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  1. v.
  3. __________________________________________
  6. 1 The word "Philosophy" as here employed, 1
  7. 2 The two main requisitions of philosophy, 2
  8. 3 Which of them is the more stringent, 2
  9. 4 The value of systems determined by a reference to these requisitions, 2
  10. 5 An unreasoned system of no value, because at variance with definition of philosophy, 3
  11. 6 Because, though true, it cannot be certain, 3
  12. 7 Because of no use as a mental discipline, 3
  13. 8 A reasoned system, though not true, has some value as an exercise of reason, 4
  14. 9 It complies more closely with definition of philosophy than the other, 4
  15. 10 But a system should be both true and reasoned, 5
  16. 11 Systems of philosophy are unreasoned hitherto, 6
  17. 12 The present state of philosophy described, 6
  18. 13 ''First'', How is this state to be ''explained''? ''Secondly'', How ''remedied''? 7
  19. 14 First, it is explained (§§ 14-31) by philosophy not being reasoned, 8
  20. 15 No good can be expected so long as philosophy is not reasoned, 8
  21. 16 The masks of philosophy, 9
  22. 17 Its unsatisfactory state further accounted for. The globe of speculation, 11
  23. 18 Explanation continued. ''First'' principles always come out ''last'', 12
  24. 19 Illustrations of this from language and grammar, 13
  25. 20 Illustration continued, 14
  26. 21 Illustration from logic, 15
  27. 22 Illustration from law, 15
  28. 23 Application to philosophy. Here, too, ''first'' principles come out ''last'', 16
  29. 24 These principles, though operative in philosophy, are unnoticed and unknown, 17
  30. 25 Hence philosophy is nowhere a scheme reasoned throughout, 18
  31. 26 The repudiation of necessary truths, a further retarding cause, 19
  32. 27 What necessary truth is, 20
  33. 28 Its criterion is "the law of contradiction." Law explained, 21
  34. 29 Its criterion is ''not'' ready acceptance, 22
  35. vi. CONTENTS
  36. 30 Return. Philosophy deals with necessary truths—therefore retarded by their prescription, 23
  37. 31 How ill the necessary truths hare fared in Germany and in our own country, 24
  38. 32 ''Secondly'', How is the unsatisfactory state of philosophy to be ''remedied''? Short answer, 26
  39. 33 A remedial system uniting truth and reason, not impossible, 28
  40. 34 Single canon for the right use of reason, 28
  41. 35 This system of Institutes claims both truth and demonstration, but rather demonstration than truth, 29
  42. 36 It is a body of necessary truth. Its pretensions stated, 30
  43. 37 An objection to its method stated and obviated, 31
  44. 38 The polemical character of this system, 31
  45. 39 Why philosophy must be polemical. She exists only to correct the inadvertencies of ordinary thinking, 32
  46. 40 This might be abundantly proved by the testimony of philosophers, 33
  47. 41 The object (or business to do) of philosophy renders her essentially polemical, 33
  48. 42 The charge of disrespect which might be supposed to attach to philosophy on account of her polemical character, obviated, 34
  49. 43 This system also adverse to psychology—and why, 34
  50. 44 ''What'' philosophy has ''to do'', again distinctly stated, 36
  51. 45 Its positive object still more distinctly stated. Definition of metaphysics 36
  52. 46 ''Why'' philosophy undertakes this object, 38
  53. 47 ''How'' philosophy goes to work. Adherence to canon—proposition and counter-proposition 38
  54. 48 Further explanations as to ''how'' philosophy goes to work, 40
  55. 49 Advantages of this method, 41
  56. 50 Disadvantages of not contrasting distinctly the true and the false, 41
  57. 51 General unintelligibility of systems is due to their neglect to exhibit this contrast, 42
  58. 52 This system contrasts distinctly the true and the false, 45
  59. 53 The three sections of this institute. Arrangement explained and proved to be essential (§§ 54-62), 46
  60. 54 The section called ''ontology'' naturally comes ''first'',—but is truly ''last'' in order, 46
  61. 55 It must be made to revolve away from us, in order to bring round the epistemology, which, though it naturally comes last, is truly first in order, 47
  62. 56 ''Epistemology'' and ''ontology'' the two main divisions of philosophy, 49
  63. 57 The epistemology does of itself afford no entrance to ontology. Why not? 49
  64. 58 Because "Absolute Existence" may be that which we are ignorant of, 50
  65. 59 This consideration necessitates a new section of philosophy called the ''agnoiology''. Its business, 50
  66. 60 Now we can settle the problem of ontology—and how, 51
  67. 61 Recapitulation of the three sections. 1. Epistemology. 2. Agnoiology. 3. Ontology. This arrangement not arbitrary, but necessary, 52
  68. 62 The necessity of keeping these divisions perfectly distinct, 52
  69. 63 The natural oversights of thought are rectified in these three sections, 53
  71. vii. CONTENTS
  72. 64 Remarks obviating any objections to the system, on the ground that its conclusions cannot at all times be present to the mind, 54
  73. 65 Continuation of these remarks, 56
  74. 66 Remark obviating any objection to this system on the score of presumption, 58
  75. 67 The indispensable extension of the necessary laws to ''all reason'', 59
  76. 68 An objection to the system on the score of inconsistency obviated, 60
  77. 69 Objection retorted. The confusion of philosophers in regard to the conceivable and the inconceivable, 61
  78. 70 This confusion illustrated, 62
  79. 71 All other systems make game of the laws of thought, 63
  80. 72 The inconsistency of philosophers inextricable, 64
  81. 73 Their laws of thought always turn out, at best, to be mere laws of imagination, 65
  82. 74 This system does not make game of the laws of thought, 66
  83. 75 It abridges the grounds of controversy, 66
  84. 76 Conclusion of introduction explaining how the starting-point of philosophy is reached (§§ 76-85), 67
  85. 77 How the starting-point is reached, 67
  86. 78 Plato, in Theætetus, fails to reach the starting-point, 68
  87. 79 Search for the starting-point, 69
  88. 80 Why the question—What is knowledge? cannot be the starting-point, 71
  89. 81 This question resolved into two questions, 72
  90. 82 Which of them is our question,—and the first in philosophy, 72
  91. 83 That philosophy has a starting-point proved by the fact that its starting-point has been found, 73
  92. 84 Starting-point must state the essential of knowledge. Experience may confirm, but reason alone can establish its truth, 74
  93. 85 Re-statement of the first or proximate question of philosophy, 74
  94. 86 Its answer is the absolute starting-point, and forms the ''first proposition'' of these Institutes, 75
