Guest User


a guest
Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. # +=====================================================+
  2. # < Chat Manager >
  3. # < Creator and Author >
  4. # < H1DD3NxN1NJA >
  5. # +=====================================================+
  7. #This plugin requires PlaceHolderAPI to run
  8. #If you do now own PlaceHolderAPI the plugin will not work
  10. #Placeholders with {} are the plugins placeholders
  11. #Placeholders with %% are PlaceHolderAPI's placeholders
  13. Prefix: "&b[&6Chat-Manager&b]&r"
  14. NoPermission: "{Prefix} &cYou don't have the permissions to do this!"
  15. PlayerNotFound: "{Prefix} &cThe player &d{Target} &ccan not be found!"
  16. Reload: "{Prefix} &aConfig Reloaded!"
  18. Anti_Caps:
  19. Enable: true
  20. Min_Message_Size: 5
  21. Message: "{Prefix} &cPlease do not use caps in chat."
  23. Anti_Spam:
  24. Chat:
  25. Repeat_Text:
  26. Enable: true
  27. Message: "{Prefix} &cPlease do not repeat the same message."
  28. Command:
  29. Repeat_Command:
  30. Enable: true
  31. Message: "{Prefix} &cPlease do not repeat the same command."
  33. Anti_Swear:
  34. Enable: true
  35. Message: "{Prefix} &cPlease do not curse in chat!"
  36. Messages:
  37. Word_Added: "{Prefix} &aYou have added the word &d{word} &ato the list of banned words!"
  38. Word_Exists: "{Prefix} &cThe word &d{word} &cis already added to the list of banned words!"
  39. Word_Removed: "{Prefix} &aYou have removed the word &d{word} &afrom the list of banned words!"
  40. Word_Not_Found: "{Prefix} &cThe word &d{word} &cis not in the list of banned words!"
  41. Staff_Notify: #Staff gets notified when a player curses in chat
  42. Enable: true
  43. Message: "&7[Anti-Swear] &f{player}: &7{message}!"
  44. Command: #Command thats executed through console to the player that swears in chat
  45. Enable: true
  46. Command: kick {player} Please do not curse in chat
  48. Banned_Commands: #Commands that are not allowed to be used
  49. Enable: true
  50. Message: "{Prefix} &cYou do not have permission to use the command &d/{command}&c!"
  51. Messages:
  52. Command_Added: "{Prefix} &aYou have added the command &d{command} &ato the list of banned commands!"
  53. Command_Exists: "{Prefix} &cThe command &d{command} &cis already added to the list of banned commands!"
  54. Command_Removed: "{Prefix} &aYou have removed the command &d{command} &afrom the list of banned commands!"
  55. Command_Not_Found: "{Prefix} &cThe command &d{command} &cis not in the list of banned commands!"
  56. Staff_Notify:
  57. Enable: true
  58. Message: "&7[Blocked-Cmd] &f{player}: &7{command}"
  59. Command: #Command thats executed through console to the player that used a banned command
  60. Enable: false
  61. Command:
  63. Broadcast_Message:
  64. Prefix: "&c[&4Broadcast&c]&r "
  65. Default_Color: "&b"
  67. Chat_Format:
  68. Enable: true
  69. Prefix: "&8[&7Member&8]" #If you have vault you can use %vault_prefix%
  70. Name_Color: "&7" #If you have vault you can use %vault_prefix_color%
  71. Name: "%player_name%"
  72. Suffix: " &7> "
  73. Chat_Color: "&7"
  75. Clear_Chat:
  76. Message: "{Prefix} &eChat has been cleared"
  77. BroadcastMessage:
  78. - "&f*&c&m--------------------------------------------&f*"
  79. - "&eThe chat has been cleared by"
  80. - "%player_name%"
  81. - "&f*&c&m--------------------------------------------&f*"
  83. Command_Spy:
  84. Command: "&7[CommandSpy] {Player} >> &e{Command}"
  85. Enabled: "{Prefix} &aCommand Spy has been Enabled."
  86. Disabled: "{Prefix} &cCommand Spy has been Disabled."
  88. Grammar:
  89. Enable: true
  90. Min_Message_Size: 5
  92. Messages:
  93. Enable: true
  94. Join: "&b%player_name% &djoined the server."
  95. Quit: "&b%player_name% &dleft the server."
  96. First_Join: "&eWelcome &b%player_name% &eto the server!"
  98. Mute_Chat:
  99. Denied:
  100. Message: "{Prefix} &cYou are not able to talk in chat right now!"
  101. Broadcast_Messages:
  102. Enabled: "{Prefix} &aChat has been Enabled by %player_name%!"
  103. Disabled: "{Prefix} &cChat has been Disabled by %player_name%!"
  104. Anonymous_Messages: #Message thats broadcasted when you do /MuteChat -a
  105. Enabled: "{Prefix} &aChat has been Enabled!"
  106. Disabled: "{Prefix} &cChat has been Disabled!"
  107. Block_Commands: #Block commands when the chat is muted
  108. Enable: true
  109. Message: "{Prefix} &cYou are not allowed to use commands when the chat is muted!"
  111. Private_Message_Formats:
  112. To_Sender:
  113. Format: "&c&l(!) &f&l[&e&lYou &d-> &e%player_name%&f&l] "
  114. Chat_Color: "&b"
  115. To_Recipient:
  116. Format: "&c&l(!) &f&l[&e%player_name% &d-> &e&lYou&f&l] "
  117. Chat_Color: "&b"
  118. Recipient_Not_Found: "{Prefix} &cYou have nobody to reply to!"
  120. Staff_Chat:
  121. Format:
  122. Enable: true
  123. Prefix: "&e[&aStaff-Chat&e]"
  124. Name_Color: "&a"
  125. Name: "%player_name%"
  126. Suffix: " &7> "
  127. Chat_Color: "&7"
  128. Messages:
  129. Enabled: "{Prefix} &eStaff Chat has been &aEnabled"
  130. Disabled: "{Prefix} &eStaff Chat has been &cDisabled"
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