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Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. #--------------------------------------------------------#
  2. # _ _ _ _ _____ __________ _ _ ______ #
  3. # | | | | | | |/ ____|___ / __ \| \ | | ____| #
  4. # | | | | |__| | | / / | | | \| | |__ #
  5. # | | | | __ | | / /| | | | . ` | __| #
  6. # | |__| | | | | |____ / /_| |__| | |\ | |____ #
  7. # \____/|_| |_|\_____/_____\____/|_| \_|______| #
  8. # #
  9. # By ThatKawaiiSam for the use of #
  10. #--------------------------------------------------------#
  11. #Shows all of the debug Messages
  12. Dev-Mode: false
  13. #This is the amount of Kits to randomly generate on startup
  14. Kit-Creation: 250
  15. #This is used for both the stats and the staff mode time variables
  16. Time:
  17. Zone: "Australia/Canberra"
  18. Format: "dd/MM/yyyy"
  19. #MySQL Stats Database Settings
  20. Stats-Database:
  21. IP: "IP"
  22. Port: "25565"
  23. Username: "Username"
  24. Password: "Password"
  25. Database-Name: "Name"
  26. #General Messages
  27. Messages:
  28. No-Permission: "&cYou don't have required permission to use this command."
  29. EXP-Multiplier:
  30. Have: "&8» &aYou currently have a &fx%multiplier% EXP multiplier active!"
  31. Dont-Have: "&8» &cYou current don't have a EXP multiplier. :("
  32. #In Game Death Messages
  33. Death:
  34. Killer: "&7(&b!&7) &b&l%player% &7has been killed by &b&l%killer%"
  35. NoKiller: "&7(&b!&7) &b&l%player% &7has died!"
  36. Quit: "&7(&b!&7) &b&l%player% &7has died! &7&o(Quit/Kicked)"
  37. Killers-Health: "&8&l» &7Your killer &8(&b&o%killer%&8) &7had &b%hearts% &7hearts remaining!"
  38. #Rerolls
  39. ReRoll:
  40. Success: "&aYour kit has successfully been ReRolled for this game."
  41. OnceAGame: "&cYou can only reroll your kit once a game"
  42. Disabled: "&cKit Rerolls are disabled in this gamestate/gamemode"
  43. NeedsGame: "&cYou need to be in a game to reroll your kit!"
  44. Cant-Join: "&cYou can not join the game currently!"
  45. Sending: "&7Sending you to &b&l%server%"
  46. UnGhosted: "&aYou have successfully been unghosted!"
  47. BowHit: "&7(&b!&7) &b%player%&7 is now at &b%hearts% &7Hearts."
  48. GameConnection: "&7(&b!&7) &b%player% &7has &b%mode% &7the game!"
  49. LateJoin: "Some message for late join"
  50. LateJoin-Fail: "In order to latejoin you must have a rank!"
  51. FullGame: "&cThe game is full. Please try again later!"
  52. #Custom Game Messages
  53. Custom-Game:
  54. Creating: "&7(&b!&7) &bCreating Custom Game&7..."
  55. Sending: "&7(&b!&7) &bSending to your custom game&7..."
  56. Destroy: "&7(&b!&7) &7Your custom game has been &bremoved due to being &binactive for 1 minute&7!"
  57. Winner:
  58. - "&7"
  59. - "&7"
  60. - "&7"
  61. - "&b&l%winner% &7has won the game on &b&l%display%&7!"
  62. - "&7"
  63. - "&7"
  64. - "&7"
  65. List:
  66. Hub:
  67. - "Line1"
  68. - "Line2"
  69. - "Line3"
  70. InGame:
  71. - "Line1"
  72. - "Line2"
  73. - "Line3"
  74. #This is the message displayed to the player on Server Join
  75. Server-Join:
  76. - "&7&m-------------------------------------&r"
  77. - "&b&lUHCZone &7(Beta)"
  78. - ""
  79. - "&fThank you for coming out to test our new"
  80. - "&fgamemode &bUHCZone!"
  81. - ""
  82. - "&cPlease report any bugs to &eCynorex"
  83. - "&7&m-------------------------------------&r"
  84. #Rules Command Messages
  85. Rules:
  86. - "&7&m-------------------------------------&r"
  87. - "&b&lRules:"
  88. - " &3Solo:"
  89. - "&8- &fNo Teaming."
  90. - "&8- &fNo Cheating."
  91. - "&8- &fNo Camping."
