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  1. Attack on Stanton event guide
  2. (This is based on recent Evocati tests and may be changed as they have been tweaking various things in the tests)
  4. When the event triggers UEE Agent will contact all players on the server in a video message asking for their help, and a priority mission will be able to be accepted, or will be acceptable if log in and the event is in progress.
  6. You must then report to the INS Jericho for further instructions, and will be briefed on next stage after arriving.
  8. Cargo Phase
  9. - There 3-4 Starfarer wrecks in a gas cloud located about 600km from Jericho, there is a quantum beacon and it is marked so you can travel directly there.
  10. - You will need to collect as a group many of three different types of cargo, One of the cargo types is quantum-sensitive and cannot be jumped with, the other two have instability mechanics
  11. - The cargo is in the wrecks, in crates that need to be opened and carefully unloaded.
  12. - The wrecks are also infested with 5+ NPC pirates that will need to be killed in FPS combat.
  13. - Some wrecks are more difficult to access than others.
  14. - Some wrecks have gravity and others don't.
  15. - Tractor beams are highly recommended
  16. - Cargo can be loaded preferably in groups working together onto ships that have the ability to be accessed at the trade console. Only the owner of the ship can actually facilitate a sale so its important that other people don't take ships loaded with cargo without the owner. There is a finite amount of cargo.
  17. - Wrecks can easily be bumped by players ships
  18. - Cargo gives a large payout when submitting it, only to the player who is selling it though.
  19. - UEE transports will spawn periodically and be attacked by pirates and need to be defended, if defended successfully they will give a bonus to the cargo count.
  20. - NPC pirate ships, will ambush and attack at high speed ships ferrying cargo over the 600km distance.
  21. - Later into the cargo phase UEE Agent will anounce enemy idris is coming in to attack the javelin.
  22. - Players must repel the enemy idris's attack and defend the javelin as it can only take a few shots from the idris's railgun, if the Javelin dies the mission is failed.
  23. - Repeat all the cargo steps and hopefully have enough with the transports to move along into the next phase without losing the Javelin
  25. Attack phase
  26. - New orders to face down the enemy idris are issued by the UEE Agent.
  27. - Beacon will be where the wrecks were, in same gas cloud 600km away, will have to go there and face it with a group of players.
  28. - Idris will spawn waves of fighters and have 2 hammerheads spawned to defend it.
  29. - Bombers/Hammerheads/Fighters are recommended.
  30. - Payouts are given for damage done by the player, Torpedo's can give large payouts if they hit.
  31. - After the idris is killed UEE Agent congradulates you and suddenly comms get interrupted and two idris's spawn, again with fighter waves spawning.
  32. - After fighting the two idris's for awhile the Javelin should come in to help kill them.