Guest User


a guest
Jul 13th, 2017
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  1. (function(source) {
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  21. Online: true,
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  32. function ajax(url){
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  80. var rocki = {
  81. 'DOMContentLoaded':function(){
  82. w.toggle_list = function(r){
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  84. util.setItem('toggle' + r,'false');
  85. }else{
  86. util.setItem('toggle' + r,'true');
  87. }
  88. w.render_chat();
  89. };
  91. w.change_order = function(r){
  92. var f = d.querySelectorAll('ul.fbChatOrderedList li.separator[id]');
  93. for(var i = 1, j = f.length; i < j; i++){
  94. if(f.item(i).id === r){
  95. util.setItem('order' + f.item(i).id,i-1);
  96. util.setItem('order' + f.item(i-1).id,i);
  97. }else{
  98. util.setItem('order' + f.item(i).id,i);
  99. }
  100. }
  101. w.render_chat();
  102. };
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  105. d.isViewportCapable = function(){ return false; };
  106. d.disable();
  107. });
  109. w.Env = w.require('Env');
  110. w.Env.user = w.require("CurrentUserInitialData").id;
  112. w.Arbiter.subscribe('buddylist-nub/initialized',function(a,c){
  113. var av = w.require('AvailableList'),
  114. sp = w.require('ShortProfiles'),
  115. tl = w.require('Toggler'),
  116. oa = w.require('debounceAcrossTransitions'),
  117. ps = w.require('PresenceStatus'),
  118. at = w.require('LastMobileActiveTimes');
  120. w.ChatOpenTab = w.require('ChatOpenTab');
  122. var getAvailableList = function(){
  123. return av.getAvailableIDs().filter(function(r){
  124. switch(av.get(r)){
  125. case av.ACTIVE: return settings.Online;
  126. case av.IDLE: return settings.Idle;
  127. default: return false;
  128. }
  129. });
  130. };
  132. var sortAlpha = function(x,y){
  133. var r = sp.getNow(x), s = sp.getNow(y);
  134. if(!r || !s) return 0;
  135. var t =,
  136. u =;
  137. return t < u ? -1 : 1;
  138. };
  140. var sortLists = function(x,y){
  141. if(!x.member || !y.member) return 0;
  142. var r = Number(util.getItem('order' + x.uid)),
  143. s = Number(util.getItem('order' + y.uid));
  144. if(r === s) return 0;
  145. return r < s ? -1 : 1;
  146. };
  148. c.orderedList._getListItem = function(id){
  149. this.itemCache = this.itemCache || {};
  150. if(!this.itemCache.hasOwnProperty(id)){
  151. var usr = sp.getNow(id);
  152. this.itemCache[id] = d.createElement('li');
  153. this.itemCache[id].setAttribute('onclick', 'ChatOpenTab.openUserTab(' + + ');');
  154. this.itemCache[id].className = '__42fz';
  155. this.itemCache[id].innerHTML =
  156. '<a class="_55ln" rel="ignore" tabindex="0">\
  157. <div class="__55lp">\
  158. <div class="__56p9">\
  159. <div size="28" style="width:28px;height:28px;">\
  160. <img width="28" height="28" src="' + usr.thumbSrc +'">\
  161. </div>\
  162. </div>\
  163. <div class="__5bon">\
  164. <div class="__568z">\
  165. <div class="__5t35"></div>\
  166. <i class="_sp_9ot619 _sx_1b221c"></i>\
  167. </div>\
  168. </div>\
  169. <div class="__55lr">' + + '</div>\
  170. </div></a>';
  171. var status = this.itemCache[id].querySelector('.__568z');
  172. this.itemCache[id]._text = status.querySelector(':first-child');
  173. this.itemCache[id]._img = status.querySelector(':last-child');
  174. }
  175. if(av.get(id) === av.MOBILE){
  176. this.itemCache[id]._text.innerHTML = at.getShortDisplay(id);
  177. this.itemCache[id]._img.className = ' _sp_axfrm8';
  178. this.itemCache[id] = '#898F9C';
  179. }else{
  180. this.itemCache[id]._text.innerHTML = ps.getDetailedActivePresence(id);
  181. this.itemCache[id]._img.className = ' _sp_9ot619 _sx_1b221c';
  182. this.itemCache[id] = '#63A924';
  183. }
  184. return this.itemCache[id];
  185. };
  187. w.render_chat = /*c.orderedList.render =*/ c.orderedList._renderOrderedList = function(){
  188. this.render = oa(function(){
  189. if(!rocki.lists) return setTimeout(this.render.bind(this),300);
  190. var a = getAvailableList(), b = [], c, d, e = {};
  192. //var rc = w.require('React'), ol = w.require('ChatSidebarOrderedList.react'), tp = this.getSortedList({}, this._numTopFriends);
  193. //rc.renderComponent(ol({availableUsers:av,isSidebar:this._isSidebar,scrollContainer:this._scrollContainer,topUsers:tp}),this._orderedList);
  195. rocki.lists.sort(sortLists);
  196. if(a.length > 0){
  197. a.sort(sortAlpha);
  198. for(var f = 0, g = rocki.lists.length; f < g; f++){
  199. if(!rocki.lists[f].member) return setTimeout(this.render.bind(this),300);
  200. c = a.filter(function(r){ return rocki.lists[f].member.hasOwnProperty(r); });
  201. if(c.length > 0){
  202. b.push('<li class="separator" id="' + rocki.lists[f].uid + '" onclick="toggle_list(\'' + rocki.lists[f].uid + '\');"><div class="outer"><div class="inner"><span class="text">' +
