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Jul 27th, 2018
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  94. \par{\centering{\Huge \scshape Maria Pirson}\bigskip\par}
  96. % \section{Personal Data}
  98. \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
  99. Contact details: \href{}{}, +7 916 5932994, +31 657 928432, Skype: mashahertz \\
  100. Residence: Amsterdam, Netherlands \\
  101. %% Dutch residence permit and work permit \\
  102. %% Nationality: Russian \\
  103. Languages: English, Russian, German, Dutch, basic Spanish \\
  104. %% Live and work alternately in Amsterdam and Moscow\\
  105. %% Telephone: +31 657 928432, +7 916 5932994\\
  106. %% E-mail: \href{}{}, Skype: mashahertz
  107. % \\ ГПЎ рПжЎеМОя: 1982
  108. \end{tabular}
  111. \section{Summary}
  113. Working on all levels including government level, global professional experience with an understanding of many cultures. Strong communicating skills, both written and verbal. Experienced mediator, working on the intersection of IT and business. As a writer, I see my mission in carefully transferring the technical messages onto business soil without damaging the roots. Caring about the readers (investors, media, general public): cutting to the chase, presenting your concept clearly and concisely, and explaining how it is relevant to their business. Caring about the technical side: crafting your brand story without distorting or oversimplifying the ideas. \\
  115. I have worked with C-level executives, finance and accounting professionals, software developers, solution designers, marketing and sales teams, and data scientists, to create precisely researched and beautifully written white papers. My areas of expertise are finance (FinTech/InsurTech), data management, technology (blockchain / ICOs, cybersecurity), and machine learning / artificial intelligence.
  116. %% \section{Languages }
  117. %% \begin{itemize}[parsep=\medskipamount]
  118. %% \item English-Russian: consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, written translation
  119. %% \item German-Russian: written translation
  120. %% \item Spanish-Russian: written translation
  121. %% \end{itemize}
  124. %% \section{Areas of Expertise}
  125. %% \begin{itemize}[parsep=\medskipamount]
  126. %% \item Law (contract; patent, trademark, copyright; taxation and customs)
  127. %% \item Economics; Finance; Accounting; Business/Commerce
  128. %% \item Engineering (construction; aircraft industry)
  129. %% \item SAP
  130. %% \item The United Nations
  131. %% \end{itemize}
  133. %%\section{Translated and Interpreted for}
  137. %%Adam Smith Conferences, Christie’s Auction House, KPMG, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Skolkovo Innov\-ation Centre, United Nations, Russian Ministry of Defense, Russian Federal Customs Service, British Embassy, US Embassy, American Chamber of Commerce, The~Banker, Russian Translation Company, Rosoboronexport, iMetrics, Wincor Nixdorf, Nero AG, Rosneft, USAID, Domino’s Pizza, Adizes Institute
  138. %%{\raggedright\leftskip.2\textwidth\par}
  140. \section{Work Experience}
  142. \begin{longtable}{@{}>{}p{.15\textwidth}<{\raggedright}@{}p{.85\textwidth}<{\raggedright}@{}}
  143. %% 2016 &
  144. %% \textbf{Office Manager, Assistant to Director}\newline
  145. %% \emph{Age of Happiness / Splash (Media Startup), Berlin}\newline
  146. %% \settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  147. %% \hangafter0
  148. %% --- Carried out specific projects, such as handling relocations (including customs clearance of artworks and antiques), finding services and professionals (lawyers, tax consultants, real estate agents, technicians, handymen, doctors etc.) and liaising with them, doing background research (legal, tax, customs, and visa issues), logistics, and negotiations including price matters\newline
  149. %% --- Organized large PR events for the company, including at a very short notice\newline
  150. %% --- Provided administrative support, such as running errands, arranging travel, paying bills, maintaining accounts, taking notes at meetings, scheduling, interpreting at meetings (German-Russian, German-English)\newline
  151. %% --- In general, relieved my employer from all tasks irrespective to his main business focus \\[\medskipamount]
  153. 2017 --- Present
  154. \textbf{Senior Marketing Expert, Finance Practice}\newline
  155. \emph{DataArt}\newline
  156. \settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  157. \hangafter0