  95. SECTION I.
  99. {{sc|The Primary Law or Condition of All Knowledge}},   79
  100. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 79
  101. 1 Prop. I. answers the first question of philosophy, 79
  102. 2 It expresses the most general and essential law of all knowledge, 80
  103. 3 It declares that self-consciousness is never entirely suspended when the mind knows anything, 81
  104. 4 Objection that self-consciousness seems at times to be extinct, 81
  105. 5 Objection obviated. Proposition explained, 81
  106. 6 Our apparent inattention to self accounted for by the principle of familiarity, 82
  108. viii. CONTENTS
  110. 7 Also by the consideration that the ''ego'' is no object of sensible experience 84
  111. 8 A theory of self-consciousness at variance with Prop. I. refuted, 85
  112. 9 Importance of Prop. I. as foundation of the whole system, 86
  113. 10 It is not refuted but rather confirmed by experience, 87
  114. 11 Its best evidence is reason, which fixes it as a necessary truth or axiom 87
  115. 12 ''First Counter-proposition'', 89
  116. 13 It embodies the result of ordinary thinking and of popular psychology, 89
  117. 14 It is generally the starting-point of psychology, as Prop. I. is the starting-point of metaphysics, 90
  118. 15 A mark of distinction between the propositions and the counter-propositions, 91
  119. 16 Prop. I. has some affinity to Pythagorean doctrine of numbers, 92
  120. 17 Misunderstanding as to Pythagorean doctrine, 93
  121. 18 Prop. I. a higher generalisation of the Pythagorean law, 94
  122. 19 Anticipations of Prop. I. by the philosophers of Germany, 94
  125. {{sc|The Object of All Knowledge}}, 97
  126. {{sc|Demonstration}}
  127. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 98
  128. 1 Reason for printing "itself-in-union-with-whatever-it-apprehends" as one word, 98
  129. 2 By the object of knowledge is meant the ''whole'' object of knowledge, 99
  130. 3 Change which an attention to the ''condition'' of knowledge effects upon the ''object'' of knowledge, 100
  131. 4 Further illustrated by the speculative, as distinguished from the ordinary mode of enumeration, 100
  132. 5 ''Second Counter-proposition'', 101
  133. 6 It is false, because Counter-proposition I. is false, 102
  134. 7 It expresses the ordinary notion, and also, generally, the psychological opinion as to the object of knowledge, 103
  137. {{sc|The Inseparability of the Objective and the Subjective}}, 105
  138. {{sc|Demonstration}}
  139. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 106
  140. 1 Reasons for giving this proposition a prominent place in the system, 106
  141. 2 What is meant by separability and inseparability in cognition, 107
  142. 3 A possible misapprehension obviated, 108
  143. 4 Inseparability in cognition not to be confounded with inseparability in space: the external and the internal, 109
  144. 5 The unit of cognition explained. How it is determined, 110
  145. 6 Importance of the words "by itself," or ''per se'', 111
  146. 7 The unit of cognition further explained, 112
  147. 8 No essential but only an accidental difference between the ''minimum'' and the ''maximum'' of cognition, 112
  148. 9 ''Third Counter-proposition'', 113
  149. ix. CONTENTS
  150. 10 It embodies an inadvertency of natural thinking, 113
  151. 11 The psychological position more false and ambiguous than the natural inadvertency, 114
  152. 12 The psychological error accounted for, 115
  153. 13 Distinction of science of mind and science of matter characterised, 115
  154. 14 Invalidity of counter-proposition III. Its origin, §§ 14, 15, 16, 17, 116
  155. 15 Many things are distinguishable, which are not separable, in cognition, 117
  156. 16 Illustrations applied to subject and object. 118
  157. 17 Further illustration, 118
  158. 18 Short statement of what this proposition contends for, 119
  159. 19 No opinion offered as to ''existence'', 120
  162. {{sc|Matter ''per se''}}, 121
  163. {{sc|Demonstration}} 121
  164. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 122
  165. 1 Idealism and materialism have their roots here, 122
  166. 2 ''Fourth Counter-proposition'', 122
  167. 3 It expresses common opinion as to our knowledge of matter ''per se'', 122
  168. 4 Oversight of self only apparent—not real and total, 123
  169. 5 Psychological opinion as to our knowledge of matter ''per se'', 123
  170. 6 Psychological materialism as founded on the four counter-propositions, 124
  171. 7 Fallacy of materialism. Possibility of idealism as founded on the four propositions, 125
  172. 8 A preliminary question prejudged by materialist and by idealist, 126
  173. 9 Cause of this precipitate judgment. Its evil consequences, 127
  174. 10 How Prop. IV. decides this preliminary question. How Counter-proposition IV. decides it, 128
  175. 11 Symbols illustrative of the position maintained by the Institutes, 128
  176. 12 The same symbols as illustrative of the psychological position, 129
  177. 13 Different conclusions from the two positions, 130
  178. 14 Difference farther explained, 131
  179. 15 Another point of difference between this system and psychology, 132
  180. 16 Matter ''per se'' reduced to the contradictory, 134
  181. 17 This contradiction attaches not only to our knowledge of matter ''per se'', 136
  182. 18 But to matter ''per se'' itself, 137
  183. 19 Advantage of this reduction. New light on the problem of philosophy, 139
