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  3. <title>Thank you for your payment</title>
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  5. <WPDISPLAY FILE=header.html DEFAULT="<body bgcolor=#ffffff>">
  6. <h1>My Company Ltd.</h1>
  7. <WPDISPLAY ITEM=name>, thank you for your payment of
  8. <WPDISPLAY ITEM=amountString> for
  9. <WPDISPLAY ITEM=desc>. Your goods will be shipped to you within three working days.
  10. <WPDISPLAY ITEM=banner>
  11. <WPDISPLAY ITEM="MC_success" DEFAULT="" PRE="Click <a href='" POST="'>here</a> to return to the merchant</b>">
  12. <WPDISPLAY FILE=footer.html DEFAULT="</body>">
  13. </html>