMoveHit: [Function: tryMoveHit],
  192. hitStepMoveHitLoop: [Function: hitStepMoveHitLoop],
  193. spreadMoveHit: [Function: spreadMoveHit],
  194. tryPrimaryHitEvent: [Function: tryPrimaryHitEvent],
  195. getSpreadDamage: [Function: getSpreadDamage],
  196. runMoveEffects: [Function: runMoveEffects],
  197. selfDrops: [Function: selfDrops],
  198. secondaries: [Function: secondaries],
  199. forceSwitch: [Function: forceSwitch],
  200. moveHit: [Function: moveHit],
  201. calcRecoilDamage: [Function: calcRecoilDamage],
  202. getZMove: [Function: getZMove],
  203. getActiveZMove: [Function: getActiveZMove],
  204. canZMove: [Function: canZMove],
  205. canMegaEvo: [Function: canMegaEvo],
  206. canUltraBurst: [Function: canUltraBurst],
  207. runMegaEvo: [Function: runMegaEvo],
  208. runZPower: [Function: runZPower],
  209. isAdjacent: [Function: isAdjacent],
  210. targetTypeChoices: [Function: targetTypeChoices],
  211. id: '',
  212. debugMode: false,
  213. strictChoices: false,
  214. format: 'gen7benchabilities',
  215. formatData: { id: 'gen7benchabilities', target: [Circular] },
  216. cachedFormat:
  217. Format {
  218. exists: true,
  219. name: '[Gen 7] Bench Abilities',
  220. desc: [Array],
  221. ruleset: [Array],
  222. mod: 'benchabilities',
  223. maxForcedLevel: 50,
  224. teamLength: [Object],
  225. requirePentagon: true,
  226. onModifyTemplate: [Function: onModifyTemplate],
  227. onBeforeSwitchIn: [Function: onBeforeSwitchIn],
  228. onSwitchInPriority: 2,
  229. onSwitchIn: [Function: onSwitchIn],
  230. onAfterMega: [Function: onAfterMega],
  231. section: 'Pet Mods',
  232. column: 3,
  233. effectType: 'Format',
  234. baseRuleset: [Array],
  235. challengeShow: true,
  236. searchShow: true,
  237. tournamentShow: true,
  238. id: 'gen7benchabilities',
  239. fullname: '[Gen 7] Bench Abilities',
  240. num: 0,
  241. gen: 0,
  242. isUnreleased: false,
  243. shortDesc: '',
  244. isNonstandard: null,
  245. duration: undefined,
  246. noCopy: false,
  247. affectsFainted: false,
  248. status: undefined,
  249. weather: undefined,
  250. drain: undefined,
  251. flags: {},
  252. sourceEffect: '',
  253. debug: false,
  254. rated: true,
  255. gameType: 'singles',
  256. banlist: [],
  257. unbanlist: [],
  258. customRules: null,
  259. ruleTable: [RuleTable],
  260. onBegin: undefined,
  261. canUseRandomTeam: false,
  262. requirePlus: false,
  263. maxLevel: 100,
  264. defaultLevel: 100,
  265. forcedLevel: undefined,
  266. noLog: false },
  267. gameType: 'singles',
  268. field:
  269. Field {
  270. battle: [Circular],
  271. weather: '',
  272. weatherData: [Object],
  273. terrain: '',
  274. terrainData: [Object],
  275. pseudoWeather: [Object] },
  276. sides: [ null, null ],
  277. prng: PRNG { initialSeed: [Array], seed: [Array] },
  278. prngSeed: [ 47195, 32737, 4633, 13631 ],
  279. rated: false,
  280. reportExactHP: false,
  281. reportPercentages: false,
  282. supportCancel: false,
  283. queue: [],
  284. faintQueue: [],
  285. log: [],
  286. inputLog:
  287. [ '>start {"formatid":"gen7benchabilities","seed":[47195,32737,4633,13631]}' ],
