Data hosted with ♥ by - Download Raw - See Original
  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // //
  3. // ████████╗██╗████████╗ █████╗ ███╗ ██╗██╗██╗ ██╗███╗ ███╗ ███╗ ███╗███╗ ███╗ ██████╗ //
  4. // ╚══██╔══╝██║╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗████╗ ██║██║██║ ██║████╗ ████║ ████╗ ████║████╗ ████║██╔═══██╗ //
  5. // ██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║██╔██╗ ██║██║██║ ██║██╔████╔██║ ██╔████╔██║██╔████╔██║██║ ██║ //
  6. // ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║██║██║ ██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ██║╚██╔╝██║██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║ //
  7. // ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██║ ╚████║██║╚██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝ //
  8. // ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ //
  9. // //
  10. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  12. /****************************************************** CONFIGURATION *******************************************************/
  14. //------------------------//
  15. #define __LOCALSERVER
  16. //------------------------//
  18. #ifdef __LOCALSERVER
  19. #define NEUZ_IPSET "" //| Server Local IP -> / Localhost [OK]
  20. #define NEUZ_BHASH "" //| Server Neuz Hash -> Empty for Development [OK]
  21. #define AZURIOM_WEBSITE "" //| azuriom website [OK]
  22. #endif //__LOCALSERVER
  24. #ifdef __TESTSERVER
  25. #define NEUZ_IPSET "" //| Testserver Public IP [OK]
  26. #define NEUZ_BHASH "TitClient!123" //| Server Neuz Hash [OK]
  27. #define AZURIOM_WEBSITE "" //| azuriom website [OK]
  28. #endif //__TESTSERVER
  30. #ifdef __LIVESERVER
  31. #define NEUZ_IPSET "" //| Server Public IP [OK]
  32. #define NEUZ_BHASH "" //| Server Neuz Hash [OK]
  33. #define AZURIOM_WEBSITE "" //| azuriom website [OK]
  34. #endif //__LIVESERVER
  36. /*************************************************** CLIENT CONFIGURATION ***************************************************/
  38. #define NEUZ_TITLE "Immortal Flyff" //| Neuz Title [OK]
  39. #define NEUZ_PHASH "" //| Password Hash > Database & Website [OK]
  40. #define NEUZ_MSGVR "20100412" //| Neuz Msg Version > Matches Patcher [OK]
  41. #define __AES //| AES Encryption for Client [OK]
  42. #define __DISCORD_RPC //| Discord RPC Integration [OK]
  43. #define __fmod
  44. #define __dx9c // using 9.0c libs.
  47. //#define __DEBUG_NEUZ //| Check every model, texture, terrain, icons client side. [OK]
  49. /**************************************************** PORT CONFIGURATION ****************************************************/
  51. #define NEUZ_CPORT "5400" //| Titanium Neuz Port [OK]
  52. #define SERVER_CERT_PORT 23000 //| Titanium Certifier Port [OK]
  53. #define SERVER_LOGIN_PORT 28000 //| Titanium Login Port [OK]
  55. /********************************************************* VARIABLES *********************************************************/
  57. #define __MAX_STACK 9999 //| VARIABLE: Max Item Stack [OK]
  58. #define __PET_SPEED 4.5f //| VARIABLE: Pet Speed Multiplier [OK]
  59. #define __TELEPORT_DELAY 5 //| VARIABLE: Teleport delay on on apps. [OK]
  60. #define __MAX_SPEED 200000 //| VARIABLE: Max walking speed. [OK]
  61. //#define MOD_MAX_SPEED 220
  69. #define GAMEGUARD_LOG_STAT 15500 //| VARIABLE: Character Stat Tracking. [OK]
  70. #define GAMEGUARD_LOG_ISTAT 19000 //| VARIABLE: Character Individual Stat Tracking. [OK]
  71. #define GAMEGUARD_LOG_TSTAT 20000 //| VARIABLE: Character Total Stats Tracking. [OK]
  73. #define __AEGON_PICKUP_PET_RANGE 20 //| range the pickup pet walks to items [OK]
  75. //#define __SYS_STACKABLE_BEADS 43200 //| VARIABLE: Stackable Beads QOL in Minutes. [OK]
  77. #define AUTH_NINJA_MODE AUTH_GAMEMASTER //| auth needed for ninja mode
  79. #define __AEGON_LOGIN_CRYPT "w9z$C&F)J@NcRfUj" //| Crypt Key for user logins [OK]
  81. #define __AEGON_OFFSET_PLAYER_NAME_Y -10 //| Offset player name, guild name/logo, hp bar, etc [OK]
  83. #define __BUYBACK_PERCENT_COST 10 //| Increased buyback cost [OK]
  85. #define __RIDE_ACTIVATION_TIME 500 //| set ride/mount channel time overrides spec_item [OK]
  87. #define __MAX_COLLECT_BY_IP 5 //| Max collectors per ip address [OK]
  89. #define __AEGON_FLY_LEVEL 1 //| Level required to use board/mount [OK]
  91. #define __MAX_ATEX 8 //| additional textures per model [OK]
  93. /********************************************************* AZURIOM **********************************************************/
  94. #ifndef __LOCALSERVER
  95. #define __AZURIOM_IMAGES //| Azuriom char images [OK]
  96. #define __AEGON_INGAME_DP_AZURIOM //| azuriom ingame dp (extends __AEGON_INGAME_DP) [OK]
