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  1. /*Helper function*/
  2. if(!function_exists( ‘print_pre’) ){
  3. function print_pre( $variable){
  4. echo<pre>;
  5. var_dump( $variable );
  6. }
  7. }
  8. function digthis_see_hooked_action($hook = NULL){
  9. if(isset($hook)){
  10. global $wp_filter;
  11. return $wp_filter[$hook] ;
  12. }
  13. }
  15. function digthis_hello_world(){
  16. echo ‘hello’;
  17. };
  19. /*After all plugins and theme files have been loaded for insurance*/
  20. add_action(‘init’, function(){
  21. add_action(‘digthis’, ‘digthis_hello_world’);
  22. remove_action( ‘digthis’, ‘digthis_hello_world’, 10 );
  23. });