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  1. namespace Occfinance.Code
  2. {
  3. public class Q_Reports
  4. {
  5. public db_occfinance_5572Entities ctx = new db_occfinance_5572Entities();
  6. System.Web.HttpContext con = HttpContext.Current;
  8. /// <summary>
  9. /// Set the jsTree data format
  10. /// </summary>
  11. /// <param name="hdnnamearray"></param>
  12. /// <param name="hdnnamearrayparents"></param>
  13. public void FormatJsTreeData(ref string hdnnamearray, ref string hdnnamearrayparents)
  14. {
  15. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnnamearray))
  16. {
  17. var negIds = string.Empty;
  18. var compbranchIds = string.Empty;
  20. foreach (var ids in hdnnamearray.Split(','))
  21. {
  22. var splitIds = ids.ToString().Split('_');
  23. if (splitIds.Length == 3)
  24. {
  26. negIds += splitIds[2].ToString() + ",";
  27. compbranchIds += splitIds[0].ToString() + "®" + splitIds[1].ToString() + ",";
  28. }
  30. }
  31. hdnnamearray = negIds.Substring(0, negIds.Length - 1);
  32. hdnnamearrayparents = compbranchIds.Substring(0, compbranchIds.Length - 1);
  33. }
  34. }
  35. /// <summary>
  36. /// Set company, branch and negotiator ids
  37. /// </summary>
  38. /// <param name="hdnnamearray"></param>
  39. /// <param name="_allNamesparents"></param>
  40. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  41. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  42. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  43. public void SetCompanyBranchAndNegotiatorIds(string hdnnamearray, string[] _allNamesparents, out List<int> CompanyIds, out List<int> BranchIds, out List<int> NegotiatorIds)
  44. {
  45. // 2015-10-29 Negotiators, Branches and Companies Ids
  46. CompanyIds = new List<int>();
  47. BranchIds = new List<int>();
  48. NegotiatorIds = new List<int>();
  50. if (_allNamesparents.Length > 0)
  51. {
  52. foreach (var comp_branch in _allNamesparents)
  53. {
  54. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comp_branch))
  55. {
  56. CompanyIds.Add(Convert.ToInt32(comp_branch.Split('®')[0]));
  57. BranchIds.Add(Convert.ToInt32(comp_branch.Split('®')[1]));
  58. }
  59. }
  61. CompanyIds = CompanyIds.Distinct().ToList();
  62. BranchIds = BranchIds.Distinct().ToList();
  63. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnnamearray))
  64. NegotiatorIds = hdnnamearray.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).Distinct().ToList();
  65. }
  66. }
  67. /// <summary>
  68. /// Get product type details
  69. /// </summary>
  70. /// <returns></returns>
  71. public List<SelectListItem> GetProductTypeDetails()
  72. {
  74. var objTblfinancetype = (from ftype in ctx.tblfinancetypes
  75. select new ProductType
  76. {
  77. ProductId = ftype.financetypeid,
  78. ProductName = ftype.type
  79. }).ToList();
  80. var productitems = new List<SelectListItem>();
  81. foreach (var x in objTblfinancetype)
  82. {
  83. productitems.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = x.ProductId.ToString(), Text = x.ProductName });
  84. }
  85. productitems.OrderBy(m => m.Value).ToList();
  86. return productitems;
  87. }
  88. /// <summary>
  89. /// Get all finance type
  90. /// </summary>
  91. /// <returns></returns>
  92. public List<ProductType> GetAllFinanceType()
  93. {
  94. var objTblfinancetype = (from ftype in ctx.tblfinancetypes
  95. select new ProductType
  96. {
  97. ProductId = ftype.financetypeid,
  98. ProductName = ftype.type
  99. }).ToList();
  102. return objTblfinancetype;
  103. }
  105. /// <summary>
  106. /// Find negotiation report by contactid
  107. /// </summary>
  108. /// <returns></returns>
  109. public List<contactTbl> FindNegotiationReportByContactId()
  110. {
  111. List<contactTbl> negotiationReportList = new List<contactTbl>();
  112. try
  113. {
  114. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[0];
  115. DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetNegotiationReportList_Update", Param);
  116. negotiationReportList = (from DataRow row in dt.Rows
  117. select new contactTbl
  118. {
  119. negref = row["negref"].ToString()
  120. }).ToList();
  121. // result = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(u => u.contactid == id).Select(u => new contactTbl() { negref=u.negref}).ToList();
  122. return negotiationReportList;
  123. }
  124. catch (Exception)
  125. {
  126. return negotiationReportList;
  127. }
  128. }
  129. /// <summary>
  130. /// Getting dataset from the database for Negotiator Report
  131. /// </summary>
  132. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  133. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  134. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  135. /// <param name="pageNo">Page no</param>
  136. /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
  137. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  138. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  139. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  140. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  141. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  142. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product type</param>
  143. /// <returns></returns>
  144. public DataSet GetNegotiatorResult(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int pageNo, int pageSize, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  145. {
  146. DataSet ds;
  147. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  148. try
  149. {
  150. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[10];
  151. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  152. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  153. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  154. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  155. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  156. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString(Helper.ddMMMyyyy));
  157. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString(Helper.ddMMMyyyy));
  158. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@PageNo", pageNo);
  159. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize);
  160. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  161. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReport", Param);
  162. return ds;
  163. }
  164. catch (Exception ex)
  165. {
  166. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report.cs", "GetNegotiatorResult", ex.Message);
  167. return ds = new DataSet();
  168. }
  169. }
  170. /// <summary>
  171. /// Getting dataset for Negotiator Report with page no
  172. /// </summary>
  173. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  174. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  175. /// <param name="userid">user Id</param>
  176. /// <param name="pageNo">page no</param>
  177. /// <param name="pageSize">page size</param>
  178. /// <param name="brokerId">broker Id</param>
  179. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  180. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  181. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  182. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  183. /// <returns></returns>
  184. public ReportsDataModel GetNegotiatorDataResult(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int pageNo, int pageSize, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "")
  185. {
  186. ReportsDataModel dataResult = new ReportsDataModel();
  187. dataResult.Negotiation = new List<Negotiation>();
  188. dataResult.NegotiationNotes = new List<NegotiationNotes>();
  189. try
  190. {
  191. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[9];
  192. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  193. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  194. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  195. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  196. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  197. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString(Helper.ddMMMyyyy));
  198. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString(Helper.ddMMMyyyy));
  199. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@PageNo", pageNo);
  200. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize);
  201. SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReaderNext(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetNegotiatorReport", Param);
  202. ctx.Database.Initialize(force: false);
  203. ctx.Database.Connection.Open();
  204. dataResult.Negotiation = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<Negotiation>(reader).ToList();
  205. reader.NextResult();
  206. dataResult.NegotiationNotes = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<NegotiationNotes>(reader).ToList();
  207. ctx.Database.Connection.Close();
  208. if (!reader.IsClosed)
  209. {
  210. reader.Close();
  211. }
  212. }
  213. catch (Exception ex)
  214. {
  215. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorDataResult", ex.Message);
  216. }
  217. return dataResult;
  218. }
  219. /// <summary>
  220. /// Getting the dataset for Notes Data
  221. /// </summary>
  222. /// <param name="userId">User Id</param>
  223. /// <param name="pageNo">Page No</param>
  224. /// <param name="pageSize">Page Size</param>
  225. /// <param name="fromDate">FRom Date</param>
  226. /// <param name="toDate">To Date</param>
  227. /// <param name="negotiators">Negotiators</param>
  228. /// <param name="company">Companies</param>
  229. /// <param name="branches">branches</param>
  230. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  231. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product type</param>
  232. /// <returns></returns>
  233. public ReadNotes GetNotesData(int userId, int pageNo, int pageSize, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string negotiators = "", string company = "", string branches = "", string brokers = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  234. {
  235. var reportsDN = new ReadNotes();
  236. try
  237. {
  238. DataTable notes = new DataTable();
  239. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[10];
  240. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(negotiators) ? null : negotiators.Trim()));
  241. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(company) ? null : company.Trim()));
  242. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branches) ? null : branches.Trim()));
  243. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerIds", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  244. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  245. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", toDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  246. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userId);
  247. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@PageNo", pageNo);
  248. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize);
  249. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  250. SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReaderNext(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Usp_GetNotesData", Param);
  251. ctx.Database.Initialize(force: false);
  252. ctx.Database.Connection.Open();
  253. reportsDN.AdvisorNotes = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<NegotiationNotes>(reader).ToList();
  254. reader.NextResult();
  255. reportsDN.AgentNotes = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<NegotiationNotes>(reader).ToList();
  256. ctx.Database.Connection.Close();
  257. if (!reader.IsClosed)
  258. {
  259. reader.Close();
  260. }
  261. }
  262. catch (Exception ex)
  263. {
  264. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNotesData", ex.Message);
  265. }
  266. return reportsDN; ;
  267. }
  268. //added on 2015-02-03
  269. /// <summary>
  270. /// Getting Weekly created notes data
  271. /// </summary>
  272. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  273. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  274. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  275. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  276. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  277. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  278. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  279. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  280. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  281. /// <returns></returns>
  282. public DataSet GetNegotiatorWeeklyCreatedNotes(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  283. {
  284. DataSet ds;
  285. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  286. try
  287. {
  288. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  289. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  290. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  291. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  292. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  293. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  294. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  295. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  296. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  297. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReportWeeklyNoteCreated", Param);
  298. return ds;
  299. }
  300. catch (Exception ex)
  301. {
  302. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorWeeklyCreatedNotes", ex.Message);
  303. ds = new DataSet();
  304. return ds;
  305. }
  306. }
  308. //added on 2015-02-03
  309. /// <summary>
  310. /// Getting weekly updated notes
  311. /// </summary>
  312. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  313. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  314. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  315. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  316. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  317. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  318. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  319. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  320. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  321. /// <returns></returns>
  322. public DataSet GetNegotiatorWeeklyUpdatedNotes(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  323. {
  324. DataSet ds;
  325. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  326. try
  327. {
  328. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  329. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  330. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  331. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  332. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  333. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  334. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  335. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  336. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  337. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReportWeeklyNoteUpdated", Param);
  338. return ds;
  339. }
  340. catch (Exception ex)
  341. {
  342. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorWeeklyUpdatedNotes", ex.Message);
  343. ds = new DataSet();
  344. return ds;
  345. }
  346. }
  348. /// <summary>
  349. /// Getting negotiator data for PDF
  350. /// </summary>
  351. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  352. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  353. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  354. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  355. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  356. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  357. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  358. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  359. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  360. /// <returns></returns>
  361. public DataSet GetNegotiator(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  362. {
  363. DataSet ds;
  364. try
  365. {
  366. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  367. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  368. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  370. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  371. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  372. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  373. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  374. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  375. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  376. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  377. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReport", Param);
  378. }
  379. catch (Exception ex)
  380. {
  381. ds = new DataSet();
  382. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiator", ex.Message);
  383. }
  384. return ds;
  385. }
  386. /********************************************************************
  387. * Code Updatd : 24/01/2015
  388. *
  389. * Description : Method added for weekly report helper for GetNegotiator
  390. *
  391. * Optimized code block added
  392. * ******************************************************************/
  393. /// <summary>
  394. /// Getting negotiator weekly report
  395. /// </summary>
  396. /// <param name="fromdate">From date</param>
  397. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  398. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  399. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  400. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  401. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  402. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  403. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  404. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  405. /// <returns></returns>
  406. public DataSet GetNegotiatorweekly(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  407. {
  408. DataSet ds;
  409. try
  410. {
  411. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  412. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  413. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  414. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  415. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  416. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  417. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  418. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  419. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  420. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  421. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReportWeekly", Param);
  422. }
  423. catch (Exception ex)
  424. {
  425. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorweekly", ex.Message);
  426. ds = new DataSet();
  428. }
  429. return ds;
  430. }
  431. /// <summary>
  432. /// Getting Adviser Report Dataset
  433. /// </summary>
  434. /// <param name="fromdate">From date</param>
  435. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  436. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  437. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  438. /// <param name="type">Type Id</param>
  439. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  440. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  441. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  442. /// <param name="Branches">branches</param>
  443. /// <returns></returns>
  444. public DataSet GetAdvisorReport(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, int type = 1, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "")
  445. {
  446. DataSet ds;
  447. try
  448. {
  449. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  450. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  451. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  452. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  453. {
  454. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  455. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  456. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  457. }
  458. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  459. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  460. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  461. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  462. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Type", type);
  463. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetAdvisorReport", Param);
  464. }
  465. catch (Exception ex)
  466. {
  467. ds = new DataSet();
  468. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetAdviserReport", ex.Message);
  469. }
  470. return ds;
  471. }
  472. /// <summary>
  473. /// Getting Branch Report
  474. /// </summary>
  475. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  476. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  477. /// <param name="Branch">Brnach Name</param>
  478. /// <returns></returns>
  479. public DataSet GetBranchReport(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, string Branch = "")
  480. {
  481. DataSet ds;
  482. try
  483. {
  484. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  485. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[3];
  486. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@Branch", Branch.Trim());
  487. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate);
  488. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate);
  489. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetBranchReport", Param);
  490. }
  491. catch (Exception ex)
  492. {
  493. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetBranchReport", ex.Message);
  494. ds = new DataSet();
  495. }
  496. return ds;
  497. }
  499. //modified on 23-12-2014
  500. /// <summary>
  501. /// Get dataset for Mortgage case written report
  502. /// </summary>
  503. /// <param name="type">type id</param>
  504. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  505. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  506. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  507. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  508. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  509. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  510. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  511. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  512. /// <param name="productTypeID">ProductTypeId</param>
  513. /// <returns></returns>
  514. public DataSet GetMortgageCaseWrittenReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  515. {
  516. DataSet ds;
  517. try
  518. {
  519. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[9];
  520. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  521. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  522. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  523. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  524. {
  525. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  526. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  527. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  528. }
  529. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  530. {
  531. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  532. }
  533. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  534. {
  535. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  536. }
  538. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  540. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMortgageCaseWritten", Param);
  541. }
  542. catch (Exception ex)
  543. {
  544. ds = new DataSet();
  545. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetMortgageCaseWrittenReport", ex.Message);
  546. }
  547. return ds;
  548. }
  549. /// <summary>
  550. /// Getting dataset for overall conversion report for Introducer Report
  551. /// </summary>
  552. /// <param name="totalLeads">Total Leads output parameter</param>
  553. /// <param name="totalApps">Total Apps Output parameter</param>
  554. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  555. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  556. /// <param name="userid">user Id</param>
  557. /// <param name="brokerId">broker Id</param>
  558. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  559. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  560. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  561. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  562. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type Id</param>
  563. public void GetOverAllConversionReport(out int totalLeads, out int totalApps, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  564. {
  565. DataSet ds;
  566. totalLeads = 0;
  567. totalApps = 0;
  568. try
  569. {
  570. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  571. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  572. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  573. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  574. {
  575. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", "'" + Negotiator.TrimEnd(',') + "'");
  576. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", "'" + Company.TrimEnd(',') + "'");
  577. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", "'" + Branches.TrimEnd(',') + "'");
  578. }
  579. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  580. {
  581. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  582. }
  583. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  584. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  585. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  586. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOverAllConversionForIntroducer", Param);
  587. if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
  588. {
  589. totalLeads = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TotalCount"].ToString());
  590. }
  591. if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
  592. {
  593. totalApps = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["TotalCount"].ToString());
  594. }
  595. }
  596. catch (Exception ex)
  597. {
  598. ds = new DataSet();
  599. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetOverAllConversionReport", ex.Message);
  600. }
  602. }
  605. #region [Get Insurance Written Report 2014-12-23]
  607. /// <summary>
  608. /// method for InsuranceCaseWritten
  609. /// created on : 03/11/2014
  610. ///modified on 23-12-2014
  611. /// </summary>
  612. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  613. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  614. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  615. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  616. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  617. /// <param name="Negotiator">negotiator</param>
  618. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  619. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  620. /// <param name="Branches">branches</param>
  621. /// <param name="productTypeID">product type Id</param>
  622. /// <returns></returns>
  623. public DataSet GetInsuranceCaseWrittenReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  624. {
  625. DataSet ds;
  626. try
  627. {
  628. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[9];
  629. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  630. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  631. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  632. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  633. {
  634. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  635. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  636. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  637. }
  638. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  639. {
  640. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  641. }
  642. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  643. {
  644. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@InsuranceType", type);
  645. }
  646. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  648. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetInsuranceCaseWritten", Param);
  649. }
  650. catch (Exception ex)
  651. {
  652. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetInsuranceCaseWrittenReport", ex.Message);
  653. ds = new DataSet();
  654. }
  655. return ds;
  656. }
  658. #endregion [Get Insurance Written Report 2014-12-23]
  660. #region [Get Mortgage Completed Report 2015-03-30]
  661. /// <summary>
  662. /// Getting dataset for Mortgage completed report
  663. /// </summary>
  664. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  665. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  666. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  667. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  668. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  669. /// <param name="Negotiator">negotiator</param>
  670. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  671. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  672. /// <param name="Branches">branches</param>
  673. /// <param name="productTypeID">product type id</param>
  674. /// <returns></returns>
  675. public DataSet GetMortgageCompletedReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  676. {
  677. DataSet ds;
  678. try
  679. {
  680. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[9];
  681. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  682. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  683. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  684. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  685. {
  686. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  687. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  688. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  689. }
  690. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  691. {
  692. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  693. }
  694. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  695. {
  696. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  697. }
  699. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  701. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMortgageCompletedReport", Param);
  702. }
  703. catch (Exception ex)
  704. {
  705. ds = new DataSet();
  706. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetMortgageCompletedReport", ex.Message);
  707. }
  708. return ds;
  709. }
  710. #endregion [Get Mortgage Completed Report 2015-03-30]
  712. #region [Get Insurance Completed Report 2015-03-30]
  713. /// <summary>
  714. /// Dataset for Insurance Completed Report
  715. /// </summary>
  716. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  717. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  718. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  719. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  720. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  721. /// <param name="Negotiator">negotiator</param>
  722. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  723. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  724. /// <param name="Branches">branches</param>
  725. /// <param name="productTypeID">product type Id</param>
  726. /// <returns></returns>
  727. public DataSet GetInsuranceCompletedReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  728. {
  729. DataSet ds;
  730. try
  731. {
  732. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[9];
  733. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  734. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  735. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  736. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  737. {
  738. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  739. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  740. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  741. }
  742. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  743. {
  744. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  745. }
  746. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  747. {
  748. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@InsuranceType", type);
  749. }
  750. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  752. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetInsuranceCompletedReport", Param);
  753. }
  754. catch (Exception ex)
  755. {
  756. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetInsuranceCompletedReport", ex.Message);
  757. ds = new DataSet();
  758. }
  759. return ds;
  760. }
  762. #endregion [Get Insurance Completed Report 2015-03-30]
  764. // method for InsuranceCaseWritten
  765. // created on : 12/11/2014
  766. /// <summary>
  767. /// Getting WOCC Report
  768. /// </summary>
  769. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  770. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  771. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  772. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  773. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  774. /// <param name="Negotiator">negotiator</param>
  775. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  776. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  777. /// <param name="Branches">branches</param>
  778. /// <returns></returns>
  779. public DataSet GetPipelineReviewReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "")
  780. {
  781. DataSet ds;
  782. try
  783. {
  784. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  785. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  786. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  787. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  788. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  789. {
  790. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  791. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  792. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  793. }
  794. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  795. {
  796. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  797. }
  798. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  799. {
  800. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  801. }
  803. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMortgageCaseWritten", Param);
  804. }
  805. catch (Exception ex)
  806. {
  807. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetPipelineReviewReport", ex.Message);
  808. ds = new DataSet();
  809. }
  810. return ds;
  811. }
  813. /// <summary>
  814. /// Get new financial information report!
  815. /// </summary>
  816. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  817. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  818. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  819. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  820. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  821. /// <param name="Negotiator">negotiator</param>
  822. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  823. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  824. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  825. /// <returns></returns>
  826. //modified on 23-12-2014
  827. public DataSet GetNewFinancialInformationReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int FinType = 0)
  828. {
  829. DataSet ds;
  830. try
  831. {
  832. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  833. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  834. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  835. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  836. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  837. {
  838. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  839. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  840. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  841. }
  842. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  843. {
  844. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  845. }
  846. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  847. {
  848. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@InsuranceType", type);
  849. }
  850. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@FinanceType", FinType);
  852. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetWOCCReport", Param);
  853. }
  854. catch (Exception ex)
  855. {
  856. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNewFinancialInformationReport", ex.Message);
  857. ds = new DataSet();
  858. }
  859. return ds;
  860. }
  861. /// <summary>
  862. /// Getting Dataset for Remortgage Report
  863. /// </summary>
  864. /// <param name="totalApps">Return total apps</param>
  865. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  866. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  867. /// <param name="Year">Year filter</param>
  868. /// <param name="Month">Month filter</param>
  869. /// <returns></returns>
  870. public DataSet GetReMortgageReport(out int totalApps, int userid, int brokerId = 0, int Year = 0, int Month = 0)
  871. {
  872. DataSet ds;
  873. totalApps = 0;
  874. try
  875. {
  876. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[4];
  877. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  878. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokerId);
  879. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Year", Year);
  880. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Month", Month);
  882. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetReMortgageReport_Update", Param);
  883. if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
  884. {
  885. totalApps = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["TotalApps"].ToString());
  886. }
  887. }
  888. catch (Exception ex)
  889. {
  890. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetRemortgageReport", ex.Message);
  891. ds = new DataSet();
  892. }
  893. return ds;
  894. }
  896. /// <summary>
  897. /// Used to return reports data model for mortgage case written view
  898. /// </summary>
  899. /// <param name="userId"></param>
  900. /// <param name="loggedInUserId"></param>
  901. /// <returns></returns>
  902. public ReportsDataModel GetMortgageCaseWrittenDetails(int userId, int loggedInUserId)
  903. {
  904. var reportsDM = new ReportsDataModel();
  905. try
  906. {
  907. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel = new MortgageTreeModel();
  908. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.IsSubmit = 0;
  909. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.Purchase = "Residential Purchase";
  910. var qSettings = new Q_settings();
  911. var clients = qSettings.FindBrokerForLoggedInUserWithUserId(userId, loggedInUserId);
  912. if (clients == null)
  913. {
  914. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.BItems = new List<Clients>();
  915. }
  916. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.BItems = clients;
  917. var qClients = new Q_Client();
  918. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.ClientsOrderBy = qClients.FindClients(userId, loggedInUserId).OrderBy(c => c.companyname).ToList();
  919. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.BrokersWithTeams = qSettings.GetBrokersWithTeams(loggedInUserId);
  920. reportsDM.MortgageTreeModel.ProductTypeList = GetAllFinanceType();
  921. }
  922. catch (Exception ex)
  923. {
  924. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetMortgageCaseWrittenDetails", ex.Message);
  925. }
  926. return reportsDM;
  927. }
  929. /// <summary>
  930. /// Used to return contact list by account number.
  931. /// </summary>
  932. /// <param name="acccountNumber"></param>
  933. /// <returns></returns>
  934. public List<tblcontact> GetContactByAccount(int acccountNumber)
  935. {
  936. var qNewLeads = new Q_NewLead();
  937. return qNewLeads.FindContactsForAccount(acccountNumber);
  938. }
  940. /// <summary>
  941. /// Get all companies details
  942. /// </summary>
  943. /// <returns></returns>
  944. public List<clsCompanyDetails> GetAllCompaniesDetails()
  945. {
  946. List<clsCompanyDetails> lstCompanyDetails;
  947. try
  948. {
  949. DataTable dtCompanyDetails = SqlHelper.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetAllCompaniesInfo_Update");
  950. lstCompanyDetails = new List<clsCompanyDetails>(dtCompanyDetails.Rows.Count);
  951. foreach (DataRow row in dtCompanyDetails.Rows)
  952. {
  953. var values = row.ItemArray;
  954. var category = new clsCompanyDetails()
  955. {
  956. AccountId = Convert.ToInt32(values[0]),
  957. CompanyName = Convert.ToString(values[1]),
  958. Branch = Convert.ToString(values[2]),
  959. BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(values[3]),
  960. Negotiator = Convert.ToString(values[4]),
  961. NegotiatorId = Convert.ToInt32(values[5])
  962. };
  963. lstCompanyDetails.Add(category);
  964. }
  965. }
  966. catch (Exception)
  967. {
  968. throw;
  969. }
  970. return lstCompanyDetails;
  971. }
  972. #region Total written Report
  973. /// <summary>
  974. /// Returning dataset for total written report
  975. /// </summary>
  976. /// <param name="type">Type</param>
  977. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  978. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  979. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  980. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  981. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  982. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  983. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  984. /// <param name="Branches">branches</param>
  985. /// <param name="productTypeID">ProductType Id</param>
  986. /// <returns></returns>
  987. public DataSet GetTotalWrittenReport(string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  988. {
  989. DataSet ds;
  990. try
  991. {
  992. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[7];
  993. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  994. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  995. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  996. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  997. {
  998. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  999. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1000. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1001. }
  1002. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1003. {
  1004. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1005. }
  1006. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetTotalWritten", Param);
  1007. }
  1008. catch (Exception ex)
  1009. {
  1010. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetTotalWrittenReport", ex.Message);
  1011. ds = new DataSet();
  1012. }
  1013. return ds;
  1014. }
  1015. #endregion
  1017. #region [Optimized Code of Mortgage Case Written Report 2015-01-22]
  1019. /********************************************************
  1020. * Code Updated on : 23/01/2015
  1021. * Report related methods taked from settings
  1022. *
  1023. *
  1024. * *******************************************************/
  1026. /// <summary>
  1027. /// Get all broker details
  1028. /// </summary>
  1029. /// <param name="accid"></param>
  1030. /// <param name="userId"></param>
  1031. /// <returns></returns>
  1032. public List<Clients> GetAllBrokerDetails(int accid, int userId)
  1033. {
  1034. List<Clients> lstBrokers = new List<Clients>();
  1035. try
  1036. {
  1037. int userType = 0;
  1038. var Id = GetUserTypeAndId(userId, out userType);
  1040. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[2];
  1041. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@UserType", userType);
  1042. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@ID", Id);
  1043. DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FindBrokerForLoggedInUserWithUserId", Param);
  1045. lstBrokers = (from DataRow row in dt.Rows
  1046. select new Clients
  1047. {
  1048. clientid = Convert.ToInt32(row["clientid"]),
  1049. parent = Convert.ToInt32(row["parent"]),
  1050. companyname = Convert.ToString(row["companyname"]),
  1051. TeamName = Convert.ToString(row["TeamName"]),
  1052. TeamId = Convert.ToInt32(row["TeamId"]),
  1053. affiliateid = Convert.ToString(row["affiliateid"]),
  1054. telephone = Convert.ToString(row["telephone"]),
  1055. email = Convert.ToString(row["email"]),
  1056. contactname = Convert.ToString(row["contactname"]),
  1057. address = Convert.ToInt32(row["address"]),
  1058. userid = Convert.ToInt32(row["userid"]),
  1059. AdminId = Convert.ToInt32(row["AdminId"]),
  1060. countLeads = Convert.ToInt32(row["countLeads"])
  1061. }).ToList();
  1062. }
  1063. catch (Exception ex)
  1064. {
  1065. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetAllBrokerDetails", ex.Message);
  1066. throw;
  1067. }
  1068. return lstBrokers;
  1069. }
  1071. /// <summary>
  1072. /// Get broker details with team
  1073. /// </summary>
  1074. /// <param name="userId"></param>
  1075. /// <returns></returns>
  1076. public List<Clients> GetBrokersWithTeams(int userId)
  1077. {
  1078. List<Clients> lstBrokerTeam = new List<Clients>();
  1079. int userType = 0;
  1080. var Id = GetUserTypeAndId(userId, out userType);
  1081. try
  1082. {
  1083. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[2];
  1084. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@UserType", userType);
  1085. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@ID", Id);
  1086. DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetBrokersWithTeams", Param);
  1087. lstBrokerTeam = (from DataRow row in dt.Rows
  1088. select new Clients
  1089. {
  1090. clientid = Convert.ToInt32(row["clientid"]),
  1091. parent = Convert.ToInt32(row["parent"]),
  1092. companyname = Convert.ToString(row["companyname"]),
  1093. TeamName = Convert.ToString(row["TeamName"]),
  1094. TeamId = Convert.ToInt32(row["TeamId"]),
  1095. affiliateid = Convert.ToString(row["affiliateid"]),
  1096. telephone = Convert.ToString(row["telephone"]),
  1097. email = Convert.ToString(row["email"]),
  1098. contactname = Convert.ToString(row["contactname"]),
  1099. address = Convert.ToInt32(row["address"]),
  1100. userid = Convert.ToInt32(row["userid"])
  1101. }).ToList();
  1102. }
  1103. catch (Exception ex)
  1104. {
  1105. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetBrokersWithTeams", ex.Message);
  1106. throw;
  1107. }
  1108. return lstBrokerTeam;
  1109. }
  1111. /// <summary>
  1112. /// Get user type and id accordingly.
