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  1. name : softplan-websigner
  2. version : 2.9.5
  3. release : 1
  4. source :
  5. - : 1167667fd91553b7120c1880fb28d897851c088293ba8204bf5d25fbf38db8fd
  6. license : Custom
  7. summary : The Web Signer native application.
  8. component : network.web.browser
  9. extract : no
  10. libsplit : no
  11. description:
  12. - The Web Signer native application. An easy solution for using digital certificates in Web applications.
  13. builddeps :
  14. - binutils
  15. rundeps :
  16. - openssl
  17. setup : |
  18. pwd
  19. ar xf $sources/setup-deb-64
  20. tar xvf data.tar.xz
  22. install : |
  23. install -dm 755 $installdir/opt/softplan-websigner
  24. cp -dpr --no-preserve=ownership $workdir/opt/softplan-websigner/* $installdir/opt/softplan-websigner/
  26. # Create Firefox manifests
  27. install -dm 755 $installdir/usr/lib64/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/
  28. cp $workdir/usr/lib64/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ $installdir/usr/lib64/mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/
  30. # Create google-chrome manifests
  31. install -dm 755 $installdir/etc/opt/chrome/native-messaging-hosts/
  32. cp $workdir/opt/softplan-websigner/manifest.json $installdir/etc/opt/chrome/native-messaging-hosts/