# Playfield Configuration
# IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden: http://yaml.org/faq.html
# For more detailed explanations of the different parameters, see examples in Empyrion\Content\Playfields\ExamplePlanet and ExampleSpace
### Playfield Characteristics
# General Information
RealRadius: 1303.797294 # Please don't change
ScaledRadius: 1300 # Please don't change
Gravity: -9.81 # Gravity on planet
AtmosphereDensity: 1.217 # Please don't change
AtmosphereO2: 0.1 # Oxygen level of atmosphere
AtmosphereBreathable: False # If player can breathe without helmet
Temperature: 32 # No functionality yet
TemperatureDay: 53 # No functionality yet
TemperatureNight: 13 # No functionality yet
DayLength: 24 # No functionality yet
PlanetType: Desert # No functionality yet
Moons: 1 # No functionality yet
Water: WaterGreen # WaterBlue, WaterGreen, WaterBrown
SeaLevel: 53 # Sea level of planet
PvP: True # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
#Seed: 123456 # If set overwrites main Seed
#UseFixed: False # If set uses fixed POIs + resources
# Playfield Difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
Difficulty: 3 # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty
# Planet or Space
PlayfieldType: Planet # Please don't change
Description: Omicron is a desert planet with mountain ranges, lakes, plains and rugged terrain. The atmosphere is relatively thin and non breathable. However, oxygen can be generated from the water of the lakes. [c][e0e020]Be warned, choosing this planet as the survival start is recommended for experienced players only.[-][/c]
# Sun # SunFlareBlue, SunFlareWhite, SunFlareWhite2, SunFlareWhite3, SunFlareYellow, SunFlarePurple
SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareWhite
# Special Effects # Please don't change
- Name: Pollen
Biome: [ DesertLowPlains, SmallLake ]
Time: Day
MaxHeight: 75
- Name: FireFliesGreenFew
Biome: [ DesertLowPlains ]
Time: Night
MaxHeight: 75
- Name: FireFliesOrange
Biome: [ SmallLake ]
Time: Night
MaxHeight: 100
- Name: Butterflies
Biome: [ SmallLake ]
Time: Day
MaxHeight: 150
FollowPlayerY: True
- Name: DandelionsFew
Biome: [ Mountains ]
Time: Day
MaxHeight: 150
- Name: BirdFlocksVultures
Biome: [ DesertLowPlains ]
Time: Day
InitialDelay: 2 # in game hours
Delay: 4 # in game hours
Lifetime: 600 # in realtime seconds
PlyDist: 50
SpawnY: 40
Struct: True
- Name: MeteorShower
Biome: [ DesertHighPlains ]
Time: Always
InitialDelay: 3.5 # in game hours
Delay: 5
Lifetime: 60
PlyDist: 200
SpawnY: 100
Struct: Avoid
# Atmosphere and Sky
AtmosphereEnabled: True # Atmosphere True or False
AtmosphereColor: "0.35, 0.26, 0.19" # Color of atmosphere seen in space, default is white "1,1,1"
SkyColor: "1, 0, 0" # Color of skybox, default is white "1,1,1"
# Light
DayLightIntensity: 2.2 # Between 0 and 1.2: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
NightLightIntensity: 2.85 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = brighter, default is 0.6
DayShadowStrength: 0.8 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
# Fog
AtmosphereFog: 0 # Distant fog, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
FogCloudIntensity: 0.3 # Waft of mist in air, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
FogIntensity: 0.1 # Near Fog/Atmospheric Scattering Intensity, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
FogStartDistance: 400 # Near Fog/Atmospheric Scattering Start Distance, in m