  1113. /// </summary>
  1114. /// <param name="userId"></param>
  1115. /// <param name="userType"></param>
  1116. /// <returns></returns>
  1117. private object GetUserTypeAndId(int userId, out int userType)
  1118. {
  1119. int Id = 0;
  1120. try
  1121. {
  1122. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[1] { new SqlParameter("@UserId", userId) };
  1123. DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDatatable(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetUserType", Param);
  1124. Id = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Id"]);
  1125. userType = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["userType"]);
  1126. }
  1127. catch (Exception ex)
  1128. {
  1129. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetUserTypeAndId", ex.Message);
  1130. throw;
  1131. }
  1132. return Id;
  1133. }
  1135. #endregion [Optimized Code of Mortgage Case Written Report 2015-01-22]
  1136. //Insurance Referral report
  1137. /// <summary>
  1138. /// Insurance Referral Report
  1139. /// </summary>
  1140. /// <param name="fromdate">From date</param>
  1141. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  1142. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  1143. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  1144. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  1145. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  1146. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  1147. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  1148. /// <param name="ProductTypeId">ProductType</param>
  1149. /// <returns></returns>
  1150. public DataSet GetInsuranceReferralResult(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int ProductTypeId = 0)
  1151. {
  1152. DataSet ds;
  1153. try
  1154. {
  1155. List<Insurancereferral> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Insurancereferral>();
  1156. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  1157. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1158. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  1159. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  1160. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  1161. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  1162. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1163. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1164. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@ProductTypeId", ProductTypeId);
  1165. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetInsuranceReferralReport", Param);
  1166. }
  1167. catch (Exception ex)
  1168. {
  1169. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetInsuranceReferralResult", ex.Message);
  1170. ds = new DataSet();
  1171. }
  1172. return ds;
  1173. }
  1175. #region [Client Referrals 2015-04-18]
  1178. /// <summary>
  1179. /// Getting count for referral for contact Id
  1180. /// </summary>
  1181. /// <param name="contactId">Contact Id</param>
  1182. /// <returns></returns>
  1183. public int ClientReferralsCount(string contactId)
  1184. {
  1185. var con = contactId.Split('_').ToList();
  1186. int ContactId = 0;
  1187. var contactids = new List<int>();
  1188. if (con.Count() > 1)
  1189. {
  1190. ContactId = Convert.ToInt32(con[0]);
  1191. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.parentNegId == ContactId && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1192. }
  1193. else
  1194. {
  1195. ContactId = Convert.ToInt32(contactId);
  1196. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.parentContactId == ContactId && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1197. }
  1199. //var contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.parentContactId == contactId && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1200. int count = 0;
  1201. if (contactids.Count > 0)
  1202. {
  1203. count++;
  1204. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => contactids.Contains(x.parentContactId ?? 0) && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1205. while (contactids.Count > 0)
  1206. {
  1207. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => contactids.Contains(x.parentContactId ?? 0) && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1208. count++;
  1209. }
  1210. }
  1212. return count;
  1215. }
  1217. /// <summary>
  1218. /// Getting Dataset for Client Referral Report
  1219. /// </summary>
  1220. /// <param name="ContactId">Contact Id</param>
  1221. /// <param name="referralLevel">Referral Level</param>
  1222. /// <param name="referralType">Referral Type</param>
  1223. /// <returns></returns>
  1224. public List<ClientReferralsInfo> ClientReferralInfo(string ContactId = "", int referralLevel = 0, int referralType = 0)
  1225. {
  1226. int contactId = 0;
  1227. var contactids = new List<int>();
  1228. var con = ContactId.Split('_').ToList();
  1229. if (con.Count > 1)
  1230. {
  1231. contactId = Convert.ToInt32(con[0]);
  1232. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.parentNegId == contactId && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1233. }
  1234. else
  1235. {
  1236. contactId = Convert.ToInt32(ContactId);
  1237. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.parentContactId == contactId && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1238. }
  1242. int count = 0;
  1243. List<ClientReferralsInfo> referralList = new List<ClientReferralsInfo>();
  1245. if (contactids.Count > 0)
  1246. {
  1247. count++;
  1248. //if (referralLevel >= count || referralLevel == 0)
  1249. //{
  1250. foreach (var c in contactids)
  1251. {
  1252. ClientReferralsInfo objClient = new ClientReferralsInfo();
  1253. objClient.ContactId = c.ToString();
  1254. objClient.ReferralLevel = count;
  1255. referralList.Add(objClient);
  1256. }
  1257. // }
  1258. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => contactids.Contains(x.parentContactId ?? 0) && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1259. while (contactids.Count > 0)
  1260. {
  1261. count++;
  1262. //if (referralLevel >= count || referralLevel == 0)
  1263. //{
  1264. foreach (var c in contactids)
  1265. {
  1266. ClientReferralsInfo objClient = new ClientReferralsInfo();
  1267. objClient.ContactId = c.ToString();
  1268. objClient.ReferralLevel = count;
  1269. referralList.Add(objClient);
  1270. }
  1271. //}
  1272. contactids = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => contactids.Contains(x.parentContactId ?? 0) && x.account != 1582971 && x.account == 1583028).Select(x => x.contactid).ToList();
  1274. }
  1275. }
  1277. referralList = referralList.OrderBy(x => x.ReferralLevel).ToList();
  1278. //adding parent contact
  1279. ClientReferralsInfo objClient1 = new ClientReferralsInfo();
  1280. objClient1.ContactId = ContactId;
  1281. objClient1.ReferralLevel = 0;
  1282. referralList.Insert(0, objClient1);
  1283. //adding parent contact
  1284. foreach (var v in referralList)
  1285. {
  1286. var conn = v.ContactId.Split('_').ToList();
  1287. if (conn.Count == 1)
  1288. {
  1289. int cont = Convert.ToInt32(v.ContactId);
  1290. var WrittenCommission = (from f in ctx.tblfinances
  1291. join fs in ctx.tblfinance_statusdate on f.financeid equals fs.financeid
  1292. where f.status != 34 && f.status != 35 && f.status != 36 && f.status != 37 && f.status != 38
  1293. && (fs.status == 6 || fs.status == 13) && == cont
  1294. select new
  1295. {
  1296. f.commission
  1297. }).Sum(x => x.commission);
  1299. var WrittenMortgage = (from f in ctx.tblfinances
  1300. join fs in ctx.tblfinance_statusdate on f.financeid equals fs.financeid
  1301. where f.status != 34 && f.status != 35 && f.status != 36 && f.status != 37 && f.status != 38
  1302. && (fs.status == 6) && == cont
  1303. select new
  1304. {
  1305. f.amount
  1306. }).Sum(x => x.amount);
  1308. var IssuedCommission = (from f in ctx.tblfinances
  1309. join fs in ctx.tblfinance_statusdate on f.financeid equals fs.financeid
  1310. where f.status != 34 && f.status != 35 && f.status != 36 && f.status != 37 && f.status != 38
  1311. && (fs.status == 8 || fs.status == 14) && == cont
  1312. select new
  1313. {
  1314. f.commission
  1315. }).Sum(x => x.commission);
  1317. var Issuedmortgage = (from f in ctx.tblfinances
  1318. join fs in ctx.tblfinance_statusdate on f.financeid equals fs.financeid
  1319. where f.status != 34 && f.status != 35 && f.status != 36 && f.status != 37 && f.status != 38
  1320. && (fs.status == 8) && == cont
  1321. select new
  1322. {
  1323. f.amount
  1324. }).Sum(x => x.amount);
  1325. var name = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.contactid == cont).Select(x => new { x.firstname, x.lastname, x.parentContactId }).FirstOrDefault();
  1326. var ReferrerName = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.contactid == name.parentContactId).Select(x => new { x.firstname, x.lastname }).FirstOrDefault();
  1327. v.WrittenCommission = WrittenCommission ?? 0;
  1328. v.WrittenMortgage = WrittenMortgage ?? 0;
  1329. v.IssuedCommission = IssuedCommission ?? 0;
  1330. v.IssuedMortgage = Issuedmortgage ?? 0;
  1331. v.ContactName = (name.firstname ?? "") + " " + (name.lastname ?? "");
  1333. if (ReferrerName != null)
  1334. v.ReferrerName = (ReferrerName.firstname ?? "") + " " + (ReferrerName.lastname ?? "");
  1335. else
  1336. v.ReferrerName = "";
  1338. string parent = "";
  1340. parent = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.contactid == cont && v.ContactId != ContactId && x.parentContactId != 0).Select(x => x.parentContactId).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
  1342. if (parent == "")
  1343. {
  1344. parent = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.contactid == cont && v.ContactId != ContactId && x.parentNegId != 0).Select(x => x.parentNegId).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
  1345. if (parent != string.Empty)
  1346. parent = parent + "_neg";
  1347. else
  1348. parent = null;
  1349. }
  1350. v.ParentContactId = parent;
  1351. }
  1352. else
  1353. {
  1354. int neg = Convert.ToInt32(conn[0]);
  1355. v.ContactName = ctx.tblClientReferralNeg.Where(x => x.NegId == neg).FirstOrDefault().NegName;
  1357. }
  1359. }
  1360. referralList = referralList.OrderBy(x => x.ReferralLevel).ThenByDescending(x => x.WrittenCommission).ToList();
  1362. //for new dropdown list of referral type
  1363. int loop = referralType;
  1364. if (referralType == 0)
  1365. {
  1366. loop = referralList.Select(x => x.ReferralLevel).Max();
  1367. }
  1368. foreach (var v in referralList)
  1369. {
  1370. int i = 1;
  1372. var cIds = referralList.Where(x => x.ParentContactId == v.ContactId).Select(x => x.ContactId).ToList();
  1374. var writMort = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.WrittenMortgage).Sum();
  1375. var writComm = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.WrittenCommission).Sum();
  1376. var Issumort = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.IssuedMortgage).Sum();
  1377. var IssuComm = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.IssuedCommission).Sum();
  1379. while (i < loop)
  1380. {
  1381. cIds = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ParentContactId)).Select(x => x.ContactId).ToList();
  1382. if (referralType == 0)
  1383. {
  1384. writMort += referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.WrittenMortgage).Sum();
  1385. writComm += referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.WrittenCommission).Sum();
  1386. Issumort += referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.IssuedMortgage).Sum();
  1387. IssuComm += referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.IssuedCommission).Sum();
  1388. }
  1389. if (cIds.Count > 0)
  1390. {
  1391. i++;
  1392. }
  1393. else
  1394. {
  1395. break;
  1396. }
  1398. }
  1399. if (referralType == 0)
  1400. {
  1401. v.RefWrittenMortgage = writMort;
  1402. v.RefWrittenCommission = writComm;
  1403. v.RefIssuedMortgage = Issumort;
  1404. v.RefIssuedCommission = IssuComm;
  1405. }
  1406. else
  1407. {
  1408. v.RefWrittenMortgage = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.WrittenMortgage).Sum();
  1409. v.RefWrittenCommission = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.WrittenCommission).Sum();
  1410. v.RefIssuedMortgage = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.IssuedMortgage).Sum();
  1411. v.RefIssuedCommission = referralList.Where(x => cIds.Contains(x.ContactId)).Select(x => x.IssuedCommission).Sum();
  1412. }
  1413. }
  1416. if (referralLevel > 0)
  1417. {
  1418. referralList = referralList.Where(x => x.ReferralLevel <= referralLevel).ToList();
  1419. }
  1422. return referralList;
  1423. }
  1426. #endregion [Client Referrals 2015-04-18]
  1428. #region[Business report]
  1429. /// <summary>
  1430. /// Getting Business report
  1431. /// </summary>
  1432. /// <param name="fromdate">From date</param>
  1433. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  1434. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  1435. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  1436. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  1437. /// <param name="Negotiator">negotiator</param>
  1438. /// <param name="brokers">brokers</param>
  1439. /// <param name="Company">company</param>
  1440. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  1441. /// <param name="productTypeID">ProductTypeId</param>
  1442. /// <returns></returns>
  1443. public DataSet GetBusinessReport(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, string type, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1444. {
  1445. DataSet ds;
  1446. try
  1447. {
  1448. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  1449. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1450. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1451. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1452. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1453. {
  1454. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1455. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1456. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1457. }
  1458. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1459. {
  1460. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1461. }
  1463. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  1465. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetBusinessReport", Param);
  1466. }
  1467. catch (Exception ex)
  1468. {
  1469. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_report", "GetBusinessReport", ex.Message);
  1470. ds = new DataSet();
  1471. }
  1472. return ds;
  1473. }
  1474. #endregion
  1476. #region[Most Valuable referrer report]
  1477. /// <summary>
  1478. /// Getting most valuable referral Report
  1479. /// </summary>
  1480. /// <param name="type">type</param>
  1481. /// <param name="userid">user id</param>
  1482. /// <param name="brokerId">broker id</param>
  1483. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  1484. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  1485. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  1486. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  1487. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product type Id</param>
  1488. /// <returns></returns>
  1489. public DataSet GetMostValuableReport(string type, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1490. {
  1491. DataSet ds;
  1492. try
  1493. {
  1494. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[5];
  1495. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1497. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1498. {
  1499. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1500. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1501. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1502. }
  1503. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1504. {
  1505. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1506. }
  1507. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMostValuableReferrersreport", Param);
  1508. }
  1509. catch (Exception ex)
  1510. {
  1511. ds = new DataSet();
  1512. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetMostValuableReport", ex.Message);
  1513. }
  1514. return ds;
  1515. }
  1516. #endregion
  1518. #region [Updated Code of Reports Data Access Methods 2015-10-21]
  1520. #region [Adviser Report]
  1522. /// <summary>
  1523. /// Updated data access code of adviser report. It fetched data on the basis of negotiator, branch and company ids. Updated on 2015-10-21
  1524. /// </summary>
  1525. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds">Contains negotiator's ids</param>
  1526. /// <param name="BranchIds">Contain branch's ids</param>
  1527. /// <param name="CompanyIds">Contain company's ids</param>
  1528. /// <param name="fromdate">From date</param>
  1529. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  1530. /// <param name="userid">User id</param>
  1531. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker ids</param>
  1532. /// <param name="type">Type</param>
  1533. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiators</param>
  1534. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  1535. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  1536. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  1537. /// <returns></returns>
  1538. public DataSet GetAdvisorReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, int type = 1, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "")
  1539. {
  1540. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1541. try
  1542. {
  1543. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  1544. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  1545. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1546. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1547. {
  1548. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1549. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1550. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1552. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1553. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1554. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1556. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1557. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1559. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1560. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1561. }
  1562. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1563. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1564. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1565. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1567. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Type", type);
  1570. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetAdvisorReport_Updated", Param);
  1571. }
  1572. catch (Exception ex)
  1573. {
  1574. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetAdvisorReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1575. }
  1576. return ds;
  1577. }
  1579. #endregion [Adviser Report]
  1581. #region [Mortgage Written Report]
  1583. /// <summary>
  1584. /// Get mortgage case written report by ids.
  1585. /// </summary>
  1586. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  1587. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  1588. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  1589. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1590. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1591. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1592. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1593. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1594. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1595. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1596. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1597. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1598. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  1599. /// <returns></returns>
  1600. public DataSet GetMortgageCaseWrittenReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1601. {
  1602. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1603. try
  1604. {
  1605. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[12];
  1606. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1607. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1608. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1609. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1610. {
  1611. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1612. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1613. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1615. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1616. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1617. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1619. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1620. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1622. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1623. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1624. }
  1625. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1626. {
  1627. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1628. }
  1629. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  1630. {
  1631. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  1632. }
  1634. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  1636. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMortgageCaseWritten_Update", Param);
  1637. }
  1638. catch (Exception ex)
  1639. {
  1640. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetMortgageCaseWrittenReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1641. }
  1642. return ds;
  1643. }
  1645. #endregion [Mortgage Written Report]
  1647. #region [Insurance Case Written Report]
  1649. /// <summary>
  1650. /// method for InsuranceCaseWritten
  1651. /// created on : 03/11/2014
  1652. ///modified on 23-12-2014
  1653. /// </summary>
  1654. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1655. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1656. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1657. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1658. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1659. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1660. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1661. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1662. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1663. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  1664. /// <returns></returns>
  1665. public DataSet GetInsuranceCaseWrittenReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1666. {
  1667. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1668. try
  1669. {
  1670. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[12];
  1671. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1672. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1673. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1674. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1675. {
  1676. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1677. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1678. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1680. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1681. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1682. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1684. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1685. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1687. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1688. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1689. }
  1690. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1691. {
  1692. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1693. }
  1694. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  1695. {
  1696. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@InsuranceType", type);
  1697. }
  1698. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  1700. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetInsuranceCaseWritten_Update", Param);
  1701. }
  1702. catch (Exception ex)
  1703. {
  1704. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetInsuranceCaseWrittenReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1705. }
  1706. return ds;
  1707. }
  1709. #endregion [Insurance Case Written Report]
  1711. #region [Mortgage Completed Report]
  1713. /// <summary>
  1714. /// Get mortgage completed report by ids.
  1715. /// </summary>
  1716. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  1717. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  1718. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  1719. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1720. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1721. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1722. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1723. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1724. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1725. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1726. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1727. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1728. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  1729. /// <returns></returns>
  1730. public DataSet GetMortgageCompletedReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1731. {
  1732. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1733. try
  1734. {
  1735. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[12];
  1736. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1737. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1738. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1739. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1740. {
  1741. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1742. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1743. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1745. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1746. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1747. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1749. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1750. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1752. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1753. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1754. }
  1755. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1756. {
  1757. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1758. }
  1759. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  1760. {
  1761. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  1762. }
  1764. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  1766. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMortgageCompletedReport_Update", Param);
  1767. }
  1768. catch (Exception ex)
  1769. {
  1770. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetMortgageCompletedReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1771. }
  1772. return ds;
  1773. }
  1775. #endregion [Mortgage Completed Report]
  1777. #region [Insurance Completed Report]
  1779. /// <summary>
  1780. /// Get insurance completed report by ids.
  1781. /// </summary>
  1782. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  1783. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  1784. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  1785. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1786. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1787. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1788. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1789. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1790. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1791. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1792. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1793. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1794. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  1795. /// <returns></returns>
  1796. public DataSet GetInsuranceCompletedReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1797. {
  1798. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1799. try
  1800. {
  1801. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[12];
  1802. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1803. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1804. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1805. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1806. {
  1807. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1808. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1809. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1811. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1812. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1813. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1815. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1816. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1818. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1819. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1820. }
  1821. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1822. {
  1823. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1824. }
  1825. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  1826. {
  1827. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@InsuranceType", type);
  1828. }
  1829. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  1831. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetInsuranceCompletedReport_Update", Param);
  1832. }
  1833. catch (Exception ex)
  1834. {
  1835. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetInsuranceCompletedReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1836. }
  1837. return ds;
  1838. }
  1839. #endregion [Insurance Completed Report]
  1841. #region [Pipeline Review Report]
  1843. /// <summary>
  1844. /// Get pipeline review report by ids.
  1845. /// </summary>
  1846. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  1847. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  1848. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  1849. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1850. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1851. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1852. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1853. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1854. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1855. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1856. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1857. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1858. /// <returns></returns>
  1859. public DataSet GetPipelineReviewReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "")
  1860. {
  1861. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1862. try
  1863. {
  1864. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  1865. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1866. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1867. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1868. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1869. {
  1870. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1871. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1872. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1874. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1875. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1876. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1878. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1879. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1881. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1882. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1883. }
  1884. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1885. {
  1886. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1887. }
  1888. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  1889. {
  1890. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  1891. }
  1893. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMortgageCaseWritten_Update", Param);
  1894. }
  1895. catch (Exception ex)
  1896. {
  1897. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetPipelineReviewReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1898. }
  1899. return ds;
  1900. }
  1902. #endregion [Pipeline Review Report]
  1904. #region [WOCC Report]
  1906. /// <summary>
  1907. /// Get WOCC report by ids.
  1908. /// </summary>
  1909. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  1910. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  1911. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  1912. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1913. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1914. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1915. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1916. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1917. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1918. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1919. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1920. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1921. /// <param name="FinType"></param>
  1922. /// <returns></returns>
  1923. public DataSet GetNewFinancialInformationReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int FinType = 0)
  1924. {
  1925. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1926. try
  1927. {
  1928. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  1929. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1930. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1931. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1932. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1933. {
  1934. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1935. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1936. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1938. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  1939. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  1940. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  1942. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  1943. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  1945. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  1946. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  1947. }
  1948. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  1949. {
  1950. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  1951. }
  1952. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  1953. {
  1954. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@InsuranceType", type);
  1955. }
  1956. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@FinanceType", FinType);
  1958. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetWOCCReport_Update", Param);
  1959. }
  1960. catch (Exception ex)
  1961. {
  1962. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNewFinancialInformationReportByIds", ex.Message);
  1963. }
  1964. return ds;
  1965. }
  1967. #endregion [WOCC Report]
  1969. #region [Total written Report]
  1970. /// <summary>
  1971. /// Get total written report by ids.
  1972. /// </summary>
  1973. /// <param name="type"></param>
  1974. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  1975. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  1976. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  1977. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  1978. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  1979. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  1980. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  1981. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  1982. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  1983. /// <returns></returns>
  1984. public DataSet GetTotalWrittenReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  1985. {
  1986. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  1987. try
  1988. {
  1989. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[10];
  1990. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  1991. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1992. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  1993. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  1994. {
  1995. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  1996. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  1997. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  1999. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2000. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2001. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2003. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2004. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2006. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2007. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2008. }
  2009. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  2010. {
  2011. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  2012. }
  2014. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetTotalWritten_Update", Param);
  2015. }
  2016. catch (Exception ex)
  2017. {
  2018. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetTotalWrittenReportByIds", ex.Message);
  2019. }
  2020. return ds;
  2021. }
  2023. #endregion [Total written Report]
  2025. #region [Insurance Referral report]
  2026. /// <summary>
  2027. /// Get insurance referral results by ids.
  2028. /// </summary>
  2029. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  2030. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  2031. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  2032. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  2033. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  2034. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  2035. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  2036. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  2037. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  2038. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  2039. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  2040. /// <param name="ProductTypeId"></param>
  2041. /// <returns></returns>
  2042. public DataSet GetInsuranceReferralResultByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int ProductTypeId = 0)
  2043. {
  2045. List<Insurancereferral> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Insurancereferral>();
  2046. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  2047. try
  2048. {
  2049. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2050. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2052. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2053. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2054. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2055. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2056. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2057. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2058. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@ProductTypeId", ProductTypeId);
  2060. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2061. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2062. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2064. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2065. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2067. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2068. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2070. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetInsuranceReferralReport_Update", Param);
  2071. }
  2072. catch (Exception ex)
  2073. {
  2074. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetInsuranceReferralResultByIds", ex.Message);
  2075. }
  2076. return ds;
  2077. }
  2078. #endregion [Insurance Referral report]
  2080. #region[Business report]
  2082. /// <summary>
  2083. /// Get business report by ids.
  2084. /// </summary>
  2085. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  2086. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  2087. /// <param name="type"></param>
  2088. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  2089. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  2090. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  2091. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  2092. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  2093. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  2094. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  2095. /// <returns></returns>
  2096. public DataSet GetBusinessReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, string type, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2097. {
  2098. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  2099. try
  2100. {
  2101. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2102. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2103. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2104. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2105. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  2106. {
  2107. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  2108. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  2109. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  2111. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2112. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2113. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2115. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2116. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2118. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2119. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2120. }
  2121. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  2122. {
  2123. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  2124. }
  2126. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2128. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetBusinessReport_Update", Param);
  2129. }
  2130. catch (Exception ex)
  2131. {
  2132. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetBusinessReportByIds", ex.Message);
  2133. }
  2134. return ds;
  2135. }
  2136. #endregion
  2138. #region[Most Valuable referrer report]
  2140. /// <summary>
  2141. /// Get most valuable report by ids.
