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Oct 12th, 2017
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  4. #Disable Commands!
  13. #>>>>>>> This plugin is made to allow anyone with access to the server console to change access to commands <<<<<<<
  14. #>>>>>>> This plugin can disable commands for ops, players with '*' permission, etc. <<<<<<<<
  17. #Here are all the messages you can change!!!
  18. #DO NOT USE WORDS LIKE; can't, don't, shouldn't, etc. BECAUSE OF CONSOLE ERRORS!!!
  19. #If you want the messages to not be the default message, remove the # and put message in!!!
  21. disableCommandsMessage: '&4Sorry, but this command is for moderators only!'
  22. #disableWorldMessage: '&4You do not have access to that command in this world!'
  23. #cantBanMessage: '&4You can not BAN that player!'
  24. #cantUnbanMessage: '&4You can not UNBAN that player!'
  25. #cantKickMessage: '&4You can not KICK that player!'
  26. #cantMuteMessage: '&4You can not MUTE that player!'
  27. #cantKillMessage: '&4You can not KILL that player!'
  28. #cantOpMessage: '&4You can not OP that player!'
  29. #cantDeopMessage: '&4You can not DEOP that player!'
  30. #cantJailMessage: '&4You can not JAIL that player!'
  33. #Place commands to disable here; for all players!
  34. #This is for all players; who are not on the forbidden-commandsAllow list
  35. #ex.
  36. forbidden-commands:
  37. - stop
  38. - targetoffset
  39. - loadbrush
  40. - savebrush
  41. - /
  42. - primary
  43. - /primary
  44. - ce
  45. - targetmask
  46. - /targetmask
  47. - scroll
  48. - /scroll
  49. - multiworld-v
  50. - multiworld-vv
  51. - multiworld-vvv
  52. - multiworld-vvvv
  53. - multiworld-vvvvv
  54. - multiworld-vvvvvv
  55. - none
  56. - /none
  57. - secondary
  58. - /secondary
  59. - smask
  60. - world
  61. - goto
  62. - multiworld-shortcut
  63. - /smask
  64. - tool
  65. - time
  66. - /tool
  67. - cmdblock
  68. - masks
  69. - /masks
  70. - crate
  71. - forceuser
  72. - snake
  73. - sc
  74. - sw
  75. - sg
  76. - dcr
  77. - fq
  78. - fqadd
  79. - timings
  80. - restart
  81. - testfor
  82. - testforblocks
  83. - action
  84. - setblock
  85. - tab
  86. - titlemaker
  87. - simpleapi
  88. - armorcolor
  89. - compass
  90. - firework
  91. - itemrename
  92. - userhistory
  93. - fqremove
  94. - fqreload
  95. - funquiz
  96. - fqforce
  97. - fqlist
  98. - worldeditanywhere
  99. - region
  100. - rs
  101. - ultracosmetics
  102. - swim
  103. - corpseborn
  104. - removecorpse
  105. - corpsereborn
  106. - fall
  107. - rg
  108. - invis
  109. - af
  110. - invisoff
  111. - uc
  112. - worldeditregion
  113. - pc
  114. - sg
  115. - ?
