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  1. Gore - Yesterday at 11:12 AM
  2. ok here something ive been working on.. the clue river and E lead me to east river vale where there is the tower with the bixie hive drafling or something,anyways there is a npc named (?) that says stuff about Knife,finding Serilis close to the blasted & Theer . Also thinking on the clue about the rainbow i found scrying areas near the pot of gold in rivervale so i started scrying and found archtype traing tomes so i looked them up there are 72 total and 18 for each archtype what they are is times killing quests like kill 5 bixies kill 20 lava crawlers all in 5 min. so these have been in the game awhile but wounder if maybe this is getting close
  4. typos found on the names of the stuff in the priest cave. on purpose? Goblins spelling?
  6. try goblin illusion (if available, in the cave), removing mount, etc.
  8. Errrorr - Yesterday at 2:59 PM
  9. I guess if we are looking at stories, "Dag the Blasphemer" from Outfitter TS questline, tells the stories of a Scholar who seeked to create a magical dagger
  12. Zhev - Yesterday at 3:22 PM
  13. I've done a diety, but not one of the ones specifically mentioned in the zone...might be worth looking into
  15. Prankk (Warlock) - Yesterday at 3:30 PM
  16. Priests found tunnel near entrance to the SHard of Hate - Innoruuk - betrayl of Ullkoruuk (Nek Castle)
  17. Fighters found cache near Estate of Unrest - Cazic-Thule - betrayal of Garanel (Estate of Unrest)
  19. What about mages and scouts, how do you think?(edited)
  20. should we start to find places, which connected with betrayals?
  22. I haven't done guise of the deceiver but it would be a fitting HQ
  24. Blob - Yesterday at 4:36 PM
  25. where is the duality? I can no longer access his hideout in the hole
  27. sheriffia - Yesterday at 4:55 PM
  28. try to kill stuff with epic 1.0
  30. sheriffia - Yesterday at 5:00 PM
  31. they said the line is one of prerequisites, they have not said equipped weapon is not prereq
  34. sheriffia - Yesterday at 5:02 PM
  35. may be stuff should be killed by ascension ability as well
  37. sheriffia - Yesterday at 5:03 PM
  38. they said ascension and epic 1.0 is prereq, so the question is how they are connected
  41. Zeddicious - Yesterday at 5:04 PM
  42. Surprise must be a high elf...
  44. sheriffia - Yesterday at 5:07 PM
  45. Feldon ))
  46. but you can't deny ascension is connected somehow to this quest
  48. Bubba- Mage - Yesterday at 5:08 PM
  49. reading all the stones in Twark.....interesting. Anyone investigate ?
  51. sheriffia - Yesterday at 5:10 PM
  52. it is just a speculation of course, but it might be an illusion, you should put on to get starter
  54. sheriffia - Yesterday at 5:11 PM
  55. so everyone search for starter being in that illusion? dismounted etc
  58. Thargonis - Yesterday at 5:37 PM
  59. any Priest who can NOT see Cave and has Heroic Bracers HQ Timeline done ? (The Queen is dead, long live the Queen)
  61. Also, someone posted a link to an image of the files changed, which I can't find at the moment.