  2142. /// </summary>
  2143. /// <param name="type"></param>
  2144. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  2145. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  2146. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  2147. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  2148. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  2149. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  2150. /// <param name="productTypeID"></param>
  2151. /// <returns></returns>
  2152. public DataSet GetMostValuableReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2153. {
  2154. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  2155. try
  2156. {
  2157. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  2158. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2160. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  2161. {
  2162. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  2163. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  2164. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  2166. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2167. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2168. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2170. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2171. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2173. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2174. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2175. }
  2176. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  2177. {
  2178. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  2179. }
  2182. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetMostValuableReferrersreport_Update", Param);
  2183. }
  2184. catch (Exception ex)
  2185. {
  2186. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetBusinessReportByIds", ex.Message);
  2187. }
  2188. return ds;
  2189. }
  2190. #endregion
  2192. #region [Negotiator Weekly Report]
  2194. /// <summary>
  2195. /// Getting negotiator weekly report
  2196. /// </summary>
  2197. /// <param name="fromdate">From date</param>
  2198. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  2199. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  2200. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  2201. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  2202. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2203. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  2204. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  2205. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  2206. /// <returns></returns>
  2207. public DataSet GetNegotiatorweeklyByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2208. {
  2209. DataSet ds;
  2210. try
  2211. {
  2212. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  2213. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2214. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2215. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2216. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2217. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2218. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2219. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2220. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2221. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2223. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2224. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2225. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2227. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2228. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2230. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2231. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2233. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReportWeekly_Update", Param);
  2234. }
  2235. catch (Exception ex)
  2236. {
  2237. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorweekly_Update");
  2238. ds = new DataSet();
  2240. }
  2241. return ds;
  2242. }
  2244. #endregion [Negotiator Weekly Report]
  2246. #region [Negotiator Result]
  2248. /// <summary>
  2249. /// Getting dataset from the database for Negotiator Report
  2250. /// </summary>
  2251. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  2252. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  2253. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  2254. /// <param name="pageNo">Page no</param>
  2255. /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
  2256. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  2257. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  2258. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2259. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  2260. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  2261. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product type</param>
  2262. /// <returns></returns>
  2263. public DataSet GetNegotiatorResultByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int pageNo, int pageSize, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2264. {
  2265. DataSet ds;
  2266. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  2267. try
  2268. {
  2269. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[13];
  2270. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2271. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2272. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2273. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2274. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2275. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2276. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2277. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@PageNo", pageNo);
  2278. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize);
  2279. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2281. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2282. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2283. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2285. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2286. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2288. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2289. Param[12] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2291. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReport_Update", Param);
  2292. return ds;
  2293. }
  2294. catch (Exception ex)
  2295. {
  2296. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report.cs", "GetNegotiatorResult", ex.Message);
  2297. return ds = new DataSet();
  2298. }
  2299. }
  2301. #endregion [Negotiator Result]
  2303. #region [Negotiator Data Result]
  2305. /// <summary>
  2306. /// Get negotiator data result by Ids.
  2307. /// </summary>
  2308. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  2309. /// <param name="BranchIds"></param>
  2310. /// <param name="CompanyIds"></param>
  2311. /// <param name="fromdate"></param>
  2312. /// <param name="todate"></param>
  2313. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  2314. /// <param name="pageNo"></param>
  2315. /// <param name="pageSize"></param>
  2316. /// <param name="brokerId"></param>
  2317. /// <param name="Negotiator"></param>
  2318. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  2319. /// <param name="Company"></param>
  2320. /// <param name="Branches"></param>
  2321. /// <returns></returns>
  2322. public ReportsDataModel GetNegotiatorDataResultByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int pageNo, int pageSize, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "")
  2323. {
  2324. ReportsDataModel dataResult = new ReportsDataModel();
  2325. dataResult.Negotiation = new List<Negotiation>();
  2326. dataResult.NegotiationNotes = new List<NegotiationNotes>();
  2327. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[9];
  2328. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2329. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2330. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2331. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2332. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2333. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2334. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2335. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@PageNo", pageNo);
  2336. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize);
  2338. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2339. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2340. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2342. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2343. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2345. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2346. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2348. SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReaderNext(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetNegotiatorReport_Update", Param);
  2349. ctx.Database.Initialize(force: false);
  2351. ctx.Database.Connection.Open();
  2352. dataResult.Negotiation = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<Negotiation>(reader).ToList();
  2353. reader.NextResult();
  2354. dataResult.NegotiationNotes = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<NegotiationNotes>(reader).ToList();
  2355. ctx.Database.Connection.Close();
  2356. if (!reader.IsClosed)
  2357. {
  2358. reader.Close();
  2359. }
  2360. return dataResult;
  2361. }
  2363. #endregion [Negotiator Data Result]
  2365. #region [Notes Data]
  2367. /// <summary>
  2368. /// Getting the dataset for Notes Data
  2369. /// </summary>
  2370. /// <param name="userId">User Id</param>
  2371. /// <param name="pageNo">Page No</param>
  2372. /// <param name="pageSize">Page Size</param>
  2373. /// <param name="fromDate">FRom Date</param>
  2374. /// <param name="toDate">To Date</param>
  2375. /// <param name="negotiators">Negotiators</param>
  2376. /// <param name="company">Companies</param>
  2377. /// <param name="branches">branches</param>
  2378. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2379. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product type</param>
  2380. /// <returns></returns>
  2381. public ReadNotes GetNotesDataByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, int userId, int pageNo, int pageSize, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string negotiators = "", string company = "", string branches = "", string brokers = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2382. {
  2383. var reportsDN = new ReadNotes();
  2384. try
  2385. {
  2386. DataTable notes = new DataTable();
  2387. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[13];
  2388. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(negotiators) ? null : negotiators.Trim()));
  2389. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(company) ? null : company.Trim()));
  2390. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branches) ? null : branches.Trim()));
  2391. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerIds", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2392. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2393. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", toDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2394. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userId);
  2395. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@PageNo", pageNo);
  2396. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize);
  2397. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2399. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2400. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2401. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2403. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2404. Param[11] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2406. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2407. Param[12] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2409. SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReaderNext(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Usp_GetNotesData_Update", Param);
  2410. ctx.Database.Initialize(force: false);
  2411. ctx.Database.Connection.Open();
  2412. reportsDN.AdvisorNotes = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<NegotiationNotes>(reader).ToList();
  2413. reader.NextResult();
  2414. reportsDN.AgentNotes = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext.Translate<NegotiationNotes>(reader).ToList();
  2415. ctx.Database.Connection.Close();
  2416. if (!reader.IsClosed)
  2417. {
  2418. reader.Close();
  2419. }
  2420. }
  2421. catch (Exception ex)
  2422. {
  2423. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNotesDataByIds", ex.Message);
  2424. }
  2425. return reportsDN; ;
  2426. }
  2428. #endregion [Notes Data]
  2430. #region [Negotiator Weekly Notes Created]
  2431. //added on 2015-02-03
  2432. /// <summary>
  2433. /// Getting Weekly created notes data
  2434. /// </summary>
  2435. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  2436. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  2437. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  2438. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  2439. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  2440. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2441. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  2442. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  2443. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  2444. /// <returns></returns>
  2445. public DataSet GetNegotiatorWeeklyCreatedNotesByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2446. {
  2447. DataSet ds;
  2448. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  2449. try
  2450. {
  2451. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2452. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2453. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2454. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2455. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2456. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2457. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2458. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2459. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2461. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2462. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2463. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2465. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2466. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2468. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2469. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2471. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReportWeeklyNoteCreated_Update", Param);
  2472. return ds;
  2473. }
  2474. catch (Exception ex)
  2475. {
  2476. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorWeeklyCreatedNotesByIds", ex.Message);
  2477. ds = new DataSet();
  2478. return ds;
  2479. }
  2480. }
  2482. #endregion [Negotiator Weekly Notes Created]
  2484. #region [Negotiator Weekly Notes Updated]
  2486. //added on 2015-02-03
  2487. /// <summary>
  2488. /// Getting weekly updated notes
  2489. /// </summary>
  2490. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  2491. /// <param name="todate">To date</param>
  2492. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  2493. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  2494. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  2495. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2496. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  2497. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  2498. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  2499. /// <returns></returns>
  2500. public DataSet GetNegotiatorWeeklyUpdatedNotesByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2501. {
  2502. DataSet ds;
  2503. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  2504. try
  2505. {
  2506. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2507. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2508. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2509. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2510. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2511. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2512. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2513. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2514. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2516. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2517. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2518. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2520. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2521. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2523. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2524. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2526. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReportWeeklyNoteUpdated_Update", Param);
  2527. return ds;
  2528. }
  2529. catch (Exception ex)
  2530. {
  2531. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorWeeklyUpdatedNotesByIds", ex.Message);
  2532. ds = new DataSet();
  2533. return ds;
  2534. }
  2535. }
  2537. #endregion [Negotiator Weekly Notes Updated]
  2539. #region [Negotiator Report]
  2541. /// <summary>
  2542. /// Getting negotiator data for PDF
  2543. /// </summary>
  2544. /// <param name="fromdate">From Date</param>
  2545. /// <param name="todate">To Date</param>
  2546. /// <param name="userid">User Id</param>
  2547. /// <param name="brokerId">Broker Id</param>
  2548. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  2549. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2550. /// <param name="Company">Company</param>
  2551. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  2552. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type</param>
  2553. /// <returns></returns>
  2554. public DataSet GetNegotiatorByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2555. {
  2556. DataSet ds;
  2557. try
  2558. {
  2559. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  2560. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2561. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2563. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator) ? null : Negotiator.Trim()));
  2564. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company) ? null : Company.Trim()));
  2565. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Branches) ? null : Branches.Trim()));
  2566. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2567. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2568. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2569. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2571. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2572. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2573. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2575. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2576. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2578. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2579. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2581. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetNegotiatorReport_Update", Param);
  2582. }
  2583. catch (Exception ex)
  2584. {
  2585. ds = new DataSet();
  2586. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetNegotiatorByIds", ex.Message);
  2587. }
  2588. return ds;
  2589. }
  2591. #endregion [Negotiator Report]
  2593. #region [Overall Conversion Report]
  2595. /// <summary>
  2596. /// Getting dataset for overall conversion report for Introducer Report
  2597. /// </summary>
  2598. /// <param name="totalLeads">Total Leads output parameter</param>
  2599. /// <param name="totalApps">Total Apps Output parameter</param>
  2600. /// <param name="fromdate">from date</param>
  2601. /// <param name="todate">to date</param>
  2602. /// <param name="userid">user Id</param>
  2603. /// <param name="brokerId">broker Id</param>
  2604. /// <param name="Negotiator">Negotiator</param>
  2605. /// <param name="brokers">Brokers</param>
  2606. /// <param name="Company">Companies</param>
  2607. /// <param name="Branches">Branches</param>
  2608. /// <param name="productTypeID">Product Type Id</param>
  2609. public void GetOverAllConversionReportByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, out int totalLeads, out int totalApps, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2610. {
  2611. DataSet ds;
  2612. totalLeads = 0;
  2613. totalApps = 0;
  2614. try
  2615. {
  2616. List<Negotiation> negotiationlist = new List<Models.Negotiation>();
  2617. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2618. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2619. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  2620. {
  2621. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", "'" + Negotiator.TrimEnd(',') + "'");
  2622. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", "'" + Company.TrimEnd(',') + "'");
  2623. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", "'" + Branches.TrimEnd(',') + "'");
  2625. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2626. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2627. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2629. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2630. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2632. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2633. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2634. }
  2635. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  2636. {
  2637. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  2638. }
  2639. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2640. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2641. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2642. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetOverAllConversionForIntroducer_Update", Param);
  2643. if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
  2644. {
  2645. totalLeads = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TotalCount"].ToString());
  2646. }
  2647. if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
  2648. {
  2649. totalApps = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["TotalCount"].ToString());
  2650. }
  2651. }
  2652. catch (Exception ex)
  2653. {
  2654. ds = new DataSet();
  2655. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetOverAllConversionReportByIds", ex.Message);
  2656. }
  2658. }
  2660. ///// <summary>
  2661. ///// Get introducer visit notes on the basis of filters.
  2662. ///// </summary>
  2663. ///// <returns></returns>
  2664. //public List<IntroducerVisitNotes> GetIntroducerVisitNoteDetails(List<int> companyIds, string brokers, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate)
  2665. //{
  2666. // List<int> brokerids = new List<int>();
  2667. // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers))
  2668. // {
  2669. // brokerids = brokers.Split(',').Select(Int32.Parse).ToList();
  2670. // }
  2671. // var lstIntroducerNotes = new List<IntroducerVisitNotes>();
  2672. // db_occfinance_5572Entities _context = new db_occfinance_5572Entities();
  2673. // try
  2674. // {
  2675. // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) && companyIds!=null && companyIds.Count>0)
  2676. // {
  2677. // lstIntroducerNotes = (from intNotes in _context.tblIntroducerVisitNotes
  2678. // join usr in _context.tblusers on intNotes.CreatedBy equals usr.userid
  2679. // join acct in _context.tblaccounts on usr.account equals acct.accountid
  2680. // where companyIds.Contains(acct.accountid)
  2681. // && brokerids.Contains(usr.userid)
  2682. // select new IntroducerVisitNotes
  2683. // {
  2684. // Id = intNotes.Id,
  2685. // Account = intNotes.Account,
  2686. // UserName = usr.brokername,
  2687. // CreatedOn = intNotes.Created,
  2688. // CreatedBy = intNotes.CreatedBy,
  2689. // Note = intNotes.Note,
  2690. // Introducer = acct.companyname
  2691. // }).ToList();
  2692. // }
  2693. // else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) && companyIds != null && companyIds.Count > 0)
  2694. // {
  2695. // lstIntroducerNotes = (from intNotes in _context.tblIntroducerVisitNotes
  2696. // join usr in _context.tblusers on intNotes.CreatedBy equals usr.userid
  2697. // join acct in _context.tblaccounts on usr.account equals acct.accountid
  2698. // where companyIds.Contains(acct.accountid)
  2699. // select new IntroducerVisitNotes
  2700. // {
  2701. // Id = intNotes.Id,
  2702. // Account = intNotes.Account,
  2703. // UserName = usr.brokername,
  2704. // CreatedOn = intNotes.Created,
  2705. // CreatedBy = intNotes.CreatedBy,
  2706. // Note = intNotes.Note,
  2707. // Introducer = acct.companyname
  2708. // }).ToList();
  2709. // }
  2710. // if (lstIntroducerNotes != null && lstIntroducerNotes.Count > 0)
  2711. // {
  2712. // foreach (var intNote in lstIntroducerNotes)
  2713. // {
  2714. // intNote.Created = Convert.ToDateTime(intNote.CreatedOn).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm");
  2715. // }
  2716. // }
  2717. // }
  2718. // catch (Exception ex)
  2719. // {
  2720. // Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports.cs", "GetIntroducerVisitNoteDetails", ex.Message);
  2721. // }
  2722. // return lstIntroducerNotes;
  2723. //}
  2725. /// <summary>
  2726. /// Get introducer appointment details.
  2727. /// </summary>
  2728. /// <returns></returns>
  2729. public List<IntroducerVisitNotes> GetIntroducerVisitNoteDetails(List<int> companyIds, string brokers, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate)
  2730. {
  2731. List<IntroducerVisitNotes> introducerVisits = new List<IntroducerVisitNotes>();
  2732. DataSet dsIntroducerVisits;
  2733. try
  2734. {
  2735. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[10];
  2736. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", null);
  2738. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", null);
  2739. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", null);
  2740. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", null);
  2741. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2743. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2744. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(companyIds);
  2745. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2747. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", null);
  2749. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", null);
  2750. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2751. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2753. dsIntroducerVisits = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetIntroducerVisitsNoteDetails", Param);
  2756. if (dsIntroducerVisits.Tables.Count > 0 && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
  2757. {
  2758. introducerVisits = DataTableHelper.CreateListFromTableForAll<IntroducerVisitNotes>(dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0]).ToList();
  2760. foreach (var intNote in introducerVisits)
  2761. {
  2762. intNote.CreateOn = Convert.ToDateTime(intNote.CreatedOn).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm");
  2763. }
  2764. }
  2765. }
  2766. catch (Exception ex)
  2767. {
  2768. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports.cs", "GetIntroducerVisitNoteDetails", ex.Message);
  2769. }
  2770. return introducerVisits;
  2771. }
  2773. #endregion [Overall Conversion Report]
  2775. #region [Conversion Rate For Insurance Referrals]
  2776. public DataSet GetConversionRateForInsuranceReferrals(List<int> NegotiatorIds, List<int> BranchIds, List<int> CompanyIds, string type, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, int userid, int brokerId = 0, string Negotiator = "", string brokers = "", string Company = "", string Branches = "", int productTypeID = 0)
  2777. {
  2778. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  2779. try
  2780. {
  2781. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[11];
  2782. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2783. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2784. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2785. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Negotiator))
  2786. {
  2787. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", Negotiator.Trim());
  2788. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@Company", Company.Trim());
  2789. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", Branches.Trim());
  2791. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2792. DataTable dtNegotiatorIds = Helper.FillDataTable(NegotiatorIds);
  2793. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", dtNegotiatorIds);
  2795. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2796. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2798. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(CompanyIds);
  2799. Param[10] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2800. }
  2801. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(brokers))
  2802. {
  2803. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  2804. }
  2805. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
  2806. {
  2807. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@MortgageType", type);
  2808. }
  2810. //Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", productTypeID);
  2812. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetConversionRateForInsuranceReferrals", Param);
  2813. }
  2814. catch (Exception ex)
  2815. {
  2816. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "GetConversionRateForInsuranceReferrals", ex.Message);
  2817. }
  2818. return ds;
  2819. }
  2821. #endregion [Conversion Rate For Insurance Referrals]
  2823. #endregion [Updated Code of Reports Data Access Methods 2015-10-21]
  2825. #region [Get Selected Companies With Broker 2015-10-21]
  2827. /// <summary>
  2828. /// Get selected companies with brokers by ids
  2829. /// </summary>
  2830. /// <param name="_allNamesparents"></param>
  2831. /// <returns></returns>
  2832. public string GetSelectedCompaniesWithBrokerByIds(string[] _allNamesparents)
  2833. {
  2834. var allNamesparents = string.Empty;
  2835. var distinctList = _allNamesparents.Distinct().ToList();
  2836. List<SelectListItem> _list = new List<SelectListItem>();
  2837. for (int i = 0; i < distinctList.Count(); i++)
  2838. {
  2840. if (distinctList[i].Contains("®"))
  2841. {
  2842. string companyName;
  2843. string branchName;
  2844. GetCompanyAndBranchNameByIds(distinctList, i, out companyName, out branchName);
  2846. _list.Add(new SelectListItem
  2847. {
  2848. Text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(companyName, "[^a-zA-Z0-9)]+", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled),
  2849. Value = branchName
  2850. });
  2851. }
  2852. }
  2853. // System.Globalization.TextInfo myTI = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
  2855. var _companieslist = (from r in _list
  2856. select new
  2857. {
  2858. companyname = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(r.Text, "[^a-zA-Z0-9)]+", "", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled).Trim()
  2860. }).Distinct().ToList();
  2861. for (int i = 0; i < _companieslist.Count(); i++)
  2862. {
  2863. var s = string.Join(", ", _list.Where(p => p.Text == _companieslist[i].companyname).Select(p => p.Value.ToString()));
  2864. allNamesparents += string.Format("&nbsp;<b>&nbsp;{0}&nbsp;</b>(&nbsp;{1}&nbsp;)", _companieslist.ElementAtOrDefault(i).companyname, s);
  2865. }
  2866. return allNamesparents;
  2867. }
  2869. /// <summary>
  2870. /// Get company and branch names by id.
  2871. /// </summary>
  2872. /// <param name="companyAndBranchList"></param>
  2873. /// <param name="index"></param>
  2874. /// <param name="companyName"></param>
  2875. /// <param name="branchName"></param>
  2876. public void GetCompanyAndBranchNameByIds(List<string> companyAndBranchList, int index, out string companyName, out string branchName)
  2877. {
  2878. try
  2879. {
  2880. db_occfinance_5572Entities ctx = new db_occfinance_5572Entities();
  2881. var companyId = Convert.ToInt32(companyAndBranchList[index].Split('®')[0]);
  2882. var branchId = Convert.ToInt32(companyAndBranchList[index].Split('®')[1]);
  2883. companyName = ctx.tblaccounts.Where(com => com.accountid == companyId).Select(com => com.companyname).FirstOrDefault();
  2884. branchName = ctx.tblBranches.Where(br => br.Id == branchId).Select(br => br.Branch).FirstOrDefault();
  2885. }
  2886. catch (Exception ex)
  2887. {
  2888. companyName = string.Empty;
  2889. branchName = string.Empty;
  2890. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "ReportsController", "GetCompanyAndBranchNameByIds", ex.Message);
  2891. }
  2892. }
  2894. /// <summary>
  2895. /// Get negotiator name by ids
  2896. /// </summary>
  2897. /// <param name="NegotiatorIds"></param>
  2898. /// <returns></returns>
  2899. public string[] GetNegotiatorsNameByIds(List<int> NegotiatorIds)
  2900. {
  2901. string[] negotiatorNames = new string[NegotiatorIds.Count()];
  2902. try
  2903. {
  2904. db_occfinance_5572Entities ctx = new db_occfinance_5572Entities();
  2905. negotiatorNames = ctx.tblNegotiators.Where(neg => NegotiatorIds.Contains(neg.Id)).Select(neg => neg.Negotiator).ToList().ToArray();
  2907. }
  2908. catch (Exception ex)
  2909. {
  2910. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "ReportsController", "GetNegotiatorName", ex.Message);
  2911. }
  2912. return negotiatorNames;
  2913. }
  2919. #endregion [Get Selected Companies With Broker 2015-10-21]
  2921. #region [Introducer Visits]
  2923. /// <summary>
  2924. /// Get introducer appointment details.
  2925. /// </summary>
  2926. /// <returns></returns>
  2927. public List<IntroducerVisitsModel> GetIntroducerVisitsForAppointment(List<int> companyIds, string brokers, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate)
  2928. {
  2929. List<IntroducerVisitsModel> introducerVisits = new List<IntroducerVisitsModel>();
  2930. DataSet dsIntroducerVisits;
  2931. try
  2932. {
  2933. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[10];
  2934. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", null);
  2936. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", null);
  2937. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", null);
  2938. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", null);
  2939. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2941. //Convert Negotiator, Branch and Company Ids list into datatable and pass them into sql procedure parameter value. -20151021
  2942. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(companyIds);
  2943. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2945. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", null);
  2947. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@NegotiatorIds", null);
  2948. Param[8] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2949. Param[9] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  2951. dsIntroducerVisits = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetIntroducerVisitsDetails", Param);
  2952. }
  2953. catch (Exception ex)
  2954. {
  2955. dsIntroducerVisits = new DataSet();
  2956. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetIntroducerVisitsDetails", ex.Message);
  2957. }
  2959. if (dsIntroducerVisits.Tables.Count > 0 && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
  2960. introducerVisits = DataTableHelper.CreateListFromTableForAll<IntroducerVisitsModel>(dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0]).ToList();
  2961. return introducerVisits;
  2962. }
  2964. /// <summary>
  2965. /// Get Introducer Visits for admin
  2966. /// </summary>
  2967. /// <param name="companyIds"></param>
  2968. /// <param name="userid"></param>
  2969. /// <param name="brokers"></param>
  2970. /// <returns></returns>
  2971. public List<IntroducerVisitsModel> GetIntroducerVisitsForAdmin(List<int> companyIds, int userid, string brokers, List<int> BranchIds, bool IsBroker)
  2972. {
  2973. List<IntroducerVisitsModel> introducerVisits = new List<IntroducerVisitsModel>();
  2974. DataSet dsIntroducerVisits;
  2975. try
  2976. {
  2977. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[5];
  2978. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userid);
  2979. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brokers) ? null : brokers));
  2980. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(companyIds);
  2981. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  2982. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  2983. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  2984. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@IsBroker", IsBroker);
  2986. dsIntroducerVisits = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetIntroducerVisitsDetailsForAdmin", Param);
  2987. }
  2988. catch (Exception ex)
  2989. {
  2990. dsIntroducerVisits = new DataSet();
  2991. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetIntroducerVisitsDetailsForAdmin", ex.Message);
  2992. }
  2994. if (dsIntroducerVisits.Tables.Count > 0 && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
  2995. {
  2996. foreach(DataRow row in dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0].Rows)
  2997. {
  2998. var model = new IntroducerVisitsModel();
  2999. model.account = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row["account"]));
  3000. = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row["broker"]));
  3001. model.Introducer = Convert.ToString(row["Introducer"]);
  3002. model.Branch = Convert.ToString(row["Branch"]);
  3003. model.BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row["BranchId"]));
  3004. model.AdviserAssigned = Convert.ToString(row["AdviserAssigned"]);
  3005. model.Id = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row["Id"]));
  3006. model.FrequencyType = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row["FrequencyType"]));
  3007. model.FrequencyDay = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(row["FrequencyDay"]));
  3008. introducerVisits.Add(model);
  3009. }
  3010. }
  3012. return introducerVisits;
  3013. }
  3015. public bool UpdateIntroducerAppointmentDetails(List<IntroducerVisitsModel> lstIntroducerAppointment)
  3016. {
  3017. db_occfinance_5572Entities _context = new db_occfinance_5572Entities();
  3018. try
  3019. {
  3020. lstIntroducerAppointment.RemoveAt(0);//As this contain header of table
  3021. lstIntroducerAppointment = lstIntroducerAppointment.GroupBy(item => new { BranchId = item.BranchId, Account = item.account }).SelectMany(g => g.OrderBy(grp => grp.AdviserAssigned)).ToList();
  3022. int xxx = 0;
  3023. int prevBranchId = 0;
  3024. int prevAccountId = 0;
  3026. foreach (var appointment in lstIntroducerAppointment)
  3027. {
  3028. DayOfWeek day = (DayOfWeek)appointment.FrequencyDay;
  3029. int prev_daysToAdd = ((int)day - (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
  3030. DateTime _VisitDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(prev_daysToAdd);
  3031. if (appointment.Id > 0)
  3032. {
  3033. var IsRecordExist = _context.tblIntroducerVisits.Where(x => x.Id == appointment.Id).FirstOrDefault();
  3034. if (IsRecordExist != null)
  3035. {
  3036. try
  3037. {
  3038. if (appointment.AssignAdvisers != "checked")
  3039. {
  3040. IsRecordExist.IsActive = false;
  3041. IsRecordExist.IsDeleted = true;
  3042. IsRecordExist.Updated = DateTime.Now;
  3043. _context.SaveChanges();
  3044. }
  3045. else
  3046. {
  3047. =;
  3048. IsRecordExist.FrequencyDay = appointment.FrequencyDay;
  3049. IsRecordExist.FrequencyType = appointment.FrequencyType;
  3050. IsRecordExist.Updated = DateTime.Now;
  3051. if (prevBranchId != appointment.BranchId && prevAccountId != appointment.account)
  3052. {
  3053. xxx = 0;
  3054. prevBranchId = appointment.BranchId;
  3055. prevAccountId = appointment.account;
  3056. IsRecordExist.VisitDate = _VisitDate;
  3057. }
  3058. else
  3059. {
  3060. xxx = xxx + appointment.FrequencyType;
  3061. IsRecordExist.VisitDate = _VisitDate.AddDays(xxx * 7);
  3062. prevBranchId = appointment.BranchId;
  3063. prevAccountId = appointment.account;
  3064. }
  3066. _context.SaveChanges();
  3068. }
  3070. }
  3071. catch (Exception ex)
  3072. {
  3073. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "ReportController", "UpdateIntroducerAppointmentDetails", ex.Message);
  3075. }
  3076. }
  3077. }
  3078. else
  3079. {
  3080. if (appointment.AssignAdvisers == "checked" && appointment.Id == 0)
  3081. {
  3082. try
  3083. {
  3084. tblIntroducerVisit objAppointment = new tblIntroducerVisit();
  3085. objAppointment.account = appointment.account;
  3086. =;
  3087. objAppointment.FrequencyDay = appointment.FrequencyDay;
  3088. objAppointment.FrequencyType = appointment.FrequencyType;
  3089. objAppointment.BranchId = appointment.BranchId;
  3090. objAppointment.Created = DateTime.Now;
  3091. objAppointment.StatusId = 0;
  3092. objAppointment.Updated = DateTime.Now;
  3093. objAppointment.Created = DateTime.Now;
  3094. objAppointment.UpdatedBy = SessionHelper.UserId;
  3095. objAppointment.CreatedBy = SessionHelper.UserId;
  3096. objAppointment.IsActive = true;
  3097. if (prevBranchId != appointment.BranchId && prevAccountId != appointment.account)
  3098. {
  3099. xxx = 0;
  3100. prevBranchId = appointment.BranchId;
  3101. prevAccountId = appointment.account;
  3102. objAppointment.VisitDate = _VisitDate;
  3103. }
  3104. else
  3105. {
  3106. xxx = xxx + appointment.FrequencyType;
  3107. objAppointment.VisitDate = _VisitDate.AddDays(xxx * 7);
  3108. prevBranchId = appointment.BranchId;
  3109. prevAccountId = appointment.account;
  3110. }
  3111. _context.tblIntroducerVisits.Add(objAppointment);
  3112. _context.SaveChanges();
  3114. if (objAppointment.Id > 0)
  3115. {
  3116. tblIntroducerVisitsStatu objStatus = new tblIntroducerVisitsStatu();
  3117. objStatus.IntroducerVisitsId = objAppointment.Id;
  3118. objStatus.Status = (int)IntroducerVisitStatusEnum.Pending;
  3119. objStatus.CreatedBy = SessionHelper.UserId;
  3120. objStatus.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
  3121. _context.tblIntroducerVisitsStatus.Add(objStatus);
  3122. _context.SaveChanges();
  3123. if (objStatus.Id > 0)
  3124. {
  3125. var _introducerVisit = _context.tblIntroducerVisits.Where(x => x.Id == objAppointment.Id).FirstOrDefault();
  3126. _introducerVisit.StatusId = objStatus.Id;
  3127. }
  3129. string _connectionstring = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConString1"]);
  3130. try
  3131. {
  3132. var _userId = SessionHelper.UserId;
  3133. var _accountId = objAppointment.account;
  3135. string note = "";
  3136. string DateOfVisit = objAppointment.VisitDate.HasValue ? objAppointment.VisitDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMMM/yyyy") : string.Empty;
  3137. note = "A meeting is scheduled with Introducer " + _context.tblaccounts.Where(res => res.accountid == objAppointment.account).Select(res => res.companyname).FirstOrDefault() + " in branch " + _context.tblBranches.Where(x => x.Id == appointment.BranchId).Select(x => x.Branch).FirstOrDefault().ToString() + " on " + DateOfVisit + ".";
  3138. // note = "A meeting is scheduled with Introducer " + _context.tblaccounts.Where(res => res.accountid == objAppointment.account).Select(res => res.companyname).FirstOrDefault() + " in branch " + _context.tblBranches.Where(x => x.Id == appointment.BranchId).Select(x => x.Branch).FirstOrDefault().ToString() + " on " + _VisitDate.ToString("dd/MMMM/yyyy") + ".";
  3139. tblIntroducerVisitNote objNote = new tblIntroducerVisitNote();
  3140. objNote.Account = _accountId;
  3141. objNote.Note = note;
  3142. objNote.Created = DateTime.Now;
  3143. objNote.CreatedBy = _userId;
  3144. _context.tblIntroducerVisitNotes.Add(objNote);
  3145. _context.SaveChanges();
  3146. if (objNote.Id > 0)
  3147. {
  3148. objAppointment.NoteId = objNote.Id;
  3149. objStatus.NoteId = objNote.Id;
  3150. _context.SaveChanges();
  3151. }
  3154. }
  3155. catch (Exception ex)
  3156. {
  3157. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "ReportController", "UpdateIntroducerAppointmentDetails_AddNote", ex.Message);
  3159. }
  3161. }
  3162. }
  3163. catch (Exception ex)
  3164. {
  3165. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "ReportController", "UpdateIntroducerAppointmentDetails", ex.Message);
  3167. }
  3168. }
  3169. }
  3171. }
  3172. }
  3173. catch (Exception ex)
  3174. {
  3175. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Reports", "UpdateIntroducerAppointmentDetails", ex.Message);
  3177. }
  3178. return true;
  3179. }
  3181. #endregion [Introducer Visits]
  3185. /// <summary>
  3186. /// Get data for London Market Screen Graph.