  158. --- Wrote and edited dozens of marketing, technical and pre-sales documents, articles, white papers, market research reports and presentations in the fields including AI/ML, blockchain, Fintech, Insurtech, data management and cloud technologies. \\
  161. 2010 --- Present
  162. \textbf{Senior Analyst, Assistant to Director (on a project basis)}\newline
  163. \emph{Group-IB, Moscow}\newline
  164. Among the projects I worked on:\newline
  165. \settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  166. \hangafter0
  167. --- Organized a large conference on cybersecurity (CyberCrimeCon 2016). Responsibilities included: managing language services; compiling list of relevant press contacts worldwide; composing, editing, and translating texts and presentations about the conference, including the website and a comprehensive follow-up report
  168. --- Summarized the results of a long-term cybersecurity investigation initially presented as numerous highly technical reports, in the form of a longread article for the publication in Forbes
  169. --- Managed a group of 13 translators/analysts for a project on media content analysis. More than 2500 articles from twenty newspapers and magazines in five languages were processed in accordance with the established research procedure. Was personally responsible for finding and selecting analysts for the task, instructing them on all aspects of the project, both technical and otherwise, for the deadlines, and, in part, for formulating the final conclusions of the project. \\[\medskipamount]
  171. 2004 --- Present
  172. \textbf{Translator, Interpreter, Translation Project Manager }\newline
  173. \settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  174. \hangafter0
  175. --- Interpreted (both English to Russian and Russian to English) at hundreds of public events, highly specialized technical seminars and conferences, private negotiations. As an interpreter, worked in Russia, in numerous European countries including the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, as well as in the US, India, and Brazil. \newline
  176. --- Among my clients: Adam Smith Conferences, Christie's Auction House, KPMG, Coca Cola, United Nations (via Russian Translation Company), Moscow Domodedovo Airport, Skolkovo Innovation Centre, Russian Ministry of Defence, Russian Federal Customs Service, British Embassy in Russia, US Embassy in Russia, American Chamber of Commerce, The Banker, Rosneft, USAID \newline
  177. %--- Held the post of Senior Interpreter at Moscow Domodedovo Airport during the IPO preparation process (2011): interpreted for the board of directors, translated various legal, financial and technical documents in connection with the IPO \newline
  178. %--- For many years, managed teams of qualified translators and editors (English-Russian, Russian-English, German-Russian, German-English) and was the only point of contact between customers and the team. Was personally responsible for deadlines and quality control. Coordinated teamwork in large volume translations, including urgent orders.\newline
  179. --- Areas of expertise: law, finance, aviation, IT, SAP, United Nations\\[\medskipamount]
  181. %2009 – 2012 &
  182. %\textbf{Slon.Ru}\quad \url{} \newline
  183. %Top Russian Internet media company. Themes: economics, business, politics, lifestyle \newline
  184. %\emph{Translator}
  186. %\settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  187. %\hangafter0
  188. %Managed projects, translated analytical essays and columns (by authors like Seth~Godin, Bob Sutton, Dan Ariely, Daniel Pink, Jeff Jarvis, Esther Dyson, Ichak~Adizes, Paul Krugman, Greg Mankiw, John Cochrane, Simon Johnson, Nouriel Roubini, Paul Collier, Luigi Zingales)
  189. %\\[\medskipamount]
  190. %2009 &
  191. %\textbf{IRKUT Corporation}, Moscow\quad \url{} \newline
  192. %Russian aerospace company \newline
  193. %\emph{Translator}
  195. %\settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  196. %\hangafter0
  197. %Participated in a large translation project on aircraft engineering, aviation electronics (160,000 words)\\[\medskipamount]
  198. %2008 – 2009 &
  199. %\textbf{Noerr}, Moscow\quad \href{}{}\newline
  200. % 2010 --- 2011 &
  201. % \textbf{Director of Business Development}\newline
  202. % \emph{Webov\textampersand Knigin (self publishing company), Moscow}\newline
  203. % \settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  204. % \hangafter0
