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  2. 28-18:52:48.660 13_52 -LOG- Connecting to server
  3. 28-18:52:48.826 13_52 -LOG- Steam: GetAuthSessionTicket for player 76561198027485965: 5
  4. 28-18:52:48.970 13_52 -LOG- Starting Client game. Local player 76561198027485965/'Marxxsman'
  5. 28-18:52:50.201 13_52 -LOG- Voxelizing took 426ms, voxels=147155, shapes=1259, mem=644kB
  6. 28-18:52:50.766 13_52 -LOG- Save game version Alpha 11.5.3, Build 2759
  7. 28-18:58:49.778 13_58 -LOG- Connected to server. Game name: 'DediGame'
  8. 28-18:58:49.778 13_58 -LOG- Init: game=DediGame, mode=nextFilter, global seed=1011345, playfield=
  9. 28-18:58:49.836 13_58 -LOG- Loading playfield 'Tarskel'
  10. 28-18:58:50.887 13_58 -LOG- Playfield 'Tarskel' with type 'planet' class=3 and playfield seed 686352 loaded (1050 ms)
  11. Shader 'MicroSplat/PlanetSky': dependency 'BaseMapShader' shader 'Hidden/MicroSplat/Planet_Base-1643593718' not found
  12. 28-18:59:00.794 13_59 -LOG- Weather: CloudsLight
  13. 28-18:59:01.061 13_59 -WRN- PDA: Playfield POI 'SV_Destroyed_withWarp' not found
  14. 28-18:59:21.213 13_59 -LOG- Weather: CloudsLight
  15. 28-19:03:11.972 14_03 -ERR- Task_CommWriterRPC (ch=2):
  16. 28-19:03:11.972 14_03 -EXC- System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
  17. Parameter name: s
  18. at System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount (System.String chars) [0x00003] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0
  19. at Assembly-CSharp.ProjectSerializer.Write (System.String _value) [0x00000] in <6832cb61f65a4ef18a5c7130c08137db>:0
  20. at Assembly-CSharp.DriveContext.SortSolution (System.IO.BinaryWriter ) [0x00007] in <6832cb61f65a4ef18a5c7130c08137db>:0
  21. at Assembly-CSharp.ServerOptions.DeployLine (Assembly-CSharp.DriveOptions+ConditionSettings ) [0x0016e] in <6832cb61f65a4ef18a5c7130c08137db>:0
  22. 28-19:03:12.066 14_03 -LOG- Cleanup playfield 'Tarskel'
  23. 28-19:03:12.072 14_03 -LOG- Unloading playfield 'Tarskel'
  24. 28-19:03:12.493 14_03 -LOG- Unloading playfield done (420ms)
  25. 28-19:03:12.505 14_03 -LOG- Cleanup done (438 ms)
  26. Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 4)
  27. 28-19:03:12.782 14_03 -LOG- Steam: CancelAuthTicket 5
  29. Unloading 2791 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 392577.
  30. Total: 872.447800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 26.347700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 32.900500 ms MarkObjects: 780.622000 ms DeleteObjects: 32.577200 ms)