  97. #define __AEGON_INGAME_SHOP //| Ingame shop reading items from azuriom db [OK]
  98. #endif // !__LOCALSERVER
  100. #define AZURIOM_DB "azuriom" //| This is the DB you created for the CMS [OK]
  101. #define AZURIOM_WEBSITE_PORT 80 //| azuriom website port [OK]
  102. #define __AZURIOM_INGAME_SHOP //| Ingame Webshop [OK]
  104. /********************************************************* SYSTEMS **********************************************************/
  105. //#define __PLAYER_SPEED
  106. #define __ANGEL_CREATION_FIX //| Angel Creation Fix [OK]
  107. #define __ARROW_FIX //| Arrow Positioning Fix [OK]
  108. #define __FAST_NEUZ //| Quicker loading of world maps [OK]
  109. #define __INVENTORY_168 //| 168 Slots Inventory [OK]
  110. #define __NEW_EXCHANGE_V19 //| V19 Exchanging [OK]
  111. #define __V21_SIEGE_BUFFS //| Buffs upon playing Siege [OK]
  112. #define __V16_FORMATS //| V16 Props [OK]
  113. #define __V19_FORMATS //| V19 Props [OK]
  114. #define __ZONE_AFFICHAGE //| Region Text on left side of screen [OK]
  115. #define __INVENTORY_SORT //| Sorts items depending per Item-ID DESC [OK]
  116. #define __TREASUREBOX //| Treasure Box System Fixed [OK]
  118. #define __SYS_SCR_CANCELLATION //| Scroll of Unbinding [DEV]
  119. #define __SYS_SCR_PARTYPOINTFREE //| Scroll of Party Amplification [DEV]
  120. #define __SYS_SCR_PARTYSPEEDLEVELUP //| Scroll of Party Growth [DEV]
  121. #define __SYS_SYS_ARMOREFFECTCHANGE //| Aura Scrolls [DEV]
  122. #define __SYS_SYS_ITEMMODELRETURN //| Revert Transmutation Scroll [DEV]
  123. #define __V21_PREMIUM_BATTERY //| Collect Premium Items [DEV]
  124. #define __YS_CHATTING_BLOCKING_SYSTEM //| Spam Blocking System [DEV]
  126. #define __3RD_LEGEND16 //| 3rd Jobs [OK]
  127. #define __COLOSSEUM //| Colosseum System [OK]
  128. #define __FASHION_COMBINE //| Fashion Combination System [OK]
  129. #define __IMPROVE_MAP_SYSTEM //| Improved Map System [OK]
  130. #define __INSTANCE_AGGRO_SYSTEM //| V17 Aggro System [OK]
  131. #define __ITEMLINK //| Item Linking [OK]
  132. #define __LECTURE_V17 //| V17 WndTitle Edits [OK]
  133. #define __LOADING_SCREEN_UPDATE //| New Loading Screens [OK]
  135. #define __NEW_SKILL_TREE //| New Skill Tree [OK]
  136. #define __NEW_STACKABLE_AMPS //| Stackable Amps from 3 to 5. [OK]
  137. #define __NEW_WEAPON_GLOW //| V17 Weapon Glows [OK]
  138. #define __NO_AFTER_SKIN //| No After Skin on Textures. [OK]
  139. #define __NO_SUB_LANG //| No second language. [OK]
  140. #define __UPGRADE_SUCCESS_SCROLL //| Scroll IK3_ULTIMATE_UPGRADE_RATE added. [OK]
  141. #define __WND_BUTTONS //| New Window Buttons. [OK]
  143. /************************************************* TITANIUM MMO SYSTEMS **************************************************/
  145. #define __TITANIUM_TASKBAR //| Taskbar Modifications [OK]
  146. #define __TITANIUM_OPTIONS //| Extended Options Menu for Titanium [OK]
  147. #define __TITANIUM_THEME //| Titanium MMO Source Theme Tweaks [OK]
  148. #define __TITANIUM_MAPS //| Maps [OK]
  150. #define __CUSTOM_HP_BAR //| Customized HP Bar [OK]
  151. #define __BETTER_MODEL_CACHE //| Better Model Caching [OK]
  152. #define __SYS_LOCK_ITEM //| Lock Item System [OK]
  153. #define __GAMEGUARD //| Security Systems [OK]
  154. #define __PREMIUM //| Premium on SM Mode [OK]
  155. #define __SYS_NO_SHOP_SFX //| Disabled SFX when opening a private shop [OK]
  156. #define __SYS_PET_NO_CLICK //| Click Trough Pets [OK]
  157. //#define __SYS_FLYING_PETS //| You can fly with pets enabled now! [OK]
  158. #define __NEW_NIGHT //| New Day / Night System [OK]
  159. #define __PARTY_ASSISTANT //| Party Assistance System [OK]
  160. #define __NPCVEND_STACKBUY //| Stack Purchase system [OK]
  161. #define __BETTER_SKILL_TOOLTIP //| Better Skill Tooltip System [OK]
  162. #define __VENDING_NPC //| Offline Vendor [OK]
  163. #define __SYS_GROUND_ITEM_TEXT //| Ground Items Text Overlay [OK]
  164. #define __GIFTBOX_LIST_ITEMS //| List Gifbox Items [OK]
  165. #define __ANARCHY_SYSTEM //| Anarchy System [OK]
  166. #define __BADGE //| Badge System with SQL saving badges © - [OK]
  167. #define __SYS_GUILDCOLOR //| Changes Guild Color via Scroll [OK]
  168. #define __SWITCH_DMG_RENDER //| Option to Switch Damage Rendering [OK]
  169. #define __GUILDFINDER //| Guild Finder with SQL [OK]
  170. #define __SYS_MONSTER_CLASH //| Monster Clash System [OK]
  171. #define __TASKBAR_OPEN_SITE //| Added multiple URL's in Taskbar. [OK]
  172. #define __SYS_SANDBOX //| Sandbox System [OK]
  173. #define __SHOPS_VISITED //| Indicator of visited vendors. [OK]
  174. #define __TICKETS_DETAILS //| Information of connected players on channels [OK]
  175. #define __CHECKLOAD //| Check Load Ticket - Requires V18 Ticket. [OK]