  205. % --- Responsibilities were broad and included: market research, developing new ways to promote the company's services, negotiations with prospective partners and clients, creating adwords campaigns, overseeing web analytics, designing website wireframes, hiring new employees, managing outsourcers (software developers, designers, translators), etc.\newline
  206. % --- Republished \emph{Tramway}, a Russian illustrated magazine for children which initially was issued in 1990-1995, was made by most talented and wittiest authors and artists and was extremely popular with the whole generation. There were 5 books published by us (each included 12 monthly issues of the magazine, from 1990 to 1995, and a foreword written by the former Chief Editor, with memoirs how the magazine had been made). It became the company's signature project and brought it a lot of media attention. Over 50,000 copies were sold, with orders from the whole ex-Soviet Union and beyond. \newline
  207. % --- Managed a fundraising translation project (a book of memoirs by an Argentinian-Russian author): designed a website for the project, was responsible for its promotion in social media, managed the translation and editing. \newline
  208. % --- Published on paper \emph{Practice of Functional Programming}, a magazine formerly existing only in electronic form. Negotiated with editors, organized the whole publishing process, led a promotion campaign among readers.\\[\medskipamount]
  210. %2008 ---€“ 2009 &
  211. %\textbf{Translator, Editor, Acting Paralegal}\newline
  212. %\emph{Noerr (German law company), Moscow}\newline
  213. %\settowidth\hangindent{\textbullet}\advance\hangindent\labelsep
  214. %\hangafter0
  215. %--- Translated documents on contract law, tax law, corporate law, and copyright law\newline
  216. %--- Coordinated teamwork in large volume translations. Managed projects: editing, quality control, terminology, and timelines \newline
  217. %--- Assisted in paralegal capacity: legal research, analysis, documents preparation \\[\medskipamount]
  218. %\end{longtable}
  220. %\section{Pro Bono Work }
  221. %\begin{itemize}[parsep=\medskipamount]
  222. % \item Head of local backpacking initiative: organizing multi-day mountain trips from scratch; developing detailed route and meal plan; developing contingency plans (health and safety issues); providing guidance on clothing and equipment for novice participants; purchasing supplies; arranging money, travel and timing matters
  223. % \item Volunteer at TEDx Amsterdam
  224. % \item Translator at Translators Without Borders
  225. % \end{itemize}
  227. \section{Education}
  229. \begin{longtable}{@{}>{}p{.2\textwidth}<{\raggedright}@{}p{.8\textwidth}<{\raggedright}@{}}
  230. 2014 --- 2015
  231. \textbf{St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation}, a joint project of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission and the United Nations\newline
  232. Intensive Course in Conference Interpretation and Translation (1506 hours, English and German)\\[\medskipamount]
  233. 2013 --- 2014
  234. \textbf{Moscow State Linguistics University} \newline
  235. Course in Conference Interpreting (970 hours, English)\\[\medskipamount]
  236. 2000 --- 2007
  237. \textbf{Lomonosov Moscow State University}\newline
  238. Course in Philosophy (5 years, Specialist degree)\newline
  239. Course in Political Science (2 years, unfinished)
  240. \end{longtable}
  242. \section{Additional Education}
  243. \begin{itemize}[parsep=\medskipamount]
  244. \item ACCA DipIFR (Diploma In International Financial Reporting), 2009
  245. \item Scrum Master, 2016
  246. %\item TestDaF PrÃŒfung (Test of German as a foreign language) (5/4/3/4)
  247. %\item Course of Translation from Spanish into Russian (150~hours) at the St. Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation
  248. %\item Intensive Course of Simultaneous Interpretation from Russian into English (50~hours) with Prof. Andrei Falaleyev (Middlebury Institute of International Studies, the US Department of State)
  249. %\item Intensive Course in German language (100~hours, study level: С1) at the FriedlÀnder-Schule, Berlin
  250. %\item Intensive Course in Interpreting (16~hours, Russian-English) with Prof. Victor Sonkin, a translator for the UN system and a conference interpreter
  251. %\item Certificate of Moscow International School of Translation and Interpreting (120~hours, Russian-English)
  252. %\item Wharton Business Foundations Specialization: Introduction to Operations Management (completed online, 2016)
  256. \end{document}
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