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Jul 23rd, 2018
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  1. ID,Call,CN,Type
  2. DD9C6C,'D-0394',YV,'LS4'
  3. DDA6FE,D-2993,1D,LS 8
  4. G9JE,D-2767,1F," LS 1f, LS 1f(45)"
  5. DD8326,D-2413,4F," Std. Libelle, 201B,202,203"
  6. 3E7DA9,D-KMUB,4S,Ventus2cxT
  7. DD9B95,D-4711,701," Std. Libelle, 201B,202,203"
  8. DDc010,D-1372,7S," DG 300, Elan"
  9. DDBD33,D-9596,8A,Discus-2b
  10. DDB118,D-9212,AK,Discus 2a
  11. DD897F,D-9106,C1," LS 4, a, b"
  12. DD96A0,D-2261,CH," LS 1f, LS 1f(45)"
  13. DD991B,D-KTGS,DA,LS 8 T
  14. DD9C1D,D-7133,DR,Ventus 2c/15m
  15. DD8204,D-5917,E1,ASW28
  16. D08623,D-0395,EBI,LS-6
  17. D00423,D-9789,FOX," LS 1f, LS 1f(45)"
  18. DDDD58,D-6698,FP, PIK 20 D
  19. DDA449,D-4115,HP,Ventus 2a
  20. 45E30E,D-8167,HZ,Discus 2a
  21. D00140,D-2311,J,ASW15
  22. DF0A0D,D-6543,JC," ASW 20, F (15m)"
  23. DF10E4,D-9279,JP,ASW-27b
  24. DDB6B8,D-1158,L1,LS8
  25. F79170,D-6428,LEO," LS 4, a, b"
  26. D00166,D-2356,LXA,ASW15
  27. DD9BC8,D-4395,M4," Std. Libelle, 201B,202,203"
  28. DDF038,D-3927,NH,LS3-a
  29. DF0C22,D-5117,PK,Discus-2b
  30. DDA92B,D-1990,R," Std. Cirrus B(15m), CS11-75L, G"
  31. DD94BE,D-1081,RX,LS-8
  32. DF0C62,D-1789,S,Ventus
  33. 3EE104,D-0109,SB,LS-8
  34. DF0ED4,D-0771,SL," Std. Libelle, 201B,202,203"
  35. DF0CCB,D-2817,SN,LS 3
  36. DD9CB3,D-0603,TK," Discus a,b,CS"
  37. F78639,D-6076,XZ,ASW24WL
  38. FLA4YK,D-1591,Y4," LS 4, a, b"
  39. DDA7EA,D-0681,Z," LS 1 0,a,b,c,d"
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