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  1. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Logging successful initialized.
  2. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | .NET Runtime Version: 5.0.9
  3. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Running as a 64-bit process.
  4. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Locale: en-US
  5. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Language: en-US
  6. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Cosmoteer version 0.15.16a build 0.15.16a_standalone
  7. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Build Date: 9/1/2021 7:28:12 PM
  8. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Build Commit: 5592eff21246de9b6460363ca4dd13e44ce9ee04
  9. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit 10.0.19042
  10. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 logical / 2 physical cores)
  11. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | 12202.1 MB RAM
  12. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M ( (12/28/2016)
  13. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 | 4095.0 MB VRAM
  14. 10/06/2021 13:22:19 |
  15. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Loaded app settings.
  16. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Set application DPI mode: PerMonitor
  17. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Setup default cursor.
  18. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Using display adapter 0
  19. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created DXGI factory.
  20. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M
  21. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Output #0: Generic PnP Monitor (1920x1080)
  22. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Adapter #1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500
  23. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Adapter #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  24. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Updated Windows form configuration for resizable windowed.
  25. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created Windows form.
  26. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Direct3D Feature Level: Level_11_0
  27. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created Direct3D 11 Device.
  28. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created swap chain: 1920x1017.
  29. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created window.
  30. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created clock.
  31. 10/06/2021 13:22:20 | Created graphics manager.
  32. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Created XAudio2 device.
  33. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Created audio manager.
  34. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Created input manager.
  35. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Created default font.
  36. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Initial app state is 'MainMenu'
  37. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Initial application settings:
  38. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | LastGameVersion:
  39. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | InitState: MainMenu
  40. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Language:
  41. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | LockCursor: False
  42. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EdgePanMode: Analog
  43. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EdgePanSpeed: 15
  44. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | KeyboardPanSpeed: 15
  45. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | KeyboardZoomSpeed: 10
  46. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | KeyboardRotSpeed: 90°
  47. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnableMouseWheelZoom: True
  48. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | InvertMouseWheelZoom: False
  49. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MouseWheelZoomSpeed: 1.12
  50. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MouseWheelZoomAtCursor: True
  51. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoTrackOnScreenShips: True
  52. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | StickyFocus: True
  53. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DpiScaleMode: Dpi100
  54. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AnimateBackgrounds: True
  55. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BackgroundGrid: True
  56. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | FancyParticles: True
  57. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | UncompressedTextures: False
  58. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | TargetFps: FpsTarget30
  59. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AllowShipDeselection: False
  60. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | CtrlSelectsParts: True
  61. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnableCollisionAvoidance: True
  62. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnableArrivalMatching: True
  63. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PreferBlueprintMode: False
  64. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BlueprintAutoPause: True
  65. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowInvalidBlueprints: True
  66. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowAutoRemovedParts: True
  67. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowAutoRemovedDecals: True
  68. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildAutoRotate: True
  69. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildAutoInteriors: True
  70. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PaintAutoRotate: True
  71. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PaintAllowOverwrite: True
  72. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PaintMirrorEnabled: False
  73. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PaintMirrorAxis: Vertical
  74. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | RepairAutoRotate: False
  75. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildAllowOverwrite: True
  76. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildAutoDoors: True
  77. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildShowNearestPaths: True
  78. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildMirrorEnabled: False
  79. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BuildMirrorAxis: Vertical
  80. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowStatBars: True
  81. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ConstructExitsBuild: False
  82. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | CrewMirrorEnabled: False
  83. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | CrewMirrorAxis: Vertical
  84. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | CrewAutoRotate: True
  85. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowCrewPaths: True
  86. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowCrewHomes: True
  87. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultRoles:
  88. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | RowsOfParts: 1
  89. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | GrabLeavesCorridors: True
  90. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | RepairAutoDoors: True
  91. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoHireCrew: True
  92. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PartToolTips: True
  93. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PartToolTipsDefaultToStats: False
  94. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoSave: True
  95. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoSavesToKeep: 10
  96. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | QuickSavesToKeep: 10
  97. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoSaveInterval: 600
  98. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | SaveLostShips: True
  99. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | LostShipsTokeep: 10
  100. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | FtlAutoSave: True
  101. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowOnShipIndicators: True
  102. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowZoomedOutBlibs: True