  92. - "&8- &fNo abusing exploits."
  93. - "&8- &fHave fun!"
  94. - ""
  95. - " &3Teams:"
  96. - "&8- &fNo Cross-teaming."
  97. - "&8- &fNo Cheating."
  98. - "&8- &fNo Camping."
  99. - "&8- &fNo abusing exploits."
  100. - "&8- &fHave fun!"
  101. - "&7&m-------------------------------------&r"
  102. #Help Command Messages
  103. Help:
  104. - "&7&m-------------------------------------&r"
  105. - "&fWelcome to the beta of &bUHCZone!"
  106. - "&fRight click the enchantment table to join a game!"
  107. - ""
  108. - "&cReport all bugs to &eCynorex"
  109. - "&7&m-------------------------------------&r"
  110. #Game Information Book
  111. GameBook-Pages:
  112. - "&b&lUHCZone Beta \n&7Welcome to the beta test of &bUHCZone. \n\n&7Considering this is a beta, there may be some bugs along the way. If you do find any bugs please contact &eCynorex &7or &eThatKawaiiSam &7as that will allow us to fix them easier and improve gameplay for you all!"
  113. #Golden Head Properties
  114. Golden-Head:
  115. Name: "&6Golden Head &7(&c4 ❤&7)"
  116. Lores:
  117. - "&7&oHeals 4 hearts of health."
  118. #EXP Multipliers
  119. #Note these ranks should go from highest XP multiplier to lowest
  120. EXP-Multipier:
  121. Staff: 1.5
  122. Aussie: 1.4
  123. Diamond: 1.3
  124. Iron: 1.2
  125. Announcer:
  126. Prefix: "&7[&bTIP&7] "
  127. DelaySeconds: 400
  128. Messages:
  129. - "&bDonators &7have the ability to &bdisenchant &7books!"
  130. - "&bDonators &7have the ability to &bdisenchant &7books!"
  131. - "&bDonators &7have the ability to &bdisenchant &7books!"
  132. #Scoreboard Settings
  133. Scoreboard:
  134. #Title for the Scoreboard
  135. #Note that the %type% placeholder refers to the specific mode the player is in
  136. Title: "&b&lUHCZone &7(%type%)"
  137. #Hub Scoreboard
  138. Hub:
  139. - "&8&m--------------------"
  140. - "&3&lPlayer Statistics"
  141. - " &7• &b&lOnline: &f%online%"
  142. - " &7• &b&lRank: &f%vaultrank%"
  143. - ""
  144. - "&"
  145. - "&8&m--------------------"
  146. #Staff Scoreboard Addon
  147. Staff:
  148. - "&8&m--------------------"
  149. - "&3%date% &f- &3%gamemode%"
  150. - "&3%build% &f- &3%tps%"
  151. #Game Scoreboard
  152. #Note below is the individual scoreboards for each of the different gamestates
  153. Game:
  154. #Waiting GameState
  155. Waiting:
  156. - "&8&m--------------------"
  157. - "%waiting%"
  158. - "&b&lPlayers: &f%players%/%max%"
  159. - "&b&lServer: &f%server%"
  160. - "%gamesettings%"
  161. - "&8&m--------------------"
  162. #Starting GameState
  163. Starting:
  164. - "&8&m--------------------"
  165. - "&3&lStarting: &f%time%"
  166. - "&b&lPlayers: &f%players%/%max%"
  167. - "&b&lServer: &f%server%"
  168. - "%gamesettings%"
  169. - "&8&m--------------------"
  170. #Enchanting GameState
  171. Enchanting:
  172. - "&8&m--------------------"
  173. - "&3&lEnchant: &f%time%"
  174. - "&b&lRemaining: &f%alive%"
  175. - "&8&m--------------------"
  176. #Scattering GameState
  177. Scattering:
  178. - "&8&m--------------------"
  179. - "&3&lFight: &f%time%"
  180. - "&b&lRemaining: &f%alive%"
  181. - "&8&m--------------------"
  182. #InGame GameState
  183. InGame:
  184. - "&8&m--------------------"
  185. - "%spectating%"
  186. - "&3&lGame Time: &f%time%"
  187. - "%kills%"
  188. - "&b&lRemaining: &f%alive%"
  189. - "&8&m--------------------"
  190. #Restarting GameState
  191. Restarting:
  192. - "&8&m--------------------"
  193. - "&3&lWinner(s)"
  194. - "%winner%"
  195. - "&c&lRebooting:&f %time%"
  196. - "&8&m--------------------"
  197. Misc:
  198. GameSettings:
  199. - "&8&m--------------------"
  200. - "&3&lGame Settings"
  201. - "&bHost: &f%host%"
  202. - "&bAccess: &f%access%"
  203. - "&bTeams: &f%teamsize%"
  204. - "&bScenarios: &a/scenarios"