  3187. /// </summary>
  3188. /// <returns></returns>
  3189. public DataSet GetLondonMarketScreenData()
  3190. {
  3191. DataSet ds;
  3192. try
  3193. {
  3194. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[0];
  3195. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_LondonMarketScreenData", Param);
  3196. }
  3197. catch (Exception ex)
  3198. {
  3199. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_report", "sp_LondonMarketScreenData", ex.Message);
  3200. ds = new DataSet();
  3201. }
  3202. return ds;
  3203. }
  3205. #region Account Visits Report
  3207. public AccountVisitsReport GetAccountVisitsReport(List<int> companyIds, int userId, string brokers, List<int> BranchIds, DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate)
  3208. {
  3209. List<clsAccountVisits> accountVisits = new List<clsAccountVisits>();
  3210. AccountVisitsReport _reportData = new AccountVisitsReport();
  3211. DataSet dsIntroducerVisits;
  3212. try
  3213. {
  3215. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[6];
  3216. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", userId);
  3217. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", brokers);
  3218. DataTable dtCompanyIds = Helper.FillDataTable(companyIds);
  3219. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@CompanyIds", dtCompanyIds);
  3220. DataTable dtBranchIds = Helper.FillDataTable(BranchIds);
  3221. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@BranchIds", dtBranchIds);
  3222. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", FromDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  3223. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", ToDate.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"));
  3224. dsIntroducerVisits = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("GetAccountVisitsReport", Param);
  3225. if (dsIntroducerVisits != null && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables.Count > 0 && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
  3226. {
  3227. foreach (DataRow dr in dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[0].Rows)
  3228. {
  3229. var av = new clsAccountVisits();
  3230. av.Introducer = Convert.ToString(dr["CompanyName"]);
  3231. av.Branch = Convert.ToString(dr["Branch"]);
  3232. av.Adviser = Convert.ToString(dr["UserName"]);
  3233. av.AdviserId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["broker"]));
  3234. av.IntroducerVisitsId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["id"]));
  3235. av.TransferToAdviser = Convert.ToString(dr["TransferToAdviser"]);
  3236. av.TransferToId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["TransferToId"]));
  3237. IntroducerVisitStatusEnum statusEnum = (IntroducerVisitStatusEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["Status"]));
  3238. av.VisitFrequency = ((VisitFrequencyEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["FrequencyType"]))).GetEnumDescription();
  3239. av.VisitFrequencyDay = ((DayListEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["FrequencyDay"]))).GetEnumDescription();
  3240. av.Status = Convert.ToString(statusEnum);
  3241. av.Note = Convert.ToString(dr["Notes"]);
  3242. accountVisits.Add(av);
  3243. }
  3244. accountVisits = accountVisits.GroupBy(item => new { Introducer = item.Introducer, Branch = item.Branch }).SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.IntroducerVisitsId)).ToList();
  3245. _reportData.TotalAccountVisitsReport = accountVisits;
  3247. }
  3248. //For Transferred
  3249. if (dsIntroducerVisits != null && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables.Count > 0 && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
  3250. {
  3251. List<clsAccountVisits> accountVisitsTransfered = new List<clsAccountVisits>();
  3252. foreach (DataRow dr in dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[1].Rows)
  3253. {
  3254. var av = new clsAccountVisits();
  3255. av.Introducer = Convert.ToString(dr["CompanyName"]);
  3256. av.Branch = Convert.ToString(dr["Branch"]);
  3257. av.Adviser = Convert.ToString(dr["UserName"]);
  3258. av.AdviserId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["broker"]));
  3259. av.IntroducerVisitsId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["id"]));
  3260. av.TransferToAdviser = Convert.ToString(dr["TransferToAdviser"]);
  3261. av.TransferToId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["TransferToId"]));
  3262. IntroducerVisitStatusEnum statusEnum = (IntroducerVisitStatusEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["Status"]));
  3263. av.VisitFrequency = ((VisitFrequencyEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["FrequencyType"]))).GetEnumDescription();// Convert.ToString(vfEnum);
  3264. av.VisitFrequencyDay = ((DayListEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["FrequencyDay"]))).GetEnumDescription();// Convert.ToString(dlEnum);
  3265. av.Status = Convert.ToString(statusEnum);
  3266. av.Note = Convert.ToString(dr["Notes"]);
  3267. accountVisitsTransfered.Add(av);
  3268. }
  3269. accountVisitsTransfered = accountVisitsTransfered.GroupBy(item => new { Introducer = item.Introducer, Branch = item.Branch }).SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.IntroducerVisitsId)).ToList();
  3270. _reportData.TotalTransferVisitsReport = accountVisitsTransfered;
  3271. }
  3273. //For Rejected
  3274. if (dsIntroducerVisits != null && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables.Count > 0 && dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0)
  3275. {
  3276. List<clsAccountVisits> accountVisitsRejected = new List<clsAccountVisits>();
  3277. foreach (DataRow dr in dsIntroducerVisits.Tables[2].Rows)
  3278. {
  3279. var av = new clsAccountVisits();
  3280. av.Introducer = Convert.ToString(dr["CompanyName"]);
  3281. av.Branch = Convert.ToString(dr["Branch"]);
  3282. av.Adviser = Convert.ToString(dr["UserName"]);
  3283. av.AdviserId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["broker"]));
  3284. av.IntroducerVisitsId = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["id"]));
  3285. av.RejectedOfAdviser = Convert.ToString(dr["RejectedOfAdviser"]);
  3286. IntroducerVisitStatusEnum statusEnum = (IntroducerVisitStatusEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["Status"]));
  3287. av.VisitFrequency = ((VisitFrequencyEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["FrequencyType"]))).GetEnumDescription();// Convert.ToString(vfEnum);
  3288. av.VisitFrequencyDay = ((DayListEnum)Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(dr["FrequencyDay"]))).GetEnumDescription();// Convert.ToString(dlEnum);
  3289. av.Status = Convert.ToString(statusEnum);
  3290. av.Note = Convert.ToString(dr["Notes"]);
  3291. accountVisitsRejected.Add(av);
  3292. }
  3293. accountVisitsRejected = accountVisitsRejected.GroupBy(item => new { Introducer = item.Introducer, Branch = item.Branch }).SelectMany(g => g.OrderByDescending(grp => grp.IntroducerVisitsId)).ToList();
  3294. _reportData.TotalRejectedVisitsReport = accountVisitsRejected;
  3295. }
  3296. }
  3297. catch (Exception ex)
  3298. {
  3299. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report", "GetAccountVisitsReport", ex.Message);
  3300. }
  3301. return _reportData;
  3302. }
  3305. #endregion Account Visits Report
  3307. /// <summary>
  3308. /// Where my leads come from
  3309. /// </summary>
  3311. /// <returns></returns>
  3312. public DataSet GetWhereMyLeadscomeFromResult(int loggedinuser, DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate)
  3313. {
  3314. DataSet ds;
  3315. try
  3316. {
  3317. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[8];
  3318. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentUserId", loggedinuser);
  3319. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@Negotiator", null);
  3320. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@Company", null);
  3321. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@Branches", null);
  3322. Param[4] = new SqlParameter("@BrokerId", null);
  3323. Param[5] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", fromdate.ToString(Helper.ddMMMyyyy));
  3324. Param[6] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", todate.ToString(Helper.ddMMMyyyy));
  3325. Param[7] = new SqlParameter("@productTypeID", 2);
  3326. ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset("sp_WhereMyLeadComesFrom", Param);
  3327. return ds;
  3328. }
  3329. catch (Exception ex)
  3330. {
  3331. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_Report.cs", "GetNegotiatorResult", ex.Message);
  3332. return ds = new DataSet();
  3333. }
  3334. }
  3338. }
  3339. }
  3341. using System;
  3342. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3343. using System.Linq;
  3344. using System.Web;
  3345. using Occfinance_Data;
  3346. using Occfinance.Models;
  3347. using Occfinance.Helpers;
  3348. using System.Data;
  3349. using System.Data.SqlClient;
  3351. namespace Occfinance.Code
  3352. {
  3353. public class Q_NewLead
  3354. {
  3355. public db_occfinance_5572Entities ctx = new db_occfinance_5572Entities();
  3357. System.Web.HttpContext con = HttpContext.Current;
  3359. #region Find contacts for account
  3361. public List<tblcontact> FindContactsForAccount(int accountid)
  3362. {
  3363. var cntlists = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(c => c.account.HasValue && c.account.Value == accountid).Select(c => c).ToList();
  3364. return cntlists;
  3365. }
  3367. #endregion
  3369. #region Save lead information to database
  3371. public bool SaveNewLead(tblcontact data, tblfinance_mortgage dataM, tblOtherApplicant _objO, out int _contactid, int mstatusid = 1, string Note = "", string mortage_date = "", string mortage_time = "", int subStatusId = 0)
  3372. {
  3373. bool result = false;
  3374. try
  3375. {
  3376. #region [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3378. data.BranchId = GetBranchId(data.branch);
  3379. data.NegrefId = GetNegotiatorId(data.negref);
  3380. data.branch = string.Empty;
  3381. data.negref = string.Empty;
  3383. #endregion [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3385. #region [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3386. int xx = 0;
  3387. while (xx < 2)
  3388. {
  3389. string userName = data.firstname+"-"+ Helper.GetRandomString(4,1);
  3390. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
  3391. {
  3392. if (!ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.ContactUserName == userName).Any())
  3393. {
  3394. data.ContactUserName = userName;
  3395. data.ContactPassword= "OCCPWD-" + Helper.GetRandomString(6);
  3397. #region send email to ContactUserName
  3400. #endregion send email to ContactUserName
  3402. break; //Exit loop
  3403. }
  3404. }
  3405. }
  3408. #endregion [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3410. ctx.tblcontacts.Add(data);
  3411. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3412. int cntid = _contactid = data.contactid;
  3413. if (cntid > 0)
  3414. {
  3415. //Save Finance information to database
  3416. tblfinance dataFinance = new tblfinance();
  3417. = cntid;
  3418. dataFinance.status = mstatusid;
  3419. dataFinance.type = 1;
  3420. dataFinance.subFinanceStatus = subStatusId;
  3421. dataFinance.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3423. try
  3424. {
  3425. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mortage_date))
  3426. dataFinance.followup = Helper.GetFollowUp(mortage_date, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mortage_time) ? (DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second).ToString() : mortage_time);
  3427. }
  3428. catch (Exception ex)
  3429. {
  3430. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "SaveNewLead", ex.Message);
  3431. }
  3433. ctx.tblfinances.Add(dataFinance);
  3434. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3435. int financeid = dataFinance.financeid;
  3436. if (financeid > 0)
  3437. {
  3438. //Save mortgage information to database
  3439. tblfinance_mortgage dataFinanceMortgage = new tblfinance_mortgage();
  3441. dataFinanceMortgage.financeid = financeid;
  3442. dataFinanceMortgage.purchase = dataM.purchase;
  3443. dataFinanceMortgage.rterm = dataM.rterm;
  3444. dataFinanceMortgage.deposit = dataM.deposit;
  3445. dataFinanceMortgage.income = dataM.income;
  3446. ctx.tblfinance_mortgage.Add(dataFinanceMortgage);
  3447. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3448. //Add Note While get registered from New Lead page***********************
  3449. try
  3450. {
  3451. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Note))
  3452. {
  3453. int loggedinuserid = Convert.ToInt32(con.Session["LoggedInUserId"] ?? "0");
  3454. tblnote _note = new tblnote();
  3455. Q_Application _qA = new Q_Application();
  3456. _note.financeid = financeid;
  3457. = cntid;
  3458. _note.note = Note;
  3459. _note.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3460. _note.UserId = loggedinuserid;
  3461. ctx.tblnotes.Add(_note);
  3462. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3463. }
  3464. }
  3465. catch (Exception ex)
  3466. {
  3467. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "SaveNewLead", ex.Message);
  3468. }
  3469. //********************************
  3470. }
  3472. if (_objO != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.SurName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.Email) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.MobileNumber)))
  3473. {
  3474. _objO.MainContactId = cntid;
  3475. ctx.tblOtherApplicants.Add(_objO);
  3476. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3477. }
  3479. #region Insert to FactFind
  3480. string SLA = string.Empty;
  3481. if (data.slamet == true)
  3482. SLA = "1";
  3483. else
  3484. SLA = "0";
  3485. int userid = SessionHelper.UserId;
  3486. int ClientRegistrationID = 0;
  3487. Q_Client qClient = new Q_Client();
  3488. int chk= qClient.RegisterClient(data.firstname, data.lastname,, data.telephone,, userid, data.account ?? 0, cntid, SLA, data.method,out ClientRegistrationID);
  3490. //insert Leaddata to factfind related table
  3491. SaveLeadDataForFactFind(userid, financeid, cntid,Note);
  3493. #endregion Insert to FactFind
  3497. }
  3498. result = true;
  3499. return result;
  3500. }
  3501. catch (Exception ex)
  3502. {
  3503. _contactid = 0;
  3504. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "SaveNewLead", ex.Message);
  3505. return result;
  3506. }
  3507. }
  3511. // Updated on 20-10-2014 for Individual Product TYpe Entry
  3512. public bool SaveNewLeadForLife(tblcontact data, tblfinance_mortgage dataM, tblOtherApplicant _objO, out int _contactid, decimal amount = 0, decimal premium = 0, decimal commission = 0, string policyreference = "", int mstatusid = 1, int lstatusid = 10, string Note = "", string life_followupdate = "", string life_followuptime = "", bool IsPolicyForOtherApplicant = false)
  3513. {
  3514. bool result = false;
  3515. try
  3516. {
  3517. #region [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3519. data.BranchId = GetBranchId(data.branch);
  3520. data.NegrefId = GetNegotiatorId(data.negref);
  3521. data.branch = string.Empty;
  3522. data.negref = string.Empty;
  3524. #endregion [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3526. #region [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3527. int xx = 0;
  3528. while (xx < 2)
  3529. {
  3530. string userName = data.firstname + "-" + Helper.GetRandomString(4, 1);
  3531. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
  3532. {
  3533. if (!ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.ContactUserName == userName).Any())
  3534. {
  3535. data.ContactUserName = userName;
  3536. data.ContactPassword = "OCCPWD-" + Helper.GetRandomString(6);
  3538. #region send email to ContactUserName
  3541. #endregion send email to ContactUserName
  3543. break; //Exit loop
  3544. }
  3545. }
  3546. }
  3549. #endregion [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3551. ctx.tblcontacts.Add(data);
  3552. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3553. int cntid = _contactid = data.contactid;
  3554. if (cntid > 0)
  3555. {
  3558. //Save Finance information to database Fopr Mortgage
  3559. tblfinance dataFinanceM = new tblfinance();
  3560. = cntid;
  3561. dataFinanceM.status = mstatusid;
  3562. dataFinanceM.type = 1;
  3563. dataFinanceM.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3564. ctx.tblfinances.Add(dataFinanceM);
  3565. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3567. int financeid = dataFinanceM.financeid;
  3568. if (financeid > 0)
  3569. {
  3570. //Save mortgage information to database
  3571. tblfinance_mortgage dataFinanceMortgage = new tblfinance_mortgage();
  3573. dataFinanceMortgage.financeid = financeid;
  3574. dataFinanceMortgage.purchase = dataM.purchase;
  3575. dataFinanceMortgage.rterm = dataM.rterm;
  3576. dataFinanceMortgage.deposit = dataM.deposit;
  3577. dataFinanceMortgage.income = dataM.income;
  3578. ctx.tblfinance_mortgage.Add(dataFinanceMortgage);
  3579. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3582. }
  3584. //Save Finance information to database For Life
  3585. tblfinance dataFinance = new tblfinance();
  3586. = cntid;
  3587. dataFinance.status = lstatusid; // For Life New Lead................
  3588. dataFinance.type = 2; // When finance type is Life
  3590. //While Life ------------------
  3591. dataFinance.amount = amount;
  3592. dataFinance.commission = commission;
  3593. dataFinance.premium = premium;
  3594. dataFinance.policyreference = policyreference;
  3595. //added on 04-04-2015
  3596. dataFinance.isPolicyForOtherApplicant = IsPolicyForOtherApplicant;
  3598. try
  3599. {
  3600. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(life_followupdate))
  3601. dataFinance.followup = Helper.GetFollowUp(life_followupdate, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(life_followuptime) ? (DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second).ToString() : life_followuptime);
  3603. }
  3604. catch { }
  3606. dataFinance.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3607. ctx.tblfinances.Add(dataFinance);
  3608. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3610. int financeidL = dataFinance.financeid;
  3611. if (financeidL > 0)
  3612. {
  3613. //Save To Life table************************************************************
  3614. tblfinance_insurance dataLife = new tblfinance_insurance();
  3615. dataLife.financeid = financeidL;
  3616. dataLife.smoker = false;
  3619. ctx.tblfinance_insurance.Add(dataLife);
  3620. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3621. //******************************************************************************
  3623. //Add Note While get registered from New Lead page***********************
  3624. try
  3625. {
  3626. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Note))
  3627. {
  3628. int loggedinuserid = Convert.ToInt32(con.Session["LoggedInUserId"] ?? "0");
  3629. tblnote _note = new tblnote();
  3630. Q_Application _qA = new Q_Application();
  3631. //int _noteid = _qA.getNoteID();
  3632. //_note.noteid = _noteid;
  3633. _note.financeid = financeidL;
  3634. = cntid;
  3635. _note.note = Note;
  3636. _note.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3637. _note.UserId = loggedinuserid;
  3638. ctx.tblnotes.Add(_note);
  3639. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3640. }
  3641. }
  3642. catch { }
  3643. //********************************
  3644. }
  3647. if (_objO != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.SurName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.Email) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.MobileNumber)))
  3648. {
  3649. _objO.MainContactId = cntid;
  3650. ctx.tblOtherApplicants.Add(_objO);
  3651. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3652. }
  3654. #region Insert to FactFind
  3655. string SLA = string.Empty;
  3656. if (data.slamet == true)
  3657. SLA = "1";
  3658. else
  3659. SLA = "0";
  3660. int userid = SessionHelper.UserId;
  3661. int ClientRegistrationID = 0;
  3662. Q_Client qClient = new Q_Client();
  3663. int chk = qClient.RegisterClient(data.firstname, data.lastname,, data.telephone, ?? userid, userid, data.account ?? 0, cntid, SLA, data.method, out ClientRegistrationID);
  3666. #endregion Insert to FactFind
  3668. }
  3669. result = true;
  3670. return result;
  3671. }
  3672. catch (Exception ex)
  3673. {
  3674. _contactid = 0;
  3675. return result;
  3676. }
  3677. }
  3678. // Updated on 20-10-2014 for Individual Product TYpe Entry
  3679. #endregion
  3681. #region Save lead information to database For Mobile
  3683. public bool Mobile_SaveNewLead(int userId, tblcontact data, tblfinance_mortgage dataM, tblOtherApplicant _objO, out int _contactid, int mstatusid = 1, string Note = "", string mortage_date = "", string mortage_time = "")
  3684. {
  3685. bool result = false;
  3686. try
  3687. {
  3688. #region [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3690. data.BranchId = GetBranchId(data.branch);
  3691. data.NegrefId = GetNegotiatorId(data.negref);
  3692. data.branch = string.Empty;
  3693. data.negref = string.Empty;
  3695. #endregion [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3697. #region [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3698. int xx = 0;
  3699. while (xx < 2)
  3700. {
  3701. string userName = data.firstname + "-" + Helper.GetRandomString(4, 1);
  3702. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
  3703. {
  3704. if (!ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.ContactUserName == userName).Any())
  3705. {
  3706. data.ContactUserName = userName;
  3707. data.ContactPassword = "OCCPWD-" + Helper.GetRandomString(6);
  3709. #region send email to ContactUserName
  3712. #endregion send email to ContactUserName
  3714. break; //Exit loop
  3715. }
  3716. }
  3717. }
  3720. #endregion [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3722. ctx.tblcontacts.Add(data);
  3723. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3724. int cntid = _contactid = data.contactid;
  3725. if (cntid > 0)
  3726. {
  3727. //Save Finance information to database
  3728. tblfinance dataFinance = new tblfinance();
  3729. = cntid;
  3730. dataFinance.status = mstatusid;
  3731. dataFinance.type = 1;
  3732. dataFinance.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3734. try
  3735. {
  3736. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mortage_date))
  3737. dataFinance.followup = Helper.GetFollowUp(mortage_date, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mortage_time) ? (DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second).ToString() : mortage_time);
  3738. }
  3739. catch { }
  3741. ctx.tblfinances.Add(dataFinance);
  3742. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3743. int financeid = dataFinance.financeid;
  3744. if (financeid > 0)
  3745. {
  3746. //Save mortgage information to database
  3747. tblfinance_mortgage dataFinanceMortgage = new tblfinance_mortgage();
  3749. dataFinanceMortgage.financeid = financeid;
  3750. dataFinanceMortgage.purchase = dataM.purchase;
  3751. dataFinanceMortgage.rterm = dataM.rterm;
  3752. dataFinanceMortgage.deposit = dataM.deposit;
  3753. dataFinanceMortgage.income = dataM.income;
  3754. ctx.tblfinance_mortgage.Add(dataFinanceMortgage);
  3755. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3759. //Add Note While get registered from New Lead page***********************
  3760. try
  3761. {
  3762. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Note))
  3763. {
  3764. int loggedinuserid = userId;
  3765. tblnote _note = new tblnote();
  3766. Q_Application _qA = new Q_Application();
  3767. //int _noteid = _qA.getNoteID();
  3768. //_note.noteid = _noteid;
  3769. _note.financeid = financeid;
  3770. = cntid;
  3771. _note.note = Note;
  3772. _note.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3773. _note.UserId = loggedinuserid;
  3774. ctx.tblnotes.Add(_note);
  3775. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3776. }
  3777. }
  3778. catch { }
  3779. //********************************
  3780. }
  3782. if (_objO != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.SurName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.Email) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.MobileNumber)))
  3783. {
  3784. _objO.MainContactId = cntid;
  3785. ctx.tblOtherApplicants.Add(_objO);
  3786. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3787. }
  3789. #region Insert to FactFind
  3790. string SLA = string.Empty;
  3791. if (data.slamet == true)
  3792. SLA = "1";
  3793. else
  3794. SLA = "0";
  3796. int ClientRegistrationID = 0;
  3797. Q_Client qClient = new Q_Client();
  3798. int chk = qClient.RegisterClient(data.firstname, data.lastname,, data.telephone, ?? userId, userId, data.account ?? 0, cntid, SLA, data.method, out ClientRegistrationID);
  3800. //insert Leaddata to factfind related table
  3801. SaveLeadDataForFactFind(userId, financeid, cntid,Note);
  3804. #endregion Insert to FactFind
  3806. }
  3807. result = true;
  3808. return result;
  3809. }
  3810. catch (Exception ex)
  3811. {
  3812. _contactid = 0;
  3813. return result;
  3814. }
  3815. }
  3817. public bool Mobile_SaveNewLeadForLife(int userId, tblcontact data, tblfinance_mortgage dataM, tblOtherApplicant _objO, out int _contactid, decimal amount = 0, decimal premium = 0, decimal commission = 0, string policyreference = "", int mstatusid = 1, int lstatusid = 10, string Note = "", string life_followupdate = "", string life_followuptime = "", bool IsPolicyForOtherApplicant = false)
  3818. {
  3819. bool result = false;
  3820. try
  3821. {
  3822. #region [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3824. data.BranchId = GetBranchId(data.branch);
  3825. data.NegrefId = GetNegotiatorId(data.negref);
  3826. data.branch = string.Empty;
  3827. data.negref = string.Empty;
  3829. #endregion [Add branch and negotiators 2015-11-02]
  3831. #region [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3832. int xx = 0;
  3833. while (xx < 2)
  3834. {
  3835. string userName = data.firstname + "-" + Helper.GetRandomString(4, 1);
  3836. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
  3837. {
  3838. if (!ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.ContactUserName == userName).Any())
  3839. {
  3840. data.ContactUserName = userName;
  3841. data.ContactPassword = "OCCPWD-" + Helper.GetRandomString(6);
  3843. #region send email to ContactUserName
  3846. #endregion send email to ContactUserName
  3848. break; //Exit loop
  3850. }
  3851. }
  3852. }
  3855. #endregion [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  3857. ctx.tblcontacts.Add(data);
  3858. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3859. int cntid = _contactid = data.contactid;
  3860. if (cntid > 0)
  3861. {
  3864. //Save Finance information to database Fopr Mortgage
  3865. tblfinance dataFinanceM = new tblfinance();
  3866. = cntid;
  3867. dataFinanceM.status = mstatusid;
  3868. dataFinanceM.type = 1;
  3869. dataFinanceM.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3870. ctx.tblfinances.Add(dataFinanceM);
  3871. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3873. int financeid = dataFinanceM.financeid;
  3874. if (financeid > 0)
  3875. {
  3876. //Save mortgage information to database
  3877. tblfinance_mortgage dataFinanceMortgage = new tblfinance_mortgage();
  3879. dataFinanceMortgage.financeid = financeid;
  3880. dataFinanceMortgage.purchase = dataM.purchase;
  3881. dataFinanceMortgage.rterm = dataM.rterm;
  3882. dataFinanceMortgage.deposit = dataM.deposit;
  3883. dataFinanceMortgage.income = dataM.income;
  3884. ctx.tblfinance_mortgage.Add(dataFinanceMortgage);
  3885. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3888. }
  3890. //Save Finance information to database For Life
  3891. tblfinance dataFinance = new tblfinance();
  3892. = cntid;
  3893. dataFinance.status = lstatusid; // For Life New Lead................