  116. - sc
  117. - commandspy
  118. - cspy
  119. - noteblockmusicplayer
  120. - mapi
  121. - holo
  122. - start
  123. - p
  124. - positionradio
  125. - serverradio
  126. - worldradio
  127. - nbmp
  128. - sw
  129. - csf
  130. - radio
  131. - bancheck
  132. - adminfun
  133. - banclear
  134. - forceuser
  135. - invison
  136. - invisoff
  137. - invis
  138. - tempbanip
  139. - unbanip
  140. - unban
  141. - music
  142. - banimport
  143. - bantoolsfinal
  144. - restorenature
  145. - restorenatureaggresive
  146. - block
  147. - unblock
  148. - dmarker
  149. - dmap
  150. - dynmapexp
  151. - resetpunishmental
  152. - punish
  153. - npc
  154. - citizens
  155. - script
  156. - trait
  157. - template
  158. - waypoints
  159. - survival
  160. - creative
  161. - masks
  162. - delchunks
  163. - ic
  164. - clearchat
  165. - shoutworkd
  166. - shock
  167. - fill
  168. - suck
  169. - fuck
  170. - hell
  171. - spam
  172. - doom
  173. - werollback
  174. - invis
  175. - warn
  176. - mute
  177. - softmute
  178. - mask
  179. - p
  180. - pb
  181. - crackshot
  182. - ra
  183. - spawnentity
  184. - reload
  185. - mage
  186. - mycmd
  187. - tphere
  188. - mycmd-blockset
  189. - worldcontrol
  190. - wc-import
  191. - mycmd-itemset
  192. - lightning
  193. - tempipban
  194. - advancedban
  195. - ban
  196. - tempban
  197. - ipban
  198. - kick
  199. - mute
  200. - warn
  201. - banip
  202. - tempban
  203. - tempmute
  204. - tempwarn
  205. - tipban
  206. - tempipban
  207. - change-reason
  208. - unban
  209. - unmute
  210. - unwarn
  211. - spam
  212. - unpunish
  213. - warns
  214. - check
  215. - banlist
  216. - history
  217. - systemprefs
  218. - spawnpoint
  219. - thor
  220. - smite
  221. - dynmap
  222. - eco
  223. - fireball
  224. - summon
  225. - cast
  226. - castp
  227. - titlemanager
  228. - spells
  229. - wand
  230. - wandp
  231. - mitem
  232. - magic
  233. - br
  234. - brush
  235. - tm
  236. - nuke
  237. - mycmd-reload
  238. - save-all
  239. - addcoins
  240. - removecoins
  241. - backup
  242. - clearchat
  243. - kill
  244. - wea
  245. - fawe
  246. - time
  247. - worldedit
  248. - /fast
  249. - ipc
  250. - spectator
  251. - mycmd-signset
  252. - mycmd-variables
  253. - hbr
  254. - serverlist
  255. - /frb
  256. - /rollback
  257. - inspect
  258. - /inspect
  259. - frb
  260. - hbr-update
  261. - hbr-reload
  262. - mycmd-scheduler
  263. - save-off
  264. - save-on
  265. - mycmd-runas
  266. - gmd
  267. - opall
  268. - spawnmob
  269. - vault-convert
  270. - vault-info
  271. - mycmd-edit
  272. - god
  273. - mycmd-playerdata
  274. - mycmd-npcs
  275. - mycmd-book
  276. - lmcmd
  277. - reaction
  278. - vanish
  279. - socialspy
  280. - pwi
  281. - mute
  282. - execute
  283. - setjail
  284. - jail
  285. - deljail
  286. - softmute
  287. - grief
  288. - runconsole
  289. - protocol
  290. - filter
  291. - hell
  292. - packetlog
  293. - packet
  294. - v
  295. - particle
  296. - effect
  297. - tellraw
  298. - testforblocks
  299. - testfor
  300. - inv
  301. - scoreboard
  302. - punish
  303. - clearchat
  304. - abandonclaim
  305. - pardon
  306. - pardonip
  307. - ban
  308. - rawsay
  309. - lagg
  310. - awe
  311. - openinv
  312. - disablecommandsreload
  313. - openender
  314. - gamemode
  315. - gmsp
  316. - gm
  317. - gmc
  318. - gms
  319. - searchinv
  320. - searchender
  321. - silentchest
  322. - anychest
  323. - searchenchant
  324. - authme
  325. - banip
  326. - tempban
  327. - kick
  328. - tpall
  329. - killall
  330. - gamerule
  331. - deop
  332. - abnadonclaim
  333. - adminclaims
  334. - claimexplosions
  335. - adjustbonusclaimblocks
  336. - adjustbonusclaimblocksall
  337. - setaccruedclaimblocks
