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summer mweor layout

a guest
Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. <! -- hello, dolce! welcome to your new layout. i'll be here to help you customize everything in case you have trouble navigating the coding. have fun, be creative, and make the layout your own! --!>
  3. <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
  5. <!-- this is the sidebar. feel free to change the icon image url to whatever you want!! --!>
  6. <div id="sidebar">
  7. <img src="" id="icon"></img>
  9. <!-- this space is for the text next to the icons. you can put whatever you want here! --!>
  10. <div class="abt"><div class="abttxt">summer, 18, cis (she/her)
  11. breeder / coder</div></div>
  13. <!-- these are the links. you can add to, remove from, change the text, or replace them with other links if you wish!! --!>
  14. <p><p><p><div class="nav">— <em><a href=/cattery.php>home</a> <a href=/chat.php>chat</a> <a href=/usershop.php?id=37107>shop</a> <a href=/searchtopics.php?subject=&author=37107&mweor=&board=0&search=Search>my posts</a> <a href=/cattery_offspring.php?id=37107>mwits</a> <a href=/explore.php>map</a> <a class="compose" cid="37107">talk</a> <a href=/report.php?loc=1&other=37107>report</a> <a href=/cattery.php?id=43641>creds</a></em></div>
  16. <!-- here's the scrolling textbox under the links. you can put whatever you want here! --!>
  17. <div class="sbtext"><p></p>
  18. </div></div>
  20. <!-- alright, your layout is finished! enjoy! if anything goes wrong or if you'd like to suggest a tweak, just send me a message and i'll help you out. --!>
  22. <font color=#ded6d4>
  24. <style>
  25. #icon
  26. {width:80px;
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  34. {width:225px;
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  42. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;}
  43. #sidebar a
  44. {color:#161c19;
  45. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;}
  46. #sidebar a:hover
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  49. {height:82px;
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  53. text-align:justify;
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  55. .abttxt
  56. {display: inline-block;
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  58. line-height: normal;}
  59. .nav
  60. {margin-top:92px;
  61. width:225px;
  62. font-size:10px;
  63. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;}
  64. .sbtext
  65. {width:100%;
  66. height:300px;
  67. padding-right:5px;
  68. overflow:scroll;
  69. margin-top:80px;}
  70. .mweorbox.tall
  71. {height:140px;}
  72. </style>
  74. <style>
  75. #topbanner,
  76. #bottombanner,
  77. #titlebar,
  78. #bodyi, .titlebar, .sf-menu {display: none;}
  79. #footer{display:none;}
  80. #titleimg { display:none;}
  81. #titletxt { display:none; }
  82. .titlebar { display:none; height:0px}
  83. #topbanner { display:none;}
  84. #bottombanner img { display:none;}
  85. #menu_holder { display:none; }
  86. img.trans {display:none;}
  87. .tip.good_label {background:#ded6d4!important;
  88. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  89. color:#161c19!important;
  90. border:1px solid #161c19;
  91. font-size:10px;
  92. top:5px; left:5px;
  93. position:fixed;}
  94. .tip.neutral_label {background:#ded6d4!important;
  95. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  96. color:#161c19!important;
  97. border:1px solid #161c19;
  98. font-size:10px;
  99. top:5px; left:5px;
  100. position:fixed;
  101. z-index:500;}
  102. .good_label
  103. {background:#ded6d4!important;
  104. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  105. color:#161c19!important;
  106. border:1px solid #161c19;
  107. top:5px; left:60px;
  108. z-index:5000050000;
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  112. {color:#161c19;
  113. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  114. text-decoration:none;}
  116. {display:none;}
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  118. .mweor_icon
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  120. filter: grayscale(100%);}
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  133. {font-size:10px;
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  137. {background: #161c19;
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  139. color:#ded6d4;
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  142. margin:0px}
  143. .theader
  144. {property: value;
  145. background: #161c19;
  146. font-style:normal;
  147. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  148. color:#ded6d4;
  149. border: 1px solid #ded6d4;
  150. position:relative;}
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  152. {display:none;}
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  154. {background:transparent!important;}
  155. #eventtxt td
  156. {width:230px;
  157. top:0px;
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  160. div [style="position: relative; left: 115px;"]
  161. {left:0px;
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  165. {width:230px!important;}
  166. #eventtxt
  167. {top:100px;
  168. position:fixed;
  169. left:-126px;
  170. z-index:9999;
  171. color:#161c19;
  172. background:#ded6d4;
  173. border:1px solid #161c19;
  174. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  175. position: relative;
  176. width:230px;
  177. height:50px;
  178. padding:5px;}
  179. #eventtxt a
  180. {color:#161c19;}
  181. #eventtxt a:hover
  182. {color:#d6bab5;}
  183. #retxt
  184. {margin-top:-10px;
  185. margin-left:0px;}
  186. div [style="color: #ded6d4; overflow: auto; width: 375px; height: 70px; position: relative; left: 5px; top: 5px; text-align: center;"]
  187. {width:230px!important;
  188. color:#161c19!important;
  189. left:-2px;
  190. top:0px;}
  191. div [style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; width: 400px; border-spacing: 0px;"]
  192. {width:230px!important;
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  194. div [style="color: #ded6d4; overflow: auto; width: 375px; height: 70px; position: relative; left: 5px; top: 5px; text-align: center;"]
  195. {font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
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  198. div [style="color: #ded6d4; overflow: auto; width: 375px; height: 70px; position: relative; left: 5px; top: 5px; text-align: center;"]
  199. {color:#161c19!important;
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  201. left:0px;
  202. top:0px;}
  203. </style>
  205. <style>
  206. .breed_count
  207. {display:none;}
  208. #mweor_tabs
  209. {background: #161c19;
  210. margin-right:-50px;
  211. position:relative;
  212. margin-top:-970px;
  213. width:750px;
  214. float:right;
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  222. border:1px solid #ded6d4!important;
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  227. ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default
  228. {background: #161c19;
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  232. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;}
  233. ul#cattery_menu
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  236. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
  237. border-radius:0px;}
  238. .ui-corner-top
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  243. -webkit-transition: 2s;
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  262. .theader
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  266. td
  267. {background:#161c19!important;
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  271. tr
  272. {font-size:10px;
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  275. ui
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  285. .mweor_page
  286. {width: 750px;}
  287. </style>
  289. <style>
  290. #cattery_descbox
  291. {width:265px;
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  293. float:left;
  294. height:964px;
  295. overflow:hidden;
  296. position:relative;
  297. margin-left:-10px;
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  300. body
  301. {background: #8d8f8d; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#d6bab5, #8d8f8d); background: -o-linear-gradient(#d6bab5, #8d8f8d); background: -moz-linear-gradient(#d6bab5, #8d8f8d); background: linear-gradient(#d6bab5, #8d8f8d);
  302. margin:auto;
  303. background-repeat:repeat;
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  306. font-size:10px;
  307. font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;}
  308. #content
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  326. tbody
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  328. background:#161c19!important;
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  330. font-size:10px;
  331. color:#ded6d4;}
  332. td
  333. {font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif!important;
  334. color:#ded6d4;
  335. background:#161c19!important;
  336. font-weight:normal;
  337. font-size:10px;
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  339. </style>
  341. <style>
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  355. .theader
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  497. </style>
  499. <!--
  500. chaotic, pretty pixel air adopt (headaches):
  503. paws, air adopt (everlasting august):
  506. syzygy, pat adopt (headaches):
  508. --!>
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