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  1. Having a hangover on a school day is the last thing I thought I'd be doing after my first week at Yamaku. Kenji is such a bastard. Why did I let him talk me into that shit? I nearly fell off the roof; thank god I missed that hole in the fence.
  3. It's better than having spent the festival day alone, right?... Right?
  5. Halfway through the first class of the day, I seriously consider going back to my room and missing the rest of the day. My conscious and pride tell me to tough it out. I would strangle both right now given they were tangible things. I'm struggling to keep my attention pointed at the teacher. I can't read what's on the board at this point, with the spots in my vision dancing in my retinas.
  7. The bell brings relief and we shuffle out until lunch. The noise and motion are confusing to say the least. I run into a few people and one of them finally trips me up.
  9. I go tumbling into a wall, making my headache all the worse. I almost don't notice the girl on the floor next to me and her books, effectively strewn across the hallway.
  11. "Oh man, I'm so sorry, let me just..." I mumble as I begin helping pick up the papers and supplies.
  13. "You should really watch where you're going, you know," the girl says.
  15. "Yeah I know I just-" Oh no. I feel nauseous.
  17. "Woah, hey kid, are you okay?" the girl next to me asks. I'm trying to keep from throwing up. Leaning up against the wall now, I suck air to hopefully alleviate some of the sick feelings. The girl crouches next to me, and looks me in the eyes.
  19. "Yo, kid, you need to go to the nurse or something?" She asks in an oddly casual tone.
  21. "No I-" You know what? I could stand to lay down for a bit. "Yeah, I think that would do me some good."
  23. "C'mon, I'll make sure you don't die on the way."
  25. My eyes burn as we come into the sun's view. As were walking I notice that the girl has an odd hair style. It's straight and a bit messy on one side, while curly and wavy on the other. It's a strange combo, but it works.
  27. "Sorry for knocking you over back there," I say,"I'm not feeling very well today."
  29. She turns around and starts walking backwards, her glasses glinting in the sun. "No problem. I probably would've dropped 'em anyway," she responds. "My name is Sasha. What's yours.?"
  31. "Sasha...?"
  33. "Sasha Petrikov."
  35. "A russian, huh?"
  37. "Yep. I still need your name.."
  39. "My name is Hisao Nakai."
  41. "Well, Mr. Nakai, is there any particular reason you're walking around hungover?"
  43. My heart jumps a bit. How does she know that I'm hungover? More importantly, will the nurse notice?
  45. "How can you tell?" I ask.
  47. "I've been around alcohol before. The bloodshot eyes give it away for me."
  49. I mumble under my breath, something about Russians and vodka. I'm considering turning back and going nurse-less. Sasha notices and a light smirk crosses her face as she pulls something out of her bag.
  51. "Use this," she says as she tosses me some eye drops, "And tell the nurse that you think you got food poisoning. It is the day after the festival, so it's not an unlikely story."
  53. "Thanks," I say, a bit intrigued that she says it like it's a normal thing.
  55. "Always a pleasure to help out an aspiring alcoholic. By the way, not all Russians drink. Try to mumble quieter, or you'll end up pissing someone off."
  57. Brushing her off, I put the eye drops in. I always had a hard time keeping my eyes open for these things. I'd always blink before it got into my eye. It's a bit embarrassing that I don't know how to properly put eye drops in, and she's watching me fail on top of that. Eventually, they do get in, with my face looking like a light rainstorm had passed.
  59. "How do I look?" I ask.
  61. "Like a crybaby," she retorts. I hand her back her eye drops and I continue on to the nurses office. "I'm gonna go," she says, "I've got a social life to attend to."
  63. "Alright, then," I say. I wish that I had a social life to attend to, but that died when I transferred here. I feel bad for bothering that girl with my hungover antics. She really helped me out though, because without her, the nurse would know that I was drinking last night once I got to his office. He bought the food poisoning thing, and sent me to my dorm to get some rest.
  65. At least I tried right?