  3894. dataFinance.type = 2; // When finance type is Life
  3896. //While Life ------------------
  3897. dataFinance.amount = amount;
  3898. dataFinance.commission = commission;
  3899. dataFinance.premium = premium;
  3900. dataFinance.policyreference = policyreference;
  3901. //added on 04-04-2015
  3902. dataFinance.isPolicyForOtherApplicant = IsPolicyForOtherApplicant;
  3903. try
  3904. {
  3905. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(life_followupdate))
  3906. dataFinance.followup = Helper.GetFollowUp(life_followupdate, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(life_followuptime) ? (DateTime.Now.Hour + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute + ":" + DateTime.Now.Second).ToString() : life_followuptime);
  3908. }
  3909. catch { }
  3911. dataFinance.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3912. ctx.tblfinances.Add(dataFinance);
  3913. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3915. int financeidL = dataFinance.financeid;
  3916. if (financeidL > 0)
  3917. {
  3918. //Save To Life table************************************************************
  3919. tblfinance_insurance dataLife = new tblfinance_insurance();
  3920. dataLife.financeid = financeidL;
  3921. dataLife.smoker = false;
  3924. ctx.tblfinance_insurance.Add(dataLife);
  3925. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3926. //******************************************************************************
  3928. //Add Note While get registered from New Lead page***********************
  3929. try
  3930. {
  3931. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Note))
  3932. {
  3933. int loggedinuserid = userId;
  3934. tblnote _note = new tblnote();
  3935. Q_Application _qA = new Q_Application();
  3936. //int _noteid = _qA.getNoteID();
  3937. //_note.noteid = _noteid;
  3938. _note.financeid = financeidL;
  3939. = cntid;
  3940. _note.note = Note;
  3941. _note.created = System.DateTime.Now;
  3942. _note.UserId = loggedinuserid;
  3943. ctx.tblnotes.Add(_note);
  3944. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3945. }
  3946. }
  3947. catch { }
  3948. //********************************
  3949. }
  3952. if (_objO != null && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.SurName) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.Email) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objO.MobileNumber)))
  3953. {
  3954. _objO.MainContactId = cntid;
  3955. ctx.tblOtherApplicants.Add(_objO);
  3956. ctx.SaveChanges();
  3957. }
  3959. #region Insert to FactFind
  3960. string SLA = string.Empty;
  3961. if (data.slamet == true)
  3962. SLA = "1";
  3963. else
  3964. SLA = "0";
  3966. int ClientRegistrationID = 0;
  3967. Q_Client qClient = new Q_Client();
  3968. int chk = qClient.RegisterClient(data.firstname, data.lastname,, data.telephone, ?? userId, userId, data.account ?? 0, cntid, SLA, data.method, out ClientRegistrationID);
  3971. #endregion Insert to FactFind
  3973. }
  3974. result = true;
  3975. return result;
  3976. }
  3977. catch (Exception ex)
  3978. {
  3979. _contactid = 0;
  3980. return result;
  3981. }
  3982. }
  3984. #endregion
  3986. #region [Add/Fetch Branch and Negotiator 2015-11-02]
  3988. /// <summary>
  3989. /// Get negotiator id on the basis of negotiator name. If not already exist then add a new negotiator.
  3990. /// </summary>
  3991. /// <param name="negotiatorName"></param>
  3992. /// <returns></returns>
  3993. public int GetNegotiatorId(string negotiatorName)
  3994. {
  3995. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(negotiatorName))
  3996. return 0;
  3997. var negotiatorId = 0;
  3998. try
  3999. {
  4000. negotiatorId = ctx.tblNegotiators.Where(negt => negt.Negotiator == negotiatorName).Select(negt => negt.Id).FirstOrDefault();
  4001. if (negotiatorId == 0)
  4002. {
  4003. tblNegotiators negt = new tblNegotiators();
  4004. negt.Negotiator = negotiatorName;
  4005. ctx.tblNegotiators.Add(negt);
  4006. ctx.SaveChanges();
  4007. negotiatorId = negt.Id;
  4008. }
  4009. }
  4010. catch (Exception ex)
  4011. {
  4012. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "GetNegotiatorId", ex.Message);
  4013. }
  4014. return negotiatorId;
  4015. }
  4017. /// <summary>
  4018. /// Get branch id on the basis of branch name. add new branch if it does not already exist.
  4019. /// </summary>
  4020. /// <param name="branchName"></param>
  4021. /// <returns></returns>
  4022. public int GetBranchId(string branchName)
  4023. {
  4024. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchName))
  4025. return 0;
  4026. var branchId = 0;
  4027. try
  4028. {
  4029. branchId = ctx.tblBranches.Where(brn => brn.Branch == branchName).Select(brn => brn.Id).FirstOrDefault();
  4030. if (branchId == null || branchId == 0)
  4031. {
  4032. tblBranches objBranch = new tblBranches();
  4033. objBranch.Branch = branchName;
  4034. ctx.tblBranches.Add(objBranch);
  4035. ctx.SaveChanges();
  4036. branchId = objBranch.Id;
  4037. }
  4038. }
  4039. catch (Exception ex)
  4040. {
  4041. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "GetBranchId", ex.Message);
  4042. }
  4043. return branchId;
  4044. }
  4046. /// <summary>
  4047. /// Get branch names on the basis of branch ids.
  4048. /// </summary>
  4049. /// <param name="contactlists"></param>
  4050. /// <returns></returns>
  4051. public List<string> GetBranchNamesFromBranchIds(List<tblcontact> contactlists)
  4052. {
  4053. List<string> branchLists = new List<string>();
  4054. var branchIds = contactlists.Select(brn => brn.BranchId);
  4055. try
  4056. {
  4057. branchLists = ctx.tblBranches.Where(brn => branchIds.Contains(brn.Id)).Select(brn => brn.Branch).Distinct().ToList();
  4058. }
  4059. catch (Exception ex)
  4060. {
  4061. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "GetBranchNamesFromBranchIds", ex.Message);
  4062. }
  4063. return branchLists;
  4064. }
  4066. /// <summary>
  4067. /// Get negotiator names on the basis of negotiator ids.
  4068. /// </summary>
  4069. /// <param name="contactlists"></param>
  4070. /// <returns></returns>
  4071. public List<string> GetNegotiatorNamesFromNegotiatorIds(List<tblcontact> contactlists)
  4072. {
  4073. List<string> negotitorLists = new List<string>();
  4074. var negotiatorIds = contactlists.Select(brn => brn.NegrefId);
  4075. try
  4076. {
  4077. negotitorLists = ctx.tblNegotiators.Where(negt => negotiatorIds.Contains(negt.Id)).Select(negt => negt.Negotiator).Distinct().ToList();
  4078. }
  4079. catch (Exception ex)
  4080. {
  4081. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "GetBranchNamesFromBranchIds", ex.Message);
  4082. }
  4083. return negotitorLists;
  4084. }
  4087. public DataSet GetBranchAndNegotiatorByAccountId(int accountId)
  4088. {
  4089. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[1];
  4090. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@accountId", accountId);
  4091. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetBranchAndNegotiatorByAccountId", Param);
  4092. return ds;
  4093. }
  4096. #endregion [Add/Fetch Branch and Negotiator 2015-11-02]
  4098. #region Insert Lead data to FactFind
  4099. public void SaveLeadDataForFactFind(int userId,int financeId,int contactId,string note="")
  4100. {
  4101. try
  4102. {
  4103. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[4];
  4104. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@userId", userId);
  4105. Param[1] = new SqlParameter("@contactId", contactId);
  4106. Param[2] = new SqlParameter("@financeId", financeId);
  4107. Param[3] = new SqlParameter("@note", note);
  4109. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "SaveNewLeadDataForFactFind", Param);
  4110. }
  4111. catch(Exception ex)
  4112. {
  4113. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "SaveLeadDataForFactFind", ex.Message);
  4114. }
  4115. }
  4118. #endregion
  4121. #region Send/Generate factfind
  4122. public List<string> GenerateFactFindLink(int contactId, int userId)
  4123. {
  4124. List<string> lst = new List<string>();
  4125. try
  4126. {
  4127. var data = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.contactid == contactId).FirstOrDefault();
  4128. var objFinance = ctx.tblfinances.Where(x => == contactId).OrderBy(x => x.financeid).First();
  4129. #region [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  4130. int xx = 0;
  4131. while (xx < 2)
  4132. {
  4133. string userName = data.firstname + "-" + Helper.GetRandomString(4, 1);
  4134. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
  4135. {
  4136. if (!ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.ContactUserName == userName).Any())
  4137. {
  4138. data.ContactUserName = userName;
  4139. data.ContactPassword = "OCCPWD-" + Helper.GetRandomString(6);
  4140. lst.Add(userName);
  4141. lst.Add(data.ContactPassword);
  4143. ctx.SaveChanges();
  4144. #region send email to ContactUserName
  4147. #endregion send email to ContactUserName
  4148. xx = 3;
  4149. break; //Exit loop
  4150. }
  4151. }
  4152. }
  4155. #endregion [Add userId and password for factfind user in Contact]
  4156. #region Insert to FactFind
  4157. string SLA = string.Empty;
  4158. if (data.slamet == true)
  4159. SLA = "1";
  4160. else
  4161. SLA = "0";
  4163. int ClientRegistrationID = 0;
  4164. Q_Client qClient = new Q_Client();
  4165. int chk = qClient.RegisterClient(data.firstname, data.lastname,, data.telephone, ?? userId, userId, data.account ?? 0, contactId, SLA, data.method, out ClientRegistrationID);
  4167. //insert Leaddata to factfind related table
  4168. SaveLeadDataForFactFind(userId, objFinance.financeid, data.contactid, "");
  4170. #endregion Insert to FactFind
  4171. }
  4172. catch (Exception ex)
  4173. {
  4174. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "GenerateFactFindLink", ex.Message);
  4175. }
  4176. return lst;
  4177. }
  4179. public int SendFactfindLink(int contactId, int userId)
  4180. {
  4181. int result = 0;
  4182. var data = ctx.tblcontacts.Where(x => x.contactid == contactId).FirstOrDefault();
  4183. var objFinance = ctx.tblfinances.Where(x => == contactId).OrderBy(x => x.financeid).First();
  4184. try
  4185. {
  4186. #region Insert to FactFind
  4187. string SLA = string.Empty;
  4188. if (data.slamet == true)
  4189. SLA = "1";
  4190. else
  4191. SLA = "0";
  4193. int ClientRegistrationID = 0;
  4194. Q_Client qClient = new Q_Client();
  4195. int chk = qClient.RegisterClient(data.firstname, data.lastname,, data.telephone, ?? userId, userId, data.account ?? 0, contactId, SLA, data.method, out ClientRegistrationID);
  4197. //insert Leaddata to factfind related table
  4198. SaveLeadDataForFactFind(userId, objFinance.financeid, data.contactid, "");
  4199. result = 1;
  4200. #endregion Insert to FactFind
  4201. }
  4202. catch (Exception ex)
  4203. {
  4204. Helper.ErrorLog(ex.InnerException, "Q_NewLead", "SendFactfindLink", ex.Message);
  4205. result = -1;
  4206. }
  4207. return result;
  4208. }
  4210. #endregion
  4211. }
  4212. }
  4214. using System;
  4215. using System.Collections.Generic;
  4216. using System.Linq;
  4217. using System.Web;
  4218. using System.Data;
  4219. using System.Data.SqlClient;
  4220. using Occfinance.Models;
  4221. using Occfinance_Data;
  4222. using System.Reflection;
  4223. using Occfinance.Helpers;
  4225. /*****************************************************
  4226. Operations for MortgageFactFind
  4227. ******************************************************/
  4228. namespace Occfinance.Code
  4229. {
  4230. public class Q_MortgageFactFind
  4231. {
  4232. SqlConnection connection;
  4233. public Q_MortgageFactFind()
  4234. { connection = new SqlConnection(SqlHelper.ConnectionString()); }
  4236. // Add Client Registration
  4237. public int AddClientRegistration(tblClientRegistration clientRegistration, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection connect)
  4238. {
  4239. int completed = 0;
  4240. string proc = (clientRegistration.ClientRegistrationID == 0 ? "tblInsertClientRegister" : "tblUpdateClientRegister");
  4241. SqlParameter[] clientRegister = new SqlParameter[44];
  4242. clientRegister[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientName", clientRegistration.ClientName);
  4243. clientRegister[1] = new SqlParameter("@AdviserName", clientRegistration.AdviserName);
  4244. clientRegister[2] = new SqlParameter("@DateCompleted", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientRegistration.StrDateCompleted) ? Helper.GetDate(clientRegistration.StrDateCompleted) : null);
  4245. clientRegister[3] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", clientRegistration.ReferId);
  4246. clientRegister[4] = new SqlParameter("@method", clientRegistration.method);
  4247. clientRegister[5] = new SqlParameter("@slamet", clientRegistration.slamet);
  4248. clientRegister[6] = new SqlParameter("@Title", clientRegistration.Title);
  4249. clientRegister[7] = new SqlParameter("@Forename", clientRegistration.Forename);
  4250. clientRegister[8] = new SqlParameter("@Surname", clientRegistration.Surname);
  4251. clientRegister[9] = new SqlParameter("@PreviousSurname", clientRegistration.PreviousSurname);
  4252. clientRegister[10] = new SqlParameter("@Gender", clientRegistration.Gender);
  4253. clientRegister[11] = new SqlParameter("@DOB", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientRegistration.StrDOB) ? Helper.GetDate(clientRegistration.StrDOB) : null);
  4254. clientRegister[12] = new SqlParameter("@PassportHeld", clientRegistration.PassportHeld);
  4255. clientRegister[13] = new SqlParameter("@VisaStatus", clientRegistration.VisaStatus);
  4256. clientRegister[14] = new SqlParameter("@MaritalStatus", clientRegistration.MaritalStatus);
  4257. clientRegister[15] = new SqlParameter("@DoYouSmoke", clientRegistration.DoYouSmoke);
  4258. clientRegister[16] = new SqlParameter("@InGoodHealth", clientRegistration.InGoodHealth);
  4259. clientRegister[17] = new SqlParameter("@Dependants", clientRegistration.Dependants);
  4260. clientRegister[18] = new SqlParameter("@FullHomeAddress", clientRegistration.FullHomeAddress);
  4261. clientRegister[19] = new SqlParameter("@DateMovedToAddress", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientRegistration.StrDateMovedToAddress) ? Helper.GetDate(clientRegistration.StrDateMovedToAddress) : null);
  4262. clientRegister[20] = new SqlParameter("@PreviousAddress", clientRegistration.PreviousAddress);
  4263. clientRegister[21] = new SqlParameter("@DateMovedToThisAddress", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientRegistration.StrDateMovedToThisAddress) ? Helper.GetDate(clientRegistration.StrDateMovedToThisAddress) : null);
  4264. clientRegister[22] = new SqlParameter("@ResidentialStatus", clientRegistration.ResidentialStatus);
  4265. clientRegister[23] = new SqlParameter("@HomeNumber", clientRegistration.HomeNumber);
  4266. clientRegister[24] = new SqlParameter("@MobileNumber", clientRegistration.MobileNumber);
  4267. clientRegister[25] = new SqlParameter("@WorkNumber", clientRegistration.WorkNumber);
  4268. clientRegister[26] = new SqlParameter("@EmailAddress", clientRegistration.EmailAddress);
  4269. clientRegister[27] = new SqlParameter("@AdditionalInfo", clientRegistration.AdditionalInfo);
  4270. clientRegister[28] = new SqlParameter("@AreYouEmployed", clientRegistration.AreYouEmployed);
  4271. clientRegister[29] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", clientRegistration.IsActive);
  4272. clientRegister[30] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", clientRegistration.IsDeleted);
  4273. //if (clientRegistration.ClientRegistrationID == 0)
  4274. clientRegister[31] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4275. clientRegister[32] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", clientRegistration.EntryBy);
  4276. //if (clientRegistration.ClientRegistrationID !=0)
  4277. clientRegister[33] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4278. clientRegister[34] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", clientRegistration.UpdateBy);
  4279. clientRegister[35] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4280. clientRegister[35].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4282. clientRegister[36] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", clientRegistration.ClientRegistrationID);
  4283. clientRegister[37] = new SqlParameter("@PassportHeldOther", clientRegistration.PassportHeldOther);
  4284. clientRegister[38] = new SqlParameter("@NINumber", clientRegistration.NINumber);
  4285. clientRegister[39] = new SqlParameter("@AnticipatedRetirementAge", clientRegistration.AnticipatedRetirementAge);
  4286. clientRegister[40] = new SqlParameter("@Retired", clientRegistration.Retired ?? false);
  4287. clientRegister[41] = new SqlParameter("@HasReference", clientRegistration.HasReference);
  4288. clientRegister[42] = new SqlParameter("@ValidityDate", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientRegistration.StrValidityDate) ? Helper.GetDate(clientRegistration.StrValidityDate) : null);
  4289. clientRegister[43] = new SqlParameter("@PassportType", clientRegistration.PassportType);
  4290. if (useTransaction)
  4291. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, connect, clientRegister);
  4292. else
  4293. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, clientRegister);
  4294. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4295. completed = Convert.ToInt32(clientRegister[35] != null ? clientRegister[35].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4297. return completed;
  4298. }
  4300. // Created on 23/01/2015
  4301. //Add and Update address in client registration
  4302. public int AddAddressClientRegistration(AddressInfo address, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection connect)
  4303. {
  4304. int completed = 0;
  4306. SqlParameter[] clientreg_address = new SqlParameter[]
  4307. {
  4308. new SqlParameter("@FactFindAddressID", address.FactFindAddressID),
  4309. new SqlParameter("@AddressLine1", address.AddressLine1),
  4310. new SqlParameter("@AddressLine2", address.AddressLine2),
  4311. new SqlParameter("@AddressLine3", address.AddressLine3),
  4312. new SqlParameter("@AddressLine4", address.AddressLine4),
  4313. new SqlParameter("@PostCode", address.PostCode),
  4314. new SqlParameter("@County", address.County),
  4315. new SqlParameter("@Country", address.Country),
  4316. new SqlParameter("@NameOfEmployer", address.NameOfEmployer),
  4317. new SqlParameter("@EmployerAddress", address.EmployerAddress),
  4318. new SqlParameter("@Year", address.Year),
  4319. new SqlParameter("@ResidentialStatus", address.ResidentialStatus),
  4320. new SqlParameter("@HomeNumber", address.HomeNumber),
  4321. new SqlParameter("@WorkNumber", address.WorkNumber),
  4322. new SqlParameter("@DateMovedToAddress",!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address.StrDateMovedToAddress) ? Helper.GetDate(address.StrDateMovedToAddress) : null),
  4323. new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", false),
  4324. new SqlParameter("@ApplicantID",address.ApplicantID),
  4325. new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int){Direction=ParameterDirection.Output}
  4326. };
  4328. if (useTransaction)
  4329. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_AddUpdateAddress", tran, connect, clientreg_address);
  4330. else
  4331. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_AddUpdateAddress", clientreg_address);
  4332. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4333. completed = Convert.ToInt32(clientreg_address[17] != null ? clientreg_address[17].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4335. return completed;
  4336. }
  4338. public DataSet GetAddressList(int applicantid)
  4339. {
  4340. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[1];
  4341. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ApplicantID", applicantid);
  4343. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetAddressByApplicantID", Param);
  4344. return ds;
  4345. }
  4347. // get dependents
  4348. public DataSet GetDependentList(int applicantid)
  4349. {
  4350. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[1];
  4351. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ApplicantID", applicantid);
  4353. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetDependentsByApplicantID", Param);
  4354. return ds;
  4355. }
  4357. // Add Employement : Generic method for add and update.