  103. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowOffScreenBlips: True
  104. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PingNearbyEnemies: True
  105. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoPauseOnLostFocus: True
  106. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ScreenShake: True
  107. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowMidpointFocusWidget: True
  108. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | VersionCheckMode: Stable
  109. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultScreenshotFormat: Jpeg
  110. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnableMetrics: True
  111. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PreferBorderlessWindowToggle: False
  112. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MasterVolume: 1
  113. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EffectsVolume: 1
  114. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | InterfaceVolume: 1
  115. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MuteWhenUnfocused: False
  116. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowTutorials: True
  117. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoFtlJump: False
  118. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultPaintScheme:
  119. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PaintSchemes: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Cosmoteer.Ships.Paint.PaintScheme]
  120. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultBuildTool: Grab
  121. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultDecalTool: Grab
  122. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | TutorialPageStates: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Cosmoteer.Tutorials.TutorialPageState]
  123. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DontDimDialogBackgrounds: False
  124. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PlayerColor:
  125. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnemyColor:
  126. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | NeutralColor:
  127. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | RotateMinimap: True
  128. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MiniviewInCombatMode: Auto
  129. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MiniviewNotInCombatMode: Auto
  130. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MiniviewLockRotation: False
  131. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MiniviewSize:
  132. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowInteriors: False
  133. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowAllCommands: False
  134. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AlwaysShowCommandWidgets: False
  135. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowSelectedPartStatusBars: True
  136. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PreferShipRelativeAttackAngle: False
  137. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PreferWorldRelativeFollowAngle: False
  138. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlEnableWeapons: True
  139. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlAimAssist: True
  140. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlAutoBrake: True
  141. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlAutoFaceCursor: False
  142. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlViewFollowsCursor: False
  143. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlAutoRotateView: False
  144. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlAutoZoomView: False
  145. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DirectControlShowWeaponCoverage: False
  146. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShipLibraryLargeIcons: False
  147. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | BreakFormationToAttack: True
  148. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DisplayAllShips: False
  149. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowAdvancedCommands: False
  150. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnabledMods: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
  151. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AutoDisableMods: True
  152. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DeleteFileOnStartup:
  153. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultGameMode:
  154. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultCreativeModeMapSize: 0
  155. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultBountyModeDifficulty: 0
  156. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultBountyModeMapSize: 0
  157. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultBountyModeStarterShip: 0
  158. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MPShipColorMode: RandomPerPlayer
  159. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MPBlipColorMode: FriendAndFoe
  160. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MPShowDamagePoints: True
  161. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | CustomRulesets: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Cosmoteer.CustomRuleset]]
  162. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | AllowP2PConnections: True
  163. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | PreferLAN: False
  164. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultServer: 0
  165. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowNewsOnStartup: True
  166. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ReadNewsArticles: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
  167. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowNewsAlerts: True
  168. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | HiddenNewsAlerts: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
  169. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | MainMenuBackgroundIndex: 0
  170. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | CycleMainMenuBackground: True
  171. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | DefaultAuthorName:
  172. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | ShowSteamWishlistPrompt: True
  173. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | EnableGifRecorder: False
  174. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | GifRecorderSeconds: 10
  175. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | GifRecorderFramerate: 20
  176. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | GifRecorderResolution: 480
  177. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Starting main game loop...
  178. 10/06/2021 13:22:21 | Enabled mods:
  179. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | cosmoteer.billion_credits (1.0.0)
  180. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | cosmoteer.example_mod (1.0.0)
  181. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | cosmoteer.example_ship_library (1.0.0)
  182. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | cosmoteer.free_ftl (1.0.0)
  183. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | cosmoteer.huge_ships (1.0.0)
  184. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | jbox1.automation_plus_plus (1.3.0 Rebirthing)
  185. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | ultranova.walthatesthismod (0.0.3)
  186. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | ultranova.galactic_allegiance (1.1.0 RC5)
  187. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | Kroom.KroomsCampaign (1.0.1)
  188. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | Kroom.Normal_Armor_Expanded (1.0.6)
  189. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | Kroom.Krooms_Forge (1.0.9)
  190. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | Lafiel.Abh ( [NP0] (2021 August 27))
  191. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | MrMeep.Crew++ (1.0.1)
  192. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | Tsamsiyu.Stargate_mod (0.13.31)
  193. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | IVIemories.Speedset1.1.2 (1.1.2)
  194. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | SW.StarWars (0.3.7)
  195. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | DCSB.Warhammer40K (1.9.6)
  196. 10/06/2021 13:22:26 | Loaded language 'en'.
  197. 10/06/2021 13:23:20 | Loaded game data in 58.9 seconds.
  198. 10/06/2021 13:24:16 | Game pushed onto stack.
