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  1. #Misc messages that the plugin uses in specific tournaments
  2. Misc:
  4. #This is used to tell the user what fish to catch during the 'RANDOM_CATCH' tournament
  5. RandomCatchFish: '%center%&7Fish to Catch: &b%fish%'
  6. CrabKilling: '%center%&7Kill as many crabs as you can!'
  7. LongestCast: '%center%&7Fish from as far as possible!'
  8. BaseEntropyEarned: '%center%&7Earn as much entropy as possible!'
  9. LongestLength: '%center%&7Catch a fish to take part!'
  10. ShortestLength: '%center%&7Catch a fish to take part!'
  11. MostCatch: '%center%&7Catch a fish to take part!'
  12. MostBiomes: '%center%&7Fish in the most biomes!'