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  1. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  3. WARNING: coremods are present:
  4. IELoadingPlugin (ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-86.jar)
  5. LoadingPlugin (Bloodmoon.jar)
  6. PassableLeavesCore (PassableLeavesCore-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar)
  7. DynamicSurroundingsCore (DynamicSurroundings-1.12.2-
  8. LoadingPlugin (Quark.jar)
  9. SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.4.jar)
  10. Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge
  12. // Sorry :(
  14. Time: 11/23/18 5:52 PM
  15. Description: Exception in server tick loop
  17. java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
  18. at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
  19. at java.util.HashMap$
  20. at
  21. at
  22. at net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.syncCallback(
  23. at net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.tick(
  24. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  25. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
  26. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  27. at
  28. at
  31. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  32. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. -- Head --
  35. Thread: Server thread
  36. Stacktrace:
  37. at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
  38. at java.util.HashMap$
  39. at
  40. at
  41. at net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.syncCallback(
  42. at net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.tick(
  44. -- Sponge PhaseTracker --
  45. Details:
  46. Phase Stack: /****************************************************************************************************************************************/
  47. /* - Phase: GenerationPhase{}{ChunkLoadPhaseState:CHUNK_LOAD} */
  48. /* Context: */
  49. /* - Source: Chunk{World=WorldServer{Name=world, DimensionId=0, DimensionType=minecraft:overworld, DimensionTypeId=0}, Position=73} */
  50. /* - World: WorldServer{Name=world, DimensionId=0, DimensionType=minecraft:overworld, DimensionTypeId=0} */
  51. /* - Chunk: Chunk{World=WorldServer{Name=world, DimensionId=0, DimensionType=minecraft:overworld, DimensionTypeId=0}, Position=73} */
  52. /****************************************************************************************************************************************/
  54. Stacktrace:
  55. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.handler$onCrashReport$zjk000(
  56. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71230_b(
  57. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71230_b(
  58. at
  59. at
  61. -- System Details --
  62. Details:
  63. Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  64. Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 3.16.0-6-amd64
  65. Java Version: 1.8.0_162, Oracle Corporation
  66. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  67. Memory: 190696624 bytes (181 MB) / 1278738432 bytes (1219 MB) up to 5726797824 bytes (5461 MB)
  68. JVM Flags: 3 total; -Xmx6144M -Xms256M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
  69. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 13, tallocated: 95
  70. FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 55 mods loaded, 55 mods active
  71. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  73. | State | ID | Version | Source | Signature |
  74. |:--------- |:-------------------- |:----------------- |:--------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- |
  75. | UCHIJAAAA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None |
  76. | UCHIJAAAA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None |
  77. | UCHIJAAAA | FML | | minecraft_server.jar | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
  78. | UCHIJAAAA | forge | | minecraft_server.jar | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
  79. | UCHIJAAAA | spongeapi | 7.1.0-70763aa8 | spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.4.jar | None |
  80. | UCHIJAAAA | sponge | 1.12.2-7.1.4 | spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.4.jar | None |
  81. | UCHIJAAAA | spongeforge | 1.12.2-2768-7.1.4 | spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.4.jar | None |
  82. | UCHIJAAAA | passableleavescore | 1.0.0 | minecraft.jar | None |
  83. | UCHIJAAAA | dsurroundcore | | minecraft.jar | None |
  84. | UCHIJAAAA | wumpleutil | 2.12.6 | WumpelUtilCore.jar | 1e57901a90acd4a3a54295b6decff5397be51a31 |