  176. #define __CHANNELSWITCHER //| Channel Switch Ticket - Requires V18 Ticket . [OK]
  177. #define __V18TICKET //| New Ticket Loader & Files. [OK]
  178. #define __ACCELOGIC //| Jewelry Improvement [OK]
  179. #define __NEW_GUILD_PERM //| New Guild Rights (Apply for Siege) on Guild Tab [OK]
  180. #define __DMGCORRECT //| Tweaked min/max dmg | Removed miss | Block DMG Tweak [OK]
  181. #define __TRAILS //| Custom Trails [OK]
  182. #define __NO_PARTYSKILL_DELETE //| Party Skills will not be deleted on party leader switch [OK]
  183. #define __SPAM_PROTECT_SKILLS //| Disabling skill in Safety Regions [OK]
  184. #define __AFK_MONITORING //| Automatic AFK in 15 minutes [OK]
  185. #define __SYS_NAMECOLOR //| Changes Player Name Color via Scroll [OK]
  186. #define __STATISTICS //| Improved display of stats (H) [OK]
  187. #define __WEAPON_MERGE //| Weapon Merge System [OK]
  188. #define __EATPET_STATS //| Bonuses at buff-pets [OK]
  189. #define __SINGLE_TASKBAR_SWAP //| Switch between F Keys [OK]
  190. #define __NPC_BUFF_CLASS //| NPC Buff of Class Skills [OK]
  191. #define __WINDOW_TITLE //| Title name in Window. [OK]
  192. #define __ADDSHOPITEM //| AddShopItem NPC function. [OK]
  193. #define __NO_TICKET_RESELL //| Sell expired or active tickets for 1 penya [OK]
  194. #define __ADDTEXT_COLORED //| dwColor in AddText function [OK]
  195. #define __ITEM_COUNT_TOOLTIP //| Item count in Tooltip [OK]
  196. #define __STAFF_ITEM_IDANDIK_TOOLTIP //| Display Item ID, IK1/2/3 as Tooltip [OK]
  197. #define __CLIENT_LOAD_MIDDLE //| Load Window in Middle of Screen [OK]
  198. #define __OPTIMIZE_LATENCY //| Client's latency optimized for positioning [OK]
  199. #define __VENDOR_UPDATE //| NPC Shop Update. [OK]
  200. #define __CHANGE_HOT_KEY //| Choice of keys [OK]
  201. #define __NEW_COLOR_CHANGE //| Hair color when creating the character [OK]
  202. #define __CHIP_PLAYERSHOP //| Private Shops with Penya / Perin / Red Chip / Red Perin [OK]
  203. #define __BETTER_POCKET //| Larger Bags (B) [OK]
  204. #define __NEW_CHANGE_JOB //| Automatic Class Change [OK]
  205. #define __DROP_LOG //| Drop Logging on left of screen [OK]
  206. #define __WEAPON_RARITY //| Weapon Rarity [OK]
  207. #define __BLING_BLING //| Bling Bling Scroll [OK]
  208. #define __BACKGROUNDRENDER //| Minimal Render for Background Task [OK]
  209. #define __MUTEBGSOUNDS //| Mute Background Task (Sound/Music) [OK]
  210. #define __MINIMIZEFIX //| Minimize Fix [OK]
  211. #define __ALIASING //| Reduces Aliasing [OK]
  212. #define __ANISOTROPIC //| Anisotropic Filtering [OK]
  213. #define __HIDE_NPC_BUBBLES //| Hide NPC Chat Bubbles [OK]
  214. #define __SYS_CUSTOM_TITLE //| Own User Title [OK]
  215. #define __COMBOBOX_FIX 10 //| Fix combobox dropdown size x= max entries shown [OK]
  216. #define __MOUNT //| Mount System [OK]
  217. #define __SYS_PARTYFINDER //| Partyfinder [OK]
  218. #define __SHOPS_ONLY_CONT //| Shops only in shopping continent [OK]
  219. #define __HIDE_MONSTER_LEVEL //| Option to hide monster tag in name [OK]
  220. #define __ALPHA_CHAT //| Option to hide chat [OK]
  221. #define __STOP_EXP //| Option to Stop EXP [OK]
  222. #define __WELCOME_MESSAGE //| Welcome message OnGameJoin [OK]
  223. #define __HIDE_POWER_UPS //| Hide Powerups [OK]
  224. #define __ADVANCED_MAIL //| Fast collect/delete mail [OK]
  225. #define __RANGE_COLLECT_ITEM //| collect same items in a radius around the player [OK]
  226. #define __LOOKCHANGE //| Lookchange [OK]
  227. #define __HIDE_FASHION //| Hide Fashion System [OK]
  228. #define __REMOVE_DURATION_ITEMS //| Duration - Right Click Remove Item [OK]
  229. #define __AUTOLOOT_PENYA //| Penya Automatically in Inventory [OK]
  230. #define __10MIN_CD_REGUILD //| 10 Minute Cooltime on Guild Rejoin [OK]
  231. #define __SYS_PETFILTER //| Petfilter System [OK]
  232. #define __MODEL_VIEW //| Model Viewer Window [OK]
  233. #define __THREAD_UPDATE //| Quicker Database Server [OK]
  234. #define __HEAL_SHOW //| Gain Health Display [OK]
  235. #define __REPORT_SYSTEM //| Creates .txt files (Program\Logs\Server\.Reports). [OK]
  236. #define __SYS_AUTO_SHOUT //| Ability to automatically shout in-game [OK]
  237. #define __AUTO_HELPER_THREAD //| Helper Thread for auto power up and auto shout [OK]
  238. #define __TIMER //| CD remaining instances in the teleporter [OK]
  239. #define __ANI_WING //| Animated PARTS_MASK Wingmasks. [OK]
  240. #define __MODEL_NPC_VIEW //| 3D Model animated in NPC Menu [OK]
  241. #define __BLESSINGS_TRADABLE //| Blessings are Tradable now! [OK]
  242. #define __AWAKE_MASK //| Blessings Available for Masks [OK]
  243. #define __TELEPORTAPP_EXCEPTIONS //| Teleport System Exceptions [OK]
