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  1. [3:08pm] KuDeTa: when are you going to finally start talking sense and tell us what happened. You've behaved outrageously.
  2. [3:38pm] MagicalTux: and when I reply this is going to be all over reddit once again
  3. [3:38pm] KuDeTa: lol, i've never posted a word of your replies on reddit.
  4. [3:38pm] KuDeTa: because nothing you've said is of any help
  5. [3:40pm] MagicalTux: because I'm not allowed to say anything
  6. [3:41pm] MagicalTux: and I'm not in charge anymore since the court decided for bankruptcy
  7. [3:46pm] KuDeTa: How far did you get with investigations?
  8. [3:47pm] KuDeTa: can we trust the numbers you gave are accurate? It looks more and more likely that the database balances were altered, making previous statements about outstanding debts irrelevant?
  9. [3:59pm] MagicalTux: [23:46:34] <KuDeTa> How far did you get with investigations? <- cannot disclose anything related to the investigation except the fact the police is on it and are investigating
  10. [4:00pm] KuDeTa: do you have any faith in the previously reported number(s) regarding debt, outstanding balances, etc?
  11. [4:00pm] KuDeTa: i'm not asking for detail, just yes or no
  12. [4:00pm] MagicalTux: the values should be close, but we cannot be 100% sure until the end of the investigation - however it's unlikely anyone who stole from mtgox left balance on their account or would be able to refund anything
  13. [4:01pm] KuDeTa: well, if they were skimming off the top by penetrating your DB they have probably funded their account as much as possible.
  14. [4:02pm] KuDeTa: Who has imposed the gag? Your own lawyers or the police?
  15. [4:03pm] MagicalTux: that's a common thing to do during investigations as details leaking could hurt the investigation
  16. [4:03pm] MagicalTux: only the police can judge which details can be made public
  17. [4:03pm] KuDeTa: hurt the investigation? Mark you've been robbed blind and you know full well the chances of recovering anything at all are slim to none.
  18. [4:04pm] KuDeTa: your best hope is that this was internal and an audit will tell you who.
  19. [4:05pm] KuDeTa: but since you didn't pick up on it, clearly, for some great amount of time, the chances of having meaningful logs are also likely zero, correct me if i'm wrong.
  20. [4:05pm] MagicalTux: So far what we have found was not internal
  21. [4:05pm] MagicalTux: We have things, I can't just tell you what
  22. [4:06pm] KuDeTa: do you still belive there is a flaw in the bitcoin protoco?
  23. [4:06pm] KuDeTa: protocol*
  24. [4:11pm] KuDeTa: and also: some of us are getting behind the savegox plan; i'm hoping you will do your utmost and use the nanograms of leverage you might have left to pressure the court into avoiding liquidation.
  25. [4:14pm] MagicalTux: [00:06:31] <KuDeTa> do you still belive there is a flaw in the bitcoin protocol? <- rather than a belief it's a fact, and I already explained why, and now everyone has a workaround for that
  26. [4:15pm] MagicalTux: I will try my best to see MtGox go with a sponsor rather than go into liquidation, but that'll depend on the sponsors
  27. [4:15pm] KuDeTa: you needn't be pedantic about it, i'm asking you if your implicating transaction malleability as the cause of the theft. There is no evidence from bitcoin nodes that it has occurred at anything like the level you suggest for this to be so.
  28. [4:16pm] MagicalTux: if you're talking about that ridiculous paper that someone releasing saying there couldn't be more than ~380 btc stolen, let me laugh
  29. [4:17pm] KuDeTa: final question: how much personal responsibility are you taking for this mess Mark? you've behaved as if this is just a fact of life that we all have to deal with every now and again, but we are talking about hundreds of millions of people's hard earned money.
  30. [4:17pm] KuDeTa: I appreciate this must be incredibly hard for you too, and i wish you well if this was really the result of a major criminal organization. But you appear to have behaved negligently
  31. [4:18pm] MagicalTux: There has been a lot happening, and there's very little information available out there because of the nature of what happened, it is my hope that more will be known in the future
  32. [4:19pm] KuDeTa: That was not an apology, you still believe this wasn't your fault at all?
  33. [4:21pm] MagicalTux: I could spend my days in apologies, or investigate on what happened and assist the police and involved parties into learning what happened and maybe sponsor the company (ie. save gox)
  34. [4:22pm] MagicalTux: I've done apologies when we announced the civil rehabilitation, and there'll be plenty of time for that in the future, for now the responsibility I have involves the current process
  35. [4:24pm] MagicalTux: Just hope you do not misunderstand this
  36. [4:30pm] KuDeTa: Mark, your responsibility lies with keeping your customers informed too. I respect a police investigation but the opacity of this whole process is … unacceptable. Anyway look, my personal impression is that you've behaved incredibly negligently, but not criminally. I hope you succeed in pulling some useful rabbit out of what's left of your hat and getting your life back on track. Good luck.