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  1. Mono path[0] = 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Dedicated Server/DedicatedServer/EmpyrionDedicated_Data/Managed'
  2. Mono config path = 'D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Dedicated Server/DedicatedServer/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
  3. Initialize engine version: 2019.4.5f1 (81610f64359c)
  4. [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Dedicated Server/DedicatedServer/EmpyrionDedicated_Data/UnitySubsystems
  5. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
  6. Direct3D:
  7. Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
  8. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (ID=0x1f02)
  9. Vendor:
  10. VRAM: 8031 MB
  11. Driver:
  12. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  13. - Completed reload, in 0.064 seconds
  14. D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding.
  15. <RI> Initializing input.
  17. <RI> Input initialized.
  19. <RI> Initialized touch support.
  21. UnloadTime: 0.424500 ms
  22. 10-00:01:10.404 18_01 -LOG- Args: DedicatedServer/EmpyrionDedicated.exe -logFile ../Logs/3047/Dedicated_200809-180109-90.log
  23. 10-00:01:10.421 18_01 -LOG- Dedi log path = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\DedicatedServer\EmpyrionDedicated_Data\..\..\Logs\3047
  24. 10-00:01:10.456 18_01 -LOG- *************************************************************************
  25. 10-00:01:10.456 18_01 -LOG- Dedicated Server Empyrion - Galactic Survival
  26. 10-00:01:10.456 18_01 -LOG- Version: v1.0
  27. 10-00:01:10.456 18_01 -LOG- Build: 3047
  28. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- Platform: Win, 64 Bit
  29. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
  30. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- DRAM: 49069
  31. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  32. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- Freq: 3192
  33. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- Cores: 12
  34. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- Gfx: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
  35. 10-00:01:10.457 18_01 -LOG- VRAM: 8031
  36. 10-00:01:10.458 18_01 -LOG- SL: 5
  37. 10-00:01:10.458 18_01 -LOG- Force DX9: False
  38. 10-00:01:10.458 18_01 -LOG- Instancing: False
  39. 10-00:01:10.459 18_01 -LOG- TimeZone: -06:00
  40. 10-00:01:10.459 18_01 -LOG- Culture: en-US
  41. 10-00:01:10.459 18_01 -LOG- Last build: 3047
  42. 10-00:01:10.459 18_01 -LOG- Dedicated server build
  43. 10-00:01:10.461 18_01 -LOG- Build: Release (containerID)
  44. 10-00:01:10.462 18_01 -LOG- MainThreadId: 15128
  45. 10-00:01:10.462 18_01 -LOG- *************************************************************************
  46. 10-00:01:10.639 18_01 -LOG- Loading file 'D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\DedicatedServer/../dedicated.yaml'
  47. 10-00:01:10.701 18_01 -LOG- Started a new game
  48. 10-00:01:10.702 18_01 -LOG- Task Type=nextKeywords ThreadId=2636 ManagedId=4
  49. 10-00:01:10.951 18_01 -LOG- Game dat not found, creating new one
  50. 10-00:01:10.997 18_01 -LOG- Generating Sectors.yaml in D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\DedicatedServer/../Content/Scenarios/Default Multiplayer/Sectors
  51. 10-00:01:11.009 18_01 -LOG- Task Type=nextKeywords ThreadId=3156 ManagedId=6
  52. 10-00:01:11.580 18_01 -LOG- Loaded sector file D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\DedicatedServer/../Saves/Games/ICS4S's Game/Sectors/Sectors.yaml with 28 playfields, needed 556ms
  53. 10-00:01:11.738 18_01 -LOG- Generating stars=19778 took 157
  54. 10-00:01:11.739 18_01 -LOG- Copied gameoptions to 'D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\DedicatedServer/../Saves/Games/ICS4S's Game/gameoptions.yaml'
  55. 10-00:01:11.750 18_01 -LOG- Faction statistics enabled
  56. 10-00:01:11.750 18_01 -LOG- Mode=queryHeader, GameSeed=1011345, UniqueId=56992550, EntityId=1001