  244. #define __AUTO_MAX_SKILL //| Skillpoints added automatically. [OK]
  245. #define __ENEMY_SYSTEM //| Shows Enemy if player is not in same guild on Siege. [OK]
  246. #define __LOOTPET_TELEPORT //| Lootpet teleports with player [OK]
  247. #define __ACTIVE_ITEM_ICON_V17 //| Display active item checkmark [OK]
  248. #define __MESSENGER_CTRL_EXTENTED //| Modifications on Messenger [OK]
  249. #define __PARTYLIST_MESSENGER //| Modifications on Messenger [OK]
  250. #define __PLAYER_LIST //| Players List [OK]
  251. #define __BAN_SYSTEM //| /ban Command [OK]
  252. #define __CROSSBOW //| Baruna [OK]
  253. #define __ITEM_COOLDOWN //| Ingame items with a new cooldown time. [OK]
  254. #define __SWITCH_EQUIP //| Switch Equipment System [OK]
  255. #define __SHOP_SEARCH //| Shop Search Function [OK]
  256. #define __INVENTORY_SEARCH //| Inventory Search Function [OK]
  257. #define __GUILD_BANK_SEARCH //| Guild Search Function [OK]
  258. #define __CHAR_CREATE_ROTATE //| You can rotate character at creation window [OK]
  259. #define __SWING_CHANGE //| Glow Change for set (items) [OK]
  260. #define __NEW_BUFF_FORMAT //| New Round Buffs + Option [OK]
  262. /******************************************************** AEGON *********************************************************/
  264. #define __AEGON_ADVANCED_LOGIN //| Advanced login window with acc manager [OK]
  265. #define __AEGON_AWAKEWINDOW //| Awake window [OK]
  266. #define __NO_CLOSE_AWAKEWINDOW //| Awake window stays open when walking [OK]
  267. #define __AEGON_AWAKE_COLOR //| Max awake color [OK]
  268. #define __AEGON_PETMISTAKE //| Pet Mistake Aegon [OK]
  269. #define __ALLOW_BERSERK_SKILLUSE //| Able to use other skills while berserk is active [OK]
  270. #define __AEGON_MONSTER_HUNT //| Monster hunt [OK]
  271. #define __AEGON_PUT_JEWEL_WEAP //| Place Weapons for jewel setting with Dbl Click [OK]
  272. #define __AEGON_COUNT_DIFF_IP //| Player Count with different ip [OK]
  273. #define __LEEAEG_SHOP_FINDER //| Shop Finder System for __PREMIUM menu [OK]
  274. #define __AEGON_RETURN_AWAKE //| Return the last awake [OK]
  275. #define __AEGON_CONVERT_PERIN //| penya -> perin converter single/all [OK]
  276. #define __MOUNT_TOWN_RESTRICTION //| Restrict the usage of certain mounts in towns [OK]
  277. #define __AEGON_TOWN_MAP //| Activate closeup map of the towns [OK]
  278. #define __AEGON_LOOT_BOX //| Lootbox system [OK]
  279. #define __AEGON_VIEW_INV //| View Players Inventory [OK]
  280. #define __AEGON_INGAME_DP //| donate point access ingame [OK]
  281. #define __AEGON_SEASON_PASS //| pvp & pve season pass [DEV] // TODO: pvp points
  282. #define __NEW_HEAVEN_TOWER_WND //| reworked heaven tower teleport wnd [OK]
  283. #define __AEGON_QOL_STUFF //| QOL changes [OK]
  284. #define __AEGON_ACHIEVEMENT_SYSTEM //| Achievement System [OK] //TODO: add more types
  285. #define __AEGON_TEX_LOAD //| Improved texture loading [OK]
  286. #define __AEGON_2K_RES //| 2K resolution support [OK]
  287. #define __AEGON_FULLSCREEN_AND_RESIZE //| ingame window/fullscreen switch and client resize [OK]
  288. #define __AEGON_LAST_ONLINE //| Last online info for guild members / friends [OK]
  289. #define __AEGON_INGAME_TIME //| save players ingame time [OK]
  290. #define __AEGON_DUNGEON_TELEPORT //| Dungeon teleport for admins [OK]
  291. #define __AEGON_CRAFTING_SYSTEM //| Crafting system [OK]
  292. #define __AEGON_TELEPORT_SHORTCUT //| Teleporter Shortcut [OK]
  293. #define __AEGON_MAX_BUY_CHANGE //| amount able to purchase instead of 9999 [OK]
  294. #define __AEGON_ADVANCED_ANNOUNCEMENT //| announcement bg image [OK]
  295. #define __AEGON_HORI_SCROLLBAR //| Horizontal scrollbar [OK]
  296. #define __AEGON_SCROLLBAR_STEP //| Set the scroll step for scrollbar buttons [OK]
  297. #define __AEGON_SHUFFLE_DROP //| Shuffle drop index to randomize order [OK]
  298. #define __AEGON_USEFULL_FUNCTIONS //| functions collection [OK]
  299. #define __AEGON_CUSTOM_FONTS //| load custom fonts [OK]
  300. #define __AEGON_FIXES //| Define to mark fixes [OK]
  301. #define __AEGON_PVP_RANKING //| PVP Ranking System [OK] //TODO: better window
  302. #define __AEGON_PERMANENT_BUFF //| Permanent Buff System [OK]
  303. #define __AEGON_PREM_MOTIONS //| Unlockable Premium Motions [OK]
  304. #define __AEGON_THEME_SWITCHER //| Theme Switch system [OK]
  305. #define __AEGON_APNG //| animated png load/render [OK]
  306. #define __AEGON_FONT_SWITCH //| ingame font switch without restart [OK]
  307. #define __AEGON_BOW_FACTOR //| Bow Factor in Resource [OK]
  308. #define __AEGON_WEBSHOP_FLAG //| Flag to mark items purchased from webshop [OK]
  309. #define __AEGON_EMOTE_SYSTEM //| Extented Emote System [OK]