  288. messageLog: [],
  289. sentLogPos: 0,
  290. sentEnd: false,
  291. requestState: '',
  292. turn: 0,
  293. midTurn: false,
  294. started: false,
  295. ended: false,
  296. effect:
  297. Format {
  298. exists: true,
  299. name: '[Gen 7] Bench Abilities',
  300. desc: [Array],
  301. ruleset: [Array],
  302. mod: 'benchabilities',
  303. maxForcedLevel: 50,
  304. teamLength: [Object],
  305. requirePentagon: true,
  306. onModifyTemplate: [Function: onModifyTemplate],
  307. onBeforeSwitchIn: [Function: onBeforeSwitchIn],
  308. onSwitchInPriority: 2,
  309. onSwitchIn: [Function: onSwitchIn],
  310. onAfterMega: [Function: onAfterMega],
  311. section: 'Pet Mods',
  312. column: 3,
  313. effectType: 'Format',
  314. baseRuleset: [Array],
  315. challengeShow: true,
  316. searchShow: true,
  317. tournamentShow: true,
  318. id: 'gen7benchabilities',
  319. fullname: '[Gen 7] Bench Abilities',
  320. num: 0,
  321. gen: 0,
  322. isUnreleased: false,
  323. shortDesc: '',
  324. isNonstandard: null,
  325. duration: undefined,
  326. noCopy: false,
  327. affectsFainted: false,
  328. status: undefined,
  329. weather: undefined,
  330. drain: undefined,
  331. flags: {},
  332. sourceEffect: '',
  333. debug: false,
  334. rated: true,
  335. gameType: 'singles',
  336. banlist: [],
  337. unbanlist: [],
  338. customRules: null,
  339. ruleTable: [RuleTable],
  340. onBegin: undefined,
  341. canUseRandomTeam: false,
  342. requirePlus: false,
  343. maxLevel: 100,
  344. defaultLevel: 100,
  345. forcedLevel: undefined,
  346. noLog: false },
  347. effectData: { id: 'gen7benchabilities', target: [Circular] },
  348. event:
  349. { id: 'ModifyTemplate',
  350. target: [Circular],
  351. source: null,
  352. effect: [Object],
  353. modifier: 1 },
  354. events: null,
  355. eventDepth: 1,
  356. activeMove: null,
  357. activePokemon: null,
  358. activeTarget: null,
  359. lastMove: null,
  360. lastMoveLine: -1,
  361. lastDamage: 0,
  362. abilityOrder: 0,
  363. teamGenerator: null,
  364. hints: Set {},
  365. NOT_FAIL: '',
  366. FAIL: false,
  367. SILENT_FAIL: null,
  368. send: [Function],
  369. comparePriority: [Function: bound comparePriority],
  370. benchPokemon: { p1: [Array] } },
  371. set:
  372. { name: 'Chansey',
  373. species: 'Chansey',
  374. item: '',
  375. ability: 'Natural Cure',
  376. moves: [ 'brickbreak' ],
  377. nature: '',
  378. evs: { hp: 168, atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 },
  379. level: 50,
  380. ivs: { hp: 31, atk: 31, def: 31, spa: 31, spd: 31, spe: 31 } },
  381. baseTemplate:
  382. Template {
  383. exists: true,
  384. name: 'Chansey',
  385. num: 113,
  386. species: 'Chansey',
  387. types: [ 'Normal' ],
  388. gender: 'F',
  389. baseStats: { hp: 250, atk: 5, def: 5, spa: 35, spd: 105, spe: 50 },
  390. abilities: { '0': 'Natural Cure', '1': 'Serene Grace', H: 'Healer' },
  391. heightm: 1.1,
  392. weightkg: 34.6,
  393. color: 'Pink',
  394. prevo: 'happiny',
  395. evoType: 'levelFriendship',
  396. evos: [ 'blissey' ],
  397. eggGroups: [ 'Fairy' ],