  205. Kills: "&b&lKills: &f%kills%"
  206. Invincibility: "No Clean Thing"
  207. Winner: " &7- &f%winner%"
  208. Spectating: "&7&l&oYou are Spectating!"
  209. Waiting: "&3&lWaiting for Players..."
  210. Timers:
  211. Starting:
  212. Duration: 30
  213. Commencing: "&8&l» &7The game will commence in &b&l%time% %seconds%&7!"
  214. Done:
  215. - "&7"
  216. - "&7"
  217. - "&7"
  218. - "&8&l» &7You have &b90 seconds&7 to enchant before getting scattered!"
  219. - "&7"
  220. - "&7"
  221. - "&7"
  222. Enchanting:
  223. Duration: 90
  224. Commencing: "&8&l» &7Scattering will start in &b&l%time% %seconds%&7!"
  225. Done:
  226. - "&7"
  227. - "&7"
  228. - "&7"
  229. - "&8&l» &7You have been scattered into the map!"
  230. - "&7"
  231. - "&7"
  232. - "&7"
  233. Scattering:
  234. Duration: 5
  235. Commencing: "&b%time%&7.."
  236. Done:
  237. - "&7"
  238. - "&7"
  239. - "&7"
  240. - "&8&l» &7The Game has &b&lStarted. &3&oGood luck, have fun!"
  241. - "&7"
  242. - "&7"
  243. - "&7"
  244. InGame:
  245. Duration: 900
  246. Commencing: "&8&l» &7The game has &b&l%time% &7%minutes% remaining!"
  247. Done:
  248. - "&7"
  249. - "&7"
  250. - "&7"
  251. - "&8&l» &7The game has ended in a &b&ltie &fwith no winner!"
  252. - "&7"
  253. - "&7"
  254. - "&7"
  255. Restarting:
  256. Duration: 10
  257. Done:
  258. - "&7"
  259. - "&7"
  260. - "&7"
  261. - "&c&lReturning players to the lobby!"
  262. - "&7"
  263. - "&7"
  264. - "&7"
  265. #Tablist Settings
  266. Tablist:
  267. #This is the tablist that will be displayed in the hub
  268. Hub:
  269. 1: " &b&lUHCZone"
  270. 2: " &b&lUHCZone"
  271. 3: " &b&lUHCZone"
  273. 7: "&3&lPlayers"
  274. 10: "&7» &bIn-Lobby:&f %inlobby%"
  275. 13: "&7» &bIn-Game:&f %ingame%"
  276. 16: "&7» &b&lTotal:&f %players%"
  278. 9: "&3&lGames Online"
  279. 12: "&7» &bSolo:&f %solo_online%"
  280. 15: "&7» &bTeams:&f %team_online%"
  281. 18: "&7» &bCustom:&f %custom_online%"
  282. 21: "&7» &b&lTotal:&f %total_online%"
  284. 34: "&9COMING SOON"
  285. 35: " &b&lSTATS"
  286. 36: "&9COMING SOON"
  288. 37: "&3&lSolo"
  289. 38: "&3&lTeams"
  290. 39: "&3&lGlobal"
  292. 40: "&7» &bWins: &f0"
  293. 41: '&7» &bWins: &f0'
  294. 42: "&7» &bWins: &f0"
  296. 43: "&7» &bKills: &f0"
  297. 44: "&7» &bKills: &f0"
  298. 45: "&7» &bKills: &f0"
  300. 46: "&7» &bDeaths: &f0"
  301. 47: "&7» &bDeaths: &f0"
  302. 48: "&7» &bDeaths: &f0"
  304. 49: "&7» &bELO: &f1000"
  305. 50: "&7» &bELO: &f1000"
  306. 51: "&7» &bELO: &f1000"
  308. 58: "&"
  309. 59: "&"
  310. 60: "&"
  311. #This is the tablist that will be displayed ingame
  312. #Please note you can not edit slots below 22
  313. Game:
  314. 1: " &b&lUHCZone"
  315. 2: " &b&lUHCZone"
  316. 3: " &b&lUHCZone"
  318. 10: "&3&lServer"
  319. 12: "&3&lMap"
  321. 13: "&7» &f%gamedisplay%"
  322. 15: "&7» &f%map%"
  324. 19: "&8&m--------------&r"
  325. 20: " &8» &b&lPlayers &8«"
  326. 21: "&8&m--------------&r"
  328. Game:
  329. Team:
  330. Create-On-Startup: 10
  331. Title: "&6&lTeam Games"
  332. Description:
  333. - "&7"
  334. - "&a&lCurrently Playing&7: &f%team_playing%"
  335. - "&7"
  336. - "&7&oTeam games consist of 24 players, split up into 12 teams per game. Once choosing"
  337. - "&7&oor being assigned to your team you have 90 seconds in a room with your teammate to"
  338. - "&7&oswap and exchange items to make the most powerful gear. After this your team will"
  339. - "&7&obe teleported into the arena in which you must eliminate all the other teams"
  340. - "&7&oand remain the last team standing."
