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Historical Balancer - New Features
Slave Trade and how it works:
- Province development now increases/decreases automatically, based on a combination of terrain, climate, devastation, and development cost modifiers; these affect autodeveloping by a 1:3 factor; -+1% dev cost = +-3% autodev rate.
**** Atlantic Slave Trade ****
- A dynamic development system, where development can migrate to other provinces, usually as a result of high devastation or a difference in provincial DEV cost (aka: infrastructure), to make development more resemble population or GDP.
- A complete and total rework of the Institution system, institution embracement now requires you to overcome a unique disaster for each institution (with accompanying unique events), and the spreading mechanism has been altered with the result being that it is far more realistic and historically accurate (without imposing arbitrary blocks). Furthermore, manually developing a province no longer boosts institution progress, however you now have much more control over how you can gain institution progress, especially for the first four institutions.
* Atlantic Slave Trade is a major event that fires once a non-Sub Saharan African country has an overseas coastal Slaves-producing 			province in the Ivory Coast, and once a CN exists in the New World. This event basically kick-starts all the mechanics of the Atlantic Slave Trade, and it usually fires around the year 1500.
- A new dynamic, fully interactive model of the Atlantic Slave Trade, complete with special periodic event-spawned Slave Raider rebels, mechanisms for African countries to capture slaves in battle and sell them to colonizers, and mechanisms for Slaves to be "sold" in Slave producing Ivory Coast provinces to colonial nations, where they arrive in the form of Production Development, and have a chance to change the local culture to one of many unique African diaspora cultures (Afro-American, Afro-Dutch, Afro-French, etc).
* Sub-Saharan Africans can raid for slaves in war by taking the "Enter the Slave Trade" decision, once they take it every time they 			occupy an enemy African province that is either over 7 dev or below 60 devastation they will pillage it for slaves.
- Another dynamic, fully interactive model of the East African Slave Trade, similar to the previous mechanic except most of the sold slaves will go to Muslim countries, instead of granting Production DEV they give one of many temporary modifiers to the country that purchases them. Some of the slaves can also go to South Africa or the islands in the Indian Ocean.
* Each province can only be raided for slaves once every 3 years. When a province is raided it will gain 20 Devastation and have a 50% chance to lose one point of development. If a country is doing the raiding, their "Slave POP counter" will tick up as a result, based on the development of the province that was raided.
*** For a more detailed explanation of the Slave Trade mechanics, see the following Pastebin:
* African countries also have a special peace treaty they can enforce to take more slaves from the losing party (30 for every province the target owns), and it costs 30 Warscore.
- A new mechanism to represent the Silk Road and its decline in the form of special province and triggered modifiers, with accompanying events and decisions to interact with it.
* Once your "Slave POP" counter reaches 300 you can sell the slaves to colonizers via decision, gaining immunity to Slave Raider attacks for 5 years, 150 ducats and 75 MIL tech points.
- 16 new Buildings, such as Roads which increase movement speed, Libraries that increase institution spread, Clinics that reduce devastation, Guard Towers that increase hostile attrition and fort defense, and more! Max building slots in a province is now 16, up from 12.
- The event "Capture of X" from my old Sons of Plunder mod, that allows you to choose what to do to a province you occupy (Plunder, Destroy Fort, Massacre, Raze, Enslave, and Steal Artisans). Has a 50% base chance to fire with capital provinces, 30% base chance for non-capital forts, and 4% for unfortified provinces. The chance to fire is influenced by Looting Speed modifiers.
* Slave Raiders: A new rebel type that pillages provinces in Africa owned by African rulers, causing devastation and a chance of loss of development in any province they capture. Spawn via event only.
- New subject type; Protectorates, which are a subject that cannot be integrated or have land seized, automatically transfer Trade Power to their overlord, do not join your wars, and do not take up a diplomatic slot.
* Slave raiding events happen once every 5-30 years per country, with the rate and size of Slaver attacks being dependent on foreign support and the development of the target's provinces.
- New accompanying Diplomatic Options and Peace Treaties that allow you to create Protectorates, either from your own subjects, from a willing neighbor, or in a peace deal as a result of war.
* These rebels spawn periodically so long as a non-Sub Saharan African country owns an overseas Slaves producing province in the Ivory Coast node.