  398. canHatch: true,
  399. randomBattleMoves:
  400. [ 'softboiled',
  401. 'healbell',
  402. 'stealthrock',
  403. 'thunderwave',
  404. 'toxic',
  405. 'seismictoss',
  406. 'wish' ],
  407. randomDoubleBattleMoves:
  408. [ 'aromatherapy',
  409. 'toxic',
  410. 'thunderwave',
  411. 'helpinghand',
  412. 'softboiled',
  413. 'lightscreen',
  414. 'seismictoss',
  415. 'protect',
  416. 'wish' ],
  417. eventPokemon: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
  418. encounters: [ [Object] ],
  419. tier: 'OU',
  420. doublesTier: 'NFE',
  421. learnset:
  422. { allyswitch: [Array],
  423. aromatherapy: [Array],
  424. attract: [Array],
  425. bestow: [Array],
  426. bide: [Array],
  427. blizzard: [Array],
  428. bodyslam: [Array],
  429. brickbreak: [Array],
  430. bubblebeam: [Array],
  431. bulldoze: [Array],
  432. calmmind: [Array],
  433. captivate: [Array],
  434. chargebeam: [Array],
  435. confide: [Array],
  436. counter: [Array],
  437. covet: [Array],
  438. curse: [Array],
  439. dazzlinggleam: [Array],
  440. defensecurl: [Array],
  441. doubleedge: [Array],
  442. doubleslap: [Array],
  443. doubleteam: [Array],
  444. drainpunch: [Array],
  445. dreameater: [Array],
  446. dynamicpunch: [Array],
  447. earthquake: [Array],
  448. echoedvoice: [Array],
  449. eggbomb: [Array],
  450. endeavor: [Array],
  451. endure: [Array],
  452. facade: [Array],
  453. fireblast: [Array],
  454. firepunch: [Array],
  455. flamethrower: [Array],
  456. flash: [Array],
  457. fling: [Array],
  458. focuspunch: [Array],
  459. frustration: [Array],
  460. gigaimpact: [Array],
  461. grassknot: [Array],
  462. gravity: [Array],
  463. growl: [Array],
  464. hail: [Array],
  465. headbutt: [Array],
  466. healbell: [Array],
  467. healingwish: [Array],
  468. healpulse: [Array],
  469. helpinghand: [Array],
  470. hiddenpower: [Array],
  471. hyperbeam: [Array],
  472. hypervoice: [Array],
  473. icebeam: [Array],
  474. icepunch: [Array],
  475. icywind: [Array],
  476. incinerate: [Array],
  477. irontail: [Array],
  478. laserfocus: [Array],
  479. lastresort: [Array],
  480. lightscreen: [Array],
  481. megakick: [Array],
  482. megapunch: [Array],
  483. metronome: [Array],
  484. mimic: [Array],
  485. minimize: [Array],
  486. mudbomb: [Array],
  487. mudslap: [Array],
  488. naturalgift: [Array],
  489. pound: [Array],
  490. poweruppunch: [Array],
  491. present: [Array],
  492. protect: [Array],
  493. psychic: [Array],
  494. psychup: [Array],
  495. psywave: [Array],
  496. rage: [Array],
  497. raindance: [Array],
  498. recycle: [Array],
  499. reflect: [Array],
  500. refresh: [Array],
  501. rest: [Array],
  502. retaliate: [Array],
  503. return: [Array],
  504. rockclimb: [Array],
  505. rockslide: [Array],
  506. rocksmash: [Array],
  507. rocktomb: [Array],
  508. rollout: [Array],
  509. round: [Array],
  510. safeguard: [Array],
  511. sandstorm: [Array],
  512. secretpower: [Array],
  513. seismictoss: [Array],
  514. shadowball: [Array],
  515. shockwave: [Array],
  516. sing: [Array],
  517. skillswap: [Array],
  518. skullbash: [Array],
