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  1. name: '&6Test enter and leave'
  2. lore:
  3. - '&r'
  4. - '&6Legendary'
  5. material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  6. glow: false
  7. disableStack: true
  8. keepItemOnDeath: false
  9. canBeUsedOnlyByTheOwner: false
  10. storeItemInfo: false
  11. unbreakable: true
  12. usage: 10000
  13. usageLimit: 10000
  14. cancelEventIfNoPerm: true
  15. cancelEventIfNotOwner: false
  16. disabledWorlds: []
  17. recognitions: []
  18. config_5: true
  19. config_update: true
  20. dropOptions:
  21. glowDrop: true
  22. glowDropColor: GOLD
  23. displayNameDrop: true
  24. giveFirstJoin:
  25. giveFirstJoin: false
  26. giveFirstJoinAmount: 1
  27. giveFirstJoinSlot: 0
  28. restrictions: {}
  29. variables: {}
  30. activators:
  31. activator8:
  32. name: '&eActivator'
  34. usageModification: 0
  35. cancelEvent: false
  36. silenceOutput: false
  37. autoUpdateItem: false
  38. cooldownOptions:
  39. cooldown: 0
  40. isCooldownInTicks: false
  41. cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
  42. displayCooldownMessage: true
  43. cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
  44. globalCooldownOptions:
  45. cooldown: 0
  46. isCooldownInTicks: false
  47. cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
  48. displayCooldownMessage: true
  49. cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
  50. otherEICooldowns: {}
  51. requiredItems: {}
  52. requiredExecutableItems: {}
  53. detailedSlots: []
  54. commands:
  55. - 'SENDMESSAGE &cLEAVE &eslot: &a%slot%'
  56. playerConditions: {}
  57. worldConditions: {}
  58. itemConditions: {}
  59. customConditions: {}
  60. placeholdersConditions: {}
  61. variablesModification: {}
  62. activator0:
  63. name: '&eActivator'
  65. usageModification: 0
  66. cancelEvent: false
  67. silenceOutput: false
  68. autoUpdateItem: false
  69. cooldownOptions:
  70. cooldown: 0
  71. isCooldownInTicks: false
  72. cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
  73. displayCooldownMessage: true
  74. cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
  75. globalCooldownOptions:
  76. cooldown: 0
  77. isCooldownInTicks: false
  78. cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
  79. displayCooldownMessage: true
  80. cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
  81. otherEICooldowns: {}
  82. requiredItems: {}
  83. requiredExecutableItems: {}
  84. detailedSlots: []
  85. commands:
  86. - 'SENDMESSAGE &aENTER &eslot: &a%slot%'
  87. playerConditions: {}
  88. worldConditions: {}
  89. itemConditions: {}
  90. customConditions: {}
  91. placeholdersConditions: {}
  92. variablesModification: {}