  310. #define __LEEAEG_SYSTEM_INDIVIDUAL //| System Shout for Individual Users [OK]
  311. //#define __AEGON_TOURNAMENT //| Tournament system [DEV] //TODO: everything
  312. #define __AEGON_GETITEMPROP_DEBUG //| Improved Debug for GetItemProp [OK]
  313. #define __INCREASE_SKILL_ID_VALUE //| WORD -> DWORD [OK]
  314. #define __SMALL_CENTERED_TASKBAR //| choose smaller taskbar when centered [OK]
  315. #define __AEGON_FAST_SMELT_FILL //| Fill all 10 slots with one click [OK]
  316. #define __LOG_UNKNOWN_SNAPSHOT //| Log brocken client snapshots [OK]
  317. #define __AEGON_DELETED_CHAR_CHECK //| Check if a char got deleted when processing login [OK]
  318. #define __AEGON_AUTO_DEACTIVATE_PETS //| Deactivate Pets when using board/mount [OK]
  319. #define __AEGON_AUTO_STATS //| Select one stat to be automatically upped on level up [OK]
  320. #define __AEGON_F_TOOL //| F-Tool [OK]
  321. #define __AEGON_SHOW_GUILD_JOIN_COUNTDOWN //| Show time left to join a new guild [OK]
  322. #define __AEGON_RM_HERO_SKILL //| Changes rm hero skill to fast assist/rm buff [OK]
  323. #define __AEGON_OPTIONAL_SKILL_SFX //| make sfx optional to fix sfx spam (aroundbuff, etc) [OK]
  324. #define __AEGON_SOLO_PARTY_EXP //| solo party leveling [OK]
  325. #define __AEGON_NINJA_MODE //| serverside invisibility [OK]
  326. #define __AEGON_FOLLOW_HOTKEY //| hotkey to follow [OK]
  327. #define __AEGON_TIME_DIFF //| Server client time diff [OK]
  328. #define __AEGON_IMPROVED_QUICKSELL //| filters for quick sell [OK]
  329. #define __AEGON_CLIENTSIDE_PIECE_DROPRATE //| Client side droprate for monster wiki [OK]
  330. #define __AEGON_PVP_MINIGAMES //| PvP Minigame System [OK]
  331. #define __AEGON_IMPROVED_SHOPDESIGN //| Improved version of __SHOPDESIGN (incl. vending npc) [OK]
  332. #define __AEGON_STAFF_MOB_IGNORE_MODE //| Staff mode that makes mobs ignore you [OK]
  333. //#define __AEGON_BOSS_MECHANICS //| Special Boss mechanics [DEV]
  334. #define __AEGON_MESSENGER //| Improved Messenger [OK]
  335. #define __AEGON_MINIMIZE_WINDOWS //| Minimize window button [OK]
  336. #define __AEGON_SPLASH_SCREEN //| Splash screen when loading neuz [OK]
  337. #define __AEGON_MAIL_ITEM_SAVE //| proper item saving with all variables [OK]
  338. #define __AEGON_HOTKEY_F_KEYS //| F10-F24 for hotkeys [OK]
  339. #define __AEGON_WEAPON_MERGE_100 //| 100% success for 2h weapon merge [OK]
  340. #define __AEGON_DB_PETFILTER //| Save petfilter in db insteaf of neuz.ini [OK]
  341. #define __AEGON_ALWAYS_FULLSHOUT //| Always full shout without scroll [OK]
  342. #define __AEGON_TELEPORTER //| Teleporter system [OK]
  343. #define __AEGON_LOGOUT_CHAR_SELECT //| logout to char select option [OK]
  344. #define __AEGON_DISABLE_ANGEL_CREATION //| Disable angel creation [OK]
  345. #define __AEGON_MOB_ATTACK_MOUNTED //| Monsters attack mounted players [OK]
  346. #define __AEGON_MASTER_KEEPS_SKILLS //| Master keeps skills up to 120, taskbar doesnt reset [OK]
  347. #define __AEGON_BAG_FREE_MOVE //| freely move items in bag [OK]
  349. #if defined(__CLIENT) && (defined(__LOCALSERVER) || defined(__TESTSERVER) || defined(__LIVESERVER))
  350. #define __CRASH_REPORT //| CrashRpt for Neuz [OK]
  351. #endif
  353. /******************************************************** LEESE *********************************************************/
  355. #define __LEESE_NOTICKET_TELEPORT //| Admins can teleport without the use of tickets [OK]
  356. #define __LEESE_VIEW_SETEFFECT //| Shows set effect with Shift + Hover Item [OK]
  357. #define __LEESE_MESSENGER_TIMER //| Timer inside messenger & shop chat © Leese [OK]
  358. #define __LEESE_REMOVE_LVL1 //| Disabled Level 1 text for dwLimitLevel1 [OK]
  359. #define __LEESE_NO_EVENTITEM_RESELL //| Disables the reselling of Event Items. [OK]
  360. #define __LEESE_REMOVE_BUBBLETIME //| Removed Bubbletime from CWndStatus [OK]
  361. #define __LEESE_CENTER_BASE_TEXT //| CWndBase Text Centered in Window [OK]
  362. #define __PLACEHOLDER_TEXT //| Placeholder Text [OK]
  363. #define __WIKIPEDIA_ITEMS //| Wikipedia (Items) [OK]
  364. #define __WIKIPEDIA_TITLE //| Wikipedia (Titles) [OK]
  365. #define __WIKIPEDIA_JOB //| Wikipedia (Classes) [OK]
  366. #define __WIKIPEDIA_MONSTER //| Wikipedia (Monster) + Admin Create [OK]
  367. #define __LEESE_LOADING_SPREAD //| Spread Loadingscreens on all resolutions [OK]
  368. #define __LEESE_VENDING_RENDER //| Changed positioning of vendor title bar rendering [OK]
  369. #define __LEESE_BADGE_HONOR_COMBINE //| Combined Honor & Badge in one window [OK]
  370. #define __LEESE_RARITY_1000 //| Upgraded Rarity to 1000 instead of 100 [OK]
  371. #define __LEESE_AROUND_BUFF //| Around Buff command for Staff [OK]
  372. #define __LEESE_SM_DESC //| SM Item Description [OK]
