<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.1.5/angular.min.js"></script>
function TreeController($scope) {
//initial state
$scope.trees = [
{name:'Larch', category:'Conifer'},
{name:'Doug Fir', category:'Conifer'},
{name:'Cedar', category:'Conifer'},
{name:'Birch', category:'Deciduous'},
{name:'Maple', category:'Deciduous'},
{name:'Oak', category:'Deciduous'}];
$scope.orderByField = 'name';
// add tree button
$scope.add = function() {
var newTree = {name:$scope.name, category: $scope.category};
// clear the filter so the user will see the new tree
$scope.nameFilter = '';
// reset the form and its validation
$scope.name = '';
$scope.category = '';
// changes sorting, triggered by clicking <th> tags in table
$scope.updateOrdering = function(newOrderByField) {
// reverse the order if the click the same column again
if($scope.orderByField == newOrderByField) {
$scope.orderReversed = !$scope.orderReversed;
} else {
$scope.orderReversed = false;
$scope.orderByField = newOrderByField;