
Fall of Cleveland: Rocket Man

Aug 3rd, 2012
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  1. >You are the gunner for an M270A1 MLRS.
  2. >Gunner is a bit of a misnomer; this is a rocket launcher.
  3. >You're attached to 3rd Battalion, 13th Field Artillery Regiment, and you're parked in the suburbs of Akron.
  4. >That's right, Ohio.
  5. >Your unit, along with several others, is preparing to fire on the city of Cleveland.
  6. >III Corps, under the direction of US Army North, is forming a cordon to contain the fluffy ponies in the city.
  7. >Over eight million of the little bastards.
  8. >You didn't think there were that many fluffies on the planet, much less in America.
  9. >1st and 4th Infantry are using I-90 and I-77 to move in soldiers to establish a large perimeter.
  10. >Your unit's mission, now that the evacuation is over, is to provide firepower.
  11. >There are seven other M270s in your section.
  12. >They're all loaded with the new MGM-140 missile.
  13. >Only two of the big rockets will fit in your launcher, but two is more than enough.
  14. >You can see your commanding officer, a Captain, on the horn with Battery C, 26th Field Artillery.
  15. >They're the guys that will tell you where to launch the hardware.
  16. >There's not much conversation between you, the driver, and your section chief.
  17. >Just waiting for the order.
  18. >You know why the Staff Sergeant's quiet; he was born in Cleveland.
  19. >Now he has to help level it.
  20. “I can't fuckin’ believe this, man...”
  21. >You look around.
  22. >Your section is set up in Schneider Park, north and west of downtown Akron.
  23. >You're surrounded by suburbia. There's a church across the road south.
  24. >You even see a couple of herds of fluffies trying to go north.
  25. >They get slaughtered by military police.
  26. >Captain's still talking to Battery C.
  27. >Army North's plan is to demolish all the bridges in Cleveland
  28. >With the massive fluffy pony influx, sending in sappers isn't feasible right now, however.
  29. >Instead, III Corps Artillery, of which your unit is a part, is going to do that, along with zoomies from the First Air Force.
  30. >He's done talking. Even though he's right over there, not twenty yards away, he gets his field radio.
  31. >It's go time. He's issuing orders to the section.
  32. >You receive an assignment to attack the Memorial Shoreway bridge as well as West Superior Avenue's bridge.
  33. >You head to the launcher, looking at the maps to figure out where they are.
  34. >The Staff Sergeant already knows.
  35. >”I have to launch against Riverfront Park?” he asks in disbelief.
  36. >Your targets are very close to Lake Erie. The whole section will be attacking them.
  37. >You hear over the radio that both Wendy Park and Riverfront are absolutely choked with fluffy ponies.
  38. >Even Humvees have had trouble navigating the pile of fluff.
  39. >Therefore, your missiles will be launched first.
  40. >They contain nine hundred and fifty submunitions each, designed to kill personnel.
  41. >The other launchers' weapons have five hundred pound high explosive single charges, for use against the structures.
  42. >Your missiles should kill most of the fluffies, allowing engineers to get in if your section can't finish off the bridges.
  43. >You're all inside or away from the launchers now.
  44. >You're setting up the fire control system.
  45. >You press the 'button'.
  46. >The vehicle shudders a bit as the missile punches out of its canister and blasts up and away.
  47. >The noise is shrill and penetrating for a brief time, but fades as the missile speeds downrange.
  48. >You just launched live ammunition on an American city.
  49. >Silently, you hope you don't hit anything alive besides fluffy ponies.
  50. ------
  51. “Gif owwies!”
  52. >Your massive herd fights against the endless tide of ponies ahead, trying to make progress.
  53. >You're also trying not get driven into the Big Water on your right.
  54. >”Fwuffies go Sgetti Wan'! No wet otha fwuffies ge' sgettis!” yells a pegasus before you stomp his face.
  55. >You've been fighting for what feels like an eternity.
  56. >Your purple fluff is stained with red.
  57. >Your left ear has been ripped almost clean off.
  58. >Your horn is chipped and aching.
  59. >And yet, you've prevailed. Your herd is mostly strong earth ponies.
  60. >You've been able to overwhelm opposition until you found yourself surrounded by human home places.