  184. 20 Importance of finding the contradictory, 140
  185. 21 In what sense the contradictory is conceivable, 141
  186. 22 Matter ''per se'' is not a nonentity, 142
  189. {{sc|Matter and its Qualities ''per se''}}, 144
  190. {{sc|Demonstration}} 144
  191. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 144
  192. 1 Why Proposition V. is introduced, 144
  194. x. CONTENTS
  196. 2 ''Fifth Counter-proposition'', 145
  197. 3 Distinction between the primary and the secondary qualities of matter, 146
  198. 4 Character of the secondary qualities, 146
  199. 5 Character of the primary qualities, 148
  200. 6 Defects of this distinction, 149
  201. 7 It runs into a contradiction, 151
  202. 8 Psychological conception of idealism, 151
  203. 9 Psychological refutation of idealism, 152
  204. 10 This refutation, if logically conclusive, is founded on a contradiction and therefore cannot be accepted, 154
  205. 11 The distinction of the primary and secondary qualities should be abandoned as useless, or worse, 155
  208. {{sc|The Universal and the Particular in Cognition}}, 156
  209. {{sc|Demonstration}} 157
  210. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 157
  211. 1 Explanation of words, 158
  212. 2 In what sense the contingent element is necessary, and in what sense it is contingent, 158
  213. 3 Why this proposition is introduced, 160
  214. 4 Question concerning the particular and the universal instead of being made a question of Knowing, 161
  215. 5 Was made a question of being by the early philosophers. Thales, 163
  216. 6 Parmenides. What change he effected on the question, 163
  217. 7 It still related to Being—not to Knowing, 164
  218. 8 Indecision of Greek speculation. The three crises of philosophy, 165
  219. 9 Plato appeared during the second crisis. His aim, 167
  220. 10 The coincidence of the known and the existent must be proved, not guessed at, 168
  221. 11 Plato's deficiencies, 168
  222. 12 His merits. The question respecting the particular and the universal demands an entire reconsideration, 169
  223. 13 A preliminary ambiguity, 170
  224. 14 Further statement of ambiguity, 171
  225. 15 Illustration of the ambiguity, 171
  226. 16 Is the Platonic analysis of cognition and existence a division into ''elements'' or into ''kinds''? 173
  227. 17 Rightly interpreted, it is a division into elements, 174
  228. 18 It has been generally mistaken for a division into kinds, 176
  229. 19 Explanation of this charge, 177
  230. 20 ''Sixth Counter-proposition'', 179
  231. 21 This counter-proposition is itself a proof of the charge here made against philosophers, 180
  232. 22 Review of our position, 181
  233. 23 Misinterpretation of the Platonic analysis traced into its consequences, 182
  234. 24 Perplexity as to general existences, 183
  235. 25 Realism, 183
  236. 26 Realism is superseded by Conceptualism, 184
  238. xi. CONTENTS
  239. 27 Conceptualism is destroyed by Nominalism, 185
  240. 28 Evasion by which conceptualism endeavours to recover her ground, and to conciliate nominalism. Its failure, 186
  241. 29 Nominalism, 190
  242. 30 Nominalism is annihilated by Proposition VI. 191
  243. 31 The summing up, 192
  244. 32 The abstract and the concrete, 193
  247. {{sc|What the Universal and the Particular in Cognition are}}, 196
  248. {{sc|Demonstration}} 196
  249. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 197
  250. 1 Why this Proposition is introduced, 197
  251. 2 The ego is coextensive with the universal, matter is not coextensive with the particular, element, 198
  252. 3 Another reason for introducing this proposition, 199
  253. 4 Remarkable that this proposition should not have been propounded long ago, 199
  254. 5 The oversight accounted for. Effect of familiarity, 200
  255. 6 We study the strange rather than the familiar, hence truth escapes us, 202
  256. 7 Hence neglect of this proposition, 204
  257. 8 Another circumstance which may have caused the neglect of this proposition, 206
  258. 9 The ego is the ''summum genus'' of cognition. Ontological generalisation, 206
  259. 10 Epistemological generalisation is very different, 207
  260. 11 The ego not a ''mere'' generalisation from experience, 209
  261. 12 Shortcoming of the Platonic ideas, 210
  262. 13 Perhaps the ego is the ''summum genus'' of existence as well as of cognition, 212
  263. 14 The second clause of proposition has had a standing in philosophy from the earliest times, 213
  264. 15 A ground of perplexity, 213
  265. 16 Demur as to matter being the fluctuating in existence, 214
  266. 17 It is certainly the fluctuating in cognition, 215
  267. 18 The old philosophers held it to be both, 215
  268. 19 More attention should have been paid to their assertion that it was the fluctuating in cognition, 216
  269. 20 Matter as the fluctuating in cognition: explained. 217
  270. 21 This is the fluctuation which epistemology attends to, 217
  271. 22 A hint as to its fluctuation in existence, 218
  272. 23 The ego as the non-fluctuating in cognition: explained, 219
  273. 24 ''Seventh Counter-proposition'', 219
  274. 25 Expresses the contradictory inadvertency of ordinary thinking: illustration, 220
  275. 26 Corrective illustration, 221
  276. 27 Psychology adopts Counter-proposition VII., 222
  277. 28 And thereby loses hold of the only argument for immateriality, 223
  280. {{sc|The Ego in Cognition}}, 224
