
Trade+ lang.yml

Jul 15th, 2016
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  1. sentrequest: '&6&l(!) &r&6You sent a trade request to &e%PLAYER%'
  2. receivedrequest: '&6&l(!) &r&6You received a trade request from &e%PLAYER%%NEWLINE%&6&l(!)
  3.   &r&6Type &e/trade %PLAYER% &6to begin trading'
  4. receivedrequesthover: '&6&lClick here to trade with &e&l%PLAYER%'
  5. withinrange: '&4&l(!) &r&4You must be within %AMOUNT% blocks of a player to trade
  6.   with them'
  7. withinrangecrossworld: '&4&l(!) &r&4You must be within %AMOUNT% blocks of a player%NEWLINE%&4&l(!)
  8.   &r&4in a different world to trade with them!'
  9. nocrossworld: '&4&l(!) &r&4You must be in the same world as a player to trade with
  10.   them!'
  11. senderaccept: '&6&l(!) &r&e%PLAYER% &6accepted your trade request'
  12. receiveraccept: '&6&l(!) &r&6You accepted &e%PLAYER%''s &6trade request'
  13. cancelled: '&4&l(!) &r&4The trade was cancelled'
  14. expired: '&4&l(!) &r&4Your last trade request expired'
  15. waitforexpire: '&4&l(!) &r&4You still have an active trade request%NEWLINE%&4&l(!)
  16.   &r&4It will expire shortly'
  17. playernotfound: '&4&l(!) &r&4Could not find specified player'
  18. tradewithself: '&4&l(!) &r&4You cannot trade with yourself'
  19. invalidusage: '&4&l(!) &r&4Invalid arguments. Usage: &c/trade <player name>'
  20. noperms: '&4&l(!) &r&4You do not have permission to trade'
  21. nopermsreceiver: '&4&l(!) &r&4That player does not have permission to trade'
  22. tradecomplete: '&6&l(!) &r&6The trade was successful!'
  23. forcedtrade: '&6&l(!) &r&6You''ve been forced into a trade with &e%PLAYER%'
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