  341. - "&7"
  343. Solo:
  344. Create-On-Startup: 10
  345. Title: "&b&lSolo Games"
  346. Description:
  347. - "&7"
  348. - "&a&lCurrently Playing&7: &f%solo_playing%"
  349. - "&7"
  350. - "&7&oSolo games consists of 12 players per game. You have 90 seconds in a room by"
  351. - "&7&oourself to use the items provided to you in attempt to create the most powerful"
  352. - "&7&oarmour, weapons and other handy items. Following this you will be teleported"
  353. - "&7&ointo the arena with the other contestants with the aim to be the last man standing."
  354. - "&7"
  356. Custom:
  357. BrowseGames:
  358. Title: "&b&lBrowse Games"
  359. Description:
  360. - "Click to browse the many custom games"
  361. CreateGames:
  362. Title: "&b&lCreate a Game"
  363. Description:
  364. - "&7Creating custom games requires a rank"
  365. Main:
  366. Title: "&b&lCreate a Game"
  367. Description:
  368. - "&7"
  369. - "&a&lCurrently Playing&7: &f%custom_playing%"
  370. - "&7"
  373. Game-Items:
  374. Waiting:
  375. Durability: 5
  376. Lores:
  377. - "&8&m------------------"
  378. - "&8» &a&lJOINABLE &7(&f%time&7)"
  379. - "&8» &bPlayers&8: &f%allplayers%/%max%"
  380. - "%required%"
  381. - "%private%"
  382. - "&8&m------------------"
  383. Starting:
  384. Durability: 11
  385. Lores:
  386. - "&8&m------------------"
  387. - "&8» &a&lJOINABLE &7(&f%time&7)"
  388. - "&8» &7Players&8: &f%allplayers%/%max%"
  389. - "%private%"
  390. - "&8&m------------------"
  391. Enchanting:
  392. Durability: 1
  393. Lores:
  394. - "&8&m------------------"
  395. - "&8» &e&lDONATORS CAN LATEJOIN &7(&f%time&7)"
  396. - "&8» &7Players&8: &f%allplayers%/%max%"
  397. - "%private%"
  398. - "&8&m------------------"
  399. Scattering:
  400. Durability: 1
  401. Lores:
  402. - "&8&m------------------"
  403. - "&8» &c&lSCATTERING &7(&f%time&7)"
  404. - "&8» &7Players&8: &f%allplayers%/%max%"
  405. - "%private%"
  406. - "&8&m------------------"
  407. InGame:
  408. Durability: 4
  409. Lores:
  410. - "&8&m------------------"
  411. - "&8» &e&lINGAME &7(&f%time&7)"
  412. - "&8» &7Alive: %alive%"
  413. - "&8» &7Spectating: %spectators%"
  414. - "%private%"
  415. - "&8&m------------------"
  416. Restarting:
  417. Durability: 8
  418. Lores:
  419. - "&8&m------------------"
  420. - "&8» &c&lRESTARTING"
  421. - "&8» &7&oPlease join reconnect in a few seconds..."
  422. - "&8&m------------------"
  423. #Misc Lores
  424. Misc:
  425. Private:
  426. - "&8&m------------------"
  427. - "&bHost: &7%host%"
  428. - "&bAccess: &7%access%"
  429. - "&bTeams: &7%teamsize%"
  430. - "&bScenarios: "
  431. - "%scenarios"
  432. Scenarios:
  433. - " &7- &f%scenarioname%"
  434. Required: "&8» &7Needs &b%players% more &7players to start"
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