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  1. 00:01:07.075 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efef.ad10' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  2. 00:01:07.075 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efef.dd00' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  3. 00:01:07.075 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efef.eba0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.truckengines') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  4. 00:01:07.075 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'cargo.truckengines' looks like dangling pointer.
  5. 00:01:07.075 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efef.efb0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.emptybottles') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  6. 00:01:07.075 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff0.0f60' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  7. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff0.5f00' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  8. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff0.71b0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  9. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff0.8d50' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  10. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff0.ec60' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  11. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff1.2fd0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  12. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff1.5c80' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  13. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff1.5ae0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  14. 00:01:07.076 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.eff1.68b0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.empty_pallet') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
  15. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.0230' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.dij_gen1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  16. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1530' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.glas_aber1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  17. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1b30' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.munch_inns1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  18. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1db0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.brus_amster1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  19. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.01b0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.lon_fel1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  20. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.17b0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.lux_lieg1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  21. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1cf0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.dres_wroc1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  22. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1330' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.ols_bial1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  23. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.20b0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.dort_hann1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  24. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.20f0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.prag_nurn1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  25. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.17f0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.car_bir1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  26. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1970' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.brat_gratz1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  27. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.0cf0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.tre_esb1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  28. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1630' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.koln_amster1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  29. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.0c70' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.lin_br1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  30. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.1af0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.ber_szcz1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  31. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.0e30' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.lin_kal1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  32. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.0df0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.kos_bud1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  33. 00:01:07.077 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.1f3.efbe.01f0' of type 'oversize_route_offers' has dangling pointer (to 'route_data.sze_deb1') in the attribute named 'route'.
  34. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.lin_br1' looks like dangling pointer.
  35. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.sze_deb1' looks like dangling pointer.
  36. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.tre_esb1' looks like dangling pointer.
  37. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.kos_bud1' looks like dangling pointer.
  38. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.lin_kal1' looks like dangling pointer.
  39. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.lon_fel1' looks like dangling pointer.
  40. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.dij_gen1' looks like dangling pointer.
  41. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.car_bir1' looks like dangling pointer.
  42. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.lux_lieg1' looks like dangling pointer.
  43. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.ols_bial1' looks like dangling pointer.
  44. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.ber_szcz1' looks like dangling pointer.
  45. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.dres_wroc1' looks like dangling pointer.
  46. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.dort_hann1' looks like dangling pointer.
  47. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.prag_nurn1' looks like dangling pointer.
  48. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.glas_aber1' looks like dangling pointer.
  49. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.munch_inns1' looks like dangling pointer.
  50. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.brat_gratz1' looks like dangling pointer.
  51. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.koln_amster1' looks like dangling pointer.
  52. 00:01:07.077 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'route_data.brus_amster1' looks like dangling pointer.
  53. 00:01:07.172 : Building routing graph.
  54. 00:01:07.605 : Route data generation started.
  55. 00:01:07.675 : Route data generation finished.
  56. 00:01:07.676 : Economy reset - save version changed, assuming map mismatch
  57. 00:01:09.096 : <WARNING> Sector force started.
  58. 00:01:09.380 : <WARNING> Sector force finished.
  59. 00:01:11.131 : [actor] Initialized at [-39792.0;106.6;-38533.8]
  60. 00:01:11.142 : Economy reset - company mismatch
  61. 00:01:11.209 : [actor] Initialized at [-39792.0;106.6;-38533.8]
  62. 00:01:11.277 : [actor] Initialized at [-39792.0;106.6;-38533.8]
  63. 00:01:11.278 : Road network navigation caching started.
  64. 00:01:14.714 : Cached navigation loaded
  65. 00:01:14.714 : Road network navigation caching finished.
  66. 00:01:14.766 : <ERROR> [journey_events_manager] Unable to find road event data (j_re.rw_count)!
  67. 00:01:17.092 : Garage update started.
  68. 00:01:17.372 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (parma)
  69. 00:01:17.532 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (vicenza)
  70. 00:01:17.635 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (modena)
  71. 00:01:17.860 : Garage update finished.
  72. 00:01:18.253 : [actor] Initialized at [-39792.0;106.6;-38533.8]
  73. 00:01:18.253 : [actor] Teleported from [-39792.0;107.2;-38533.8] to [-39792.0;107.4;-38533.8]
  74. 00:01:18.339 : [app_lcl] Localization module '/locale/nl_nl/local_module.pm_cargo.sii' has been applied.
  75. 00:01:18.341 : <WARNING> [app_lcl] Failed to add token 'folkestone' from localization module '/locale/nl_nl/local_module.pm_cities.sii'! Localization with that token already defined.
  76. 00:01:18.344 : [app_lcl] Localization module '/locale/nl_nl/local_module.pm_cities.sii' has been applied.
  77. 00:01:19.048 : Incompatible save game loaded.
  78. 00:01:22.522 : <WARNING> Forcing sector data!
  79. 00:01:22.522 : <WARNING> Sector force started.
  80. 00:01:23.100 : <WARNING> Sector force finished.
  81. 00:01:23.418 : <ERROR> [journey_events_manager] Unable to find road event data (j_re.rw_count)!
  82. 00:01:59.977 : <WARNING> [model] Model geometry '/vehicle/trailer_eu/gls/fridge_lod_01.pmg' has incorrect file version 506d6713 - expected version 506d6714
  83. 00:01:59.994 : <WARNING> [model] Model geometry '/vehicle/trailer_eu/gls/fridge_lod_02.pmg' has incorrect file version 506d6713 - expected version 506d6714
  84. 00:02:00.011 : <WARNING> [model] Model geometry '/vehicle/trailer_eu/gls/fridge_lod_03.pmg' has incorrect file version 506d6713 - expected version 506d6714
  85. 00:02:03.832 : goto am
  86. 00:02:03.868 : <WARNING> Forcing sector data!
  87. 00:02:03.868 : <WARNING> Sector force started.
  88. 00:02:05.783 : <WARNING> Sector force finished.
  89. 00:02:06.184 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmd' in the read_only mode.
  90. 00:02:06.184 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not open '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmd'
  91. 00:02:06.184 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmg' in the read_only mode.
  92. 00:02:06.184 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not open '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmg'
  93. 00:02:06.201 : <ERROR> [model] Model descriptor '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmd' is malformed.
  94. 00:02:06.201 : <ERROR> [model] Model geometry '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmg' is malformed.
  95. 00:02:06.201 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmd' in the read_only mode.
  96. 00:02:06.201 : <ERROR> [ld] Failed to open '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmd'.
  97. 00:02:06.201 : <ERROR> model_template.cpp(590): ?cache_data_handler@model_template_u@prism@@UEAAXXZ: Failed to load model descriptor (.pmd) or model geometry (.pmg) for '/model/sign/traffic/nl/keep_right_nl.pmg'.