GroundFogIntensity: 0 # Ground Layer Fog, between 0 and 1: larger values = stronger
GroundFogHeight: 0 # Ground Layer Fog Height
# Clouds
CloudsDensity: 0.6 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more clouds (coverage)
CloudsSharpness: 0.4 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = less dense clouds
CloudsBrightness: 1.5 # Between 0 and 2: larger values = brighter clouds
CloudsOpacity: 0.8 # Between 0 and 1: larger values = more opaque, default is 0.9
# Wind Speed
WindSpeed: 4 # Between 0 and 10: larger values = faster moving clouds
### Resources
- Name: IronResource # Name of resource
CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ] # Range of number of resources to distribute on planet
SizeMinMax: [ 4, 5 ] # Range of sizes of resource depots
DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ] # Range of how deep to bury depots below terrain surface (e.g. 0 = partly visible, 3 = top of depot starts 3m below surface)
DroneProb: 0.2 # Probability that resource is defended by drones
MaxDroneCount: 1 # If at all, 1..n drones will defend resource [default = 1]
- Name: CobaltResource
CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
SizeMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
DroneProb: 0.3
- Name: CopperResource
CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
SizeMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
DroneProb: 0.4
- Name: SiliconResource
CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
SizeMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
DroneProb: 0.5
- Name: PromethiumResource
CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ]
SizeMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
DepthMinMax: [ 0, 2 ]
DroneProb: 0.5
- Name: MagnesiumResource
CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ]
SizeMinMax: [ 3, 5 ]
DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
DroneProb: 0.3
- Name: SiliconResource # Name of resource
Pos: [ 646, 33, -607 ] # Position coordinates
Radius: 4 # Size
- Name: SiliconResource
Pos: [ 646, 40, -705 ]
Radius: 5
- Name: IronResource
Pos: [ -856, 45, 20 ]
Radius: 5
### Resource Asteroids
- Name: IronResource
Threshold: 0.6
Amount: 0.5
- Name: CobaltResource
Threshold: 0.4
Amount: 0.4
- Name: CopperResource
Threshold: 0.3
Amount: 0.3
- Name: SiliconResource
Threshold: 0.3
Amount: 0.2
- Name: PromethiumResource
Threshold: 0.2
Amount: 0.2
- Name: MagnesiumResource
Threshold: 0.2
Amount: 0.3
### Terrain and Decorations
# Terrain and Local Decoration
Name: Alien # Name of terrain dll
PoleLevel: 55 # Pole level of planet
NoiseStrength: 0.25 # Dirt effect on terrain
ColorChange: # Used to generate color differences in terrain
YFadeCenter: 60 # Starting point for color change
YFadeRange: 40 # Range for which color change is applied
YFadeMin: 0.00 # Positive values: terrain gets brighter in valleys
YFadeMax: -0.1 # Negative values: terrain gets darker on mountains
- [ GravelRockBrown03, 1 ]
- [ AlienGreen07, 4 ]
- [ RockBrown01, 0 ]
- [ Bedrock, 2 ]
- [ RocksmallA02, 0.1 ]
- [ RocksmallC01, 0.1 ]
- Altitude: 50
- [ StoneBeach, 27 ]
- Altitude: 52
- [ SandBeach, 2 ]
- [ RocksmallA02, 0.2 ]
- [ RocksmallC01, 0.2 ]
- Altitude: 255
- [ GravelRockBrown03, 115 ]
- [ Snow08RockBrown03, 1 ]
- Biome: 5
From: GravelRockBrown03
To: GrassBrown
- Biome: 6
From: GravelRockBrown03
To: SandBrown02
# Biome Definition and Main Decoration
# Water
- Altitude: [ 41, 50 ]