  281. {{sc|Demonstration}} 224
  282. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 226
  285. xii. CONTENTS
  286. 1 A ''caveat'', 226
  287. 2 Important law of knowledge, 226
  288. 3 Materiality and immateriality. ''Eighth Counter-proposition'', 227
  289. 4 Eighth counter-proposition the common property of materialist and spiritualist, 228
  290. 5 Early conception of mind as material. Ghosts, ''clairvoyance'', spirit rapping, 229
  291. 6 Conception of mind as material substance dismissed, 231
  292. 7 Conception of mind as result of organisation: phrenology, 231
  293. 8 The spiritualist's conception of mind is as null as the materialist's, 232
  294. 9 Both parties hold mind to be ''particular'', 233
  295. 10 It is known only as the universal, 234
  296. 11 The materialist's error consists in his holding mind to be ''particular'', 235
  297. 12 The spiritualist's error consists in his holding mind to be ''particular'', 236
  298. 13 The two errors summed up, 238
  299. 14 Recapitulation of the institutional proof of immateriality, 238
  302. {{sc|The Ego ''per se''}}, 241
  303. {{sc|Demonstration}} 241
  304. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 242
  305. 1 Purport of this proposition in relation to Proposition I., 242
  306. 2 An objection started, 242
  307. 3 Objection obviated, 243
  308. 4 Another objection obviated, 244
  309. 5 David Hume outgoes this proposition, 245
  310. 6 What this proposition contends for, 246
  311. 7 The mind must always know itself in, but not as, some determinate condition, 246
  312. 8 ''Ninth Counter-proposition'', 248
  313. 9 Its twofold error, 248
  314. 10 History of word "essence." Its meaning reversed by moderns, 249
  315. 11 Consequences of this reversal—injustice to the old philosophers, 250
  316. 12 Confusion and error to which the reversal has led, 251
  317. 13 This proposition reduces the ego ''per se'' to a contradiction, 252
  318. 14 Why the word ego is used in these discussions, 253
  319. 15 The individual or monad, 253
  320. 16 An objection obviated, 254
  321. 17 Another objection obviated, 255
  324. {{sc|Sense and Intellect}}, 257
  325. {{sc|Demonstration}} 257
  326. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 258
  327. 1 Comment on ''data'' of proof of this proposition, 258
  328. 2 ''Tenth Counter-proposition'', 259
  329. 3 The Leibnitzian restriction of counter-proposition, 259
  330. 4 Comment on the translation here given of the counter-proposition, 260
  332. xiii. CONTENTS
  334. 5 The counter-proposition is equally contradictory, whether accepted without, or with, a restriction, 261
  335. 6 The counter-proposition is the foundation of "sensualism"—character of sensualism 261
  336. 7 The anti-sensual psychology merely restricts the counter-proposition—leaves the contradiction uncorrected, 263
  337. 8 The root of the mischief. History of distinction between sense and intellect, 264
  338. 9 Aim and procedure of Greek metaphysics, 264
  339. 10 A rule for the historian of philosophy, 266
  340. 11 This rule observed in these Institutes, 266
  341. 12 Return to history of distinction between sense and intellect, 267
  342. 13 Illustration of early Greek doctrine, 269
  343. 14 The old philosophers were right in their problem—in their way of working it, and in fixing sense as the faculty of nonsense, 270
  344. 15 A reason why the truth of this doctrine is not obvious, 271
  345. 16 Difficulty and difference of opinion as to intellectual element, 272
  346. 17 Ambiguities of the old philosophers, 273
  347. 18 Three misconceptions arising out of these ambiguities, 273
  348. 19 Comment on first misconception, 275
  349. 20 Comment on second misconception, 276
  350. 21 Key to the Greek philosophy, 277
  351. 22 Key to the Greek philosophy, 279
  352. 23 Return to counter-proposition. It is founded on a confusion of the distinction between sense and intellect, 281
  353. 24 The Lockian and the Kantian psychology in limiting the counter-proposition effect no subversion of sensualism, 282
  354. 25 Kant's doctrine impotent against sensualism, 283
  355. 26 The statement in par. 4, and the charge in par. 7, are borne out by the foregoing remarks, 286
  356. 27 Kant sometimes nearly right. He errs through a neglect of necessary truth, 287
  357. 28 The true compromise between Sense and Intellect, 288
  360. {{sc|Presentation and Representation}}, 290
  361. {{sc|Demonstration}} 290
  362. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 291
  363. 1 Why this proposition is introduced, 291
  364. 2 Distinction between knowing and thinking, 292
  365. 3 This proposition the foundation of a true philosophy of experience, 293
  366. 4 Representation—its two insuperable restrictions, 293
  367. 5 First restriction by way of addition. ''Second'' by way of subtraction 294
  368. 6 The latter restriction unrecognised by philosophers. ''Eleventh Counter-proposition'', 295
  369. 7 Its invalidity shown, 296
  370. 8 The ''minimum cogitable'' equates with the ''minimum scibile'', 296
  371. 9 Dr Reid's mistake in his assault on representationism, 297
  372. 10 The truth and the error of representationism, 299
  374. xiv. CONTENTS
  377. {{sc|Matter ''per se'' again}}, 300
  378. {{sc|Demonstration}} 300
  379. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 300
  380. 1 Why this proposition is introduced, 301
  381. 2 On what condition matter ''per se'' might be thought of, 302