  4358. // Add Date and Entry by parameters will be ignord while update
  4360. public int AddEmployement(tblEmployment employement, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4361. {
  4362. int completed = 0;
  4364. string proc = (employement.EmploymentId == 0 ? "tblInsertEmployment" : "tblUpdateEmployment");
  4366. SqlParameter[] emp = new SqlParameter[13];
  4367. emp[0] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentId", employement.EmploymentId);
  4368. emp[1] = new SqlParameter("@Year", employement.Year);
  4369. emp[2] = new SqlParameter("@NameOfEmployer", employement.NameOfEmployer);
  4370. emp[3] = new SqlParameter("@EmployerAddress", employement.EmployerAddress);
  4371. emp[4] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", employement.IsActive);
  4372. emp[5] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", employement.IsDeleted);
  4373. emp[6] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4374. emp[7] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", employement.EntryBy);
  4375. emp[8] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4376. emp[9] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", employement.UpdateBy);
  4377. emp[10] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4378. emp[10].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4380. // new parameters
  4381. emp[11] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", employement.ClientRegistrationID);
  4382. emp[12] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", employement.ReferId);
  4384. if (useTransaction)
  4385. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, emp); }
  4386. else
  4387. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, emp); }
  4388. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4390. completed = Convert.ToInt32(emp[10] != null ? emp[10].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4393. return completed;
  4394. }
  4397. // Add EmploymentAndIncome
  4399. public int AddEmploymentAndIncome(tblEmploymentAndIncome employmentAndIncome, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4400. {
  4401. int completed;
  4402. string proc = (employmentAndIncome.EmploymentIncomeId == 0 ? "tblInsertEmploymentAndIncome" : "tblUpdateEmploymentAndIncome");
  4404. SqlParameter[] empandInc = new SqlParameter[39];
  4405. empandInc[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", employmentAndIncome.ClientRegistrationID);
  4406. empandInc[1] = new SqlParameter("@JobTitle", employmentAndIncome.JobTitle);
  4407. empandInc[2] = new SqlParameter("@NatureOfOccupation", employmentAndIncome.NatureOfOccupation);
  4408. empandInc[3] = new SqlParameter("@NINumber", employmentAndIncome.NINumber);
  4409. empandInc[4] = new SqlParameter("@AnticipatedRetirementAge", employmentAndIncome.AnticipatedRetirementAge);
  4410. empandInc[5] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentStatus", employmentAndIncome.EmploymentStatus);
  4411. empandInc[6] = new SqlParameter("@ProbationPeriod", employmentAndIncome.ProbationPeriod);
  4412. empandInc[7] = new SqlParameter("@NameOfEmployer", employmentAndIncome.NameOfEmployer);
  4413. empandInc[8] = new SqlParameter("@AddressOfEmployer", employmentAndIncome.AddressOfEmployer);
  4414. empandInc[9] = new SqlParameter("@AnnualCommission", employmentAndIncome.AnnualCommission);
  4415. empandInc[10] = new SqlParameter("@AnnualOvertime", employmentAndIncome.AnnualOvertime);
  4416. empandInc[11] = new SqlParameter("@Other", employmentAndIncome.Other);
  4417. empandInc[12] = new SqlParameter("@GrossTotal", employmentAndIncome.GrossTotal);
  4418. empandInc[13] = new SqlParameter("@GrossMonthly", employmentAndIncome.GrossMonthly);
  4419. empandInc[14] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", employmentAndIncome.IsActive);
  4420. empandInc[15] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", employmentAndIncome.IsDeleted);
  4421. empandInc[16] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4422. empandInc[17] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", employmentAndIncome.EntryBy);
  4423. empandInc[18] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4424. empandInc[19] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", employmentAndIncome.UpdateBy);
  4425. empandInc[20] = new SqlParameter("@GrossBasicSalary", employmentAndIncome.GrossBasicSalary);
  4426. empandInc[21] = new SqlParameter("@PeriodWithEmployer", employmentAndIncome.PeriodWithEmployer);
  4429. empandInc[22] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4430. empandInc[22].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4432. // add id column
  4433. empandInc[23] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentIncomeId", employmentAndIncome.EmploymentIncomeId);
  4434. empandInc[24] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", employmentAndIncome.ReferId);
  4435. // bonus
  4436. empandInc[25] = new SqlParameter("@BonusY1", employmentAndIncome.BonusY1);
  4437. empandInc[26] = new SqlParameter("@BonusY2", employmentAndIncome.BonusY2);
  4438. empandInc[27] = new SqlParameter("@BonusY3", employmentAndIncome.BonusY3);
  4439. empandInc[28] = new SqlParameter("@PreviousAddressOfEmployer", employmentAndIncome.PreviousAddressOfEmployer);
  4440. empandInc[29] = new SqlParameter("@AreYouEmployed", employmentAndIncome.AreYouEmployed);
  4441. empandInc[30] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentStartDate", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employmentAndIncome.StrEmploymentStartDate) ? Helper.GetDate(employmentAndIncome.StrEmploymentStartDate) : null);
  4442. empandInc[31] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentEndDate", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employmentAndIncome.StrEmploymentEndDate) ? Helper.GetDate(employmentAndIncome.StrEmploymentEndDate) : null);
  4443. empandInc[32] = new SqlParameter("@PostcodeofEmployer", employmentAndIncome.PostcodeofEmployer);
  4444. empandInc[33] = new SqlParameter("@CountryofEmployer", employmentAndIncome.CountryofEmployer);
  4445. empandInc[34] = new SqlParameter("@CountyofEmployer", employmentAndIncome.CountyofEmployer);
  4446. empandInc[35] = new SqlParameter("@OtherNatureofOccupation", employmentAndIncome.OtherNatureofOccupation);
  4447. empandInc[36] = new SqlParameter("@OtherEmploymentstatus", employmentAndIncome.OtherEmploymentstatus);
  4448. empandInc[37] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentJob", employmentAndIncome.CurrentJob);
  4449. empandInc[38] = new SqlParameter("@ProbationPeriodDetails", employmentAndIncome.ProbationPeriodDetails);
  4450. if (useTransaction)
  4451. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, empandInc); }
  4452. else
  4453. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, empandInc); }
  4455. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4456. completed = Convert.ToInt32(empandInc[22] != null ? empandInc[22].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4459. return completed;
  4461. }
  4463. // Add PayslipDeduction
  4465. public int AddPayslipDeduction(tblPayslipDeduction payslipDeduction, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4466. {
  4467. int completed;
  4469. string proc = (payslipDeduction.PayslipDeductionId == 0 ? "tblInsertPayslipDeduction" : "tblUpdatetPayslipDeduction");
  4471. SqlParameter[] payslip = new SqlParameter[21];
  4472. payslip[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", payslipDeduction.ClientRegistrationID);
  4473. payslip[1] = new SqlParameter("@PensionContributions", payslipDeduction.PensionContributions);
  4474. payslip[2] = new SqlParameter("@EmployerShareSaveSchemes", payslipDeduction.EmployerShareSaveSchemes);
  4475. payslip[3] = new SqlParameter("@ChildcareVouchers", payslipDeduction.ChildcareVouchers);
  4476. payslip[4] = new SqlParameter("@GymMembership", payslipDeduction.GymMembership);
  4477. payslip[5] = new SqlParameter("@OtherBenefits", payslipDeduction.OtherBenefits);
  4478. payslip[6] = new SqlParameter("@TransportBikeLoans", payslipDeduction.TransportBikeLoans);
  4479. payslip[7] = new SqlParameter("@StudentLoanPayment", payslipDeduction.StudentLoanPayment);
  4480. payslip[8] = new SqlParameter("@TotalNetMonthly", payslipDeduction.TotalNetMonthly);
  4481. payslip[9] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", payslipDeduction.IsActive);
  4482. payslip[10] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", payslipDeduction.IsDeleted);
  4483. payslip[11] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4484. payslip[12] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", payslipDeduction.EntryBy);
  4485. payslip[13] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4486. payslip[14] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", payslipDeduction.UpdateBy);
  4487. payslip[15] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4488. payslip[15].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4490. // id
  4491. payslip[16] = new SqlParameter("@PayslipDeductionId", payslipDeduction.PayslipDeductionId);
  4492. payslip[17] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", payslipDeduction.ReferId);
  4493. payslip[18] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", payslipDeduction.FromDate);
  4494. payslip[19] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", payslipDeduction.ToDate);
  4495. payslip[20] = new SqlParameter("@AdditionalInfo", payslipDeduction.AdditionalInfo);
  4496. if (useTransaction)
  4497. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, payslip); }
  4498. else
  4499. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, payslip); }
  4501. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4502. completed = Convert.ToInt32(payslip[15] != null ? payslip[15].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4508. return completed;
  4509. }
  4512. // Add SelfEmployed
  4513. // tested on :18/10/2014
  4514. public int AddSelfEmployed(tblSelfEmployed selfEmployed, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4515. {
  4516. int completed;
  4518. string proc = (selfEmployed.SelfEmployedId == 0 ? "tblInsertSelfEmployed" : "tblUpdateSelfEmployed");
  4520. SqlParameter[] selfemp = new SqlParameter[28];
  4521. selfemp[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", selfEmployed.ClientRegistrationID);
  4522. selfemp[2] = new SqlParameter("@TypeOfSelfEmployment", selfEmployed.TypeOfSelfEmployment);
  4523. selfemp[3] = new SqlParameter("@NameOfComapany", selfEmployed.NameOfComapany);
  4524. selfemp[4] = new SqlParameter("@Shareholding", selfEmployed.Shareholding);
  4525. selfemp[5] = new SqlParameter("@Position", selfEmployed.Position);
  4526. selfemp[6] = new SqlParameter("@IncorporationDate", selfEmployed.IncorporationDate);
  4527. selfemp[7] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", selfEmployed.IsActive);
  4528. selfemp[8] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", selfEmployed.IsDeleted);
  4529. selfemp[9] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4530. selfemp[10] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", selfEmployed.EntryBy);
  4531. selfemp[11] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4532. selfemp[12] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", selfEmployed.UpdateBy);
  4533. selfemp[13] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4534. selfemp[13].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4536. // id
  4537. selfemp[14] = new SqlParameter("@SelfEmployedId", selfEmployed.SelfEmployedId);
  4538. selfemp[15] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", selfEmployed.ReferId);
  4540. // financial YE
  4541. selfemp[16] = new SqlParameter("@TurnoverY1", selfEmployed.TurnoverY1);
  4542. selfemp[17] = new SqlParameter("@TurnoverY2", selfEmployed.TurnoverY2);
  4543. selfemp[18] = new SqlParameter("@TurnoverY3", selfEmployed.TurnoverY3);
  4544. selfemp[19] = new SqlParameter("@NetProfitY1", selfEmployed.NetProfitY1);
  4545. selfemp[20] = new SqlParameter("@NetProfitY2", selfEmployed.NetProfitY2);
  4546. selfemp[21] = new SqlParameter("@NetProfitY3", selfEmployed.NetProfitY3);
  4547. selfemp[22] = new SqlParameter("@SalaryY1", selfEmployed.SalaryY1);
  4548. selfemp[23] = new SqlParameter("@SalaryY2", selfEmployed.SalaryY2);
  4549. selfemp[24] = new SqlParameter("@SalaryY3", selfEmployed.SalaryY3);
  4550. selfemp[25] = new SqlParameter("@DividendsY1", selfEmployed.DividendsY1);
  4551. selfemp[26] = new SqlParameter("@DividendsY2", selfEmployed.DividendsY2);
  4552. selfemp[27] = new SqlParameter("@DividendsY3", selfEmployed.DividendsY3);
  4555. if (useTransaction)
  4556. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, selfemp); }
  4557. else
  4558. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, selfemp); }
  4560. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4561. completed = Convert.ToInt32(selfemp[13] != null ? selfemp[13].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4562. return completed;
  4564. }
  4565. // self employed/unemployment new added by satish
  4566. public int AddSelfEmployed_UnEmployment(tblSelfEmployed selfEmployed, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4567. {
  4568. int completed;
  4570. string proc = (selfEmployed.SelfEmployedId == 0 ? "tblInsertSelfEmployed" : "tblUpdateSelfEmployed_UnEmployment");
  4572. SqlParameter[] selfemp = new SqlParameter[7];
  4574. selfemp[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", selfEmployed.ClientRegistrationID);
  4575. selfemp[1] = new SqlParameter("@SelfEmployedId", selfEmployed.SelfEmployedId);
  4576. selfemp[2] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", selfEmployed.ReferId);
  4578. selfemp[3] = new SqlParameter("@DateOfUnemployment", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selfEmployed.StrDateOfUnemployment) ? Helper.GetDate(selfEmployed.StrDateOfUnemployment) : null);
  4579. selfemp[4] = new SqlParameter("@DateOfReemployment", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selfEmployed.StrDateOfReemployment) ? Helper.GetDate(selfEmployed.StrDateOfReemployment) : null);
  4580. selfemp[5] = new SqlParameter("@ReasonForUnemployment", selfEmployed.ReasonForUnemployment);
  4581. selfemp[6] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4582. selfemp[6].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4584. if (useTransaction)
  4585. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, selfemp); }
  4586. else
  4587. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, selfemp); }
  4589. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4590. completed = Convert.ToInt32(selfemp[6] != null ? selfemp[6].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4591. return completed;
  4592. }
  4595. // Add OtherIncomeInformation
  4597. public int AddOtherIncomeInformation(tblOtherIncomeInformation incomeInfo, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4598. {
  4599. int completed;
  4601. string proc = (incomeInfo.OtherIncomeInformationId == 0 ? "tblInsertOtherIncomeInformation" : "tblUpdateOtherIncomeInformation");
  4602. SqlParameter[] income = new SqlParameter[16];
  4603. income[0] = new SqlParameter("@SelfEmployedId", incomeInfo.SelfEmployedId);
  4604. income[1] = new SqlParameter("@FirmName", incomeInfo.FirmName);
  4605. income[2] = new SqlParameter("@IndividualContact", incomeInfo.IndividualContact);
  4606. income[3] = new SqlParameter("@PhoneNo", incomeInfo.PhoneNo);
  4607. income[4] = new SqlParameter("@FaxNo", incomeInfo.FaxNo);
  4608. income[5] = new SqlParameter("@Qualification", incomeInfo.Qualification);
  4609. income[6] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", incomeInfo.IsActive);
  4610. income[7] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", incomeInfo.IsDeleted);
  4611. income[8] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4612. income[9] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", incomeInfo.EntryBy);
  4613. income[10] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4614. income[11] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", incomeInfo.UpdateBy);
  4615. income[12] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", incomeInfo.ReferId);
  4616. income[13] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4617. income[13].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4619. income[14] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", incomeInfo.ClientRegistrationID);
  4621. //id
  4622. income[15] = new SqlParameter("@OtherIncomeInformationId", incomeInfo.OtherIncomeInformationId);
  4625. if (useTransaction)
  4626. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, income); }
  4627. else
  4628. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, income); }
  4630. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4631. completed = Convert.ToInt32(income[13] != null ? income[13].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4632. return completed;
  4633. }
  4635. // Add SourceofFundsforPurchase
  4637. public int AddSourceofFundsforPurchase(tblSourceofFundsforPurchase sourceOffund, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4638. {
  4639. int completed;
  4641. string proc = (sourceOffund.SourceofFundsforPurchaseId == 0 ? "tblInsertSourceofFundsforPurchase" : "tblUpdateSourceofFundsforPurchase");
  4642. SqlParameter[] fund = new SqlParameter[16];
  4643. fund[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", sourceOffund.ClientRegistrationID);
  4644. fund[1] = new SqlParameter("@Cash", sourceOffund.Cash);
  4645. fund[2] = new SqlParameter("@StockShare", sourceOffund.StockShare);
  4646. fund[3] = new SqlParameter("@Gift", sourceOffund.Gift);
  4647. fund[4] = new SqlParameter("@Equity", sourceOffund.Equity);
  4648. fund[5] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", sourceOffund.IsActive);
  4649. fund[6] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", sourceOffund.IsDeleted);
  4650. fund[7] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4651. fund[8] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", sourceOffund.EntryBy);
  4652. fund[9] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4653. fund[10] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", sourceOffund.UpdateBy);
  4654. fund[11] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4655. fund[11].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4656. // id
  4657. fund[12] = new SqlParameter("@SourceofFundsforPurchaseId", sourceOffund.SourceofFundsforPurchaseId);
  4658. fund[13] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", sourceOffund.ReferId);
  4659. fund[14] = new SqlParameter("@GiftFrom", sourceOffund.GiftFrom);
  4660. fund[15] = new SqlParameter("@GiftFromNew", sourceOffund.GiftFromNew);
  4663. if (useTransaction)
  4664. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, fund); }
  4665. else
  4666. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, fund); }
  4668. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4669. completed = Convert.ToInt32(fund[11] != null ? fund[11].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4670. return completed;
  4671. }
  4673. // Add Current Commitments
  4674. public int AddCurrentCommitments(tblCurrentCommitment commitments, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4675. {
  4676. int completed;
  4677. string proc = (commitments.CurrentCommitmentsId == 0 ? "tblInsertCurrentCommitments" : "tblUpdateCurrentCommitments");
  4679. SqlParameter[] commitment = new SqlParameter[19];
  4680. commitment[0] = new SqlParameter("@OwnerName", commitments.OwnerName);
  4681. commitment[1] = new SqlParameter("@TypeOfLoan", commitments.TypeOfLoan);
  4682. commitment[2] = new SqlParameter("@Lender", commitments.Lender);
  4683. commitment[3] = new SqlParameter("@AmountoutStanding", commitments.AmountoutStanding);
  4684. commitment[4] = new SqlParameter("@monthlyPayment", commitments.monthlyPayment);
  4685. commitment[5] = new SqlParameter("@IsSecured", commitments.IsSecured);
  4686. commitment[6] = new SqlParameter("@IsToBeRepaid", commitments.IsToBeRepaid);
  4687. commitment[7] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", commitments.IsActive);
  4688. commitment[8] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", commitments.IsDeleted);
  4689. commitment[9] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4690. commitment[10] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", commitments.EntryBy);
  4691. commitment[11] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4692. commitment[12] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", commitments.UpdateBy);
  4693. commitment[13] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4694. commitment[13].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4696. //id
  4697. commitment[14] = new SqlParameter("@CurrentCommitmentsId", commitments.CurrentCommitmentsId);
  4698. commitment[15] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", commitments.ClientRegistrationID);
  4699. commitment[16] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", commitments.ReferId);
  4700. commitment[17] = new SqlParameter("@Owner", commitments.Owner);
  4701. commitment[18] = new SqlParameter("@TypeofLoanOther", commitments.TypeofLoanOther);
  4702. if (useTransaction)
  4703. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, commitment); }
  4704. else
  4705. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, commitment); }
  4707. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4708. completed = Convert.ToInt32(commitment[13] != null ? (commitment[13].SqlValue != null ? commitment[13].SqlValue.ToString() : "0") : "0");
  4709. return completed;
  4710. }
  4712. // Created on 20/01/2015
  4713. //Add and Update New Mortgage And Property Details
  4715. public int AddUpdateNewMortgageandPropertyDetail(tblAdditional_Property_Info addProp, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4716. {
  4717. int completed;
  4718. string proc = (addProp.tblAdditional_Property_InfoID == 0 ? "tblInsertbltblAdditional_Property_Info" : "tblUpdateAdditional_Property_Info");
  4720. SqlParameter[] additionPro = new SqlParameter[]{
  4721. new SqlParameter("@ReferId", addProp.ReferId),
  4722. new SqlParameter("@Selling_Agents", addProp.Selling_Agents),
  4723. new SqlParameter("@Solicitors", addProp.Solicitors),
  4724. new SqlParameter("@Bank_Details", addProp.Bank_Details),
  4725. new SqlParameter("@Additional_Info", addProp.Additional_Info),
  4726. new SqlParameter("@IsActive", addProp.IsActive),
  4727. new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", addProp.IsDeleted),
  4728. new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now),
  4729. new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", addProp.EntryBy),
  4730. new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now),
  4731. new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", addProp.UpdateBy),
  4732. new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int){Direction = ParameterDirection.Output},
  4733. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", addProp.ClientRegistrationID),
  4734. new SqlParameter("@tblAdditional_Property_InfoID", addProp.tblAdditional_Property_InfoID),
  4735. new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Application", addProp.Type_Of_Application),
  4736. new SqlParameter("@Address_Line1", addProp.Address_Line1),
  4737. new SqlParameter("@Address_Line2", addProp.Address_Line2),
  4738. new SqlParameter("@Address_Line3", addProp.Address_Line3),
  4739. new SqlParameter("@Address_Line4", addProp.Address_Line4),
  4740. new SqlParameter("@Post_Code", addProp.Post_Code),
  4741. new SqlParameter("@Country", addProp.Country),
  4743. };
  4745. var outParameter = additionPro.Where(x => x.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output).FirstOrDefault();
  4747. if (useTransaction)
  4748. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, additionPro); }
  4749. else
  4750. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, additionPro); }
  4751. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4752. completed = Convert.ToInt32(outParameter != null ? outParameter.SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4754. return completed;
  4755. }
  4757. // Created on 20/01/2015
  4758. //Add and Update Investment Portfolio
  4760. public int AddUpdateInvestmentPortfolio(tblOther_Mortgages investmentPortfolio, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4761. {
  4762. int completed;
  4764. string proc = (investmentPortfolio.Other_MortgagesID == 0 ? "tblInserttblOther_Mortgages" : "tblUpdatetblOther_Mortgages");
  4765. SqlParameter[] commitment = new SqlParameter[39];
  4767. commitment[0] = new SqlParameter("@Lender", investmentPortfolio.Lender);
  4768. commitment[1] = new SqlParameter("@Account_Number", investmentPortfolio.Account_Number);
  4769. commitment[2] = new SqlParameter("@Prop_Country", investmentPortfolio.Prop_Country);
  4770. commitment[3] = new SqlParameter("@Current_Value", investmentPortfolio.Current_Value);
  4771. commitment[4] = new SqlParameter("@Rental_Income", investmentPortfolio.Rental_Income);
  4772. commitment[5] = new SqlParameter("@Ownership", investmentPortfolio.Ownership);
  4773. commitment[6] = new SqlParameter("@Amount_Outstanding", investmentPortfolio.Amount_Outstanding);
  4774. commitment[7] = new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Payment", investmentPortfolio.Monthly_Payment);
  4775. commitment[8] = new SqlParameter("@Term", investmentPortfolio.Term);
  4776. commitment[9] = new SqlParameter("@Repayment_Method", investmentPortfolio.Repayment_Method);
  4777. commitment[10] = new SqlParameter("@Current_Rate_Info", investmentPortfolio.Current_Rate_Info);
  4778. commitment[11] = new SqlParameter("@ERP_Info", investmentPortfolio.ERP_Info);
  4779. commitment[12] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", investmentPortfolio.IsActive);
  4780. commitment[13] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", investmentPortfolio.IsDeleted);
  4781. commitment[14] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4782. commitment[15] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", investmentPortfolio.EntryBy);
  4783. commitment[16] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4784. commitment[17] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", investmentPortfolio.UpdateBy);
  4785. commitment[18] = new SqlParameter("@No_Bedroom", investmentPortfolio.No_Bedrooms);
  4786. commitment[19] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Application", investmentPortfolio.Type_Of_Application);
  4787. commitment[20] = new SqlParameter("@Purch_Price", investmentPortfolio.Purch_Price);
  4788. commitment[21] = new SqlParameter("@Deposit_Available", investmentPortfolio.Deposit_Available);
  4789. commitment[22] = new SqlParameter("@Mortgage_Required", investmentPortfolio.Mortgage_Required);
  4790. commitment[23] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Property", investmentPortfolio.Type_Of_Property);
  4791. commitment[24] = new SqlParameter("@Tenure", investmentPortfolio.Tenure);
  4792. commitment[25] = new SqlParameter("@For_Flats_Maisonette", investmentPortfolio.For_Flats_Maisonette);
  4793. commitment[26] = new SqlParameter("@Additional_Info", investmentPortfolio.Additional_Info);
  4794. commitment[27] = new SqlParameter("@Capital_Raising", investmentPortfolio.Capital_Raising);
  4795. commitment[28] = new SqlParameter("@Reason", investmentPortfolio.Reason);
  4796. commitment[29] = new SqlParameter("@Ex_Local", investmentPortfolio.Ex_Local);
  4798. commitment[30] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4799. commitment[30].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4801. // id
  4802. commitment[31] = new SqlParameter("@Other_MortgagesID", investmentPortfolio.Other_MortgagesID);
  4803. commitment[32] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", investmentPortfolio.ClientRegistrationID);
  4804. commitment[33] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", investmentPortfolio.ReferId);
  4806. commitment[34] = new SqlParameter("@Prop_Adddress_Line1", investmentPortfolio.Prop_Adddress_Line1);
  4807. commitment[35] = new SqlParameter("@Prop_Adddress_Line2", investmentPortfolio.Prop_Adddress_Line2);
  4808. commitment[36] = new SqlParameter("@Prop_Adddress_Line3", investmentPortfolio.Prop_Adddress_Line3);
  4809. commitment[37] = new SqlParameter("@Prop_Adddress_Line4", investmentPortfolio.Prop_Adddress_Line4);
  4810. commitment[38] = new SqlParameter("@Prop_PostCode", investmentPortfolio.Prop_PostCode);
  4815. if (useTransaction)
  4816. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, commitment); }
  4817. else
  4818. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, commitment); }
  4820. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4821. completed = Convert.ToInt32(commitment[30] != null ? commitment[30].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4822. return completed;
  4823. }
  4825. public int AddMortgagePropertyDetail(tblNew_Mortgage_Property_Details newMortgagePropertyDetails, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4826. {
  4827. int completed;
  4829. // newMortgagePropertyDetails.New_Mortgage_Property_DetailsID
  4830. string proc = (newMortgagePropertyDetails.New_Mortgage_Property_DetailsID == 0 ? "tblInserttblNew_Mortgage_Property_Details" : "tblUpdatetblNew_Mortgage_Property_Details");
  4832. SqlParameter[] commitment = new SqlParameter[35];
  4833. commitment[0] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", newMortgagePropertyDetails.ReferId);
  4834. commitment[1] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Application", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Type_Of_Application);
  4835. commitment[2] = new SqlParameter("@Address_Of_Property", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Address_Of_Property);
  4836. commitment[3] = new SqlParameter("@Purch_Price", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Purch_Price);
  4837. commitment[4] = new SqlParameter("@Deposit_Available", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Deposit_Available);
  4838. commitment[5] = new SqlParameter("@Mortgage_Required", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Mortgage_Required);
  4839. commitment[6] = new SqlParameter("@Repayment", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Repayment);
  4840. commitment[7] = new SqlParameter("@Term_Of_Mortgage", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Term_Of_Mortgage);
  4841. commitment[8] = new SqlParameter("@Details_Of_Affordability", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Details_Of_Affordability);
  4842. commitment[9] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Property", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Type_Of_Property);
  4843. commitment[10] = new SqlParameter("@Tenure", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Tenure);
  4844. commitment[11] = new SqlParameter("@Leasehold_Term", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Leasehold_Term);
  4845. commitment[12] = new SqlParameter("@Year_Build", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Year_Build);
  4846. commitment[13] = new SqlParameter("@Construction", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Construction);