Slope: [ 0, 25 ]
- Name: "SmallLake"
Id: 1
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ CoralBig01, 7]
- [ Hydrilla2, 15]
- [ SeaWeed02-04, 15]
- [ RealRock1Water, 10]
- [ RealRock5Water, 10]
- [ CrystalStraight, 5]
- [ AlienTreeBlue, 5]
- Name: "GrassGreen01"
Density: 1000
YScale: 1
Preset: "GrassDense"
- Name: "GrassGreen01"
Density: 500
YScale: 1.5
Preset: "GrassPatches"
- Altitude: [ 50, 53 ]
Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
- Name: "SmallLake"
Id: 1
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ OmicronPlant, 10]
- Name: "GrassGreen01a"
Density: 1000
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Name: "DesertHighPlains"
Id: 3
ClusterSize: 200
NbOfClusters: 30
- [ RealRock1, 0]
- [ "AlienPlantMushroom2", 1]
- [ AlienTreeBlue, 5]
- Name: "GrassBlue01"
Density: 900
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Altitude: [ 53, 56 ]
Slope: [ 0, 25 ]
- Name: "SmallLake"
Id: 1
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ RealRock1Water, 0]
- Name: "GrassGreen03a"
Density: 1000
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Altitude: [ 0, 56 ]
Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
- Name: "SmallLake"
Id: 1
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ RealRock1Water, 0]
# Lower Plains
- Altitude: [ 56, 65 ] # Altitude between which biome lays
Slope: [ 0, 20 ] # Slope for biome
- Name: "DesertLowPlains" # Name of biome
Id: 5 # ID of biome
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ OmicronPalm, 20]
- [ EggPlant, 1]
- [ InsanityPepper, 0.5]
- [ CobraLeavesPlant, 0.5]
- [ CattailWinter, 0.8]
- [ DesertPlant20, 0.8]
- [ Boulder1, 0.7]
- [ DesertRock1, 0.5]
- [ DesertRock2, 0.5]
- Name: "GrassGreen03b"
Density: 1000
YScale: 0.9
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Name: "Plant01Brown"
Density: 250
YScale: 1.5
Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
- Altitude: [ 65, 75 ]
Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
- Name: "DesertLowPlains"
Id: 5
ClusterSize: 70
NbOfClusters: 35
- [ OmicronPalm, 20]
- [ EggPlant, 1]
- [ InsanityPepper, 0.5]
- [ CobraLeavesPlant, 0.5]
- [ Snakeweed, 0.6]
- [ CattailWinter, 0.5]
- [ DesertPlant20, 0.8]
- [ Boulder1, 0.7]
- [ DesertRock1, 0.5]
- [ DesertRock2, 0.5]
- Name: "GrassGreen03b"
Density: 1000
YScale: 0.9
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Name: "Plant01Brown"
Density: 250
YScale: 1.5
Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
- Name: "DesertLowPlains"
Id: 2
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
# - [ BulbShroom, 1]
- [ ClusterShroom, 1]
- [ Snakeweed, 0.6]
- [ CoralStone04-03, 1]
- [ DesertRockLarge, 0.01]
- [ DesertRockMedium1, 0.01]
- [ DesertRockMedium2, 0.01]
- [ DesertRock1, 0.5]
- [ DesertRock2, 0.5]
- Name: "GrassBrown02a"
Density: 1000
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Altitude: [ 56, 75 ]
Slope: [ 0, 25 ]
- Name: "DesertLowPlains"
Id: 2
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ RealRock1, 0]
- Name: "GrassBrown02a"
Density: 1000
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassDense2"
- Altitude: [ 56, 75 ]
Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
- Name: "DesertLowPlains"
Id: 2
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ RealRock1, 0, 1]
# Higher Plains
- Altitude: [ 75, 120 ]
Slope: [ 0, 20 ]
- Name: "DesertHighPlains"
Id: 6
ClusterSize: 60
NbOfClusters: 15