  373. #define __LEESE_WORLDSERVER_OPT //| WorldServer optimized list [OK]
  374. #define __BUFF_4X_OPT //| 14x Rendering buffs instead of 7 [OK]
  375. #define __LEESE_PARTY_REFRESH //| Party Skill Refresh OnJoin() [OK]
  376. #define __LEESE_EVENT_REWARD //| Command to spawn Event Rewards for GM+ [OK]
  377. #define __LEESE_STAFF_CONNECT //| Staff Connect Message [OK]
  378. #define __LEESE_RENDER_ITEMCOUNT //| New Item Count Design [OK]
  379. #define __LEESE_STAFF_BOLD //| Staff Bold Names (Multi Render) [OK]
  380. #define __LEESE_GUILD_LEVEL_UP //| TextCmd_GuildStat > Level [OK]
  381. #define __LEESE_PARTY_LOCATION //| Location in Party Window [OK]
  382. #define __LEESE_SAVE_STATUS //| Saving WndStatus in Neuz.ini [DEV]
  383. #define __LEESE_SECURITY_CHECKS //| Small Security Checks [DEV]
  384. #define __LEESE_STAFF_DUNGEON //| Admin can enter dungeon without level restriction [OK]
  386. /******************************************************** MIKSIK *********************************************************/
  388. #define __MIKSIK_GS_REWARD //| Change Guildsiege reward [OK]
  389. #define __MIKSIK_BOSSCRIT //| Boss critical dmg edits [OK]
  390. #define __MIKSIK_FLASH_WINDOW_EX //| Flashing Neuz icons [OK]
  391. //#define __MIKSIK_EQUALIZED_MODE //| Equalized PVP [DEV] //Todo: fix HP Bug. When leaving Temporal zone your hp Displays 1/8932 ( Example since my test char had that )
  392. #define __MIKSIK_NEWSTAT //| New stats. [OK]
  393. /******************************************************** DST'S *********************************************************/
  401. /******************************************************** FIXES *********************************************************/
  403. #define __FIX_DUPE_ITEM_CHAR //| Players can't dupe characters after deletion [OK]
  404. #define __FIX_RANGER_ROLLER //| Fixes Ranger Animation [OK]
  405. #define __FIX_SETFST //| Frameskip Fix [OK]
  406. #define __FIX_ANIMATE_MODEL //| Animated Model Fix [OK]
  407. #define __FIX_BUFFPANG_SPAM //| Anti Buff Pang Spam [OK]
  408. #define __FIX_DST_HEAL //| DST Heal Fix [OK]
  409. #define __FIX_NO_CHAT_CLEAR //| Chat is not deleting text anymore. [OK]
  410. #define __FIX_RESET_BUFFTIME_ON_RECONNECT //| Fixed a buff > 60 Min, on reconnection time resets. [OK]
  411. #define __FIX_GENDER_NPC //| Fixed a bug on wrong serializing from Sex [OK]
  412. #define __FIX_BUTTON_FREEZE //| Fixed Freezing Client on F10 and Alt key [OK]
  413. #define __FIX_CHARACTER_DISCONNECT //| Character Disconnect Fix [OK]
  414. #define __FIX_GUILD_OVERFLOW //| Fixed Guild Overflow [OK]
  415. #define __FIX_TICK //| 500ms Delay on Equip Sound [OK]
  416. #define __FIX_EXPLOIT_PET //| Fix Pet Exploit 2020 [OK]
  417. #define __FIX_REMOVESFX //| Removes SFX if object is invalid. [OK]
  418. #define __FIX_TIMER_GW //| GW Timer Fix - CDPClient::OnGuildCombatEnterTime [OK]
  419. #define __FIX_TOOLTIP_INVENTORY //| Fixed FPS drop when mouse over inventory [OK]
  420. #define __FIX_TEXTUREBUG //| Texture Rendering Bugfix [OK]
  422. #define __ITEM_ANIMATE_FIX //| Fixed Item Animation on Weapons. [OK]
  423. #define __COLLISION_FIX_PLAYER //| Player Collision Fix [OK]
  424. #define __4TH_HIT_HACK //| Fixes the 4th hit hack of a blade [OK]
  425. #define __CPU_UTILDOWN_060502 //| Implementation of more modern D3D Methods [OK]
  426. #define __SYS_PLAYER_SYNC //| Fixed Stat Sync [OK]
  427. #define __LOGOUTFIX //| Logout Fixed [OK]
  428. #define __BAGTPFIX //| Safe Delete Bag [OK]
  429. #define __SLOW_WALK_FIX //| Correction of position bugs with the walk key ("W") [OK]
  430. #define __BLOU_EXPERIMENTAL_FIX2 //| ITransformer::IsValidStuff [OK]
  431. #define __MOVE_LIKE_OFFI //| Move like offi [OK]
  432. #define __REVIVAL_FIX //| Res window doesn't appear if player isn't dead [OK]
  433. #define __DROP_ITEM //| Stop throwing away Eggs & Red Chips [OK]
  434. #define __ALWAYS_MODEL_LIGHT //| Small Tweak -> Models always enlighted [OK]
  435. #define __SLEEPING_FIX //| Sleeping Fix [OK]
  436. #define __INVISIBLE_FIX //| Invisibility Fixed. [OK]
  437. #define __SECURITY_FIXES //| Global Security Fixes. [OK]
  438. #define __WND_BUTTONS_FIX //| Wnd Buttons Fixed. [OK]
  439. #define __JEWEL_EQUIPMENTFIX //| Logic Jewel Equipment Fix [OK]
  440. #define __PSEVDORANGERFIX //| Mini-fix for rangers [OK]
  441. #define __SFX_OPT_FIX //| Rendering SFX Optimized [OK]
  442. #define __GH_DUPE_FIX //| Guild House Duping Fix [OK]
  443. #define __POSI_BUG_FIX //| Position Bugfix. [OK]
  444. #define __POSI_BUG_FIX_2 //| Position Bugfix. [OK]
  445. #define __JUMP_FIX_2021 //| Jumping Ani is altered by move speed of the char [OK]
  447. //#define __RANGE_FIX //| Range Hack Fix [DEV] Not tested.