  382. 3 In attempting to think it, we must leave out an element essential to its cognition, and therefore it cannot be thought of, 303
  383. 4 How the imagination leads us astray, 303
  384. 5 Illustration, 304
  385. 6 Self must be represented just as much as it must be presented, 305
  386. 7 ''Twelfth Counter-proposition'', 305
  387. 8 Its character and downfall, 306
  388. 9 Matter ''per se'' has no chance of being thought of, 306
  389. 10 It cannot be reached by the way of inference, 307
  390. 11 Why the discussion respecting matter ''per se'' is important, 307
  393. {{sc|The Independent Universe in Thought}}, 310
  394. {{sc|Demonstration}} 310
  395. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 311
  396. 1 This proposition speaks only of what can be conceived, not of what exists, 311
  397. 2 It answers the question—what independent universe can be thought of? 311
  398. 3 Why we do not think of things as amorphous when they are absent from us, 312
  399. 4 An objection stated, 313
  400. 5 Objection obviated. We have a single type—can suppose it repeated, 314
  401. 6 Why we cannot cogitate matter ''per se''—no single type, 315
  402. 7 We have a single type of objects + subject—can conceive other cases of this 315
  403. 8 Further explanation of how one self can conceive another self, 316
  404. 9 A word on Belief, 318
  405. 10 Another difficulty obviated, 318
  406. 11 ''Thirteenth Counter-proposition'', 320
  409. {{sc|The Phenomenal in Cognition}}, 321
  410. {{sc|Demonstration}} 321
  411. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 321
  412. 1 ''Fourteenth Counter-proposition'', 321
  413. 2 A good rule for reaching truth on metaphysical topics, 322
  414. 3 The psychological trifling with truth ought to be put a stop to, 322
  415. 4 The main object of this and three following propositions, 323
  418. What the Phenomenal in Cognition is, 324
  419. {{sc|Demonstration}} 324
  421. xv. CONTENTS
  423. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 325
  424. 1 A peculiarity in the counter-proposition, 325
  425. 2 ''Fifteenth Counter -proposition'', 326
  426. 3 The counter-proposition involves a contradiction, 326
  429. {{sc|The Substantial in Cognition}}, 328
  430. {{sc|Demonstration}} 328
  431. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 329
  432. 1 This proposition proves nothing as to ''existing'' substance, 329
  433. 2 Neither does it declare the nature of known substance, 329
  434. 3 Reasons for introducing this proposition, 330
  435. 4 The position of natural thinking in regard to this proposition, 331
  436. 5 ''Sixteenth Counter-proposition'', 332
  437. 6 Its downfall, 333
  438. 7 Defence of definition of known substance, 333
  439. 8 This definition is due to Spinoza, 334
  442. {{sc|What the Substantial in Cognition is}}, 335
  443. {{sc|Demonstration}} 335
  444. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 336
  445. 1 ''Seventeenth Counter-proposition'', 336
  446. 2 Conglomerate character of the counter-proposition, 337
  447. 3 Elimination of its ontological surplusage, 337
  448. 4 Its contradictory character exposed in so far as it is psychological, 339
  449. 5 The counter-proposition considered in so far as it is the product of natural thinking 340
  450. 6 The exact point in the counter-proposition which natural thinking opposes to the proposition, 341
  451. 7 Contradiction in the counter-proposition, in so far as it is the product of natural thinking, 341
  452. 8 Psychological opinion as to ''existing'' substance, 342
  453. 9 First, It does not answer its purpose, 342
  454. 10 Secondly, It places before us the mere phenomenal, 343
  455. 11 The institutional conception of known substance, 344
  456. 12 History of distinction between substance and phenomenon—its terms have been reversed, 345
  457. 13 Errors caused by this reversal, 346
  458. 14 Substance and phenomenon originally bore the signification assigned to them here, 347
  459. 15 The known phenomenal according to the older systems, 348
  460. 16 The known substantial according to the older systems, 348
  461. 17 A word upon ''existing'' substance and phenomenon, 349
  462. 18 Two main ambiguities in the old systems, 350
  463. 19 These ambiguities accounted for, 351
  464. 20 And cleared up by a reference to the Institutional doctrine, 352
  465. 21 Coincidence of the old speculations with the Institutes, 353
  466. 22 An objection obviated, 354
  468. xvi. CONTENTS
  469. 23 Mistakes of the historians of philosophy as to substance, 355
  470. 24 A traditional dogma about disdaining the senses, 356
  471. 25 The true meaning of turning the mind away from the senses, 357
  472. 26 What the ancient philosophers meant by this dogma, 359
  473. 27 Contrast between speculation and psychology in their views of substance and phenomenon, 360
  474. 28 Speculation proved to be right even by a reference to experience, 361
  477. {{sc|The Relative in Cognition}}, 363
  478. {{sc|Demonstration}} 363
  479. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 363
  480. 1 The same error is continually reappearing under new forms—must be unmasked under all its disguises, 364
  481. 2 Hence the necessity of Props. XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., 365
  482. 3 ''Eighteenth Counter-proposition'', 366
  483. 4 It is shown to be contradictory, 366
  486. {{sc|What the Relative in Cognition is}}, 367
