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  1. # TimeZone for scheduler, Use
  2. TIME_ZONE: 'America/New_York'
  5. HOURLY: # Name, Hour, Commands
  6. - '&6Glowstone Reset, 00, broadcast &6[Glowstone Mountain] &eGlowstone Mountain has been reset.;mountain respawn Glowstone'
  7. - '&3Ore Mountain Reset, 00, broadcast &3[Ore Mountain] &eOre Mountain has been reset.;mountain respawn OreMountain'
  8. DAILY: # Name, Time, Commands
  9. - 'NONE, 23:30, broadcast &4&l[REBOOT] &eServer will be rebooting in 30mins.;customtimer create reboot &4&lReboot 30m'
  10. - 'NONE, 23:45, broadcast &4&l[REBOOT] &eServer will be rebooting in 15mins.'
  11. - 'NONE, 23:55, broadcast &4&l[REBOOT] &eServer will be rebooting in 5mins.'
  12. - 'NONE, 23:59, broadcast &4&l[REBOOT] &eServer will be rebooting in 1min. Saving data now!;save-all;azurite forcesave'
  13. - '&4Reboot, 00:00, restart'
  14. NORMAL: # Name, Time, Day, Commands
  15. - '&aSOTW, 15:00, SATURDAY, sotw start 2h;whitelist off'
  16. - '&5Citadel, 15:00, SUNDAY, koth start citadel'
  18. KOTH_SCHEDULES: # Name, Time, Day, Commands
  19. - '&9Angel Koth, 15:00, 16, koth start angel;command2;command3'
  20. - '&5Citadel, 16:00, 15, koth start citadel;command2;command3'
  21. - '&4Purge, 15:00, 14, purge start 1h;command2;command3'