- New "convenience" decisions, such as being able to revoke Parliament Seats, being able to disable Estates completely, or being able to increase *your* (not their opinion of you) opinion of a country at will (so you don't lose alliances over something you have no control over).
* These rebels take lots of money/manpower if they break the country (1 years income plus 3 years manpower), and cause a stability/legitimacy/prestige hit as well.
- New triggered modifiers representing the historical Atlantic Triangle Trade, the Cape-India Trade route, a Suez-Aden-India route, and a Pacific Triangle Trade route. Control over these routes becomes important for ticking up Global Trade quickly in your country.
* When a Slave Raider pillages a province it ticks up a global "slaves" variable based on devastation gain and development loss
- Dozens of new Trade Node connections, such as Persia->Astrakhan, Caribbean->English Channel, Philippines->Japan, and more.
* Once that counter reaches 300 an event fires reducing the counter by 300, creates a Slave Auction event for a random overseas Slaves province in Ivory Coast, owned by a colonizer.
- New Diplomatic Action that allows you to send Manpower to other countries. The AI will use this for a country fighting their rival.
* This event allows the province owner to choose where to send the slaves, slaves increase production DEV in the province they arrive in by 1 and give a 30-year goods produced bonus.
- Four new triggered modifiers, one for each Age the game is in. Each modifier gives different bonuses and penalties related to the time period.
* Each province can only accept slaves once per 30 years, can choose to send them to Plantations (Sugar/Cotton/etc.), Mines(Gold/Copper/etc.), or a random colony, or sell it to another country's CN.
- New triggered modifiers that give every non-primitive country "slots" for one Admiral and one Vassal/March/Personal Union, that give an extra free leader/diplomatic relations slot. Basically meaning having one Admiral won't hinder you by denying you a General slot.
* If you sell to another country's CN the CN gets the dev boost, and the seller makes 90 ducats.
- A complete rework of the Burgundian Inheritance and Dutch Revolt events; the former is more dynamic instead of just autopartitioning the country (and can affect players too), and the latter is now a disaster that forces an independence war upon reaching 100% progress.
* Each time a province accepts slaves they tick up a hidden province variable by 1, once that variable reaches half the province's development it will flip culture to a special African Diaspora culture ex. Afro-American, Afro-Dutch, Afro-French, etc. 
- New Inward-Perfection style debuffs for Ming with accompanying reform decisions, to better model the vulnerability of Ming China at the time. This goes hand-in-hand with the DEV boost to China that this mod has.
- New Reactionary Rebel types that reduce institution progress in provinces they occupy, as well as a beefed-up version of Nationalist Rebels that can only spawn via certain one-time events.
* Sponsoring: Periodically an event fires for colonizers where Raiders ask to be sponsored (pay them 0.25 years income, 240 max)
- 18 new unique Ruler Personalities, some of which have both buffs and debuffs.
* The more Raiders are sponsored, the more frequent their attacks and the stronger the stacks they spawn are.
- 5 new Estate Interactions, such as asking the Clergy to bless your heir, which increases heir claim by 10, and asking the Nobility for diplomatic aid, which grants you +1 Diplomatic Reputation for 20 years.
* If nobody's sponsoring them after a while they try extorting colonist countries by threatening their Ivory Coast holdings, you can either pay them off, take a DEV hit in that province, or fight rebels in that province.
- 4 new Anglican Church Aspects, such as conscripting zealots into your army, or training your heir's administrative ability.
* If they are being sponsored a lot they will periodically settle in Slave-producing Ivory Coast provinces, providing a DEV boost, more frequent for sponsoring countries.
- Hundreds of new events and decisions to represent historical wars, diplomacy, and major changes within historical powers, such as the Ottoman subjugation of the Mamluks, Rise of the Safavids, the Great Turkish War, the Khmelnytsky Uprising, and more!
* Protectorates: Raiders won't attack subjects of the sponsoring colonizer. Furthermore all African subjects can pay "tribute" of citizens as slaves to their overlord.
- Incorporation of the Muscovite Civil War mod by Isildur into this one.
* This tribute is a diplomatic action that drains the target's manpower and development, in return for 200 slaves (or a Slave Auction if colonizer), adds +20 liberty desire, 5 year CD.
