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  1. [Why was shutdown?]
  2. 1 - <--- You faggots tried shutting down
  3. So you guys are bitching and complaining that you got shutdown, but you've done the same shit to other people in the past.
  5. 2 - You guys release game hacks.
  6. You guys have had it coming to you for a long time, many people agree.
  8. 3 - You're all cocky and bitchy, plus you think you can do anything you want.
  9. Well you're wrong, you've been stopped in your fuckin' tracks, enjoy it.
  11. 4 - Dave is simply just not secure at all.
  12. He's used the password "0123456789" for one of his accounts, what a douche.
  14. 5 - You've been hacked before.
  15. You've been screwed over several times before, why not again? What is so bad about this time, are you scared for mpgh?
  17. 6 - No one cares, except you.
  18. The only person that cares is probably you reading it and if not, great... point is, people think mpgh truly sucks.
  20. 7 - You guys are with 1 and 1.
  21. We all know that one and one is insecure, the only person that should have access is Dave, we all know he is the only one with access, right?
  23. 8 - This isn't a one-man-job.
  24. It seems many members of mpgh are pointing at one guy and saying "he is the one that did this.", as we all know... most attacks aren't solo, this one isn't either, I didn't even hack you guys, I simply upped my auth levels, end of story. Good game guys, how is it playing a game against a hacker, now you see how it feels, fuckin' die, quit crying, just breathe, go outside and take a jog.