  519. sleeptalk: [Array],
  520. snatch: [Array],
  521. snore: [Array],
  522. softboiled: [Array],
  523. solarbeam: [Array],
  524. stealthrock: [Array],
  525. stompingtantrum: [Array],
  526. strength: [Array],
  527. submission: [Array],
  528. substitute: [Array],
  529. sunnyday: [Array],
  530. swagger: [Array],
  531. sweetkiss: [Array],
  532. sweetscent: [Array],
  533. tailwhip: [Array],
  534. takedown: [Array],
  535. telekinesis: [Array],
  536. teleport: [Array],
  537. thunder: [Array],
  538. thunderbolt: [Array],
  539. thunderpunch: [Array],
  540. thunderwave: [Array],
  541. toxic: [Array],
  542. triattack: [Array],
  543. watergun: [Array],
  544. waterpulse: [Array],
  545. wildcharge: [Array],
  546. wish: [Array],
  547. workup: [Array],
  548. zapcannon: [Array],
  549. zenheadbutt: [Array] },
  550. id: 'chansey',
  551. fullname: 'pokemon: Chansey',
  552. effectType: 'Pokemon',
  553. gen: 1,
  554. isUnreleased: false,
  555. shortDesc: '',
  556. desc: '',
  557. isNonstandard: null,
  558. duration: undefined,
  559. noCopy: false,
  560. affectsFainted: false,
  561. status: undefined,
  562. weather: undefined,
  563. drain: undefined,
  564. flags: {},
  565. sourceEffect: '',
  566. speciesid: 'chansey',
  567. baseSpecies: 'Chansey',
  568. forme: '',
  569. otherForms: undefined,
  570. otherFormes: undefined,
  571. formeLetter: '',
  572. spriteid: 'chansey',
  573. addedType: undefined,
  574. evoLevel: undefined,
  575. nfe: true,
  576. genderRatio: { M: 0, F: 1 },
  577. requiredItem: undefined,
  578. requiredItems: undefined,
  579. unreleasedHidden: false,
  580. maleOnlyHidden: false,
  581. maxHP: undefined,
  582. eventOnly: false,
  583. isMega: undefined,
  584. battleOnly: undefined },
  585. template:
  586. Template {
  587. exists: true,
  588. name: 'Chansey',
  589. num: 113,
  590. species: 'Chansey',
  591. types: [ 'Normal' ],
  592. gender: 'F',
  593. baseStats: { hp: 250, atk: 5, def: 5, spa: 35, spd: 105, spe: 50 },
  594. abilities: { '0': 'Natural Cure', '1': 'Serene Grace', H: 'Healer' },
  595. heightm: 1.1,
  596. weightkg: 34.6,
  597. color: 'Pink',
  598. prevo: 'happiny',
  599. evoType: 'levelFriendship',
  600. evos: [ 'blissey' ],
  601. eggGroups: [ 'Fairy' ],
  602. canHatch: true,
  603. randomBattleMoves:
  604. [ 'softboiled',
  605. 'healbell',
  606. 'stealthrock',
  607. 'thunderwave',
  608. 'toxic',
  609. 'seismictoss',
  610. 'wish' ],
  611. randomDoubleBattleMoves:
  612. [ 'aromatherapy',
  613. 'toxic',
  614. 'thunderwave',
  615. 'helpinghand',
  616. 'softboiled',
  617. 'lightscreen',
  618. 'seismictoss',
  619. 'protect',
  620. 'wish' ],
  621. eventPokemon: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
  622. encounters: [ [Object] ],
  623. tier: 'OU',
  624. doublesTier: 'NFE',
  625. learnset:
  626. { allyswitch: [Array],
  627. aromatherapy: [Array],
  628. attract: [Array],
  629. bestow: [Array],
  630. bide: [Array],
  631. blizzard: [Array],
  632. bodyslam: [Array],
  633. brickbreak: [Array],
  634. bubblebeam: [Array],
  635. bulldoze: [Array],