  199. 10/06/2021 13:24:16 | Game mode is: BountyGameModeManager
  200. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | Memory usage at time of crash: 4,290,330,624
  201. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | Application state stack at time of crash:
  202. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | Cosmoteer.Game.GameRoot
  203. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | Cosmoteer.Gui.TitleScreen
  204. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | FPS at time of crash: 30.070835
  205. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | Running processes at time of crash: AdobeIPCBroker, AdobeNotificationClient, AdobeUpdateService, AGMService, AGSService, AppleMobileDeviceProcess, ApplicationFrameHost, armsvc, aswEngSrv, aswidsagent, audiodg, AVGSvc, avgToolsSvc, AVGUI, BtwRSupportService, Calculator, CAudioFilterAgent64, CCXProcess, CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess, CompPkgSrv, conhost, Cosmoteer, crashpad_handler, csrss, ctfmon, CxAudMsg64, dasHost, Ditto, DittoPortable, dllhost, dwm, EarlyVendorCBJ, ETDCtrl, ETDCtrlHelper, ETDService, explorer, firefox, FirefoxPortable, fontdrvhost, GameBar, GameBarFTServer, GoogleCrashHandler, GoogleCrashHandler64, GoogleDriveFS, googledrivesync, Idle, igfxCUIService, igfxHK, igfxTray, isa, javaw, jhi_service, LMS, LockApp, lsass, McAfee.TrueKey.Service, McTkSchedulerService, mDNSResponder, Memory Compression, Microsoft.Photos, MoUsoCoreWorker, Music.UI, node, NVDisplay.Container, NvStreamService, nvxdsync, OfficeClickToRun, OriginWebHelperService, Playnite.DesktopApp, PortableAppsPlatform, PresentationFontCache, Registry, RMService, rundll32, RuntimeBroker, SamsungDeX, SearchApp, SearchIndexer, SecurityHealthService, SecurityHealthSystray, services, SettingSyncHost, SgrmBroker, ShellExperienceHost, sihost, smss, spoolsv, ss_conn_service, ss_conn_service2, StartMenuExperienceHost, svchost, System, SystemSettings, TabTip, taskhostw, TCrdKBB, TCrdMain_Win8, TecoResident, TecoService, TextInputHost, TuneupSvc, TuneupUI, unsecapp, UserOOBEBroker, Video.UI, wininit, winlogon, WinStore.App, wsc_proxy, WUDFHost, YourPhone,
  206. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '{Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Buffs.PartBuffProvider, "SelfBuffProvider4b"}' was not present in the dictionary.
  207. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
  208. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Buffs.BuffManager`2.OnProviderValueChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Buffs\BuffManager.cs:line 286
  209. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Buffs.PartBuffProvider.OnPartBuffsChanged(BuffType buffType, Single buffValue) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Buffs\PartBuffProvider.cs:line 179
  210. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Part.Cosmoteer.Ships.Buffs.IBuffReceiver<Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Buffs.PartBuffProvider,Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Part>.OnBuffUpdated(BuffType buffType, Single buffValue) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Part.cs:line 966
  211. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Buffs.BuffManager`2.UpdateReceiverValue(ReceiverInfo receiverInfo) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Buffs\BuffManager.cs:line 300
  212. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Buffs.BuffManager`2.AddBuffProvider(TBuffProvider provider) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Buffs\BuffManager.cs:line 87
  213. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Buffs.PartBuffProvider.OnOperational() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Buffs\PartBuffProvider.cs:line 154
  214. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneComponent.InvokeAttached(SceneNode node) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneComponent.cs:line 1800
  215. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneNode.NodeComponents.Add(SceneComponent component) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneNode.cs:line 1625
  216. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.CommonBasePartsManager`1.AddPart(TPart part, Action onAddedBeforeEvents) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\CommonBasePartsManager.cs:line 1078
  217. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartsManager.AddPart(Part part) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\PartsManager.cs:line 291
  218. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.StructureContiguityManager.SplitIntoNewShips() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\StructureContiguityManager.cs:line 83
  219. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneComponent.Halfling.Scene2D.IFixedUpdateableSceneObject.FixedUpdate(FixedUpdater fixedUpdater, SceneRoot root) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneComponent.cs:line 882
  220. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.FixedUpdateForBucket(Int32 bucket) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 1063
  221. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.FixedUpdateForBucket(Int32 bucket) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 837
  222. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.FixedUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 1056
  223. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.FixedUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 824
  224. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Timing.FixedUpdater.Advance(Action action) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Timing\FixedUpdater.cs:line 112
  225. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.DoFixedUpdates() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 992
  226. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.Update() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Scene2D\SceneRoot.cs:line 744
  227. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.Update() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Simulation\SimRoot.cs:line 512
  228. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.Game.GameRoot.Update(Action updateParent) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Game\GameRoot.cs:line 1570
  229. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Application.AppStateEx.Halfling.Application.IAppState.Update(Action updateParent) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\AppStateEx.cs:line 215
  230. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Application.Director.CallUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Director.cs:line 934
  231. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Application.Director.DoUpdate() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Director.cs:line 860
  232. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Application.Director.GetRunIterator()+MoveNext() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Director.cs:line 373
  233. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMainIterator()+MoveNext() in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Bases\GenericApp.cs:line 280
  234. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Windows.D3D11.D3D11Window.RunGameLoop(String[] args, IEnumerable`1 iterator) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingPlatformWDX\Source\Windows\D3D11\D3D11Window.cs:line 892
  235. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMain(String[] args) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Source\Application\Bases\GenericApp.cs:line 176
  236. 10/06/2021 13:24:32 | at Cosmoteer.GameApp.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\GameApp.cs:line 181
  237. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Actual data hash: 90ebb497820606293a61ab17d59f2023
  238. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Expected data hash: 1da1b47298a6f689ba5d355baf6d75d2
  239. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Director received exit call.
  240. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed default font.
  241. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed XA2AudioManager device.
  242. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed audio manager.
  243. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed clock.
  244. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed input manager.
  245. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed graphics manager.
  246. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed swap chain.
  247. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed Direct3D device.
  248. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed DXGI factory.
  249. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Closed Windows form.
  250. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Director received exit call.
  251. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed window.
  252. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Disposed platform interface.
  253. 10/06/2021 13:24:34 | Closing log output file...