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a guest
Jul 28th, 2017
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  1. [lenoob@lenoob-AOD255:~/Documents]$ bash -x ircb.bash
  2. +
  3. + BIRCPORT=6667
  4. + BIRCNICK=Bottedefoin
  5. + BIRCCHAN='#gurty_fan_club'
  6. + BIRCWAIT=5
  7. + BIRCJOIW=10
  8. + BIRCLEAN=120
  9. + BIRCSDIR=/home/lenoob/.birc
  10. + BIRCSOCK=/home/lenoob/.birc/sock
  11. + NETCAT=nc
  12. + TAILSLEEP=0.3
  13. + SOCKSSERV=
  14. + SOCKSPORT=9050
  15. + '[' '' == -h ']'
  16. + '[' -n '' ']'
  17. + '[' -n '' ']'
  18. + '[' -n '' ']'
  19. + '[' -n '' ']'
  20. + '[' -n '' ']'
  21. + '[' -n '' ']'
  22. + echo '[*]' Starting BASH IRC 'Client\Bot'
  23. [*] Starting BASH IRC Client\Bot
  24. + trap 'echo; echo \[X\] Caught SIGINT - terminating...; birc_cleanup "/home/lenoob/.birc/sock"' SIGINT
  25. + mkdir -p /home/lenoob/.birc
  26. + echo '[I]' Written by '<-Harvie' 2oo7
  27. [I] Written by <-Harvie 2oo7
  28. + echo
  30. + echo '[i]' Using socket wrapper nc
  31. [i] Using socket wrapper nc
  32. + echo '[i]' Using socket Files/FIFOs '/home/lenoob/.birc/sock(r)'
  33. [i] Using socket Files/FIFOs /home/lenoob/.birc/sock(r)
  34. + echo '[i]' Using socket interval 0.3 seconds between I/O
  35. [i] Using socket interval 0.3 seconds between I/O
  36. + birc_connect /home/lenoob/.birc/sock 6667
  37. + rm -f /home/lenoob/.birc/sock
  38. + touch /home/lenoob/.birc/sock
  39. + rm -f /home/lenoob/.birc/sockr
  40. + touch /home/lenoob/.birc/sockr
  41. + birc_autocleand /home/lenoob/.birc/sock 120
  42. + sleep 1
  43. + read BIRCLINE
  44. + birc_startnc /home/lenoob/.birc/sock 6667
  45. + nc 6667
  46. + tail -f --retry -s 0.3 /home/lenoob/.birc/sock
  47. + tail -f --retry -s 0.3 /home/lenoob/.birc/sockr
  48. + true
  49. + sleep 120
  50. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/ NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
  51. ' echo ' NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
  52. NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
  53. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]] NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
  54. + read BIRCLINE
  55. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/ NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident...
  56. ' echo ' NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident...
  57. NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident...
  58. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]] NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident...
  59. + read BIRCLINE
  60. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/ NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
  61. ' echo ' NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
  62. NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
  63. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]] NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname
  64. + read BIRCLINE
  65. ++ hostname
  66. + echo '[i]' lenoob@lenoob-AOD255 '->'
  67. [i] lenoob@lenoob-AOD255 ->
  68. + birc_login /home/lenoob/.birc/sock Bottedefoin
  69. + echo NICK Bottedefoin
  70. + echo USER 'Bottedefoin Bottedefoin Bottedefoin :Bottedefoin'
  71. + echo
  72. + sleep 5
  73. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/ NOTICE AUTH :*** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
  74. ' echo ' NOTICE AUTH :*** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
  75. NOTICE AUTH :*** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
  76. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]] NOTICE AUTH :*** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
  77. + read BIRCLINE
  78. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/sock9C5
  79. ' echo 'PING :339FB9C5
  80. PING :339FB9C5
  81. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]]
  82. + read BIRCLINE
  83. + echo '[i]' Joining channel '#gurty_fan_club'
  84. [i] Joining channel #gurty_fan_club
  85. + birc_join /home/lenoob/.birc/sock '#gurty_fan_club'
  86. + echo JOIN '#gurty_fan_club'
  87. + birc_delayed_join /home/lenoob/.birc/sock '#gurty_fan_club' 10
  88. + echo '[>]' Now waiting for your messages on STDIN
  89. [>] Now waiting for your messages on STDIN
  90. + true
  91. + read BIRCSEND
  92. + sleep 10
  93. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/ 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  94. ' echo ' 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  95. 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  96. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]] 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  97. + read BIRCLINE
  98. + birc_join /home/lenoob/.birc/sock '#gurty_fan_club'
  99. + echo JOIN '#gurty_fan_club'
  100. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/ 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  101. ' echo ' 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  102. 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  103. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]] 451 JOIN :You have not registered
  104. + read BIRCLINE
  105. ' /home/lenoob/.birc/socking Link: Bottedefoin[] (Ping timeout)
  106. ' echo 'ERROR :Closing Link: Bottedefoin[] (Ping timeout)
  107. ERROR :Closing Link: Bottedefoin[] (Ping timeout)
  108. =~ ^PING *:\(.*\) ]]ink: Bottedefoin[] (Ping timeout)
  109. + read BIRCLINE
  110. ^C++ echo
  112. ++ echo '[X]' Caught SIGINT - terminating...
  113. [X] Caught SIGINT - terminating...
  114. ++ birc_cleanup /home/lenoob/.birc/sock
  115. +++ jobs -p
  116. ++ kill -s SIGINT 2554 2555 2557 2564
  117. ircb.bash: ligne 212 : kill: (2564) - Aucun processus de ce type
  118. +++ jobs -p
  119. ++ kill -s SIGKILL 2554 2555 2557 2564
  120. ircb.bash: ligne 213 : kill: (2564) - Aucun processus de ce type
  121. ++ echo '[!]' All background jobs 'stoped!'
  122. [!] All background jobs stoped!
  123. ++ rm -f /home/lenoob/.birc/sock
  124. ircb.bash: line 209: 2554 Processus arrêté birc_startnc "$1" "$2" "$3"
  125. ircb.bash: line 209: 2557 Processus arrêté while true; do
  126. sleep "$2"; echo -n > "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; echo -n > "$1"r > /dev/null 2>&1;
  127. done
  128. ++ rm -f /home/lenoob/.birc/sockr
  129. ++ echo '[!]' All temp files 'removed!'
  130. [!] All temp files removed!
  131. ++ echo '[X]' Quiting BIRC...
  132. [X] Quiting BIRC...
  133. ++ exit
  134. [lenoob@lenoob-AOD255:~/Documents]$
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