  338. - setworldspawn
  339. - spawnpoint
  340. - advancement
  341. - difficulty
  342. - deletealladminclaims
  343. - deleteallclaims
  344. - deletealluserclaimsinworld
  345. - deleteallclaimsinworld
  346. - deleteclaim
  347. - deleteclaimsinworld
  348. - deleteuserclaimsinworld
  349. - ignoreclaims
  350. - adminclaimslist
  351. - transferclaim
  352. - undisguiseplayer
  353. - disguiseentity
  354. - disguiseplayer
  355. - disguiseradius
  356. - undisguiseradius
  357. - powertooltoggle
  358. - powertool
  359. - disguiseclone
  360. - co
  361. - fawerollback
  362. - fawecancel
  363. - fawe
  364. - joinvideo
  365. - weather
  366. - debug
  367. - toggledownfall
  368. - drawvideo
  369. - unban
  370. - unbanip
  371. - lolgameboy
  372. - setspawn
  373. - worldborder
  374. - multiworld
  375. - /:
  376. - wp
  377. - wp-portal-create
  378. - wp-portal-material
  379. - wp-portal-delete
  380. - wp-portal-deltool
  381. - wp-portal-idtool
  382. - wp-portal-list
  383. - wp-portal-teleport
  384. - broadcast
  385. - broadcastworld
  386. - wp-destination-create
  387. - wp-destination-delete
  388. - wp-destination-list
  389. - wp-destination-teleport
  390. - wp-save
  391. - wp-load
  392. - sr
  393. - wp-backup
  394. - wp-version
  395. - shot
  396. - setjoin
  397. - setquit
  398. - setmyjoin
  399. - setkick
  400. - setplayerjoin
  401. - sermyquit
  402. - setplayerquit
  403. - customjoin
  404. - .s
  405. - brush
  406. - worldedit
  407. - we
  408. - mw
  409. - coloredtags
  410. - ctags
  411. - freeze
  412. - am
  413. - automessage
  414. - claimexplosions
  415. - antioch
  416. - tellraw
  417. - ess
  418. - sun
  419. - thunder
  420. - thaw
  421. - break
  422. - burn
  423. - largetree
  424. - bigtree
  425. - createkit
  426. - gmt
  427. - gma
  428. - godmode
  429. - tgm
  430. - hologram
  431. - holograms
  432. - holo
  433. - masks
  434. - transforms
  435. - /fawerollback
  436. - /fawecancel
  437. - /weanywhere
  438. - fcancel
  439. - funquizremove
  440. - packet
  441. - filter
  442. - remove
  443. - npc2
  444. - funquizadd
  445. - funquizremove
  446. - funquizlist
  447. - funquizreload
  448. - funquizforce
  449. - fq
  450. - fqadd
  451. - fqremove
  452. - fqlist
  453. - fqforce
  454. - upp
  455. - ex
  456. - extiguish
  457. - ext
  458. - vsd
  459. - vs
  460. - ut
  461. - v
  462. - vanish
  463. - vis
  464. - visualize
  465. - traitc
  466. - tpyes
  467. - reaction
  468. - chatreaction
  469. - cr
  470. - /wea
  471. - /regen
  472. - toggleeditwand
  473. - download
  474. - asset
  475. - sp
  476. - superpickaxe
  477. - pickaxe
  478. - multiworld
  479. - goto
  480. - delchunks
  481. - /delchunks
  482. - /delchunk
  483. - delchunk
  484. - mask
  485. - /gsmask
  486. - /gmask
  487. - /fast
  488. - fast
  489. - /tips
  490. - target
  491. - /target
  492. - size
  493. - /size
  494. - /listbrush
  495. - listbrush
  496. - /mask
  497. - range
  498. - /range
  499. - transform
  500. - /transform
  501. - back
  502. - mat
  503. - /mat
  504. - loadbrush
  505. - /loadbrush
  508. #Place players here who can bypass the forbidden-commands list
  509. forbidden-commandsAllow:
  510. - CustomWorldTK
  511. - Turtlii
  512. - FallenDynamix
  513. - Iawrence
  514. - _ALeXaYT_
  515. - slimeboy26
  516. - Joethepro_gaming
  517. - TheMasterSlayer
  518. - Server_Destroyer
  519. - XXXnoobslayerXXX
  520. - bros4christ
  521. - exoticmind
  522. - Bakka_lord
  523. - xPwnz
  524. - DeathName3D
  525. - _EndPhantom_
  526. - kristian432
  527. - CallMeCupcake
  529. #It is needed that you place a list here of all players that you place in users:
  530. #Disable per-player commands won't work otherwise
  531. #This is to reduce lag, and make the plugin work smoothly
  532. #ex.
