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Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. Firstly,I just want to give a breakdown of what happened. When I pinged out for a proposed start time of 6:15, no one responded. I walked over at 6:05, and the few people who were outside (Gris) and I decided to hang around until more people confirmed. Simultaneously, there were 6 people in the darkrai lobby at Kinney. We went into the lobby with that group, as at that moment, we only had 4 confirmed people, and that would not have been enough to run the raid. Again, no one else confirmed, except GoldenKas. We were still in the raid lobby, and if we backed out to wait for one more person, chances are we would not have been able to beat it. Those who were there took the opportunity as it was presented, as waiting for 1-2 other people to show up would not have been a sufficient amount to run it unfortunately.
  3. If in the future, as a club you guys want to announce that you will run raids at specifically 6:20, then that's whatever you want to do. I, personally, saw this discord as a method of communication between players, and not a pact that we have to play with specifically members of the club. I saw no one saying 6:15 didnt work- or if we could wait until some other time (in my experience, it's better to start early and run more raids, and allow people to join in along the way, then wait for everyone and possibly miss out on doing more than one or two raids). There was nothing said besides you and Kas, and I cannot read minds if there is no communication about what time works and what doesn't, and that applies to everyone. I spoke with GoldenKas after the canzani raid, and the only response I got on what happened was that leadership "got complaints of people missing out". I will be upfront in saying that it's not my job to accommodate anyone. It feels like I'm being critiqued as someone who has power in the discord- I don't. I have just about as much as every other average player. But there were only so many people asking about and planning raid hours, so it made sense to me to try and reach out to the people in the discord if they wanted to do these things as much as me too.
  5. I think what happened got blown out of proportion, and I will say I personally don't appreciate what happened and how I, and the situation, were being addressed. That is my standpoint and how I feel, and I hope that is understandable. For me it feels like an attack came out of nowhere and that the leadership was not open to discussing things that may have been important to discuss. I didn't see what happened in #raiding as an argument. I think there were some points that needed to be addressed. Yeah, things are slowing down, i havent seen half as many people playing PoGo. most people are gonna be in classes until the for with midterms and finals, and it's getting colder out. In these circumstances I fully understand having/wanting a 6:20 or later start time instead, and that's a good adaptability a club should have. But on the same vein, that's not how I saw that idea proposed or brought up- rather, it felt like I was being attacked for not considering that idea, when it was brought up at the very last minute when some of us were already at or in the raid. I do not want any bad blood or consternation with any of you guys because, at the end of the day, this is a game and it's quite frankly stupid to argue and strain relationships over something that should be relaxing and a break from school and stress, not causing it.
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