  487. {{sc|Demonstration}} 367
  488. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 368
  489. 1 Why the items mentioned in the proposition can be known only as the relative, 368
  490. 2 ''Nineteenth Counter-proposition'', 368
  491. 3 Its fallacy shown, 369
  494. {{sc|The Absolute in Cognition}}, 370
  495. {{sc|Demonstration}} 370
  496. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 371
  497. 1 Nothing is affirmed as to the existing Absolute, 371
  498. 2 Comment on definition of the known Absolute, 371
  499. 3 ''Twentieth Counter-proposition'', 372
  500. 4 This counter-proposition is a reiteration of Counter-proposition XVI., 372
  503. {{sc|What the Absolute in Cognition is}}, 373
  504. {{sc|Demonstration}} 373
  505. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 374
  506. 1 Comment on demonstration of Proposition XXI., 374
  507. 2 ''Twenty-first Counter-proposition'', 374
  508. 3 Fruitlessness of the controversy respecting the Absolute and the Relative. The philosophical temper, 375
  509. 4 The causes of confusion in this controversy, 377
  511. xvii. CONTENTS
  513. 5 All men are equally cognisant of the absolute, 378
  514. 6 A reminder, 379
  515. 7 Confusion might have been obviated had it been shown that all men are equally cognisant of the absolute, 379
  516. 8 The difficulty is, not to know it, but to know that we know it 380
  517. 9 Refutation of the relationist doctrine, 380
  518. 10 Kant on the Absolute, 381
  519. 11 The relation of non-contradictories and the relation of contradictories, 383
  522. {{sc|The Contingent Conditons of Knowledge}}, 384
  523. {{sc|Demonstration}} 384
  524. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 385
  525. 1 This proposition takes us out of necessary into contingent truth, 385
  526. 2 It is introduced in order that the necessary may be separated from the contingent laws, 386
  527. 3 Why this analysis is indispensable, 387
  528. 4 What is required in setting about this analysis, 388
  529. 5 The analysis illustrated, 388
  530. 6 The analysis illustrated, 390
  531. 7 It is unnecessary to carry the analysis into greater detail, 391
  532. 8 How these remarks qualify the doctrine of the absolute given in Proposition XXI., 392
  533. 9 The absolute, however, is still object + subject. The main result of the epistemology, 393
  534. 10 ''Twenty-second Counter-proposition'', 393
  535. 11 The chief point to be attended to in it, 394
  536. 12 The cause of the errors of representation ism pointed out. 394
  537. 13 The same subject continued, 396
  538. 14 The cause of Berkeley's errors pointed out, 397
  539. 15 The main result of the epistemology, 399
  540. 16 The importance of this result, 401
  542. SECTION II.
  547. {{sc|What Ignorance is}}, 405
  548. {{sc|Demonstration}} 405
  549. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 405
  550. 1 Why this proposition is introduced, 405
  551. 2 Novelty of the agnoiology, 406
  552. 3 The agnoiology is indispensable, 406
  553. 4 The plea of our ignorance a bar to ontology, 407
  554. 5 This obstacle can be removed only by an inquiry into the nature of ignorance, 408
  555. 6 ''First Counter-proposition'', 408
  557. xviii. CONTENTS
  560. {{sc|Ignorance remediable}}, 410
  561. {{sc|Demonstration}} 410
  562. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 410
  563. 1 All that this proposition proves, 410
  564. 2 ''Second Counter-proposition'', 411
  567. {{sc|The Law of all Ignorance}}, 412
  568. {{sc|Demonstration}} 412
  569. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 412
  570. 1 Importance of this proposition, 413
  571. 2 Symbols illustrative of the law of ignorance, 413
  572. 3 Distinction between ignorance and a nescience of the opposites of necessary truth, 414
  573. 4 There can be no ignorance of the opposites of the geometrical axioms. 414
  574. 5 There can be no ignorance of the contradictory, 415
  575. 6 ''Third Counter-proposition'', 416
  578. {{sc|Ignorance of Objects ''per se''}}, 417
  579. {{sc|Demonstration}} 417
  580. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 417
  581. 1 The truths now pour down fast, 417
  582. 2 ''Fourth Counter-proposition''—is swept away, 418
  585. {{sc|Ignorance of Matter ''per se''}}, 419
  586. {{sc|Demonstration}} 419
  587. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 419
  588. 1 The main business of the agnoiology, 420
  589. 2 The disadvantage of not studying necessary truth, 420
  590. 3 The doctrine of ignorance entertained by psychology and common opinion, 421
  591. 4 The advantage of studying necessary truth, 421
  592. 5 The agnoiology carries out the work of the epistemology, 422
  593. 6 ''Fifth Counter-proposition'', 423
  594. 7 Psychological conclusion as to our ignorance of matter ''per se'', 423
  595. 8 It rests on a contradictory assumption, 424
  596. 9 The psychological conclusion, therefore, is contradictory, 425
  597. 10 The origin of the psychological mistake pointed out, 425
  598. 11 No ontology is possible if we can be ignorant of matter ''per se'', 426
  601. {{sc|Ignorance of the Universal and Particular}}, 428
  602. {{sc|Demonstration}} 428
  603. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 428
  604. 1 Effect of this proposition, 429
  605. 2 ''Sixth Counter-proposition'', 429
  606. 3 The error which it involves, 429
  608. xix. CONTENTS