  636. calmmind: [Array],
  637. captivate: [Array],
  638. chargebeam: [Array],
  639. confide: [Array],
  640. counter: [Array],
  641. covet: [Array],
  642. curse: [Array],
  643. dazzlinggleam: [Array],
  644. defensecurl: [Array],
  645. doubleedge: [Array],
  646. doubleslap: [Array],
  647. doubleteam: [Array],
  648. drainpunch: [Array],
  649. dreameater: [Array],
  650. dynamicpunch: [Array],
  651. earthquake: [Array],
  652. echoedvoice: [Array],
  653. eggbomb: [Array],
  654. endeavor: [Array],
  655. endure: [Array],
  656. facade: [Array],
  657. fireblast: [Array],
  658. firepunch: [Array],
  659. flamethrower: [Array],
  660. flash: [Array],
  661. fling: [Array],
  662. focuspunch: [Array],
  663. frustration: [Array],
  664. gigaimpact: [Array],
  665. grassknot: [Array],
  666. gravity: [Array],
  667. growl: [Array],
  668. hail: [Array],
  669. headbutt: [Array],
  670. healbell: [Array],
  671. healingwish: [Array],
  672. healpulse: [Array],
  673. helpinghand: [Array],
  674. hiddenpower: [Array],
  675. hyperbeam: [Array],
  676. hypervoice: [Array],
  677. icebeam: [Array],
  678. icepunch: [Array],
  679. icywind: [Array],
  680. incinerate: [Array],
  681. irontail: [Array],
  682. laserfocus: [Array],
  683. lastresort: [Array],
  684. lightscreen: [Array],
  685. megakick: [Array],
  686. megapunch: [Array],
  687. metronome: [Array],
  688. mimic: [Array],
  689. minimize: [Array],
  690. mudbomb: [Array],
  691. mudslap: [Array],
  692. naturalgift: [Array],
  693. pound: [Array],
  694. poweruppunch: [Array],
  695. present: [Array],
  696. protect: [Array],
  697. psychic: [Array],
  698. psychup: [Array],
  699. psywave: [Array],
  700. rage: [Array],
  701. raindance: [Array],
  702. recycle: [Array],
  703. reflect: [Array],
  704. refresh: [Array],
  705. rest: [Array],
  706. retaliate: [Array],
  707. return: [Array],
  708. rockclimb: [Array],
  709. rockslide: [Array],
  710. rocksmash: [Array],
  711. rocktomb: [Array],
  712. rollout: [Array],
  713. round: [Array],
  714. safeguard: [Array],
  715. sandstorm: [Array],
  716. secretpower: [Array],
  717. seismictoss: [Array],
  718. shadowball: [Array],
  719. shockwave: [Array],
  720. sing: [Array],
  721. skillswap: [Array],
  722. skullbash: [Array],
  723. sleeptalk: [Array],
  724. snatch: [Array],
  725. snore: [Array],
  726. softboiled: [Array],
  727. solarbeam: [Array],
  728. stealthrock: [Array],
  729. stompingtantrum: [Array],
  730. strength: [Array],
  731. submission: [Array],
  732. substitute: [Array],
  733. sunnyday: [Array],
  734. swagger: [Array],
  735. sweetkiss: [Array],
  736. sweetscent: [Array],
  737. tailwhip: [Array],
  738. takedown: [Array],
  739. telekinesis: [Array],
  740. teleport: [Array],
  741. thunder: [Array],
  742. thunderbolt: [Array],
  743. thunderpunch: [Array],
  744. thunderwave: [Array],
  745. toxic: [Array],
  746. triattack: [Array],
  747. watergun: [Array],
  748. waterpulse: [Array],
  749. wildcharge: [Array],
  750. wish: [Array],
  751. workup: [Array],
  752. zapcannon: [Array],
  753. zenheadbutt: [Array] },