  448. #define __EEL_BUG_FIX //| Fixed Grilled Eel Bug [DEV]
  450. /********************************************************* TEST **********************************************************/
  452. #define __RENAMEPARTY //| Party Rename System [OK]
  453. #define __UPGRADE_SUCCESS //| Fail stack upgrade [OK]
  454. #define __LNB_ANIMATED_HATS //| Animated Hats System [OK]
  455. #define __NAVIGATOR_RENDER_BUG_FIX //| Navigator Render Bug Fixed [OK]
  456. #define __QUICK_MOVE_ITEMS //| Rightclick to sell, move, trade Items [OK]
  457. #define __BUYBACK //| Buyback System [OK]
  458. #define __NEW_DIAMONDS //| New Diamonds / New Diamond DST / Resource [OK]
  459. #define __TITANIUM_DISABLED //| Disabled Offi Flyff Stuff [OK]
  460. #define __RESTRICT_ITEM_USAGE //| Restrict Item Usage in certain worlds. [OK]
  461. #define __CLIENT_ONLINE_COUNT //| Players Online count for Control + F overlay [OK]
  462. #define __WIKIPEDIA_MONSTER_DROPLIST //| Droptable on Monster Wikipedia [OK]
  463. #define __IMPROVEGFX0112 //| Terrain Rendering Optimization [OK]
  464. #define __NEWCUR //| Animated & changeable cursors [OK]
  465. #define __SYS_MAP_BUFFS //| Map Buffs [OK]
  466. #define __PIERCE_CARD_TOOLTIPS //| Advanced Piercing Card Tooltips [OK]
  467. #define __NO_PARTY_GW_JOIN //| You cant join a party in GW map [OK]
  468. #define __MAPNAME_CHANGE_FIX //| Gets the correct map name on teleporting. [OK]
  469. #define __SQK_MULTIALTERNATEPRICE //| Multialternate AddShopItem Price [DEV]
  470. #define __INFO_DUNGEONS //| Information of killed monsters in dungeon [OK]
  471. #define __PANG_SYSTEM //| Replacing pang with piñata [OK]
  472. #define __PET_GLOW //| Pet Aura [OK]
  473. #define __MODS_MANAGER //| Easily change modus for staff [OK]
  474. #define __SYS_WORLDBOSS //| WorldBoss.xml - Bosses last 1 hour [OK]
  475. #define __PROPPACK_TOOLTIP //| Shows PropPack Items in Tooltip [OK]
  476. #define __BUTTONS_V19 //| New V19 Button Loading -> Text Render over Texture [OK]
  477. #define __IGNORE_LIST_OPT //| Optimized Ignore List in MessengerEx [OK]
  478. #define __RENDER_SMALL_POWERUPS //| Small Powerup Rendering in Titanium Options. [OK]
  479. #define __DPS_METER //| Damage Per Second meter [OK]
  480. #define __COMBAT_LOG //| Log attacked monsters by player [OK]
  481. #define __FLYFF_INITPAGE_EXT //| Login Video Fixed - Leese [OK]
  482. #define __TITANIUM_TOOLTIP_OPT //| Optimized Titanium Tooltips [OK]
  483. #define __NPC_QUICK_SELL //| Quick Sell Blues [OK]
  484. #define __COUPLE_EDITS //| Couple Window Edits [OK]
  485. #define __WORLSERVER_MENU //| WorldServer Menu [OK]
  487. #define __STACKABLE_POWERUPS //| Power-Ups Stackable for 1 hour [OK]
  488. #define __SYS_GLYPHS //| Glyphs instead of arrows [OK]
  489. #define __NAVIGATOR_V19 //| V19 - Minimap [OK]
  491. #define __WBQT_GUILD_BUFFS //| Guild Buffs [DEV] // Add Requirements ?
