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Apr 7th, 2020
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  1. # It is strongly recommended you use /savedisguise instead of editing this file!
  2. # You can use that command in console or ingame! This helps eliminate user error!
  3. #
  4. # Here you can create your own disguises and disguise into them using the normal disguise commands
  5. # To create them is super simple, you're using it just like you would in a command. The only tricky thing is that it must be valid yaml. TIP: Enclose the strings in '
  6. # Please note that this is parsed exactly like a command, no spaces in your playername. Bypass by quoting with "!
  7. #
  8. # You can use /grabskin <Target> <Optional Name> - To get the skin data from a file, another player or website.
  9. # /savedisguise ingame will save a custom disguise in this config, including skin data.
  10. # You can also provide a file or url for 'setSkin'! Just as you would for /grabskin.
  11. # The setSkin argument will be automatically done for all /savedisguise usages, this way the skin never changes.
  12. # /copydisguise <Optional Target Name/UUID> will give you the disguise in a usable string
  13. #
  14. # You can also use placeholders in the disguises to create disguises that have the command users skin
  15. #
  16. # %user-name% - Replaces %user-name% with the command user's name.
  17. # %user-skin% - Replaces %user-skin% with the command user's skin for use with player disguises.
  18. #
  19. # %target-name% - Finds first viable name from: Player name, entity custom nametag, then entity type (Pig, Horse, Cow)
  20. # %target-skin% - If target is a player, replaces %target-skin% with their skin for use with player disguises
  21. # If target is not a player, will silently fail
  22. #
  23. # %held-item% - The currently held item in the main item slot
  24. # %offhand-item% - The offhand item
  25. # %armor% - The armor in <Item>,<Item>,<Item>,<Item> format
  26. # %helmet% %chestplate% %leggings% %boots% - Obvious.
  27. # These are best used in armor slots, or in settings that accept items. Can also be used alongside /copydisguise
  28. # to get the string format of an item. By /disguise zombie setiteminmainhand %held-item% - Then /copydisguise.
  29. # But the plugin will attempt to parse to the "simplest" format. So best used with an item that has more custom data
  30. # than just the amount.
  31. #
  32. # These can be used again for the 'target' by prepending 'target-' to the above. So %target-armor% %target-held-item%
  33. #
  34. #  The below disguise would give a disguised sheep the nametag; Me: libraryaddict, Them: Sheep
  35. #  Example: 'cow setCustomName "Me: %user-name%, Them: %target-name%"'
  36. Disguises:
  37.   libraryaddict: player libraryaddict setArmor GOLDEN_BOOTS,GOLDEN_LEGGINGS,GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE,GOLDEN_HELMET
  38.     setItemInMainHand WRITTEN_BOOK setGlowing setSkin {"id":"a149f81bf7844f8987c554afdd4db533","name":"libraryaddict","properties":[{"signature":"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","name":"textures","value":"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"}]}
  39.   mob_thinking: player mob_thinking setskin {"id":"81e83e5c-d5e0-4a9e-bb43-156de41b5539","name":"Unknown","properties":[{"name":"textures","value":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1ODYyNDk1Mjg3OTEsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjE5MjUyMWI0ZWZkYjQyNWM4OTMxZjAyYTg0OTZlMTFiIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJTZXJpYWxpemFibGUiLCJzaWduYXR1cmVSZXF1aXJlZCI6dHJ1ZSwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzc1YWJiNjUzMzM5MmI1NThiZDMwOTI5OWJlYmNmODUxMDhkNTdhYjgzZTczYTlmNTBmYzY0ODg0OWViZGIyYzQifX19","signature":"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"}],"legacy":false}
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