- [ AlienPalmTree, 8]
- [ AlienPalmTreeHarvested, 5]
- [ AlienPlantTube1, 2]
- [ DesertRock1, 2]
- [ DesertRock1, 1]
- [ DesertRock2, 1]
- Name: "GrassBrown02b"
Density: 300
YScale: 1
Preset: "GrassPatches5"
- Name: "GrassType01Brown"
Density: 400
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassPatches4"
- Name: "Plant01Red"
Density: 350
YScale: 1.5
Preset: "GrassPatches3a"
- Name: "DesertHighPlains"
Id: 3
ClusterSize: 30
NbOfClusters: 6
- [ DesertRock1, 2]
- [ DesertRock2, 1]
- [ AlienPlantReef2, 15]
- [ AlienPlantSpike1, 9]
- [ AlienPlant05, 3]
- Name: "GrassBrown02a"
Density: 800
YScale: 0.65
Preset: "GrassPatches4"
- Name: "DesertHighPlains"
Id: 3
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ AlienBushRedFronds, 0.015]
- [ Cactus1, 0.03]
- [ OpuntiaCactus, 0.03]
- [ ScalyPods, 0.08]
- [ Boulder1, 0.006]
- [ Boulder2, 0.006]
- [ Boulder3, 0.006]
- [ Boulder4, 0.01]
- [ Boulder5, 0.01]
- Name: "GrassBrown02a"
Density: 800
YScale: 0.8
Preset: "GrassPatches4a"
- Altitude: [ 75, 120 ]
Slope: [ 0, 27 ]
- Name: "DesertHighPlains"
Id: 3
ClusterSize: 20
NbOfClusters: 10
- [ RealRock1, 0]
- [ BushGreen01, 0.5]
- Name: "GrassBrown02a"
Density: 800
YScale: 0.65
Preset: "GrassPatches4"
# Mountains
- Altitude: [ 120, 250 ]
Slope: [ 0, 25 ]
- Name: "Mountains"
Id: 4
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ AlienPlantPod2, 1]
- [ DesertPlant20, 0.5]
- [ OpuntiaCactus, 0.5]
- Name: "GrassBrown02a"
Density: 800
YScale: 0.65
Preset: "GrassPatches4"
- Altitude: [ 120, 250 ]
Slope: [ 0, 180 ]
- Name: "Mountains"
Id: 4
ClusterSize: 0
NbOfClusters: 0
- [ RealRock1, 0]
### POIs
- GroupName: XenuTierI # Group name of POI
CountMinMax: [ 4, 6 ] # Range of number of POIs of this group to distribute on planet
DroneProb: 1.0 # Probability that a POI is defended by drones
DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ] # Range of number of drones that defend POI
ReserveCount: 3 # Number of drones that will be replaced when destroyed
TroopTransport: True # If troop transport will be sent
- GroupName: AbandonedFactory
CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
DroneProb: 1.0
DronesMinMax: [ 2, 2 ]
ReserveCount: 3
TroopTransport: True
- GroupName: TransportationStation
CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
DroneProb: 0.6
DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
ReserveCount: 3
TroopTransport: False
- GroupName: Artifact
CountMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
DroneProb: 0.6
DronesMinMax: [ 1, 2 ]
ReserveCount: 3
TroopTransport: False
- Type: BA_Player # Type of blueprint (BA, SV, HV, CV)
Prefab: BA_OutpostOmicron # Filename of blueprint
Mode: Creative # Creative or Survival
SubMode: Normal # Empty / Normal (only evaluated in Creative mode) [default: Normal]
Name: Outpost Omicron # Name of blueprint as displayed to player
Pos: [ -415, 66.5, -38.6 ] # Position coordinates
Rot: [ 0, 40, 0 ] # Rotation angles
InitPower: True # Set if POI should be initially powered, default: False
- Type: SV_Player
Prefab: SV_Scorpio
Mode: Creative
SubMode: Normal
Name: Scorpio MKI
Pos: [ -398.3, 83.68, -22.87 ]
Rot: [ 0, -50, 0 ]
- Type: BA_Player
Prefab: BA_TestBase
Mode: Debug
Name: Test Base
Pos: [-349, 70.2, -273 ]
Rot: [ 0, 270, 0 ]
- Type: SV_Player
Prefab: SV_Cruiser
Mode: Debug
Name: BS Bouba
Pos: [ -357, 71.5, -317]
Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
- Type: BA_Alien
Prefab: BA_MiningComplex