  61. >You directed your fluffies to retreat to a grassies place where Big Water and some Winding Water met.
  62. >You managed to rest enough, eat some grassies, and recuperate for a day.
  63. >Now you're stuck.
  64. >You can't swim across Winding Water.
  65. >The way back to the grey path that crosses it is blocked by herds that are coming from behind you.
  66. >You have to fight your way out.
  67. >Your mares are being viciously attacked.
  68. >There are no foals left in your group; they've all either been killed or lost in the chaos.
  69. >The males of your herd go to defend their mates, but the endless stream of enemy fluffies swallows them.
  70. >Screams fill the air.
  71. >You can pick out words sometimes, but it's all just a chorus of agony.
  72. >You see a pink mare with a foal, desperate to get away and find shelter.
  73. >Her smell says she is with the enemy. You rush through the scrum and stomp her foal.
  74. >Then you gore her in the tummy as she wails over her dead baby.
  75. >Your males protecting their mates succeed in breaking out and rejoining your group.
  76. >”Nee' go, too many bad fwuffies! Haffa fin' safe pwace for giwl fwuffies!”
  77. >You cannot make any headway. Solid walls of bleeding, shrieking fluff pin you from all directions.
  78. “No can move! Too many fwuffies aww ova pwace! Am stuck!”
  79. >You're forced to hold your position, goring and biting any fluffy that tries to hide in your clump.
  80. >”Wook! Wook! See fwy tingy!”
  81. >You look up as more fluffies shout those words.
  82. >An indistinct shape is above you, coming almost straight down.
  83. >It makes a loud noise, and a huge number of smaller things come out.
  84. >”Fwy tingy haf babehs?” your yellow wingie friend mate asks.
  85. >More enemy children. You know what to do.
  86. “Fwuffies huwt babehs when dey co--”
  87. >Your senses can barely comprehend the carnage that happens next.
  88. >Sharp, deafening bangs engulf your herd.
  89. >You see parts of fluffies flying through the air.
  90. >Eyeballs, legs, wings, halves of fluffies, foals hanging from severed torsos of dams by their umbilical cords.
  91. >They pelt your herd, causing them to scream with primal fear.
  92. >A mighty bang comes from nearby, causing fluffies to tumble through the air, trailing misty red in their wakes.
  93. >They land on other fluffies and crush them.
  94. >The bang noises get closer and farther away at the same time.
  95. >You watch helplessly as you see members of your own herd begin to fly overhead.
  96. >”Smawty, pwease hewp fwuffy!” some shriek.
  97. >You see one of your only surviving dams get flung up by a close bang.
  98. >She explodes in the air, her foals fanning out and landing amidst the panicking fluffy mass.
  99. >”Nuuuuuuuuuu! Smawty fwiend pwease hewp fwiend's babehs!” your mate cries.
  100. >A very loud bang.
  101. >You feel hot, sharp owwies rip through your flesh.
  102. >The boo-boo juice of your mate splatters your face, causing you to lose sight for a moment.
  103. >The bangs stop.
  104. >You manage to pull yourself up on your front leggies again.
  105. >You no longer feel the back ones.
  106. >As you blink away the boo-boo juice, you feel like throwing up your nummies.
  107. >The fluffies around you are shredded to bits, but a lot are still able to wail in pain.
  108. >Separated heads lie on the ground, their lips moving for a moment before going still forever, their eyes frozen open with terror.
  109. >Back halves of bodies mix with severed limbs and eyes and parts of dead foals.
  110. >Everything is drenched with scared poopies, pee, and boo-boo juice.
  111. “Why...why dis happen...”
  112. >You tip backwards, suddenly resting on your spilled innards.
  113. >The pain is just another ripple in the sea of your white-hot agony.
  114. “Fwuffies onwy wan' sgettis, why...why fwy tingy gif big owwies good fwuffies...”
  115. >As your eyes involuntarily roll back, they see another shape approaching in the blue sky.
  116. “ wan' owwies, fwy tingy...fwuffies sowwy...”
  117. >Like the one before, it has many little black babies.
  118. “No, pwease no...pwease no gif owwies babehs, fwuffies go 'way, babehs can haf sgettis...”
  119. >The babies don't listen.
  120. >One of them flies right at you.
  121. >It is the last thing you ever see.
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