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  1. @echo off
  2. cls
  3. title GREYHOUNDZ Portable Hidden Files and Folders Recovery -
  4. echo =========================================================================
  5. echo GREYHOUNDZ Portable Hidden Files and Folders Recovery -
  6. echo =========================================================================
  7. color a
  8. echo Searching for viruses and malwares
  9. echo Terminating vbs script process
  10. taskkill /f /im wscript.exe
  11. echo Erasing link (.lnk) files
  12. del *.lnk /s /a
  13. echo Erasing vbscript (.vbs) files
  14. del *.vbs /s /a
  15. echo Restoring file and folder attributes
  16. attrib -s -h -r /s /d
  17. cls
  18. cd %userprofile%
  19. taskkill /f /im wscript.exe
  20. echo Deleting vbscript (.vbs) files...
  21. del *.vbs /s /a
  22. echo =========
  23. echo Success!
  24. echo =========