  4847. commitment[14] = new SqlParameter("@For_Flats_Maisonette", newMortgagePropertyDetails.For_Flats_Maisonette);
  4848. commitment[15] = new SqlParameter("@Purpose_Built", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Purpose_Built);
  4849. commitment[16] = new SqlParameter("@Conversion", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Conversion);
  4850. commitment[17] = new SqlParameter("@No_Of_Floors", newMortgagePropertyDetails.No_Of_Floors);
  4851. commitment[18] = new SqlParameter("@Any_Commercial", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Any_Commercial);
  4852. commitment[19] = new SqlParameter("@Service_Charge", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Service_Charge);
  4853. commitment[20] = new SqlParameter("@Ground_Rent", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Ground_Rent);
  4854. commitment[21] = new SqlParameter("@Additional_Info", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Additional_Info);
  4855. commitment[22] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", newMortgagePropertyDetails.IsActive);
  4856. commitment[23] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", newMortgagePropertyDetails.IsDeleted);
  4857. commitment[24] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4858. commitment[25] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", newMortgagePropertyDetails.EntryBy);
  4859. commitment[26] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4860. commitment[27] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", newMortgagePropertyDetails.UpdateBy);
  4861. commitment[28] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4862. commitment[28].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4863. commitment[29] = new SqlParameter("@Source_Of_Deposit", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Source_Of_Deposit);
  4864. commitment[30] = new SqlParameter("@Capital_Raising", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Capital_Raising);
  4865. commitment[31] = new SqlParameter("@Reason", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Reason);
  4866. commitment[32] = new SqlParameter("@Ex_Local", newMortgagePropertyDetails.Ex_Local);
  4868. //id
  4869. commitment[33] = new SqlParameter("@New_Mortgage_Property_DetailsID", newMortgagePropertyDetails.New_Mortgage_Property_DetailsID);
  4870. commitment[34] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", newMortgagePropertyDetails.ClientRegistrationID);
  4872. if (useTransaction)
  4873. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, commitment); }
  4874. else
  4875. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, commitment); }
  4877. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4878. completed = Convert.ToInt32(commitment[28] != null ? commitment[28].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4879. return completed;
  4880. }
  4883. public int AddResidentialMortgage(tblResidentialMortgage ResidentialMortgage, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4884. {
  4885. int completed;
  4887. string proc = (ResidentialMortgage.ResidentialMortgageID == 0 ? "tblInsertblResidentialMortgage" : "tblUpdatetblResidentialMortgage");
  4889. SqlParameter[] resMortgage = new SqlParameter[24];
  4890. resMortgage[0] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", ResidentialMortgage.ReferId);
  4891. resMortgage[1] = new SqlParameter("@Lender", ResidentialMortgage.Lender);
  4892. resMortgage[2] = new SqlParameter("@Account_Number", ResidentialMortgage.Account_Number);
  4893. resMortgage[3] = new SqlParameter("@Current_Value", ResidentialMortgage.Current_Value);
  4894. resMortgage[4] = new SqlParameter("@Ownership", ResidentialMortgage.Ownership);
  4895. resMortgage[5] = new SqlParameter("@Original_Mortgage", ResidentialMortgage.Original_Mortgage);
  4896. resMortgage[6] = new SqlParameter("@Amount_Outstanding", ResidentialMortgage.Amount_Outstanding);
  4897. resMortgage[7] = new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Payment", ResidentialMortgage.Monthly_Payment);
  4898. resMortgage[8] = new SqlParameter("@Term", ResidentialMortgage.Term);
  4899. resMortgage[9] = new SqlParameter("@Repayment_Method", ResidentialMortgage.Repayment_Method);
  4900. resMortgage[10] = new SqlParameter("@Repayment_Vehicle", ResidentialMortgage.Repayment_Vehicle);
  4901. resMortgage[11] = new SqlParameter("@Current_Rate_Info", ResidentialMortgage.Current_Rate_Info);
  4902. resMortgage[12] = new SqlParameter("@ERP_Info", ResidentialMortgage.ERP_Info);
  4903. resMortgage[13] = new SqlParameter("@Portable", ResidentialMortgage.Portable);
  4904. resMortgage[14] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", ResidentialMortgage.IsActive);
  4905. resMortgage[15] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", ResidentialMortgage.IsDeleted);
  4906. resMortgage[16] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4907. resMortgage[17] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", ResidentialMortgage.EntryBy);
  4908. resMortgage[18] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4909. resMortgage[19] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", ResidentialMortgage.UpdateBy);
  4910. resMortgage[20] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4911. resMortgage[20].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4913. // id
  4914. resMortgage[21] = new SqlParameter("@ResidentialMortgageID", ResidentialMortgage.ResidentialMortgageID);
  4915. resMortgage[22] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", ResidentialMortgage.ClientRegistrationID);
  4916. resMortgage[23] = new SqlParameter("@AddressID", ResidentialMortgage.AddressID);
  4918. if (useTransaction)
  4919. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, resMortgage); }
  4920. else
  4921. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, resMortgage); }
  4923. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4924. completed = Convert.ToInt32(resMortgage[20] != null ? resMortgage[20].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4925. return completed;
  4926. }
  4928. public int AddExpenditure(tblExpenditure Expenditure, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4929. {
  4930. int completed;
  4931. string proc = (Expenditure.ExpenditureID == 0 ? "tblInsertblExpenditure" : "tblUpdatetblExpenditure");
  4933. SqlParameter[] expenditure = new SqlParameter[34];
  4934. expenditure[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", Expenditure.ClientRegistrationID);
  4935. expenditure[1] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", Expenditure.ReferId);
  4936. expenditure[2] = new SqlParameter("@Mortgage_Rent", Expenditure.Mortgage_Rent);
  4937. expenditure[3] = new SqlParameter("@Credit_Commitments", Expenditure.Credit_Commitments);
  4938. expenditure[4] = new SqlParameter("@Maintenance", Expenditure.Maintenance);
  4939. expenditure[5] = new SqlParameter("@Food_Drink_clothing", Expenditure.Food_Drink_clothing);
  4940. expenditure[6] = new SqlParameter("@Utilities_Including_Council_Tax", Expenditure.Utilities_Including_Council_Tax);
  4941. expenditure[7] = new SqlParameter("@Miscellaneous_Goods_Services", Expenditure.Miscellaneous_Goods_Services);
  4942. expenditure[8] = new SqlParameter("@Transport", Expenditure.Transport);
  4943. expenditure[9] = new SqlParameter("@Entertainment_Recreation", Expenditure.Entertainment_Recreation);
  4944. expenditure[10] = new SqlParameter("@Holidays", Expenditure.Holidays);
  4945. expenditure[11] = new SqlParameter("@Nursery_College_Uni_fees", Expenditure.Nursery_College_Uni_fees);
  4946. expenditure[12] = new SqlParameter("@Other_Expenditure", Expenditure.Other_Expenditure);
  4947. expenditure[13] = new SqlParameter("@Existing_Life_Insurance_PHI_Premiums", Expenditure.Existing_Life_Insurance_PHI_Premiums);
  4948. expenditure[14] = new SqlParameter("@Discretionary_Expenditure", Expenditure.Discretionary_Expenditure);
  4949. expenditure[15] = new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Expenditure_B", Expenditure.Monthly_Expenditure_B);
  4950. expenditure[16] = new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Disposable_Income_A_B", Expenditure.Monthly_Disposable_Income_A_B);
  4951. expenditure[17] = new SqlParameter("@Remaining_Income", Expenditure.Remaining_Income);
  4952. expenditure[18] = new SqlParameter("@Any_Changes_In_Next_5_Years", Expenditure.Any_Changes_In_Next_5_Years);
  4953. expenditure[19] = new SqlParameter("@Any_Adverse_Credit_History", Expenditure.Any_Adverse_Credit_History);
  4954. expenditure[20] = new SqlParameter("@Total_Income_All_Sources", Expenditure.Total_Income_All_Sources);
  4955. expenditure[21] = new SqlParameter("@Total_Net_Monthly_Income_A", Expenditure.Total_Net_Monthly_Income_A);
  4956. expenditure[22] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", Expenditure.IsActive);
  4957. expenditure[23] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", Expenditure.IsDeleted);
  4958. expenditure[24] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  4959. expenditure[25] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", Expenditure.EntryBy);
  4960. expenditure[26] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  4961. expenditure[27] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", Expenditure.UpdateBy);
  4963. expenditure[28] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  4964. expenditure[28].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  4966. // id
  4967. expenditure[29] = new SqlParameter("@ExpenditureID", Expenditure.ExpenditureID);
  4969. expenditure[30] = new SqlParameter("@Student_Loan_Payments", Expenditure.Student_Loan_Payments);
  4970. expenditure[31] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", Expenditure.FromDate);
  4971. expenditure[32] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", Expenditure.ToDate);
  4972. expenditure[33] = new SqlParameter("@AdditionalInfo", Expenditure.AdditionalInfo);
  4973. if (useTransaction)
  4974. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, expenditure); }
  4975. else
  4976. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, expenditure); }
  4978. // return 1 if executed successfully
  4979. completed = Convert.ToInt32(expenditure[28] != null ? expenditure[28].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  4980. return completed;
  4981. }
  4983. // Created on 07/10/2014
  4984. // For add and update Dependent table
  4985. public int AddUpdateDependant(tblDependant dependent, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  4986. {
  4987. int completed = 0;
  4989. if (dependent.DependantID == 0)
  4990. {
  4991. SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[]
  4992. {
  4993. new SqlParameter("@Applicant", dependent.Applicant),
  4994. new SqlParameter("@DOB", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dependent.StrDependentDOB) ? Helper.GetDate(dependent.StrDependentDOB) : null),
  4995. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", dependent.ClientRegistrationID),//set clientid in model after model binding
  4996. new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now),
  4997. new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int){Direction = ParameterDirection.Output},
  4998. new SqlParameter("@ReferId", dependent.ReferId),
  4999. new SqlParameter("@Name", dependent.Name)
  5000. };
  5001. if (useTransaction)
  5002. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "tblInsertDependant", tran, con, par); }
  5003. else
  5004. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "tblInsertDependant", par); }
  5005. completed = Convert.ToInt32(par[4] != null ? par[4].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5006. }
  5007. else
  5008. {
  5009. SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[]
  5010. {
  5011. new SqlParameter("@Applicant", dependent.Applicant),
  5012. new SqlParameter("@DOB", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dependent.StrDependentDOB) ? Helper.GetDate(dependent.StrDependentDOB) : null),
  5013. new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now),
  5014. new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", dependent.UpdateBy),//set updated by id in model after model binding
  5015. new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int){Direction = ParameterDirection.Output},
  5016. new SqlParameter("@DependantID", dependent.DependantID),
  5017. new SqlParameter("@ReferId", dependent.ReferId),
  5018. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", dependent.ClientRegistrationID),
  5019. new SqlParameter("@Name", dependent.Name)
  5020. };
  5021. if (useTransaction)
  5022. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "tblUpdateDependant", tran, con, par); }
  5023. else
  5024. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "tblUpdateDependant", par); }
  5025. completed = Convert.ToInt32(par[4] != null ? par[4].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5027. }
  5029. return completed;
  5030. }
  5032. // new 21/10/2014
  5033. public int AddUpdateAdditionalProperty(tblAdditional_Property_Info addProp, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5034. {
  5035. int completed = 0;
  5036. string proc = (addProp.tblAdditional_Property_InfoID == 0 ? "tblInsertbltblAdditional_Property_Info" : "tblUpdateAdditional_Property_Info");
  5038. SqlParameter[] additionPro = new SqlParameter[14];
  5039. additionPro[0] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", addProp.ReferId);
  5040. additionPro[1] = new SqlParameter("@Selling_Agents", addProp.Selling_Agents);
  5041. additionPro[2] = new SqlParameter("@Solicitors", addProp.Solicitors);
  5042. additionPro[3] = new SqlParameter("@Bank_Details", addProp.Bank_Details);
  5043. additionPro[4] = new SqlParameter("@Additional_Info", addProp.Additional_Info);
  5044. additionPro[5] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", addProp.IsActive);
  5045. additionPro[6] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", addProp.IsDeleted);
  5046. additionPro[7] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5047. additionPro[8] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", addProp.EntryBy);
  5048. additionPro[9] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5049. additionPro[10] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", addProp.UpdateBy);
  5050. additionPro[11] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5051. additionPro[11].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5052. additionPro[12] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", addProp.ClientRegistrationID);
  5053. additionPro[13] = new SqlParameter("@tblAdditional_Property_InfoID", addProp.tblAdditional_Property_InfoID);
  5055. if (useTransaction)
  5056. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, additionPro); }
  5057. else
  5058. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, additionPro); }
  5059. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5060. completed = Convert.ToInt32(additionPro[11] != null ? additionPro[11].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5062. return completed;
  5063. }
  5065. public int AddUpdateCurrentSavingArrangements(tblCurrent_Savings_Arrangements savings, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5066. {
  5067. int completed = 0;
  5068. string proc = (savings.Current_Savings_ArrangementsID == 0 ? "tblInsertCurrent_Savings_Arrangements" : "tblUpdateCurrent_Savings_Arrangements");
  5070. SqlParameter[] currSaving = new SqlParameter[15];
  5071. currSaving[0] = new SqlParameter("@Current_Savings_ArrangementsID", savings.Current_Savings_ArrangementsID);
  5072. currSaving[1] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", savings.ReferId);
  5073. currSaving[2] = new SqlParameter("@Total_Amount", savings.Total_Amount);
  5074. currSaving[3] = new SqlParameter("@If_No_Fund", savings.If_No_Fund);
  5075. currSaving[4] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", savings.IsActive);
  5076. currSaving[5] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", savings.IsDeleted);
  5077. currSaving[6] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5078. currSaving[7] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", savings.EntryBy);
  5079. currSaving[8] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5080. currSaving[9] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", savings.UpdateBy);
  5081. currSaving[10] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5082. currSaving[10].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5083. currSaving[11] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", savings.ClientRegistrationID);
  5084. currSaving[12] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", savings.FromDate);
  5085. currSaving[13] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", savings.ToDate);
  5086. currSaving[14] = new SqlParameter("@AdditionalInfo", savings.AdditionalInfo);
  5088. if (useTransaction)
  5089. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, currSaving); }
  5090. else
  5091. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, currSaving); }
  5092. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5093. completed = Convert.ToInt32(currSaving[10] != null ? currSaving[10].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5094. return completed;
  5095. }
  5097. public int AddUpdateProtection(tblCurrent_Protection_Arrangements Protection, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5098. {
  5099. int completed = 0;
  5100. string proc = (Protection.Current_Protection_ArrangementsID == 0 ? "tblInserttblCurrent_Protection_Arrangements" : "tblUpdateCurrent_Protection_Arrangements");
  5102. SqlParameter[] protection = new SqlParameter[18];
  5103. protection[0] = new SqlParameter("@Current_Protection_ArrangementsID", Protection.Current_Protection_ArrangementsID);
  5104. protection[1] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", Protection.ReferId);
  5105. protection[2] = new SqlParameter("@Owner", Protection.Owner);
  5106. protection[3] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Policy", Protection.Type_Of_Policy);
  5107. protection[4] = new SqlParameter("@Provider", Protection.Provider);
  5108. protection[5] = new SqlParameter("@Sum_Assured", Protection.Sum_Assured);
  5109. protection[6] = new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Premium", Protection.Monthly_Premium);
  5110. protection[7] = new SqlParameter("@End_Date_Term", Protection.End_Date_Term);
  5111. protection[8] = new SqlParameter("@In_Trust", Protection.In_Trust);
  5112. protection[9] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", Protection.IsActive);
  5113. protection[10] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", Protection.IsDeleted);
  5114. protection[11] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5115. protection[12] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", Protection.EntryBy);
  5116. protection[13] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5117. protection[14] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", Protection.UpdateBy);
  5118. protection[15] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5119. protection[15].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5120. protection[16] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", Protection.ClientRegistrationID);
  5121. protection[17] = new SqlParameter("@TypeofPolicyOther", Protection.TypeofPolicyOther);
  5123. if (useTransaction)
  5124. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, protection); }
  5125. else
  5126. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, protection); }
  5127. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5128. completed = Convert.ToInt32(protection[15] != null ? protection[15].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5129. return completed;
  5130. }
  5132. // Created on 20/01/2015
  5133. //Add and Update Employment Benefit
  5135. public int AddUpdateEmploymentBenefit(tblEmployment_Benefit emp, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5136. {
  5137. int completed = 0;
  5138. string proc = (emp.Employment_BenefitID == 0 ? "tblInserttblEmployment_Benefit" : "tblUpdateEmployment_Benefit");
  5140. SqlParameter[] empBenefit = new SqlParameter[18];
  5141. empBenefit[0] = new SqlParameter("@Employment_BenefitID", emp.Employment_BenefitID);
  5142. empBenefit[1] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", emp.ReferId);
  5143. empBenefit[2] = new SqlParameter("@Sickness_Benefit", emp.Sickness_Benefit);
  5144. empBenefit[3] = new SqlParameter("@Sikness_Amount_Payable", emp.Sikness_Amount_Payable);
  5145. empBenefit[4] = new SqlParameter("@Death_In_Service", emp.Death_In_Service);
  5146. empBenefit[5] = new SqlParameter("@Death_Amount_Payable", emp.Death_Amount_Payable);
  5147. //empBenefit[6] = new SqlParameter("@Have_You_Made_A_Will", emp.Have_You_Made_A_Will);
  5148. empBenefit[6] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", emp.IsActive);
  5149. empBenefit[7] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", emp.IsDeleted);
  5150. empBenefit[8] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5151. empBenefit[9] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", emp.EntryBy);
  5152. empBenefit[10] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5153. empBenefit[11] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", emp.UpdateBy);
  5154. empBenefit[12] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", emp.ClientRegistrationID);
  5155. empBenefit[13] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5156. empBenefit[13].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5157. empBenefit[14] = new SqlParameter("@FromDate", emp.FromDate);
  5158. empBenefit[15] = new SqlParameter("@ToDate", emp.ToDate);
  5159. empBenefit[16] = new SqlParameter("@AdditionalInfo", emp.AdditionalInfo);
  5160. if (useTransaction)
  5161. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, empBenefit); }
  5162. else
  5163. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, empBenefit); }
  5164. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5165. completed = Convert.ToInt32(empBenefit[13] != null ? empBenefit[13].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5166. return completed;
  5167. }
  5169. public int AddUpdatePensionInvestment(tblCurrent_Pension_Investment_Arrangements pension, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5170. {
  5171. int completed = 0;
  5172. string proc = (pension.tblCurrent_Pension_Investment_ArrangementsID == 0 ? "tblInserttblCurrent_Pension_Investment_Arrangements" : "tblUpdateCurrent_Pension_Investment_Arrangements");
  5174. SqlParameter[] pensionInv = new SqlParameter[17];
  5175. pensionInv[0] = new SqlParameter("@tblCurrent_Pension_Investment_ArrangementsID", pension.tblCurrent_Pension_Investment_ArrangementsID);
  5176. pensionInv[1] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId ", pension.ReferId);
  5177. pensionInv[2] = new SqlParameter("@Owner", pension.Owner);
  5178. pensionInv[3] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Policy", pension.Type_Of_Policy);
  5179. pensionInv[4] = new SqlParameter("@Provider", pension.Provider);
  5180. pensionInv[5] = new SqlParameter("@Sum_Assured", pension.Sum_Assured);
  5181. pensionInv[6] = new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Premium", pension.Monthly_Premium);
  5182. pensionInv[7] = new SqlParameter("@End_Date_Term", pension.End_Date_Term);
  5183. pensionInv[8] = new SqlParameter("@In_Trust", pension.In_Trust);
  5184. pensionInv[9] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", pension.IsActive);
  5185. pensionInv[10] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", pension.IsDeleted);
  5186. pensionInv[11] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5187. pensionInv[12] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", pension.EntryBy);
  5188. pensionInv[13] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5189. pensionInv[14] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", pension.UpdateBy);
  5190. pensionInv[15] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", pension.ClientRegistrationID);
  5191. pensionInv[16] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5192. pensionInv[16].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5194. if (useTransaction)
  5195. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, pensionInv); }
  5196. else
  5197. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, pensionInv); }
  5198. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5199. completed = Convert.ToInt32(pensionInv[16] != null ? pensionInv[16].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5200. return completed;
  5201. }
  5203. public int AddUpdateCurrentBuildingContent(tblCurrent_Buildings_Contents_Arrangements building, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5204. {
  5205. int completed = 0;
  5206. string proc = (building.Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsID == 0 ? "tblInsertCurrent_Buildings_Contents_Arrangements" : "tblUpdateCurrent_Buildings_Contents_Arrangements");
  5208. SqlParameter[] curBuilding = new SqlParameter[]{
  5209. new SqlParameter("@Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsID", building.Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsID),
  5210. new SqlParameter("@ReferId", building.ReferId),
  5211. new SqlParameter("@Property_Insured", building.Property_Insured),
  5212. new SqlParameter("@Owner", building.Owner),
  5213. new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Policy", building.Type_Of_Policy),
  5214. new SqlParameter("@Provider", building.Provider),
  5215. new SqlParameter("@Sum_Assured", building.Sum_Assured),
  5216. new SqlParameter("@Monthly_Premium", building.Monthly_Premium),
  5217. new SqlParameter("@Additional_Benefits", building.Additional_Benefits),
  5218. new SqlParameter("@Rebuild_Value", building.Rebuild_Value),
  5219. new SqlParameter("@Value_Of_Contents", building.Value_Of_Contents),
  5220. new SqlParameter("@Specified_Items", building.Specified_Items),
  5221. new SqlParameter("@Include", building.Include),
  5222. new SqlParameter("@Excess", building.Excess),
  5223. new SqlParameter("@Smoke_Alarm", building.Smoke_Alarm),
  5224. new SqlParameter("@Free_From_Subsidence_Flooding", building.Free_From_Subsidence_Flooding),
  5225. new SqlParameter("@Alarm", building.Alarm),
  5226. new SqlParameter("@Locks_Fitted", building.Locks_Fitted),
  5227. new SqlParameter("@Additional_Info", building.Additional_Info),
  5228. new SqlParameter("@Further_Information", building.Further_Information),
  5229. new SqlParameter("@Transfer_Foreign_Currencies_To_Sterling", building.Transfer_Foreign_Currencies_To_Sterling),
  5230. new SqlParameter("@IsActive", building.IsActive),
  5231. new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", building.IsDeleted),
  5232. new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now),
  5233. new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", building.EntryBy),
  5234. new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now),
  5235. new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", building.UpdateBy),
  5236. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", building.ClientRegistrationID),
  5237. new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int) { Direction=ParameterDirection.Output},
  5238. new SqlParameter("@RenewalDate", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(building.StrRenewalDate) ? Helper.GetDate(building.StrRenewalDate) : null)
  5239. };
  5240. // get output parameter
  5241. var outPutparam = curBuilding.Where(x => x.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output).FirstOrDefault();
  5243. if (useTransaction)
  5244. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, curBuilding); }
  5245. else
  5246. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, curBuilding); }
  5247. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5248. completed = Convert.ToInt32(outPutparam != null ? outPutparam.SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5249. return completed;
  5250. }
  5252. public DataSet GetCurrentBuildingContentList(int clientregistrationId)
  5253. {
  5254. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5255. {
  5256. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",clientregistrationId)
  5257. };
  5258. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GET_Current_Buildings_Contents_Arrangements", Param);
  5259. return ds;
  5261. }
  5263. public void DeleteCurrentBuildingContent(int Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsId)
  5264. {
  5265. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsId", Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsId) };
  5267. var command = "delete from tblCurrent_Buildings_Contents_Arrangements where Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsId = @Current_Buildings_Contents_ArrangementsId";
  5268. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  5271. }
  5273. public int AddUpdateMortgageRequirementFactors(tblMortgage_Requirement_Factors mortgage, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5274. {
  5275. int completed = 0;
  5276. string proc = (mortgage.Mortgage_Requirement_FactorsID == 0 ? "tblInsertblMortgage_Requirement_Factors" : "tblUpdateMortgage_Requirement_Factors");
  5278. SqlParameter[] mortgageReq = new SqlParameter[26];
  5279. mortgageReq[0] = new SqlParameter("@Mortgage_Requirement_FactorsID", mortgage.Mortgage_Requirement_FactorsID);
  5280. mortgageReq[1] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", mortgage.ReferId);
  5281. mortgageReq[2] = new SqlParameter("@Type_Of_Rate", mortgage.Type_Of_Rate);
  5282. mortgageReq[3] = new SqlParameter("@Term_Of_Deal_Period", mortgage.Term_Of_Deal_Period);
  5283. mortgageReq[4] = new SqlParameter("@Add_Fees", mortgage.Add_Fees);
  5284. mortgageReq[5] = new SqlParameter("@Free_Valuation", mortgage.Free_Valuation);
  5285. mortgageReq[6] = new SqlParameter("@Free_Solicitors", mortgage.Free_Solicitors);
  5286. mortgageReq[7] = new SqlParameter("@Offset", mortgage.Offset);
  5287. mortgageReq[8] = new SqlParameter("@Speed_Of_Completion", mortgage.Speed_Of_Completion);
  5288. mortgageReq[9] = new SqlParameter("@No_Booking_Arrangement_Fee", mortgage.No_Booking_Arrangement_Fee);
  5289. mortgageReq[10] = new SqlParameter("@Flexible", mortgage.Flexible);
  5290. mortgageReq[11] = new SqlParameter("@Lowest_Monthly_Payment", mortgage.Lowest_Monthly_Payment);
  5291. mortgageReq[12] = new SqlParameter("@Lowest_APR", mortgage.Lowest_APR);
  5292. mortgageReq[13] = new SqlParameter("@Lowest_Cost_Over_Term", mortgage.Lowest_Cost_Over_Term);
  5293. mortgageReq[14] = new SqlParameter("@Capped_Upper_Limit", mortgage.Capped_Upper_Limit);
  5294. mortgageReq[15] = new SqlParameter("@Access_To_Cash_Back", mortgage.Access_To_Cash_Back);
  5295. mortgageReq[16] = new SqlParameter("@No_ERP", mortgage.No_ERP);
  5296. mortgageReq[17] = new SqlParameter("@How_Will_You_Repay_The_Mortgage", mortgage.How_Will_You_Repay_The_Mortgage);
  5297. mortgageReq[18] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", mortgage.IsActive);
