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a guest
Apr 15th, 2012
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  1. cuihao@cuihao-arch mozc-svn $ makepkg
  2. ==> 正在测定最新 svn 的修订...
  3. -> 找到版本:105
  4. ==> 正在创建软件包:mozc-svn 105-4 (2012年 04月 15日 星期日 18:15:04 CST)
  5. ==> 正在检查运行时依赖关系...
  6. ==> 正在检查编译时依赖关系
  7. ==> 获取源代码...
  8. -> 找到
  9. -> 找到
  10. -> 找到 protobuf-2.4.1.tar.bz2
  11. -> 找到 emacs_fix.patch
  12. ==> 正在验证源代码文件 sha1sums...
  13. ... 通过
  14. ... 通过
  15. protobuf-2.4.1.tar.bz2 ... 通过
  16. emacs_fix.patch ... 通过
  17. ==> 解压缩源码...
  18. -> 正在解压缩,使用 bsdtar
  19. -> 正在解压缩,使用 bsdtar
  20. -> 正在解压缩 protobuf-2.4.1.tar.bz2,使用 bsdtar
  21. ==> 正在删除现存的 pkg/ 目录...
  22. ==> 正在开始 build()...
  23. ==> =====================================================
  24. ==> *** Build Info ***
  25. ==> The following package files will be generated:
  26. ==> * mozc-svn-105-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  27. ==> * fcitx-mozc-105-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
  28. ==> =====================================================
  29. ==> Connecting to depot_tools SVN server...
  30. 正在升级 '.':
  31. 版本 132365。
  32. ==> SVN checkout done or server timeout
  33. ==> Connecting to mozc SVN server...
  34. 1>________ running 'svn update /mnt/VHD/ArchShare/PKGBUILDs/CVS/mozc-svn/src/src --non-interactive --ignore-externals' in '/mnt/VHD/ArchShare/PKGBUILDs/CVS/mozc-svn/src'
  35. 1>正在升级 'src':
  36. 1>版本 109。
  37. 1>Syncing projects: 0% ( 0/ 3)
  38. Syncing projects: 85% (6/7), done.third_party/jsoncpp
  39. ==> SVN checkout done or server timeout
  40. ==> Connecting to Fcitx GIT server...
  41. 正克隆到 'fcitx-mozc'...
  42. remote: Counting objects: 1765, done.
  43. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1407/1407), done.
  44. remote: Total 1765 (delta 738), reused 1010 (delta 320)
  45. Receiving objects: 100% (1765/1765), 73.13 MiB | 26 KiB/s, done.
  46. Resolving deltas: 100% (738/738), done.
  47. ==> Checkout done or server timeout
  48. ==> Copying source to src-build...
  49. patching file rewriter/rewriter.gyp
  50. ==> Generating zip code seed...
  51. ==> Done.
  52. ==> Starting make...
  53. Copying file to: third_party/rx/rx.gyp
  54. Copying file to: third_party/jsoncpp/jsoncpp.gyp
  55. Build tool: make
  56. Running: pkg-config --exists ibus-1.0
  57. ibus-1.0 was not found with pkg-config.
  58. Running: pkg-config --exists QtCore QtGui
  59. Running: pkg-config --exists scim
  60. scim was not found with pkg-config.