* You can convert any of your Protectorates in Africa into "African Protectorates", which are a special subject type that go to war on their own (to capture slaves). The other benefit is that they'll have slightly lower liberty desire too.
Major Balance Changes
* If an country's capital is slave raided and under occupation there's a chance that they receive a stab hit, monarch power loss, and an unrest malus for 10 years (State Collapse)
* An African Empire that owns every coastal province in Ivory Coast node can permanently end the Atlantic slave trade, preventing Raiders from spawning and Slaves from being taken.
- An undoing of the new Corruption, Conversion, and Tag-Switching changes in 1.26, "too many" territories will not give you corruption, you are still able to convert territories, and there is no such thing as "end-game tags" for players in this mod.
**** East African Slave Trade ****
- No more restrictions on moving your capital, you can now move it wherever you want instead of needing 50% development on that continent.
* Basically, East African countries can enter the Slave Trade at the start of the game, which lets them take Slaves when they occupy provinces/in peace deals. Christians/Muslims will not do this to provinces of their own religious group.
- All difficulty levels have been pushed up by one, instead of Very Easy -> Very Hard it's now Easy/Normal/Hard/Very Hard/Nightmare. Nightmare difficulty gives not only bonuses to the AI but also penalty modifiers to the player. This is so that experienced players would still be able to play countries like Ottomans or France without feeling it to be too easy even on Very Hard.
* They can also take slaves from subjects, Non-Pagans won't do this to their same-religion subjects.
- Removal of Knowledge Sharing and Charter Province options, as both are broken and ahistorical, and in the case of Charter Province, not moddable to be player-exclusive.
* These Slaves can then be sold to a random non-African Muslim country (prefer those with province in Indian Ocean/Red Sea), where they can be used in the following jobs, at the cost of 50 ducats:
- Removal of the +1 base free policy that every country gets, this is to further cut down on the modifier power creep that occurs after every patch (didn't want to nerf policies instead).
	1) As manual laborers, which gives a goods produced bonus (equal to a Manufactory) to a random 	Sugar/Dyes/Cotton/Spices/Salt/Gems province for 25 years, or if no such province exists, a Grain province.
- Rebalancing of most idea sets, in particular buffs to weak idea sets such as Naval, Maritime, Espionage, Trade, and Innovative, as well as weak National Idea sets such as for Denmark and Portugal (WIP). Nerfed most military idea sets slightly (to make them less of a no-brainer pick).
	2) As soldiers, which gives a slight instant manpower boost and a 15 year manpower bonus.
- Lucky Nations has been changed into a system of four situational AI triggered modifiers: Lucky, Very Lucky, Decadent, and Backward. These all fire in specific situations for different AI countries, and are disabled for countries that border a player. Can be turned off in game options.
	3) As builders, which gives a build cost/time reduction to a random state area for 25 years.
- The Civil War, Internal Conflicts and Peasant's War Disasters are all repeatable. They have an individual 30-year cooldown and a shared 10-year one, so you won't get them back-to-back. Civil War in particular is almost guaranteed to fire if you have low Legitimacy, although it won't fire if you're Bankrupt.
* Can also sell the slaves to a colonizing power to place on Plantation islands in East Indies or Africa subcontinent.
- Army Tradition and Prestige both decay at 7% per year, up from 5%. This is to reduce the incidence of permanently being at 100 Tradition/Prestige once you start stacking enough modifiers.
* Countries that own the provinces of Zayla or Zanzibar (major slave trading ports) will periodically get events that give them extra money whenever a slave trade occurs.
- Base years of Separatism reduced from 30 to 20. However, the triggered modifiers for each Age now gives 0/5/10/20 extra years of Separatism, so that once you reach Age of Revolutions the years of Separatism is 40. This models how nationalism and attachment to one's country was less common early on, and only grew later in the EU4 timeline.
* Once a non-African Muslim country takes control of Zayla Slave Raiders will start to spawn in Horn of Africa, Central Sahara and Kurdufan areas, targeting non-Muslim countries.
- Uncontested cores no longer give -0.1 prestige per year, unlike in vanilla. This feature really screwed over the AI so I removed it in this mod, with positive results in the end.
* Once a non-African Muslim country takes control of Zanzibar Slave Raiders will start to spawn in East Africa and Central Africa regions, targeting non-Muslim countries.