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- def D5a(x, y):
- A = -(y[0]**2 + y[1]**2)**-1.5
- return [y[2], y[3], A*y[0], A*y[1]] # dimensionless orbit equation
- # as described in:
- #
- #
- def dendop(theta, con): # based on dense_dop
- try:
- s0, s1 = con.shape
- except:
- raise RuntimeError("con shape does not make sense")
- theta1 = 1.0 - theta
- if s0 == 5:
- theta_ordering = (theta1, theta) # dopri5
- elif s0 == 8:
- theta_ordering = (theta, theta1) # dop853
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("con.shape[0] is not 5 or 8")
- dense_output = con[-1]
- for i in range(s0-1):
- dense_output = (con[-2-i] +
- theta_ordering[i%2] * dense_output)
- return dense_output
- def solout_save(nr, xold, x, y, con):
- global X, Y, cons
- X.append(x)
- Y.append(y)
- cons.append(con)
- from scipy.integrate import ode as ODE
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- ep5 = 0.9
- y0_D5 = [1.0-ep5, 0.0, 0.0, np.sqrt((1.0+ep5)/(1.0-ep5))]
- r = ODE(D5a).set_integrator('dop853', rtol=1E-12, atol=1E-12)
- t0 = 0.0
- r.set_initial_value(y0_D5, t0)
- # Integrate to an array of test points (will interpolate to these points next)
- x0 = np.linspace(0, 20, 201)
- ao = [y0_D5]
- to = [t0]
- for x in x0[1:]:
- ao.append(r.integrate(x))
- to.append(r.t)
- aon = np.array(ao)
- ton = np.array(to)
- print "last point: ", aon[-1]
- # now just integrate directly to t=20.0 and save the interpolation coeficients
- X, Y, cons = [], [], []
- r = ODE(D5a).set_integrator('dop853', rtol=1E-12, atol=1E-12)
- r.set_solout(solout_save, dense_components=(0, 1, 2, 3))
- t0 = 0.0
- r.set_initial_value(y0_D5, t0)
- a = r.integrate(x)
- print "last point: ", a
- Xn, Yn, consn = np.array(X), np.array(Y), np.array(cons)
- print "Yn[-1]: ", Yn[-1]
- plt.figure()
- x, y, vx, vy = Yn.T # free integration results
- plt.plot(Xn, x, '-b')
- plt.plot(Xn, y, '-g')
- x, y, vx, vy = aon.T # test points
- plt.plot(ton, x, 'or')
- plt.plot(ton, y, 'oc')
- tons = ton[1:-1]
- ivals = [np.argmax(X>t) for t in tons] # find locations to perform interpolate
- thetas = [(t-X[i-1])/(X[i]-X[i-1]) for i, t in zip(ivals, tons)]
- consnuse = consn[ivals]
- interpolated = np.array([dendop(theta, con) for theta, con in
- zip(thetas, consnuse)])
- calculated = aon[1:-1]
- times = ton[1:-1]
- differences = interpolated - calculated
- plt.figure()
- for thing in differences.T:
- plt.plot(times, thing)
- plt.title("interpolated - calculated")
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