Data hosted with ♥ by - Download Raw - See Original
  1. (8BD6C425A2BD4B35595761584F0DE8452A423C382C05A8466C26E06F965D91D5)
  2. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
  3. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
  4. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_sfx_volume "1"
  5. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_radio_volume "1"
  6. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_music_volume "1"
  7. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_master_volume "0.3"
  8. 00:00:33.000 : uset s_reverse_stereo "1"
  9. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_cargo_load_require_park_brake "0"
  10. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_cargo_load_require_engine_off "1"
  11. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_last_wotr_event_id "0"
  12. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
  13. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_force_load_selector "0"
  14. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
  15. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
  16. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_input_configured "1"
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  19. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_parking_difficulty "0"
  20. 00:00:33.000 : uset g_simple_parking_doubles "1"
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  25. 00:00:33.001 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0.07"
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  28. 00:00:33.001 : uset g_desktop_bcg "config"
  29. 00:00:33.001 : uset g_save_idx "2"
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  38. 00:00:33.001 : uset g_tutorial "0"
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  98. 00:00:33.003 : uset g_lang "en_gb"
  99. 00:00:33.003 : uset g_cutscenes "1"
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  101. 00:00:33.003 : uset g_baked_vehicle "1"
  102. 00:00:33.627 : <WARNING> [di8] Input buffer overflow for device '{4E282E20-C0E5-11E8-8001-444553540000}|{47160738-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}' (error code: 0x1).
  103. 00:00:34.434 : loading 'ETCARS' 'C:/Program Files/ETCARS/x64/ETCARS.dll'
  104. 00:00:34.444 : loading 'trucksbook_64' 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/plugins/trucksbook_64.dll'
  105. 00:00:38.900 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ INFO ] [ Debugger ] Log opened or re-initialized.
  106. 00:00:38.900 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ DEBUG ] [ Telemetry ] ETCARS Version: 0.1
  107. 00:00:38.900 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ DEBUG ] [ Telemetry ] Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2 v1.13
  108. 00:00:38.903 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ DEBUG ] [ Steam API ] SteamID: 76561198332974044
  109. 00:00:38.903 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ DEBUG ] [Steam API ] Steam Username: James Cole
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  428. 00:00:38.916 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ DEBUG ] [ Telemetry ] Job Changed
  429. 00:00:38.916 : [ Thu Oct 25 18:36:04 2018 ] [ ETCARS Plugin ] [ DEBUG ] [ Telemetry ] Truck Changed