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  1. 04/15/2020 20:17:22 INFO Log level set to: INFO
  2. 04/15/2020 20:17:22 INFO Setting up for PlaidML
  3. 04/15/2020 20:17:23 INFO Setting GPU to largest available supported device. If you want to override this selection, run `plaidml-setup` from the command line.
  4. 04/15/2020 20:17:23 INFO Using GPU: ['opencl_amd_ellesmere.0', 'opencl_amd_ellesmere.0']
  5. 04/15/2020 20:17:23 INFO Successfully set up for PlaidML
  6. Using plaidml.keras.backend backend.
  7. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO Model A Directory: D:\faRTED\oh hey, i was bouta go to bed. (4-15-2020 6-25-27 PM)
  8. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO Model B Directory: D:\Obama
  9. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO Training data directory: D:\osasas
  10. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO ===================================================
  11. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO Starting
  12. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO Press 'Stop' to save and quit
  13. 04/15/2020 20:17:25 INFO ===================================================
  14. 04/15/2020 20:17:26 INFO Loading data, this may take a while...
  15. 04/15/2020 20:17:26 INFO Loading Model from Realface plugin...
  16. 04/15/2020 20:17:26 INFO No existing state file found. Generating.
  17. 04/15/2020 20:17:26 INFO Opening device "opencl_amd_ellesmere.0"
  18. 04/15/2020 20:17:30 INFO Creating new 'realface' model in folder: 'D:\osasas'
  19. 04/15/2020 20:17:30 INFO Loading Trainer from Original plugin...
  20. 04/15/2020 20:17:30 INFO Enabled TensorBoard Logging
  21. 04/15/2020 20:17:36 INFO Analyzing Ops: 765 of 1160 operations complete
  22. 04/15/2020 20:18:00 CRITICAL Error caught! Exiting...
  23. 04/15/2020 20:18:00 ERROR Caught exception in thread: '_training_0'
  24. 04/15/2020 20:18:02 ERROR Got Exception on main handler:
  25. Traceback (most recent call last):
  26. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 128, in execute_script
  27. process.process()
  28. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\scripts\", line 161, in process
  29. self._end_thread(thread, err)
  30. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\scripts\", line 201, in _end_thread
  31. thread.join()
  32. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 121, in join
  33. raise thread.err[1].with_traceback(thread.err[2])
  34. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 37, in run
  35. self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  36. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\scripts\", line 226, in _training
  37. raise err
  38. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\scripts\", line 216, in _training
  39. self._run_training_cycle(model, trainer)
  40. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\scripts\", line 305, in _run_training_cycle
  41. trainer.train_one_step(viewer, timelapse)
  42. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\plugins\train\trainer\", line 316, in train_one_step
  43. raise err
  44. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\plugins\train\trainer\", line 283, in train_one_step
  45. loss[side] = batcher.train_one_batch()
  46. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\plugins\train\trainer\", line 422, in train_one_batch
  47. model_inputs, model_targets = self._get_next()
  48. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\plugins\train\trainer\", line 452, in _get_next
  49. batch = next(self._feed)
  50. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 156, in iterator
  51. self.check_and_raise_error()
  52. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 84, in check_and_raise_error
  53. raise error[1].with_traceback(error[2])
  54. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 37, in run
  55. self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  56. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 145, in _run
  57. for item in self.generator(*self._gen_args, **self._gen_kwargs):
  58. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 189, in _minibatch
  59. yield self._process_batch(img_paths, side)
  60. File "C:\Users\megas\faceswap\lib\", line 203, in _process_batch
  61. self._processing.initialize(batch.shape[1])
  62. IndexError: tuple index out of range
  63. 04/15/2020 20:18:02 CRITICAL An unexpected crash has occurred. Crash report written to 'C:\Users\megas\faceswap\crash_report.2020.04.15.201802211890.log'. You MUST provide this file if seeking assistance. Please verify you are running the latest version of faceswap before reporting
  64. Process exited.