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Jul 29th, 2008
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  1. I want you to take a brief minute to read this as you begin to find your way around this site.
  3. First, I believe an introduction is in order: I am Rachel Faith, Owner, SysOp and Chief Admin of the Vortex Network. But, I did not do this site alone. Far from it. You would not be reading this if it were not for the tireless efforts of many many other people, too numerous to give personal thanks to in such a short space.
  5. The best sysops, admins and coders from around the world, working on the bleeding edge of this technology, have spent days going over the code, site, layout, modules and effects. You do not get a brand new tracker in 7 days without such heroics. And that is what these fine folks are: Heroes.
  7. I am, and you are, indebted to them. Some of them I have known for years, others mere hours. My gracious and humble thanks go out to each and every one of them. May God richly bless you all.
  9. Now, about this site. This is a Mac/Apple community. We are not trying to be just another torrent site like the many so readily found everywhere. Please! Read the rules and do not just assume that everything is the same as any other site.
  11. We intend to be different. Very different. You may notice the little things right away. The Roman Themed, Ranks and Forum names for one. Not some boring over used �User� or �Super Duper Uber User�. But, I hope that the changes go deeper, much deeper. This is not a place as much as it is an ideology. This is not cold technology. This is about community. This is about people. Allow me to explain, if I may.
  13. While I am very new to the tracker universe, I am not new to the internet community. I have served as moderator, admin and even sysop on boards and communities going back to the very first red hat server I built in 1998 in Jr High and ran off of my Dad's DSL line. Yeah, we had high speed before most folks knew that it existed.
  15. But, I have noticed something very different about trackers. Something exclusive, as club for the few and their friends. Or places so filled with secrets that they barely notice their members. And there were many trackers did not welcome me at all. They did not want some outsider to offer up any ideas. Some warmed up to me, in time, others became directly hostile. Yet on them all, from the most experienced to the least, I have met great people, just like anywhere else, with the same desire and vision. A place where such attitudes of indifference or superiority did not exist.
  17. That is my goal. My purpose here. A community where the newest person is treated with respect, kindness and is brought from ignorance into knowledge. Where the oldest stalwart is not forgotten nor taken advantage of. Where you are able to share, make friends and enjoy yourself within a community which values your unique person and abilities.
  19. This is what I hope that you will not only find here, but also become an active part in helping us to achieve. The Golden Rule applies here to all things. I do not forget that I was once not very long ago on the outside looking in and I will never forget it.
  21. Welcome to the eye of the storm my friend. Welcome to the Vortex Network.
  23. Your humble servant,
  28. Rachel Faith
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