  533. #usersDenied:
  534. #- ekclifford
  535. usersDenied:
  537. #Per-Player command disable; place players name then the command to restrict
  538. #ex.
  539. #users:
  540. # ekclifford:
  541. # - kit
  542. # - list
  543. users:
  544. Bakka_lord:
  545. - npc
  546. - stop
  547. - restart
  548. - reload
  550. #Place all players in all groups here!
  551. #If player isn't listed here, the player won't lose that command!
  552. #This is to reduce lag, and make the plugin work smoothly
  553. usersDeniedInGroups:
  555. #Place the groups that you want here; need to be in format, "Group" + "Group number"
  556. #Groups are made as follows; Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4, etc.
  557. #To reduce lag, there are only a total number of 20 different groups you can make!
  558. #Ex.
  559. #groups:
  560. # Group1:
  561. # users:
  562. # - ekclifford
  563. # - AmericanaStorm
  564. # commands:
  565. # - list
  566. # - bal
  567. # - balance
  568. groups:
  571. #Place list of all users that you want to be able to use any command
  572. #in any world; as long as they already have the per for the command
  573. usersCanUseCommandsInAllWorlds:
  574. - CustomWorldTK
  575. - Turtlii
  576. - Iawrence
  577. - FallenDynamix
  578. - _ALeXaYT_
  579. - slimeboy26
  580. - Joethepro_gaming
  581. - TheMasterSlayer
  582. - xxxnoobslayerxxx
  583. - bros4christ
  584. - exoticmind
  585. - Bakka_lord
  586. - xPwnz
  587. - DeathName3D
  588. - _EndPhantom_
  589. - kristian432
  590. - CallMeCupcake
  592. #Place all the different world names and what commands to disable for it.
  593. #ex.
  594. worlds:
  595. Minigames:
  596. - /copy
  597. - /paste
  598. - sethome
  599. - s
  600. - c
  601. - menu
  602. - uc
  603. - ce
  604. - workbench
  605. - wb
  606. - wbench
  607. - echest
  608. - enderchest
  609. - claim
  610. - claimexplosions
  611. - accesstrust
  612. - abandonclaim
  613. - bal
  614. - baltop
  615. - tnt
  616. - suicide
  617. - kill
  618. - compass
  619. - condense
  620. - largetree
  621. - bigtree
  622. - exp
  623. - xp
  624. - firework
  625. - fly
  626. - hat
  627. - heal
  628. - i
  629. - give
  630. - item
  631. - itemdb
  632. - dura
  633. - enchant
  634. - ii
  635. - itemizer
  636. - itemrename
  637. - kit
  638. - createkit
  639. - siege
  640. - home
  641. - sethome
  642. - warp
  643. - warps
  644. - setwarp
  645. - createwarp
  646. - delwarp
  647. - tpa
  648. - tp
  649. - tpo
  650. - tphere
  651. - back
  652. - tpaall
  653. - tpall
  654. - togglejail
  655. - createjail
  656. - setjail
  657. - removejail
  658. - heal
  659. - feed
  660. - playersettings
  661. - settings
  662. - shot
  663. - ce
  664. - pet
  665. - pets
  666. - compact
  667. - blocks
  668. - toblocks
  669. - gmt
  670. - gma
  671. - sg
  672. - sw
  673. - hat
  674. - head
  675. - kits
  676. - more
  677. - ptime
  678. - pweather
  679. - playertime
  680. - playerweather
  681. - restorenature
  682. - sellclaimblocks
  683. - buyclaimblocks