  754. id: 'chansey',
  755. fullname: 'pokemon: Chansey',
  756. effectType: 'Pokemon',
  757. gen: 1,
  758. isUnreleased: false,
  759. shortDesc: '',
  760. desc: '',
  761. isNonstandard: null,
  762. duration: undefined,
  763. noCopy: false,
  764. affectsFainted: false,
  765. status: undefined,
  766. weather: undefined,
  767. drain: undefined,
  768. flags: {},
  769. sourceEffect: '',
  770. speciesid: 'chansey',
  771. baseSpecies: 'Chansey',
  772. forme: '',
  773. otherForms: undefined,
  774. otherFormes: undefined,
  775. formeLetter: '',
  776. spriteid: 'chansey',
  777. addedType: undefined,
  778. evoLevel: undefined,
  779. nfe: true,
  780. genderRatio: { M: 0, F: 1 },
  781. requiredItem: undefined,
  782. requiredItems: undefined,
  783. unreleasedHidden: false,
  784. maleOnlyHidden: false,
  785. maxHP: undefined,
  786. eventOnly: false,
  787. isMega: undefined,
  788. battleOnly: undefined },
  789. species: 'Chansey',
  790. speciesid: 'chansey',
  791. speciesData: { id: 'chansey' },
  792. name: 'Chansey',
  793. fullname: 'p1: Chansey',
  794. id: 'p1: Chansey',
  795. level: 50,
  796. gender: 'F',
  797. happiness: 255,
  798. pokeball: 'pokeball',
  799. baseMoveSlots:
  800. [ { move: 'Brick Break',
  801. id: 'brickbreak',
  802. pp: 24,
  803. maxpp: 24,
  804. target: 'normal',
  805. disabled: false,
  806. disabledSource: '',
  807. used: false } ],
  808. moveSlots:
  809. [ { move: 'Brick Break',
  810. id: 'brickbreak',
  811. pp: 24,
  812. maxpp: 24,
  813. target: 'normal',
  814. disabled: false,
  815. disabledSource: '',
  816. used: false } ],
  817. position: 0,
  818. details: 'Chansey, L50, F',
  819. status: '',
  820. statusData: {},
  821. volatiles: {},
  822. showCure: false,
  823. hpType: 'Dark',
  824. hpPower: 60,
  825. baseHpType: 'Dark',
  826. baseHpPower: 60,
  827. baseStoredStats: null,
  828. storedStats: { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0 },
  829. boosts:
  830. { atk: 0, def: 0, spa: 0, spd: 0, spe: 0, accuracy: 0, evasion: 0 },
  831. baseAbility: 'naturalcure',
  832. ability: 'naturalcure',
  833. abilityData: { id: 'naturalcure' },
  834. item: '',
  835. itemData: { id: '' },
  836. lastItem: '',
  837. usedItemThisTurn: false,
  838. ateBerry: false,
  839. trapped: false,
  840. maybeTrapped: false,
  841. maybeDisabled: false,
  842. illusion: null,
  843. transformed: false,
  844. fainted: false,
  845. faintQueued: false,
  846. subFainted: null,
  847. types: [ 'Normal' ],
  848. addedType: '',
  849. knownType: true,
  850. apparentType: 'Normal',
  851. switchFlag: false,
  852. forceSwitchFlag: false,
  853. switchCopyFlag: false,
  854. draggedIn: null,
  855. newlySwitched: true,
  856. beingCalledBack: false,
  857. lastMove: null,
  858. moveThisTurn: '',
  859. hurtThisTurn: false,
  860. lastDamage: 0,
  861. attackedBy: [],
  862. isActive: false,
  863. activeTurns: 0,
  864. isStarted: false,
  865. duringMove: false,
  866. speed: 0,
  867. abilityOrder: 0,
  868. canMegaEvo: null,
  869. canUltraBurst: null }
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