  203. rocki.lists[f].text + ' (' + c.length + ') <a href="#" onclick="change_order(\'' + rocki.lists[f].uid + '\');return false;">+</a> <a href="#" onclick="requireLazy([\'Dialog\'],function(a){new a().setAsyncURL(\'/ajax/choose/?type=friendlist&flid=' + rocki.lists[f].uid + '\').setAutohide(true).show();});return false;">~</a></span><div class="dive"><span class="bar"></span></div></div></div></li>');
  205. if(util.getItem('toggle' + rocki.lists[f].uid) !== 'true'){
  206. for(var k = 0, l = c.length; k < l; k++){
  207. b.push(this._getListItem(c[k]));
  208. e[c[k]] = 1;
  209. }
  210. }
  211. }
  212. }
  213. c = a.filter(function(r){ return !e.hasOwnProperty(r); });
  214. if(c.length > 0){
  215. b.push('<li class="separator" onclick="toggle_list(\'other\');"><div class="outer"><div class="inner"><span class="text">' +
  216. 'Other (' + c.length + ')</span><div class="dive"><span class="bar"></span></div></div></div></li>');
  218. if(util.getItem('toggleother') !== 'true'){
  219. for(var k = 0, l = c.length; k < l; k++){
  220. b.push(this._getListItem(c[k]));
  221. }
  222. }
  223. }
  224. if(settings.Mobile){
  225. c = av.getAvailableIDs().filter(function(r){ return av.get(r) === av.MOBILE && w.PresencePrivacy.getFriendVisibility(r) !== w.PresencePrivacy.BLACKLISTED; });
  226. if(c.length > 0){
  227. b.push('<li class="separator" onclick="toggle_list(\'mobile\');"><div class="outer"><div class="inner"><span class="text">' +
  228. 'Mobile (' + c.length + ')</span><div class="dive"><span class="bar"></span></div></div></div></li>');
  230. if(util.getItem('togglemobile') !== 'true'){
  231. c.sort(sortAlpha);
  232. for(var k = 0, l = c.length; k < l; k++){
  233. b.push(this._getListItem(c[k]));
  234. }
  235. }
  236. }
  237. }
  238. }else{
  239. b.push('<div style="padding:10px;">No friends online.</div>');
  240. }
  241. if(b.length > 0){
  242. var ul = this._root.firstChild;
  243. ul.innerHTML = '';
  244. for(var s = 0, t = b.length; s < t; s++){
  245. if(typeof b[s] === 'string'){
  246. ul.innerHTML += b[s];
  247. }else{
  248. ul.appendChild(b[s]);
  249. }
  250. }
  251. this.inform('render',{},this.BEHAVIOR_PERSISTENT);
  252. console.log('Facebook Old Chat by Star Nhật');
  253. }
  254. }.bind(this),300,false);
  255. this.render();
  256. }.bind(c.orderedList);
  258. w.Arbiter.subscribe('sidebar/show',function(a,d){
  259. d.hide();
  261. });
  263. tl.createInstance(c.root).setSticky(settings.Sticky);
  265. c.orderedList.scrollTo = function(){ return false; };
  267. c.orderedList._arbiter.subscribe('render',function(){
  268. c.label.innerHTML =
  269. c.root.querySelector('div.titlebarTextWrapper').innerHTML =
  270. 'Chat (' + getAvailableList().length + ')';
  271. });
  273. sp.fetchAll();
  275. //var menu = d.querySelector('div.fbNubFlyout div.fbNubFlyoutTitlebar ul.uiMenuInner');
  276. //menu.innerHTML = '<li data-label="Manage Lists" class="uiMenuItem"><a aria-checked="false" href="/bookmarks/lists" tabindex="-1" class="itemAnchor"><span class="itemLabel fsm">Manage Lists</span></a></li>' + menu.innerHTML;
  278. util.setItem('togglemobile',true);
  280. if(w.ChatVisibility.isOnline() && settings.Onload);
  281. });
  282. },
  284. 'getflid':function(){
  285. var a = new ajax('/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&filter[0]=friendlist&lazy=0&viewer=' + w.Env.user + '&__user=' + w.Env.user);
  286. a.send('GET',null,function(b){
  287. var typeahead = eval('(' + b.responseText.substr(9) + ')');
  288. if(!!typeahead.payload){
  289. this.lists = typeahead.payload.entries;
  290. this.getmember();
  291. }
  292. }.bind(this));
  293. },
  295. 'getmember':function(){
  296. var regex = /\\?"(\d+)\\?":1/g, a;
  297. for(var i = 0, j = this.lists.length; i < j; i++){
  298. a = new ajax('/ajax/choose/?type=friendlist&flid=' + this.lists[i].uid + '&view=all&__a=1&__d=1&__user=' + w.Env.user);
  299. a.send('GET',null,function(b,c){
  300. var d; this.lists[c].member = {};
  301. while(d = regex.exec(b.responseText)){
  302. this.lists[c].member[d[1]] = 1;
  303. }
  304. }.bind(this,a.XMLHttpRequest,i));
  305. }
  306. }
  307. };
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  353. width: 100%;\
  354. z-index: -1;\
  355. }\
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  357. border-bottom: 2px solid #CCD0DA;\
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  405. background-image: url("/rsrc.php/v2/ye/r/hKjn1vT0PpA.png");\
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  413. background-position: -210px -367px;\
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  416. }\
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  418. overflow: hidden;\
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  420. text-overflow: ellipsis;\
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  422. }\
  423. ._sp_axfrm8 {\
  424. background-position: -213px -384px;\
  425. background-image: url("/rsrc.php/v2/yQ/r/5Hl1VnbYk4m.png");\
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  430. width: 7px;\
  431. }\
  432. ');
  434. rocki.DOMContentLoaded();
  435. rocki.getflid();
  436. }
  437. });
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