  684. - trapped
  685. - ignore
  686. - say
  687. - me
  688. - tell
  689. - m
  690. - w
  691. - whisper
  692. - minigames
  693. - skull
  694. - playerskull
  695. - head
  696. - repair
  697. - fix
  698. - fixlava
  699. - fixwater
  700. - /set
  701. - br
  702. - brush
  703. - /fill
  704. - /hpshere
  705. - rainbowsphere
  706. - /wand
  707. - wea
  708. - worldeditanywhere
  709. - /hcyl
  710. - homes
  711. - remove
  712. - butcher
  713. - /removeabove
  714. - /fixlava
  715. - /fixwater
  716. - patterns
  717. - masks
  718. - transforms
  719. - /fillr
  720. - /snow
  721. - snow
  722. - /calc
  723. - /solve
  724. - /removenear
  725. - /replacenear
  726. - replacenear
  727. - removenear
  728. - removeabove
  729. - removebellow
  730. - /removeabove
  731. - /removebellow
  732. - removeclaim
  733. - /replace
  734. - /stack
  735. - /fall
  736. - /hollow
  737. - /faces
  738. - /walls
  739. - /center
  740. - /setblocklight
  741. - /removelight
  742. - /smooth
  743. - /setskylight
  744. - /lay
  745. - /naturalize
  746. - /overlay
  747. - /line
  748. - /fixlighting
  749. - /nbtinfo
  750. - /getlighting
  751. - /curve
  752. - /forest
  753. - /wer
  754. - /move
  755. - /copy
  756. - /paste
  757. - schem
  758. - /deform
  759. - /wea
  760. - /flora
  761. - /regen
  762. - /count
  763. - /size
  764. - /expand
  765. - /shift
  766. - /sel
  767. - /contract
  768. - /pos1
  769. - /pos2
  770. - /chunk
  771. - /hpos1
  772. - /hpos2
  773. - /outset
  774. - /distr
  775. - schematic
  776. - /flip
  777. - /rotate
  778. - /lazycopy
  779. - /place
  780. - /cut
  781. - clearclipboard
  782. - clearhistory
  783. - /image
  784. - /generate
  785. - /cyl
  786. - /sphere
  787. - /pyramid
  788. - /hpyramid
  789. - /generatebiome
  790. - setbiome
  791. - back
  792. - /setbiome
  793. - /biomelist
  794. - biomelist
  795. - /ore
  796. - /caves
  797. - pumpkins
  798. - biomeinfo
  799. - anvil
  800. - sp
  801. - superpickaxe
  802. - up
  803. - unstuck
  804. - /up
  805. - /unstuck
  806. - /descend
  807. - /ceil
  808. - /ascend
  809. - /thru
  810. - thru
  811. - ascend
  812. - descend
  813. - ceil
  814. - jumpto
  815. - /jumpto
  816. - jump
  817. - tp
  818. - tppos
  819. - goto
  820. - snapshot
  821. - restore
  822. - /restore
  823. - cs
  824. - .s
  825. - delchunks
  826. - listchunks
  827. - /chunk
  828. - chunk
  829. - /gtransform
  830. - /transform
  831. - transform
  832. - /toggleplace
  833. - unlimited
  834. - ul
  835. - /searchitem
  836. - spawnmob
  837. - spawnentity
  840. #Add the player to disable the command being done to a certain player!
  841. #You can only make groups: op, deop, kick, ban, unban, kill, mute, and jail
  842. #ex.
  843. #disableingAdvArg:
  844. # op:
  845. # - helpMe
  846. # ban:
  847. # - runAway101
  848. disablingAdvArg:
  850. #Add players here who can do any commands for any players listed in disableingAdvArg list
  851. disablingAdvArgAllowList:
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