  611. {{sc|Ignorance of the Ego ''per se''}}, 430
  612. {{sc|Demonstration}} 430
  613. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 430
  614. 1 Design and effect of this proposition, 430
  615. 2 ''Seventh Counter-proposition'', 431
  616. 3 What the agnoiology does next, 431
  619. {{sc|The Object of All Ignorance}}, 432
  620. {{sc|Demonstration}} 432
  621. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 433
  622. 1 Relation of this proposition to Proposition II. of the epistemology, 433
  623. 2 The object of ignorance is neither nothing nor the contradictory, 434
  624. 3 It is believed that this doctrine is new, 435
  625. 4 What has caused this doctrine to be missed, 436
  626. 5 Another circumstance which has caused it to be missed, 437
  627. 6 In fixing the object of ignorance this proposition does not deny its magnitude, 438
  628. 7 How far the object of ignorance is definable, and how far it is not definable, 439
  629. 8 The advantage of discriminating the necessary from the contingent laws of knowledge, 440
  630. 9 This system is more humble in its pretensions than other systems, 442
  631. 10 ''Eighth Counter-proposition'', 443
  632. 11 The grounds on which it rests are false, 443
  633. 12 Illustration of the difference between the speculative and the ordinary view in regard to the object of ignorance, 444
  634. 13 The substantial and absolute in ignorance, 446
  635. 14 The main result of the agnoiology shortly stated, 446
  636. 15 Concluding remark, 447
  643. {{sc|The Three Alternatives as to Absolute Existence}}, 453
  644. {{sc|Demonstration}} 453
  645. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 454
  646. 1 The problem of ontology stated, 454
  647. 2 Its three alternatives are exhaustive, 454
  648. 3 The third alternative has to be eliminated, 455
  649. 4 ''First Counter-proposition'', 456
  651. xx. CONTENTS
  653. 5 In what respect this counter-proposition is right, 456
  654. 6 In what respect it is wrong, 457
  655. 7 The law of excluded middle stated, 457
  656. 8 How this law must be qualified, 457
  657. 9 Origin of the mistake in regard to this law, 458
  658. 10 The want of a clear doctrine of the contradictory has been the cause of much error in philosophy, 459
  659. 11 Distinction between the singly and the doubly contradictory. 460
  662. {{sc|A Premiss by which the Third Alternative is Eliminated}}. 461
  663. {{sc|Demonstration}} 461
  664. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 462
  665. 1 Why this proposition is introduced, 462
  666. 2 ''Second Counter-proposition'', 462
  667. 3 To what extent it is true, 462
  670. {{sc|A Premiss by which the Third Alternative is Eliminated}}. 464
  671. {{sc|Demonstration}} 464
  672. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 464
  673. 1 The truth of this proposition is presupposed by the very nature of the inquiry, 465
  674. 2 ''Third Counter-proposition''. Why there is none, 466
  677. {{sc|Eliminates the Third Alternative}}, 467
  678. {{sc|Demonstration}} 467
  679. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 467
  680. 1 What this proposition effects, 467
  681. 2 ''Fourth Counter-proposition''. Why there is none, 468
  682. 3 The previous propositions are preliminary. Proposition V. is the starting-point, 468
  685. {{sc|The remaining Alternatives}}, 469
  686. {{sc|Demonstration}} 469
  687. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 469
  688. 1 This proposition secures the key of the ontology, 470
  689. 2 ''Fifth Counter-proposition''. Why there is none, 471
  692. {{sc|What Absolute Existence is not}}, 472
  693. {{sc|Demonstration}} 472
  694. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 473
  696. xxi. CONTENTS
  698. 1 ''Sixth Counter-proposition'', 473
  699. 2 Is approved by ordinary thinking, and by psychology, 473
  700. 3 In what sense material things exist, 473
  703. {{sc|What Absolute Existence is not}}, 475
  704. {{sc|Demonstration}} 475
  705. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 476
  706. 1 ''Seventh Counter-proposition'', 476
  709. 1 ''Sixth Counter-proposition'', 473
  710. 2 Is approved by ordinary thinking, and by psychology, 473
  711. 3 In what sense material things exist, 473
  714. {{sc|What Absolute Existence is not}}, 475
  715. {{sc|Demonstration}} 475
  716. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 476
  717. 1 ''Seventh Counter-proposition'', 476
  720. {{sc|What Absolute Existence is not}}, 477
  721. {{sc|Demonstration}} 477
  722. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 477
  723. 1 ''Eighth Counter-proposition'', 478
  724. 2 Importance of the ego as a constituent of Absolute Existence, 478
  725. 3 Why the reduction of the ego ''per se'' to a contradiction is important, 478
  728. {{sc|The Origin of Knowledge}}, 479
  729. {{sc|Demonstration}} 479
  730. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 479
  731. 1 Question as to the origin of knowledge—has been erroneously treated, 480
  732. 2 The assumption which vitiates the discussion, 480
  733. 3 First consequence of the assumption. ''Ninth Counter-proposition'', 481
  734. 4 Second consequence. The doctrine of representationism, 481
  735. 5 The earliest form of representationism. Physical Influx, 482
  736. 6 Correction of this doctrine by Des Cartes, 483
  737. 7 Consequences of the Cartesian correction, 484
  738. 8 Scepticism and idealism arise, 484