  61. GYP files:
  62. - ./base/base.gyp
  63. - ./base/base_test.gyp
  64. - ./build_tools/build_tools.gyp
  65. - ./build_tools/primitive_tools/primitive_tools.gyp
  66. - ./chrome/skk/skk.gyp
  67. - ./chrome/skk/skk_dict.gyp
  68. - ./chrome/skk/skk_util_test.gyp
  69. - ./client/client.gyp
  70. - ./client/client_test.gyp
  71. - ./composer/composer.gyp
  72. - ./config/config.gyp
  73. - ./config/config_test.gyp
  74. - ./converter/converter.gyp
  75. - ./converter/converter_base.gyp
  76. - ./converter/converter_test.gyp
  77. - ./data_manager/data_manager.gyp
  78. - ./dictionary/dictionary.gyp
  79. - ./dictionary/dictionary_base.gyp
  80. - ./dictionary/dictionary_test.gyp
  81. - ./dictionary/file/dictionary_file.gyp
  82. - ./dictionary/rx/rx_storage.gyp
  83. - ./dictionary/system/system_dictionary.gyp
  84. - ./gui/gui.gyp
  85. - ./gui/zinnia.gyp
  86. - ./gyp/tests.gyp
  87. - ./handwriting/handwriting.gyp
  88. - ./handwriting/handwriting_test.gyp
  89. - ./ipc/ipc.gyp
  90. - ./mac/mac.gyp
  91. - ./net/net.gyp
  92. - ./prediction/prediction.gyp
  93. - ./prediction/prediction_test.gyp
  94. - ./protobuf/protobuf.gyp
  95. - ./renderer/renderer.gyp
  96. - ./rewriter/calculator/calculator.gyp
  97. - ./rewriter/rewriter.gyp
  98. - ./rewriter/rewriter_base.gyp
  99. - ./rewriter/rewriter_test.gyp
  100. - ./server/server.gyp
  101. - ./session/session.gyp
  102. - ./session/session_base.gyp
  103. - ./session/session_test.gyp
  104. - ./storage/storage.gyp
  105. - ./sync/sync.gyp
  106. - ./testing/testing.gyp
  107. - ./transliteration/transliteration.gyp
  108. - ./unix/emacs/emacs.gyp
  109. - ./unix/fcitx/fcitx.gyp
  110. - ./usage_stats/usage_stats.gyp
  111. - third_party/jsoncpp/jsoncpp.gyp
  112. - third_party/rx/rx.gyp
  113. Running GYP...
  114. Running: /usr/bin/python2 third_party/gyp/gyp --depth=. --include=./gyp/common.gypi -D python_executable=/usr/bin/python2 ./base/base.gyp ./base/base_test.gyp ./build_tools/build_tools.gyp ./build_tools/primitive_tools/primitive_tools.gyp ./chrome/skk/skk.gyp ./chrome/skk/skk_dict.gyp ./chrome/skk/skk_util_test.gyp ./client/client.gyp ./client/client_test.gyp ./composer/composer.gyp ./config/config.gyp ./config/config_test.gyp ./converter/converter.gyp ./converter/converter_base.gyp ./converter/converter_test.gyp ./data_manager/data_manager.gyp ./dictionary/dictionary.gyp ./dictionary/dictionary_base.gyp ./dictionary/dictionary_test.gyp ./dictionary/file/dictionary_file.gyp ./dictionary/rx/rx_storage.gyp ./dictionary/system/system_dictionary.gyp ./gui/gui.gyp ./gui/zinnia.gyp ./gyp/tests.gyp ./handwriting/handwriting.gyp ./handwriting/handwriting_test.gyp ./ipc/ipc.gyp ./mac/mac.gyp ./net/net.gyp ./prediction/prediction.gyp ./prediction/prediction_test.gyp ./protobuf/protobuf.gyp ./renderer/renderer.gyp ./rewriter/calculator/calculator.gyp ./rewriter/rewriter.gyp ./rewriter/rewriter_base.gyp ./rewriter/rewriter_test.gyp ./server/server.gyp ./session/session.gyp ./session/session_base.gyp ./session/session_test.gyp ./storage/storage.gyp ./sync/sync.gyp ./testing/testing.gyp ./transliteration/transliteration.gyp ./unix/emacs/emacs.gyp ./unix/fcitx/fcitx.gyp ./usage_stats/usage_stats.gyp third_party/jsoncpp/jsoncpp.gyp third_party/rx/rx.gyp -D branding=Mozc -D use_qt=YES -D qt_dir=/usr -D use_wix=NO -D build_base=out_linux -D mac_dir=<(DEPTH)/../mac -D enable_webservice_infolist=0 -D enable_gtk_renderer=0 -D enable_cloud_sync=0 -D enable_cloud_handwriting=0 -D target_platform=Linux -D use_dynamically_linked_qt=YES -D use_zinnia=YES -D dictionary=desktop -D use_separate_connection_data=0 -D use_separate_dictionary=0 -D pkg_config_command=pkg-config -D nacl_sdk_root= -D language=japanese -D server_dir=/usr/lib/mozc
  115. Done
  116. Generating version definition file...
  117. Running: make -j3 MAKE_JOBS=3 BUILDTYPE=Release builddir_name=out_linux primitive_tools
  118. converter/ warning: overriding recipe for target `out_linux/Release/obj/gen/data/dictionary/connection.txt'
  119. converter/ warning: ignoring old recipe for target `out_linux/Release/obj/gen/data/dictionary/connection.txt'
  120. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  121. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  122. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  123. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  124. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  125. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  126. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  127. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  128. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  129. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  130. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  131. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  132. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  133. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  134. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  135. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  136. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  137. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  138. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  139. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  140. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  141. ACTION gen_character_set_gen_character_set out_linux/Release/obj/gen/base/character_set.h
  142. ACTION gen_version_def_gen_version_def out_linux/Release/obj/gen/base/version_def.h
  143. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  144. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  145. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  146. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  147. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  148. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  149. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  150. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  151. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  152. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  153. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  154. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  155. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  156. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  157. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  158. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  159. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  160. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  161. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  162. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  163. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  164. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  165. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  166. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  167. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  168. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  169. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  170. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  171. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  172. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  173. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  174. AR(target) out_linux/Release/
  175. AR(target) out_linux/Release/
  176. TOUCH out_linux/Release/
  177. TOUCH out_linux/Release/
  178. AR(target) out_linux/Release/
  179. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  180. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  181. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  182. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  183. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  184. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  185. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  186. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  187. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  188. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  189. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  190. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  191. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  192. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  193. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  194. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  195. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  196. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  197. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  198. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  199. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  200. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  201. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  202. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  203. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  204. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  205. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  206. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  207. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  208. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  209. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  210. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  211. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  212. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  213. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  214. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  215. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  216. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  217. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  218. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  219. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  220. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  221. AR(target) out_linux/Release/
  222. CXX(target) out_linux/Release/
  223. LINK(target) out_linux/Release/protoc
  224. out_linux/Release/ file not recognized: File truncated
  225. collect2: 错误:ld 返回 1
  226. make: *** [out_linux/Release/protoc] 错误 1
  227. make: *** 正在等待未完成的任务....
  228. Traceback (most recent call last):
  229. File "", line 1270, in <module>
  230. main()
  231. File "", line 1255, in main
  232. BuildToolsMain(cmd_opts, cmd_args, original_directory_name)
  233. File "", line 854, in BuildToolsMain
  234. BuildMain(options, ['%s:%s' % (gyp_file, target)], original_directory_name)
  235. File "", line 1063, in BuildMain
  236. BuildOnLinux(options, targets, original_directory_name)
  237. File "", line 894, in BuildOnLinux
  238. RunOrDie([make_command] + build_args + target_names)
  239. File "", line 334, in RunOrDie
  240. '==========']))
  241. __main__.RunOrDieError:
  242. ==========
  243. ERROR: make -j3 MAKE_JOBS=3 BUILDTYPE=Release builddir_name=out_linux primitive_tools
  244. ==========
  245. ==> 错误: 在 build() 中发生一个错误。
  246. 正在放弃...
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