  57. 10-00:01:11.814 18_01 -LOG- Start Game
  58. 10-00:01:11.814 18_01 -LOG- Server started listening on port 30000
  59. 10-00:01:11.875 18_01 -LOG- Telnet server started on port 30004
  60. 10-00:01:11.889 18_01 -LOG- Now listening for PfServers on port 30003
  61. 10-00:01:11.889 18_01 -LOG- Thread 'OpenMenuItem1' ThreadId=1376 ManagedId=8
  62. Setting up 6 worker threads for Enlighten.
  63. Thread -> id: 2034 -> priority: 1
  64. Thread -> id: 2b08 -> priority: 1
  65. Thread -> id: 4658 -> priority: 1
  66. Thread -> id: 1080 -> priority: 1
  67. Thread -> id: 48ec -> priority: 1
  68. Thread -> id: 22cc -> priority: 1
  69. 10-00:01:15.041 18_01 -LOG- Started process 'EmpyrionPlayfieldServer.exe' (PID 15868) with args: -batchmode -nographics -logFile ../Logs/3047/Playfield_200809-180114-97.log
  70. 10-00:01:16.919 18_01 -LOG- New playfield server
  71. 10-00:01:16.920 18_01 -LOG- Thread 'Reader_127.0.0.1:51949' ThreadId=15752 ManagedId=18
  72. 10-00:01:16.921 18_01 -LOG- Thread 'Writer_127.0.0.1:51949' ThreadId=20080 ManagedId=19
  73. 10-00:01:17.979 18_01 -LOG- Started process 'EmpyrionPlayfieldServer.exe' (PID 8592) with args: -batchmode -nographics -logFile ../Logs/3047/Playfield_200809-180117-97.log
  74. 10-00:01:19.638 18_01 -LOG- New playfield server
  75. 10-00:01:19.638 18_01 -LOG- Thread 'Reader_127.0.0.1:51950' ThreadId=13492 ManagedId=20
  76. 10-00:01:19.638 18_01 -LOG- Thread 'Writer_127.0.0.1:51950' ThreadId=5892 ManagedId=21
  77. 10-00:01:22.008 18_01 -LOG- Booting PfServer (PID 15868) starts preparation after 7.1 seconds...
  78. 10-00:01:22.985 18_01 -LOG- New reserve PfServer (PID 15868) ready after 8.0 seconds - count is now: 1
  79. 10-00:01:24.661 18_01 -LOG- Booting PfServer (PID 8592) starts preparation after 6.7 seconds...
  80. 10-00:01:25.036 18_01 -LOG- New reserve PfServer (PID 8592) ready after 7.1 seconds - count is now: 2
  81. 10-00:02:10.691 18_02 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h00m 60.241 2340 heap= 338MB fps=39.9 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=1174 nwqueue=
  82. 10-00:03:10.678 18_03 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h01m 59.986 2394 heap= 338MB fps=39.9 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=2374 nwqueue=
  83. 10-00:04:10.696 18_04 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h02m 60.017 2397 heap= 338MB fps=40.0 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=3575 nwqueue=
  84. 10-00:05:10.702 18_05 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h03m 60.006 2398 heap= 338MB fps=40.0 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=4775 nwqueue=
  85. 10-00:06:10.710 18_06 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h04m 60.008 2397 heap= 338MB fps=40.0 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=5975 nwqueue=
  86. 10-00:07:10.710 18_07 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h05m 59.999 2397 heap= 338MB fps=39.9 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=7175 nwqueue=
  87. 10-00:08:10.717 18_08 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h06m 60.006 2398 heap= 338MB fps=40.0 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=8375 nwqueue=
  88. 10-00:08:14.181 18_08 -LOG- Thread 'TelnetClientReceive_204.11.35.98:56521' ThreadId=18652 ManagedId=46
  89. 10-00:08:14.181 18_08 -LOG- Thread 'TelnetClientSend_204.11.35.98:56521' ThreadId=11608 ManagedId=47
  90. 10-00:08:14.383 18_08 -LOG- Telnet Connection closed while reading line (Unable to read data from the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
  91. .)
  92. 10-00:08:14.383 18_08 -LOG- Telnet Connection closed while writing (Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
  93. .)
  94. 10-00:09:10.735 18_09 -LOG- INFO: Uptime=00h07m 60.018 2397 heap= 338MB fps=40.0 players= 0 pfs=r0/i2/a0 ticks=9575 nwqueue=