  739. 9 The Cartesian salvo—hypothesis of "Occasional Causes." Its insufficiency, 486
  740. 10 Mallebranche: his "Vision of all things in God," 487
  741. 11 Leibnitz: his "Pre-established Harmony," 488
  742. 12 Character of these hypotheses, 488
  743. 13 Locke's explanation 489
  744. 14 Berkeley: his doctrine of intuitive perception, 490
  745. 15 His fundamental defect, 491
  746. 16 Reid: his misunderstanding of Berkeley, 492
  747. 17 Reid failed to establish a doctrine of intuitive perception, 493
  748. 18 His character as a philosopher, 494
  749. 19 He mistook the vocation of philosophy, 496
  750. 20 Kant. "Innate Ideas," 497
  751. 21 Right interpretation of this doctrine, 497
  752. 22 The circumstance to be particularly attended to in considering this doctrine, 499
  753. 23 The misconception to be particularly guarded against, 499
  756. xxii. CONTENTS
  758. 24 This misconception has never been guarded against by any philosopher 500
  759. 25 Hence the ineptitude of the controversy, 500
  760. 26 In this controversy Kant is as much at fault as his predecessors, 502
  761. 27 How this system of Institutes avoids these errors, 504
  762. 28 ''First'': it starts from no hypothesis, 504
  763. 29 ''Secondly'': it finds that all cognition consists of two elements, 505
  764. 30 ''Thirdly'': it finds that each element is no cognition, but only a ''half'' or part-cognition, 505
  765. 31 ''Fourthly'': it finds that matter is only a ''half'' cognition, 506
  766. 32 ''Fifthly'': it establishes "intuitive," and overthrows "representative" perception, 506
  767. 33 ''Sixthly'': it steers clear of materialism, 506
  768. 34 ''Seventhly'': it steers clear of spurious idealism, 507
  769. 35 ''Eighthly'': it is under no obligation to explain the origin of knowledge, because knowledge itself is ''the Beginning'', 509
  770. 36 The synthesis of ego and non-ego is original, and not factitious or secondary, 510
  773. {{sc|What Absolute Existence is}}, 511
  774. {{sc|Demonstration}} 511
  775. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 512
  776. 1 This proposition solves the problem of ontology, 512
  777. 2 It answers the question; What is Truth? 513
  778. 3 All Existence is the synthesis of the universal and the particular, 514
  779. 4 Thus the equation of the Known and the Existent has been proved, 515
  780. 5 The coincidence of the Absolute in Existence with the Absolute in Cognition has also been proved, 516
  781. 6 Attention called to restriction in foregoing paragraph 517
  782. 7 Illustration of restriction—What the ontology gives out as alone Absolute Existence, 517
  783. 8 This paragraph qualifies a previous assertion, 518
  784. 9 In what sense we know, and in what sense we are ignorant of, Absolute Existence, 519
  785. 10 ''Tenth Counter-proposition'', 521
  788. {{sc|What Absolute Existence is Necessary}}, 522
  789. {{sc|Demonstration}} 522
  790. {{sc|Observations and Explanations}} 523
  791. 1 Distinction taken in this proposition. Ontological proof of Deity, 523
  792. 2 The system is ''forced'' to this conclusion, 525
  793. 3 ''Eleventh Counter-proposition'', 525
  795. {{sc|Summary and Conclusion}}, 526
  796. 1 The main question is—How has the system redeemed its pledges? 526
  797. 2 It is submitted that the system is both reasoned and true, 527
  798. 3 The chief consideration to be looked to in estimating the system, 527
  800. xxiii. CONTENTS
  802. 4 Its negative character is to be attended to principally, 528
  803. 5 The first step which the system takes in its negative or polemical character, 528
  804. 6 The next step which the system takes in its negative or polemical character, 529
  805. 7 The capital contradiction which the epistemology brings to light and corrects, 529
  806. 8 The second contradiction which it corrects, 530
  807. 9 The third contradiction which it corrects, 531
  808. 10 The fourth and fifth contradictions which it corrects, 531
  809. 11 The propositions and counter-propositions fall into groups, 531
  810. 12 The sixth contradiction which the epistemology corrects, 532
  811. 13 The seventh contradiction which it corrects, 533
  812. 14 The eighth contradiction which it corrects, 533
  813. 15 The ninth contradiction which it corrects, 534
  814. 16 The tenth contradiction which it corrects. 534
  815. 17 The eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth contradictions which it corrects, 535
  816. 18 The remaining contradictions which it corrects. 535
  817. 19 The leading contradiction which the agnoiology corrects, 536
  818. 20 The derivative contradictions which it corrects, 537
  819. 21 The concluding contradiction which it corrects, 537
  820. 22 The opinions entertained by natural thinking, and to some extent by psychology, on the subject of "Being," 538
  821. 23 How the ontology goes to work in exposing the contradictions involved in these opinions, 538
  822. 24 Exposure and refutation of these contradictions, 539
  823. 25 The ninth contradiction which the ontology corrects, 539
  824. 26 The tenth contradiction which the ontology corrects, 540
  825. 27 The eleventh contradiction which the ontology corrects, 540
  826. 28 By the correction of these contradictions, the system has redeemed its pledge, 541
  827. 29 The utility of philosophical study, 541
  828. 30 As a discipline of necessary and demonstrated truth, 542
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