  5298. mortgageReq[19] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", mortgage.IsDeleted);
  5299. mortgageReq[20] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5300. mortgageReq[21] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", mortgage.EntryBy);
  5301. mortgageReq[22] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5302. mortgageReq[23] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", mortgage.UpdateBy);
  5303. mortgageReq[24] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", mortgage.ClientRegistrationID);
  5304. mortgageReq[25] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5305. mortgageReq[25].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5308. if (useTransaction)
  5309. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, mortgageReq); }
  5310. else
  5311. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, mortgageReq); }
  5312. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5313. completed = Convert.ToInt32(mortgageReq[24] != null ? mortgageReq[24].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5314. return completed;
  5315. }
  5317. public int GetRegistar(string Email, string Password, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5318. {
  5320. int completed = 0;
  5321. try
  5322. {
  5323. SqlParameter[] sqlParameter = new SqlParameter[3];
  5325. sqlParameter[0] = new SqlParameter("@UserName", Email);
  5326. sqlParameter[1] = new SqlParameter("@Password", Password);
  5328. sqlParameter[2] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", SqlDbType.Int);
  5329. sqlParameter[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5332. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetClientRegistrationID", sqlParameter);
  5334. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5335. completed = Convert.ToInt32(sqlParameter[2] != null ? sqlParameter[2].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5336. }
  5337. catch { }
  5338. return completed;
  5342. }
  5343. public DataSet GetClientRegistrationID(Int32 ClientRegistrationID)
  5344. {
  5346. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[1];
  5347. Param[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", ClientRegistrationID);
  5348. // commented on 20/10/2014
  5349. // DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "ClientRegistrationID", Param);
  5350. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetClientRegistrationListV1", Param);
  5351. return ds;
  5352. }
  5354. // get commitments
  5355. public DataSet GetCommitments(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5356. {
  5357. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5358. {
  5359. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5360. };
  5361. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GelCommitmentList", Param);
  5362. return ds;
  5363. }
  5365. public int DeleteCommitments(int id)
  5366. {
  5367. int result;
  5368. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5369. {
  5370. new SqlParameter("@CurrentCommitmentsId",id)
  5371. };
  5372. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteCommitments", Param);
  5373. return result;
  5374. }
  5376. // get residential mortgage
  5377. public DataSet GetResidentialMortgage(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5378. {
  5379. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5380. {
  5381. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5382. };
  5383. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetResidentialMortgage", Param);
  5384. return ds;
  5385. }
  5386. public int DeleteResidentialMortgage(int id)
  5387. {
  5388. int completed = 0;
  5389. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5390. {
  5391. new SqlParameter("@ResidentialMortgageID",id)
  5392. };
  5393. completed = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteResidentialMortgage", Param);
  5394. return completed;
  5395. }
  5397. // New Mortgage Property Details created on 19/01/2015
  5398. public DataSet GetNewMortgagePropertyDetails(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5399. {
  5400. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5401. {
  5402. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5403. };
  5404. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetNewMortgagePropertyDetails", Param);
  5405. return ds;
  5406. }
  5407. public int DeleteNewMortgagePropertyDetails(int id)
  5408. {
  5409. int result;
  5410. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5411. {
  5412. new SqlParameter("@ID",id)
  5413. };
  5414. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteNewMortgagePropertyDetails", Param);
  5415. return result;
  5416. }
  5418. public DataSet GetNewMortgagePropertyAddress(int id)
  5419. {
  5420. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5421. {
  5422. new SqlParameter("@tblAdditional_Property_InfoID",id)
  5423. };
  5425. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text, "select * from tblAdditional_Property_Info where tblAdditional_Property_InfoID=@tblAdditional_Property_InfoID", Param);
  5426. return ds;
  5428. }
  5430. // Investment Portfolio
  5432. public DataSet GetInvestmentPortfolio(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5433. {
  5434. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5435. {
  5436. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5437. };
  5438. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetOtherMortgage", Param);
  5439. return ds;
  5440. }
  5441. public void DeleteInvestmentPortfolio(int id)
  5442. {
  5443. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5444. {
  5445. new SqlParameter("@Other_MortgagesID",id)
  5446. };
  5447. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteOtherMortgage", Param);
  5448. }
  5450. // current protection
  5451. public DataSet GetCurrentProtection(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5452. {
  5453. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5454. {
  5455. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5456. };
  5457. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetCurrentProtection", Param);
  5458. return ds;
  5459. }
  5460. public void DeleteCurrentProtection(int id)
  5461. {
  5462. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5463. {
  5464. new SqlParameter("@Current_Protection_ArrangementsID",id)
  5465. };
  5466. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteCurrentProtection", Param);
  5467. }
  5469. //// Employment Benefit 20-01-2015
  5470. //public DataSet GetEmploymentBenefit(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5471. //{
  5472. // SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5473. // {
  5474. // new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5475. // };
  5476. // DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetEmploymentBenefit", Param);
  5477. // return ds;
  5478. //}
  5479. //public void DeleteEmploymentBenefit(int id)
  5480. //{
  5481. // SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5482. // {
  5483. // new SqlParameter("@EmploymentBenefitID",id)
  5484. // };
  5485. // SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteEmploymentBenefit", Param);
  5486. //}
  5489. // current pension arrangements
  5491. public DataSet GetCurrentPensionInvestments(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5492. {
  5493. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5494. {
  5495. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5496. };
  5497. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetCurrentPensionInvestments", Param);
  5498. return ds;
  5499. }
  5501. public void DeleteCurrentPensionInvestments(int id)
  5502. {
  5503. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5504. {
  5505. new SqlParameter("@tblCurrent_Pension_Investment_ArrangementsID",id)
  5506. };
  5507. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteCurrentPensionInvestments", Param);
  5508. }
  5511. public int UpdateMortgageFact()
  5512. {
  5513. return 0;
  5514. }
  5516. // update contactid into client registration
  5517. public int UpdateContactIDToClient(int contactid, int clientregistrationid)
  5518. {
  5519. SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[]
  5520. {
  5521. new SqlParameter("@ContactId",contactid),
  5522. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",clientregistrationid)
  5523. };
  5524. return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "proc_UpdateClientID", par);
  5525. }
  5528. // update contactid into client registration
  5529. public int DeactivateClientRegistrationOnUpdateByClient(int contactid, int clientregistrationid)
  5530. {
  5531. SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[]
  5532. {
  5533. new SqlParameter("@ContactId",contactid),
  5534. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",clientregistrationid)
  5535. };
  5536. return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "DeactivateClientRegistrationOnUpdateByClient", par);
  5537. }
  5539. public void DeleteAddress(int addressID)
  5540. {
  5541. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5542. {
  5543. new SqlParameter("@FactFindAddressID",addressID)
  5544. };
  5545. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteAddress", Param);
  5547. }
  5549. public void DeleteDependent(int dependentid)
  5550. {
  5551. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5552. {
  5553. new SqlParameter("@DependentID",dependentid)
  5554. };
  5555. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteDependent", Param);
  5557. }
  5559. public DataSet GetApplicantsAddressForMortgage(int clientregistrationid)
  5560. {
  5561. SqlParameter[] par = new SqlParameter[]
  5562. {
  5563. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",clientregistrationid)
  5564. };
  5565. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetApplcantsAddressesForMortgage", par);
  5566. return ds;
  5567. }
  5568. public DataSet GetUser(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5569. {
  5570. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5571. {
  5572. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5573. };
  5574. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_EquityUserDetail", Param);
  5575. return ds;
  5576. }
  5578. public DataSet GetPropertyList(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5579. {
  5580. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5581. {
  5582. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5583. };
  5584. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_EquityPropertyDetails", Param);
  5585. return ds;
  5586. }
  5588. public DataSet GetPropertyAddressList(string postcode)
  5589. {
  5590. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5591. {
  5592. new SqlParameter("@postcode",postcode)
  5593. };
  5594. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_EquityAddressDetails", Param);
  5595. return ds;
  5596. }
  5598. public DataSet GetNewlyAddedPropertyList(int MortgageId)
  5599. {
  5600. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5601. {
  5602. new SqlParameter("@MortgageId",MortgageId)
  5603. };
  5604. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_EquityPropertyDetailsByMortgageId", Param);
  5605. return ds;
  5606. }
  5608. /***********************************************************************
  5609. * Methods for Fact Find
  5610. *
  5611. *
  5612. *
  5613. *
  5614. * Created On : 17/11/2014
  5615. * *********************************************************************/
  5617. public int FactFind_AddEmploymentAndIncome(tblEmploymentAndIncome employmentAndIncome, bool useTransaction, SqlTransaction tran, SqlConnection con)
  5618. {
  5619. int completed;
  5620. string proc = "FactFind_InsertUpdateEmploymentAndIncome";
  5622. SqlParameter[] empandInc = new SqlParameter[29];
  5623. empandInc[0] = new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID", employmentAndIncome.ClientRegistrationID);
  5624. empandInc[1] = new SqlParameter("@JobTitle", employmentAndIncome.JobTitle);
  5625. empandInc[2] = new SqlParameter("@NatureOfOccupation", employmentAndIncome.NatureOfOccupation);
  5626. empandInc[3] = new SqlParameter("@NINumber", employmentAndIncome.NINumber);
  5627. empandInc[4] = new SqlParameter("@AnticipatedRetirementAge", employmentAndIncome.AnticipatedRetirementAge);
  5628. empandInc[5] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentStatus", employmentAndIncome.EmploymentStatus);
  5629. empandInc[6] = new SqlParameter("@ProbationPeriod", employmentAndIncome.ProbationPeriod);
  5630. empandInc[7] = new SqlParameter("@NameOfEmployer", employmentAndIncome.NameOfEmployer);
  5631. empandInc[8] = new SqlParameter("@AddressOfEmployer", employmentAndIncome.AddressOfEmployer);
  5632. empandInc[9] = new SqlParameter("@AnnualCommission", employmentAndIncome.AnnualCommission);
  5633. empandInc[10] = new SqlParameter("@AnnualOvertime", employmentAndIncome.AnnualOvertime);
  5634. empandInc[11] = new SqlParameter("@Other", employmentAndIncome.Other);
  5635. empandInc[12] = new SqlParameter("@GrossTotal", employmentAndIncome.GrossTotal);
  5636. empandInc[13] = new SqlParameter("@GrossMonthly", employmentAndIncome.GrossMonthly);
  5637. empandInc[14] = new SqlParameter("@IsActive", employmentAndIncome.IsActive);
  5638. empandInc[15] = new SqlParameter("@IsDeleted", employmentAndIncome.IsDeleted);
  5639. empandInc[16] = new SqlParameter("@AddDate", DateTime.Now);
  5640. empandInc[17] = new SqlParameter("@EntryBy", employmentAndIncome.EntryBy);
  5641. empandInc[18] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", DateTime.Now);
  5642. empandInc[19] = new SqlParameter("@UpdateBy", employmentAndIncome.UpdateBy);
  5643. empandInc[20] = new SqlParameter("@GrossBasicSalary", employmentAndIncome.GrossBasicSalary);
  5644. empandInc[21] = new SqlParameter("@PeriodWithEmployer", employmentAndIncome.PeriodWithEmployer);
  5645. empandInc[22] = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);
  5646. empandInc[22].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
  5648. // add id column
  5649. empandInc[23] = new SqlParameter("@EmploymentIncomeId", employmentAndIncome.EmploymentIncomeId);
  5650. empandInc[24] = new SqlParameter("@ReferId", employmentAndIncome.ReferId);
  5651. // bonus
  5652. empandInc[25] = new SqlParameter("@BonusY1", employmentAndIncome.BonusY1);
  5653. empandInc[26] = new SqlParameter("@BonusY2", employmentAndIncome.BonusY2);
  5654. empandInc[27] = new SqlParameter("@BonusY3", employmentAndIncome.BonusY3);
  5655. empandInc[28] = new SqlParameter("@PreviousAddressOfEmployer", employmentAndIncome.PreviousAddressOfEmployer);
  5657. if (useTransaction)
  5658. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryWithTransaction(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, tran, con, empandInc); }
  5659. else
  5660. { SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, proc, empandInc); }
  5662. // return 1 if executed successfully
  5663. completed = Convert.ToInt32(empandInc[22] != null ? empandInc[22].SqlValue.ToString() : "0");
  5666. return completed;
  5668. }
  5671. // get commitments
  5674. public DataSet GetSelfEmployment(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5675. {
  5676. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5677. {
  5678. new SqlParameter("@clientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5679. };
  5680. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetSelfEmployed", Param);
  5681. return ds;
  5682. }
  5684. public void DeleteSelfEmployment(int id, string TypeOfEmployment)
  5685. {
  5686. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5687. {
  5688. new SqlParameter("@selfEmployedId",id),
  5689. new SqlParameter("@typeOfEmployment",TypeOfEmployment)
  5690. };
  5691. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteSelfEmployed", Param);
  5693. }
  5694. public DataSet GetEmploymentAndIncome(int ClientRegistrationID)
  5695. {
  5696. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5697. {
  5698. new SqlParameter("@clientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID)
  5699. };
  5700. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_GetEmploymentAndIncome", Param);
  5701. return ds;
  5702. }
  5704. public void DeleteEmploymentIncome(int id)
  5705. {
  5706. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5707. {
  5708. new SqlParameter("@employmentAndIncomeId",id)
  5709. };
  5710. SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "FactFind_DeleteEmploymentAndIncome", Param);
  5712. }
  5713. //end block DeleteEmploymentIncome
  5716. // 02 06 2015
  5719. public List<tblUnEmployment> GetUnEmploymentList(int ClientRegistrationID, int UnEmploymentID)
  5720. {
  5721. string command = "";
  5722. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5723. {
  5724. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID) ,
  5725. new SqlParameter("@UnEmploymentID",UnEmploymentID)
  5727. };
  5729. if (UnEmploymentID == 0)
  5730. {
  5731. command = "select * from tblUnEmployment where ClientRegistrationID=@ClientRegistrationID";
  5732. }
  5733. else
  5734. {
  5736. command = "select * from tblUnEmployment where ClientRegistrationID=@ClientRegistrationID and UnEmploymentID=@UnEmploymentID";
  5737. }
  5739. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  5741. return Occfinance.Code.DataTableHelper.CreateListFromTableForAll<tblUnEmployment>(ds.Tables[0]).ToList<tblUnEmployment>();
  5743. }
  5744. public List<tblSelfEmployed> GetSelfEmployedList(int ClientRegistrationID, int SelfEmployedId)
  5745. {
  5746. string command = "";
  5747. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5748. {
  5749. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID) ,
  5750. new SqlParameter("@SelfEmployedId",SelfEmployedId)
  5752. };
  5754. if (SelfEmployedId == 0)
  5755. {
  5756. command = "select * from tblSelfEmployed where ClientRegistrationID=@ClientRegistrationID";
  5757. }
  5758. else
  5759. {
  5761. command = "select * from tblSelfEmployed where ClientRegistrationID=@ClientRegistrationID and SelfEmployedId=@SelfEmployedId";
  5762. }
  5764. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  5766. return Occfinance.Code.DataTableHelper.CreateListFromTableForAll<tblSelfEmployed>(ds.Tables[0]).ToList<tblSelfEmployed>();
  5768. }
  5770. public int AddUpdateUnEmployed(tblUnEmployment model)
  5771. {
  5772. var command = "";
  5773. int result;
  5774. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  5775. {
  5777. new SqlParameter("@UnEmploymentID",model.UnEmploymentID) ,
  5778. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",model.ClientRegistrationID) ,
  5779. new SqlParameter("@DateOfUnEmployment",!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.StrDateOfUnemployment) ? Helper.GetDate(model.StrDateOfUnemployment) : null),
  5780. new SqlParameter("@DateOfReemployment",!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.StrDateOfReemployment) ? Helper.GetDate(model.StrDateOfReemployment) : null),
  5781. new SqlParameter("@ReasonForUnemployment",model.ReasonForUnemployment),
  5782. new SqlParameter("@IsActive",true) ,
  5783. new SqlParameter("@UpdatedDate",DateTime.Now),
  5784. new SqlParameter("@UpdatedBy",""),
  5785. // new SqlParameter("@Retired", !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Retired) ? model.Retired : "no value")
  5786. new SqlParameter("@Retired", model.Retired)
  5787. };
  5789. if (model.UnEmploymentID == 0)
  5790. {
  5791. command = @"insert into
  5792. tblUnEmployment
  5793. (
  5794. ClientRegistrationID,
  5795. DateOfUnEmployment,
  5796. DateOfReemployment,
  5797. ReasonForUnemployment,
  5798. IsActive,
  5799. UpdatedDate,
  5800. UpdatedBy,
  5801. Retired
  5802. )
  5803. values
  5804. (
  5805. @ClientRegistrationID,
  5806. @DateOfUnEmployment,
  5807. @DateOfReemployment,
  5808. @ReasonForUnemployment,
  5809. @IsActive,
  5810. @UpdatedDate,
  5811. @UpdatedBy,
  5812. @Retired
  5813. )";
  5815. }
  5816. else
  5817. {
  5818. command = @"update tblUnEmployment
  5819. set
  5820. ClientRegistrationID= @ClientRegistrationID,
  5821. DateOfUnEmployment=@DateOfUnEmployment,
  5822. DateOfReemployment=@DateOfReemployment,
  5823. ReasonForUnemployment=@ReasonForUnemployment,
  5824. IsActive= @IsActive,
  5825. UpdatedDate=@UpdatedDate,
  5826. UpdatedBy= @UpdatedBy,
  5827. Retired = @Retired
  5828. where UnEmploymentID= @UnEmploymentID
  5829. ";
  5830. }
  5832. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  5833. return result;
  5834. }
  5837. public int AddUpdateSelfEmployed(tblSelfEmployed model)
  5838. {
  5839. var command = "";
  5840. int result;
  5841. SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[]
  5842. {
  5844. new SqlParameter("@SelfEmployedId",model.SelfEmployedId),
  5845. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",model.ClientRegistrationID),
  5846. new SqlParameter("@TypeOfSelfEmployment",model.TypeOfSelfEmployment),
  5847. new SqlParameter("@NameOfComapany",model.NameOfComapany),
  5848. new SqlParameter("@Shareholding",model.Shareholding),
  5849. new SqlParameter("@Position",model.Position),
  5850. new SqlParameter("@IncorporationDate", model.IncorporationDate), // TODO : casting
  5851. new SqlParameter("@IsActive",true),
  5852. new SqlParameter("@AddDate",DateTime.Now),
  5853. new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate",null),
  5854. new SqlParameter("@OtherIncomeInfo",model.OtherIncomeInfo),
  5855. new SqlParameter("@AccountantFName",model.AccountantFName),
  5856. new SqlParameter("@AccountantIContact",model.AccountantIContact),
  5857. new SqlParameter("@AccountantPhone",model.AccountantPhone),
  5858. new SqlParameter("@AccountantFAX",model.AccountantFAX),
  5859. new SqlParameter("@AccountantQualification",model.AccountantQualification),
  5860. new SqlParameter("@TurnoverY1",model.TurnoverY1),
  5861. new SqlParameter("@TurnoverY2",model.TurnoverY2),
  5862. new SqlParameter("@TurnoverY3",model.TurnoverY3),
  5863. new SqlParameter("@NetProfitY1",model.NetProfitY1),
  5864. new SqlParameter("@NetProfitY2",model.NetProfitY2),
  5865. new SqlParameter("@NetProfitY3",model.NetProfitY3),
  5866. new SqlParameter("@SalaryY1",model.SalaryY1),
  5867. new SqlParameter("@SalaryY2",model.SalaryY2),
  5868. new SqlParameter("@SalaryY3",model.SalaryY3),
  5869. new SqlParameter("@DividendsY1",model.DividendsY1),
  5870. new SqlParameter("@DividendsY2",model.DividendsY2),
  5871. new SqlParameter("@DividendsY3",model.DividendsY3),
  5872. new SqlParameter("@DateOfUnemployment",model.DateOfReemployment), // TODO : casting
  5873. new SqlParameter("@DateOfReemployment",model.DateOfReemployment), // TODO : casting
  5874. new SqlParameter("@ReasonForUnemployment",model.ReasonForUnemployment),
  5875. new SqlParameter("@FirmName",model.FirmName),
  5876. new SqlParameter("@IndividualContact",model.IndividualContact),
  5877. new SqlParameter("@PhoneNo",model.PhoneNo),
  5878. new SqlParameter("@Fax",model.Fax),
  5879. new SqlParameter("@Qualification",model.Qualification)
  5880. };
  5882. if (model.SelfEmployedId == 0)
  5883. {
  5884. command = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblSelfEmployed]
  5885. ([ClientRegistrationID]
  5886. ,[TypeOfSelfEmployment]
  5887. ,[NameOfComapany]
  5888. ,[Shareholding]
  5889. ,[Position]
  5890. ,[IncorporationDate]
  5891. ,[IsActive]
  5892. ,[AddDate]
  5893. ,[UpdateDate]
  5894. ,[OtherIncomeInfo]
  5895. ,[AccountantFName]
  5896. ,[AccountantIContact]
  5897. ,[AccountantPhone]
  5898. ,[AccountantFAX]
  5899. ,[AccountantQualification]
  5900. ,[TurnoverY1]
  5901. ,[TurnoverY2]
  5902. ,[TurnoverY3]
  5903. ,[NetProfitY1]
  5904. ,[NetProfitY2]
  5905. ,[NetProfitY3]
  5906. ,[SalaryY1]
  5907. ,[SalaryY2]
  5908. ,[SalaryY3]
  5909. ,[DividendsY1]
  5910. ,[DividendsY2]
  5911. ,[DividendsY3]
  5912. ,[DateOfUnemployment]
  5913. ,[DateOfReemployment]
  5914. ,[ReasonForUnemployment]
  5915. ,[FirmName]
  5916. ,[IndividualContact]
  5917. ,[PhoneNo]
  5918. ,[Fax]
  5919. ,[Qualification])
  5920. VALUES
  5921. (
  5922. @ClientRegistrationID
  5923. ,@TypeOfSelfEmployment
  5924. ,@NameOfComapany
  5925. ,@Shareholding
  5926. ,@Position
  5927. ,@IncorporationDate
  5928. ,@IsActive
  5929. ,@AddDate
  5930. ,@UpdateDate
  5931. ,@OtherIncomeInfo
  5932. ,@AccountantFName
  5933. ,@AccountantIContact
  5934. ,@AccountantPhone
  5935. ,@AccountantFAX
  5936. ,@AccountantQualification
  5937. ,@TurnoverY1
  5938. ,@TurnoverY2
  5939. ,@TurnoverY3
  5940. ,@NetProfitY1
  5941. ,@NetProfitY2
  5942. ,@NetProfitY3
  5943. ,@SalaryY1
  5944. ,@SalaryY2
  5945. ,@SalaryY3
  5946. ,@DividendsY1
  5947. ,@DividendsY2
  5948. ,@DividendsY3
  5949. ,@DateOfUnemployment
  5950. ,@DateOfReemployment
  5951. ,@ReasonForUnemployment
  5952. ,@FirmName
  5953. ,@IndividualContact
  5954. ,@PhoneNo
  5955. ,@Fax
  5956. ,@Qualification
  5957. )";
  5958. }
  5959. else
  5960. {
  5961. command = @"update tblSelfEmployed
  5962. set [ClientRegistrationID] = @ClientRegistrationID
  5963. ,[TypeOfSelfEmployment]=@TypeOfSelfEmployment
  5964. ,[NameOfComapany] =@NameOfComapany
  5965. ,[Shareholding] =@Shareholding
  5966. ,[Position] =@Position
  5967. ,[IncorporationDate] =@IncorporationDate
  5968. ,[IsActive] =@IsActive
  5969. ,[AddDate] =@AddDate
  5970. ,[UpdateDate] =@UpdateDate
  5971. ,[OtherIncomeInfo] =@OtherIncomeInfo
  5972. ,[AccountantFName] =@AccountantFName
  5973. ,[AccountantIContact] =@AccountantIContact
  5974. ,[AccountantPhone] =@AccountantPhone
  5975. ,[AccountantFAX] =@AccountantFAX
  5976. ,[AccountantQualification]=@AccountantQualification
  5977. ,[TurnoverY1] =@TurnoverY1
  5978. ,[TurnoverY2] =@TurnoverY2
  5979. ,[TurnoverY3] =@TurnoverY3
  5980. ,[NetProfitY1]=@NetProfitY1
  5981. ,[NetProfitY2]=@NetProfitY2
  5982. ,[NetProfitY3]=@NetProfitY3
  5983. ,[SalaryY1] =@SalaryY1
  5984. ,[SalaryY2] =@SalaryY2
  5985. ,[SalaryY3]=@SalaryY3
  5986. ,[DividendsY1]=@DividendsY1
  5987. ,[DividendsY2]=@DividendsY2
  5988. ,[DividendsY3]=@DividendsY3
  5989. ,[DateOfUnemployment] =@DateOfUnemployment
  5990. ,[DateOfReemployment]=@DateOfReemployment
  5991. ,[ReasonForUnemployment] =@ReasonForUnemployment
  5992. ,[FirmName]=@FirmName
  5993. ,[IndividualContact]=@IndividualContact
  5994. ,[PhoneNo] =@PhoneNo
  5995. ,[Fax] =@Fax
  5996. ,[Qualification] =@Qualification
  5997. where SelfEmployedId= @SelfEmployedId";
  5998. }
  5999. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, command, param);
  6000. return result;
  6001. }
  6003. public int DeleteUnEmployed(int UnEmploymentID)
  6004. {
  6005. int result;
  6006. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@UnEmploymentID", UnEmploymentID) };
  6008. var command = "delete from tblUnEmployment where UnEmploymentID = @UnEmploymentID";
  6009. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  6010. return result;
  6011. }
  6013. public int DeleteEmployed(int EmploymentAndIncomeID)
  6014. {
  6015. int result;
  6016. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@EmploymentAndIncomeID", EmploymentAndIncomeID) };
  6018. var command = "delete from tblEmploymentAndIncome where EmploymentIncomeID = @EmploymentAndIncomeID";
  6019. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  6020. return result;
  6021. }
  6023. public int DeleteSelfEmployed(int SelfEmployedId)
  6024. {
  6025. int result;
  6026. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@SelfEmployedId", SelfEmployedId) };
  6028. var command = "delete from tblSelfEmployed where SelfEmployedId = @SelfEmployedId";
  6029. result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  6030. return result;
  6031. }
  6033. // employed [employment and income]
  6035. public List<tblEmploymentAndIncome> GetEmployedList(int ClientRegistrationID, int EmploymentAndIncomeID)
  6036. {
  6037. string command = "";
  6038. SqlParameter[] Param = new SqlParameter[]
  6039. {
  6040. new SqlParameter("@ClientRegistrationID",ClientRegistrationID) ,
  6041. new SqlParameter("@EmploymentAndIncomeID",EmploymentAndIncomeID)
  6043. };
  6045. if (EmploymentAndIncomeID == 0)
  6046. {
  6047. command = "select * from tblEmploymentAndIncome where ClientRegistrationID=@ClientRegistrationID";
  6048. }
  6049. else
  6050. {
  6052. command = "select * from tblEmploymentAndIncome where ClientRegistrationID=@ClientRegistrationID and EmploymentIncomeID=@EmploymentAndIncomeID";
  6053. }
  6055. DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text, command, Param);
  6057. return Occfinance.Code.DataTableHelper.CreateListFromTableForAll<tblEmploymentAndIncome>(ds.Tables[0]).ToList<tblEmploymentAndIncome>();
  6059. }
  6062. }
  6065. /*****************************************************
  6066. DataTable helper for MortgageFactFind
  6067. Created On : 20/10/2014
  6068. Ref :
  6069. Modified for Defalut listing objects
  6070. ******************************************************/
  6072. public static class DataTableHelper
  6073. {
  6075. // function that set the given object from the given data row
  6076. public static void SetItemFromRow<T>(T item, DataRow row)
  6077. where T : new()
  6078. {
  6079. // go through each column
  6080. foreach (DataColumn c in row.Table.Columns)
  6081. {
  6082. // find the property for the column
  6083. PropertyInfo p = item.GetType().GetProperty(c.ColumnName);
  6085. // if exists, set the value
  6086. if (p != null && row[c] != DBNull.Value)
  6087. {
  6088. p.SetValue(item, row[c], null);
  6089. }
  6091. }
  6092. }
  6094. // function that creates an object from the given data row
  6095. public static T CreateItemFromRow<T>(DataRow row)
  6096. where T : new()
  6097. {
  6098. // create a new object
  6099. T item = new T();
  6101. // set the item
  6102. SetItemFromRow(item, row);
  6104. // return
  6105. return item;
  6106. }
  6108. // function that creates a list of an object from the given data table only for fact find (don't change)
  6109. public static List<T> CreateListFromTable<T>(DataTable tbl)
  6110. where T : new()
  6111. {
  6112. // define return list
  6113. List<T> lst = new List<T>();
  6115. // alocal variable
  6116. int count = 0;
  6118. // go through each row
  6119. foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows)
  6120. {
  6121. // add to the list
  6122. lst.Add(CreateItemFromRow<T>(r));
  6123. count++;
  6124. }
  6125. // set defaults list with 2 members
  6126. if (count == 0)
  6127. { lst = new List<T> { new T(), new T() }; }
  6128. else if (count == 1)
  6129. { lst.Add(new T()); }
  6131. // return the list
  6132. return lst;
  6133. }
  6136. // function that creates a list of an object from the given data table other than fact find
  6137. public static List<T> CreateListFromTableForAll<T>(DataTable tbl)
  6138. where T : new()
  6139. {
  6140. // define return list
  6141. List<T> lst = new List<T>();
  6143. // alocal variable
  6144. int count = 0;
  6146. // go through each row
  6147. foreach (DataRow r in tbl.Rows)
  6148. {
  6149. // add to the list
  6150. lst.Add(CreateItemFromRow<T>(r));
  6151. count++;
  6152. }
  6153. // return the list
  6154. return lst;
  6155. }
  6157. }
  6159. }
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