  492. #define __ACTION_SLOT_PAGES //| More Action Slots [OK]
  494. #define __FL_SMOOTH_STATUS //| Smooth Status Window [OK]
  495. #define __FL_FARM_STAT //| Farm Counter [OK]
  496. #define __DEV_FREECAM //| Freecam Mode for Administrators [OK]
  497. #define __BLOCK_GUILD_INVITES //| Option to disabled guild invites [OK]
  499. #define __AUTO_ATTACK_NEXT_TARGET //| Auto Attack of next target [OK]
  500. #define __SYS_DUNGEONANNOUNCE //| Dungeon Announcement of Boss Spawning [OK]
  501. #define __REMOVE_SKILL_BUFF //| Remove Positive Skill Buffs [OK]
  502. #define __WS_STAFF_COUNT //| Check Staff Members online [OK]
  504. #define __BLOCK_STAFF_ACTIONS //| Block Mail/Trade/Banking/Vending for Staff Member [OK]
  505. #define __SYS_DIA_REMOVE_CHOICE //| Choose which diamond you want to remove [OK]
  506. #define __NEW_SFX_WINGS //| New SFX Buff Items [OK]
  507. #define __AUTH_SHOUT //| Add [Staff] on shouting [OK]
  509. #define __SYS_REBIRTH //| Rebirth System (Not finished) [DEV]
  511. #define __FL_BAG_LOOT //| Option to loot directly into Bag (B) [DEV]
  512. //#define __FL_BAG_UPDATE //| Use items in Bag (B) [DEV] // Most items cant be used?
  514. //#define __ROYAL_RUMBLE 1 //| Royal Rumble Sign-up Cost [OK]
  515. //#define __RUMBLE_SPAWNFIX //| Fixed spawns from release version [OK]
  516. //#define __RUMBLE_LOGGING //| Enable logging for Rumble [OK]
  517. //#define __RUMBLE_REVIVE //| User does not get a revive window [OK]
  518. //#define __RUMBLE_FREE_SIGNUP //| Signup costs no penya [OK]
  519. //#define __RUMBLE_GIVEUP //| Command for players to surrender from Rumble [DEV]
  521. //#define __CRYSTAL //| Crystal Weapons -> Development
  523. /******************************************************* DISABLED ********************************************************/
  525. //#define __SYS_AUTO_POWER_UPS //| Possibility to use powerups automatically [Not Implemented]
  527. //#define __BARUNA_PIERCING //| Baruna [Testing] //Disable?
  528. //#define __NEW_ITEM_VARUNA //| Baruna [Testing] //Disable?
  530. /**************************************************** GLOBAL STRUCTS *****************************************************/
  531. typedef struct __LOOTBOX_RESULT
  532. {
  533. DWORD receiveItem;
  534. DWORD receiveNum;
  535. DWORD itemIndex;
  536. DWORD chance;
  537. BOOL validResult;
  540. void Init()
  541. {
  542. receiveItem = 0;
  543. receiveNum = 0;
  544. itemIndex = 0;
  545. chance = 0;
  546. validResult = FALSE;
  547. }
  550. typedef struct __DP_COMMAND_INFO
  551. {
  552. int command;
  553. DWORD dpCost;
  554. int nDPCommandVar1;
  555. __LOOTBOX_RESULT lootboxResult;
  556. DWORD newDPBalance;
  557. DWORD dwAmount;
  559. void Init()
  560. {
  561. command = 0;
  562. dpCost = 0;
  563. nDPCommandVar1 = 0;
  564. lootboxResult.Init();
  565. newDPBalance = 0;
  566. dwAmount = 1;
  567. }
  568. }__DP_COMMAND_INFO;
  570. /**************************************************** HELPER FUNCTION *****************************************************/
  572. template<class T, typename U>
  573. bool easy_find(T vec_or_map, U value) {
  574. if (std::find(vec_or_map.begin(), vec_or_map.end(), value) != vec_or_map.end())
  575. return true;
  577. return false;
  578. }
  580. /********************************************************** OLD **********************************************************/
  581. //#define __ABSORB_DAMAGE_LIMIT //|
  582. //#define __MONSTER_FLY_CRIT //|
  583. //#define __PMA_FIX_ATKMSG //|
  584. //#define __PMA_GW //|
  585. //#define __REBIRTH //| Rebirth System.
  586. //#define __GLOW_NORMAL //|
  587. //#define __GUILD_JOIN_NOTIME //| No Guild rejoin time.
  588. //#define __NO_PET_LIFE //| No Pet lifes.
  589. //#define __ONLINE_PLAYER //|
  590. //#define __EVENT_TELEPORT_ALL //|
  591. //#define __UPGRADE_SPEED //|
  592. //#define __TORCHE_SYSTEM //|
  593. //#define __NEWSCROLLS //|
  594. //#define __FIX_AWAKE_SCROLLS //|
  595. //#define __GW_EXTENDED //|
  596. //#define __TAB_TARGET //|
  597. //#define __AWAKE_JEWELRY //|
  598. //#define __GM_LISTING //|
  599. //#define __DOUBLECLICK_ITEMUSE //|
  600. //#define __AUTO_PICKUP_SCROLL //|
  601. //#define __FLOFLO_COUPLE_SCROLL //|
  602. //#define __MULTIPLE_ITEM_PICKER 5.0f //| Multiple Item Pickup System.
  604. //#define __STAFF_ICON //| Staff Icon Rendering
  605. //#define __SHOPS_ONLY_IN_SAINT //| Shops can only be placed in Saint Morning.
  606. //#define __BLOCK_STAFF_ACTIONS //| Block trade / mail / vending for staff characters.
  607. //#define __DAILY_GIFT //| Daily Gift System Fixed.
  609. //#define __CHEAT_ENGINE_BLOCK //| Cheat Engine Block.
  610. //#define __ANTI_PET_EXPLOIT //| Pet Exploit Fix on Eillun.
  611. //#define __ADMIN_AUTH //| Second Admin Authentication.
  612. //#define __PMA_STUNBUG_FIX //|
  613. //#define __FIX_LINKINWAR //|
  614. //#define __FIX_COMBINE_FASHION //|
  615. //#define __Gridel_Fix //|
  616. //#define __FIX_GET_HP_MP_FP_POINT //|
  617. //#define __CHEAT_ENGINE //|
  618. //#define __FIX_RANGE_02 //|
  619. //#define __FIX_CHEAT //|
  620. //#define __HACK_FIXXES //|