  85. | UCHIJAAAA | foodfunk | 4.9.5 | FoodFunk.jar | 1e57901a90acd4a3a54295b6decff5397be51a31 |
  86. | UCHIJAAAA | jei | | JEI.jar | None |
  87. | UCHIJAAAA | immersiveengineering | 0.12-86 | Immersive.jar | 4cb49fcde3b43048c9889e0a3d083225da926334 |
  88. | UCHIJAAAA | geolosys | 1.9.3 | Geolosys.jar | None |
  89. | UCHIJAAAA | traverse | 1.6.0 | Traverse.jar | None |
  90. | UCHIJAAAA | betterwithmods | 1.12-2.3.16-999 | BetterWithMods.jar | None |
  91. | UCHIJAAAA | quark | r1.5-130 | Quark.jar | None |
  92. | UCHIJAAAA | autoreglib | 1.3-20 | AutoRegLibCore.jar | None |
  93. | UCHIJAAAA | uteamcore | | UTeamCore.jar | None |
  94. | UCHIJAAAA | usefulbackpacks | | Backpacks.jar | None |
  95. | UCHIJAAAA | bedrockbgone | 5.0.8 | Bedrock++.jar | None |
  96. | UCHIJAAAA | bloodmoon | 1.5.3 | Bloodmoon.jar | d72e0dd57935b3e9476212aea0c0df352dd76291 |
  97. | UCHIJAAAA | carryon | 1.11.1 | CarryOn++.jar | None |
  98. | UCHIJAAAA | worleycaves | 1.3.0 | Caves++.jar | None |
  99. | UCHIJAAAA | chesttransporter | 2.8.8 | ChestTransporter.jar | None |
  100. | UCHIJAAAA | claybucket | 1.1 | ClayBucket.jar | None |
  101. | UCHIJAAAA | extendedrenderer | v1.0 | CoroUtilCore.jar | None |
  102. | UCHIJAAAA | coroutil | 1.12.1-1.2.13 | CoroUtilCore.jar | None |
  103. | UCHIJAAAA | configmod | v1.0 | CoroUtilCore.jar | None |
  104. | UCHIJAAAA | crafttweaker | 4.1.11 | CraftTweaker.jar | None |
  105. | UCHIJAAAA | crafttweakerjei | 2.0.2 | CraftTweaker.jar | None |
  106. | UCHIJAAAA | dsurround | | DynamicSurroundings.jar | 7a2128d395ad96ceb9d9030fbd41d035b435753a |
  107. | UCHIJAAAA | toughasnails | | ToughAsNails.jar | None |
  108. | UCHIJAAAA | forestry | | Forestry.jar | None |
  109. | UCHIJAAAA | immersivepetroleum | 1.1.9 | ImmersiveAddon.jar | None |
  110. | UCHIJAAAA | kleeslabs | 5.4.11 | KleeSlabs.jar | None |
  111. | UCHIJAAAA | rftl | 1.0a | Leather++.jar | None |
  112. | UCHIJAAAA | elevatorid | 1.3.6 | Lift++.jar | None |
  113. | UCHIJAAAA | mtrm | | MineTweakerInterface.jar | None |
  114. | UCHIJAAAA | storyoflife | 0.0.1 | Mobs++.jar | None |
  115. | UCHIJAAAA | realdrops | 1.2.14 | RealisticItemDrops.jar | None |
  116. | UCHIJAAAA | snowaccumulation | 1.0.0 | Snow++.jar | None |
  117. | UCHIJAAAA | tanspit | 1.12.2-1.3 | ToughAsNailsAddon.jar | None |
  118. | UCHIJAAAA | weather2 | 1.12.1-2.6.12 | Weather++.jar | None |
  119. | UCHIJAAAA | openablewindows | 0.0.1 | Windows++.jar | None |
  120. | UCHIJAAAA | clumps | 3.1.1 | XP++.jar | None |
  121. | UCHIJAAAA | luckperms | 4.2.17 | LuckPerms.jar | None |
  122. | UCHIJAAAA | nucleus | 1.4.3-S7.0 | Nucleus.jar | None |
  123. | UCHIJAAAA | tabmodifier | 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT | TabModifier.jar | None |
  124. | UCHIJAAAA | fastasyncworldedit | development | FastAsyncWorldEdit.jar | None |
  125. | UCHIJAAAA | worldedit | | FastAsyncWorldEdit.jar | None |
  126. | UCHIJAAAA | ultimatechat | 1.8.5 | UltimateChat.jar | None |
  127. | UCHIJAAAA | griefprevention | 4.3.0 | GriefPrevention.jar | None |
  128. | UCHIJAAAA | flexiblelogin | 0.17.4 | FlexbleLogin.jar | None |
  129. | UCHIJAAAA | passableleaves | 2.0.0 | Leaves.jar | None |
  131. Loaded coremods (and transformers):
  132. IELoadingPlugin (ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-86.jar)
  133. blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.asm.IEClassTransformer
  134. LoadingPlugin (Bloodmoon.jar)
  135. lumien.bloodmoon.asm.ClassTransformer
  136. PassableLeavesCore (PassableLeavesCore-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar)
  137. teamrtg.passableleaves.asm.PassableLeavesTransformer
  138. DynamicSurroundingsCore (DynamicSurroundings-1.12.2-
  139. org.blockartistry.DynSurround.asm.Transformer
  140. LoadingPlugin (Quark.jar)
  141. vazkii.quark.base.asm.ClassTransformer
  142. SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.4.jar)
  143. org.spongepowered.common.launch.transformer.SpongeSuperclassTransformer
  144. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
  145. Player Count: 5 / 100; [EntityPlayerMP['Ku66er'/430, l='world', x=-227.53, y=59.00, z=215.20], EntityPlayerMP['Adam1TBC'/851, l='world', x=-465.02, y=61.00, z=550.22], EntityPlayerMP['STRL1T'/10606, l='world', x=-512.44, y=94.02, z=13.85], EntityPlayerMP['th3mse1f'/11669, l='world', x=-229.42, y=59.00, z=214.99], EntityPlayerMP['USA4life'/12525, l='world', x=911.66, y=71.00, z=218.58]]
  146. Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge,sponge'
  147. Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)