Mode: Debug
Name: Enemy Base
Pos: [ -773, 21, -156 ]
Rot: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
InitPower: True
- Type: BA_Alien
# Prefab: BA_EpsilonDefenceII
Prefab: BA_GhostRiderBaseII
Mode: Debug
Name: Enemy Base
Pos: [ -143, 66, -334 ]
Rot: [ 0, 90, 0 ]
InitPower: True
- Type: BA_Alien
# Prefab: BA_XenuAdvArmory
Prefab: BA_GhostRiderBaseI
Mode: Debug
Name: Enemy Base
Pos: [ -180, 63, -397 ]
Rot: [ 0, 90, 0 ]
InitPower: True
- Mode: Creative # Creative or Survival
SubMode: Normal # Empty / Normal (only evaluated in Creative mode) [default: Normal]
Pos: [ -418, 88.5, -39 ] # Position coordinates
RotY: -113 # Rotation angle around Y axis
- Mode: Creative
SubMode: Empty
Pos: [ -841, 56, 142 ]
RotY: -18
- Mode: Debug
Pos: [ -353, 72, -306 ]
RotY: 0
### Drones
# PresetStyle:
# -> 0 = no drone attack base,
# 1 = day + 2 triggers,
# 2 = night + 2 triggers,
# 3 = at once + 2 triggers,
# 4 = night + turret trigger
# Extra:
# -> 0 = Default drone
# 1 = Drone that attacks base
# 2 = Troop transport
# 3 = Ground troop - content of troop transport
# Troop Transport:
# 4 slots for NPCs per troop transport
# Proportion of NPC in each transport determined by ratio of total amounts
- GroupName: DroneBaseOmicron
DronesMinMax: [ 2, 3 ] # Range of number of drones that defend drone base
ReserveCount: 3 # Number of drones that will be replaced when defending drones got killed
DroneProb: 1.0 # Probability that drones will defend drone base
Difficulty: 5 # 0..4 -> 0 = no drone attack base ... 4 = max difficulty level (5, 6, 7 = low, medium, high difficulty but with infinite drone waves)
PresetStyle: 2 # 0..4 -> see comment above
# BaseAttack: DroneSmallAttackBase
- Name: DroneSmallFast01Rocket # Name of drone
Amount: 10 # Amount of drones in stock
Extra: 0 # Type of drone 0..3 -> see comment above
- Name: DroneSmallFast01Minigun
Amount: 30
Extra: 0
- Name: DroneLargeSlow01Minigun
Amount: 20
Extra: 0
- Name: DroneSmallSlow01Cannon
Amount: 20
Extra: 0
- Name: DroneSmallFast01Minigun # Base attack drones
Amount: 100
Extra: 1
- Name: DroneTroopsTransport
Amount: 1
Extra: 2
- Name: ZiraxMale
Amount: 100
Extra: 3
- Name: AlienAssassinGrey
Amount: 50
Extra: 3
- Name: Crawler
Amount: 30
Extra: 3
- Name: Overseer
Amount: 50
Extra: 3
# Drones that patrol on whole planet
# Type determined by stock of drone base (default drone - type = 0)
- DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ] # Range of number of drones that patrol
CenterX: -2500 # Center of circle around which drones patrol (radius 1500m)
- DronesMinMax: [ 5, 10 ] # Range of number of drones that patrol
CenterX: 2500 # Center of circle around which drones patrol (radius 1500m)
### Creatures
- Biome: SmallLake # Biome (defined above) in which creature will spawn
- Name: CaveWormsGreen # Name of creature
Period: Night # Night / Day / Always
Amount: 1 # Amount of creatures that will spawn at a given time
Delay: 0 # Time in game hours during which no creatures will spawn
# RestrictYMinMax: [ 70, 120 ] # Creature will spawn only in between these altitudes
- Biome: DesertLowPlains
- Name: CaveWormGreyHerd
Period: Day
Amount: 1
Delay: 0
- Name: Spiders02
Period: Night
Amount: 2
Delay: 0
- Name: Otyughs
Period: Night
Amount: 1
Delay: 0
- Biome: DesertHighPlains
- Name: GolemsDesert
Period: Night
Amount: 1
Delay: 0
- Name: WormDesertHerd
Period: Day
Amount: 2
Delay: 0
- Name: Spiders02
Period: Night
Amount: 2
Delay: 0