
Mother's Day Special

May 29th, 2016
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  1. >Star Butterfly, mewnian magical princess currently living with an Earth boy named Marco Diaz was having a very slow and boring weekend, which was a very unwelcome change of pace to the over-hyperactive teen.
  2. >"Uggggh….nothing on Earth's magic box or Marco's internet thingy…." the princess groaned as she rolled over the sofa in the living room of the Diaz's, trying in vain to get comfy.
  3. > "Dad…come on thing on something…Mom is gonna kill us if we don't get her a decent mother's day present, especially with the luchador performance fiasco you made last year!" Marco said from another room. This arguing attracted the bored princess attention.
  4. >"More respect with the fine tradition of luchadores mijo! It’s a very respected and honorable heritage from Mexico that-"
  5. >"That made you sleep in the living room for a week last mother's day!" said angrily the teenage boy.
  6. >"Respect son! As I said it’s a very honorable heritage……but yeah you are right" said in defeat Mr. Diaz.
  7. >This arguing made the young princess to go to the kitchen where both , Marco and his Dad were sighing.
  8. >"Hey guys….woaah defeated too soon? Anyways….what's this "mother's day present" you are talking about ….and what's a "louch-a-dor?"
  9. >Marco sighed again "It's a …. you know what you don't want to know…anyways…Mother's Day, you know the day you celebrate your mom give her presents and you make her feel special…wait…you don’t have a mother's day equivalent on mewny?".
  10. >Star sighed which totally surprised Marco "Umm….not really we have the "Hail the Queen day" but it doesn't have the warmth you are describing, plus you know I don't really get along with my mother….".
  11. >Both Diaz males where in shock, Marco even more, and a little sad as well "W-wow Star…Well Mother's Day is exactly about that, to make your mother feel special, to love her even more and celebrate her, it's an extremely important day on Mexico, and since the latinamerican population here on the State's is very huge well it started being celebrated here as well"
  12. >"Sadly it has been like three years in a row that this day ends in a fiasco…..last year Dad's idea ended….poorly specially after that jump.."
  13. >"Honor miho! Honor!" Mr. Diaz said raising his fist proudly.
  14. >"A year before that we went to a fancy restaurant, but the main chef went nuts, we passed the entire day as hostages with other customers, till S.W.A.T. tazed him, but anyway the day was totally ruined…." said Marco with a gloomy aura.
  15. >"And today is that day, we can't have a fourth Mother's Day ruined in a row, my marriage with Angie could be in danger!" Mrs. Diaz said as he was biting his nails.
  16. >"What!? You have to be joking Dad….!" Marco said very shocked, and started to sweat cold when he saw the somber aura engulfing his dad.
  17. >"And you are totally not joking….welp …..crap!".
  18. >The mewnian princess couldn't help the Diaz males at this situation, she could only wonder If she could have such a warm relationship with her over-mannered mother or if she could make her mother feel anything if this day existed in mewni as well.
  19. >Everyone's internal monologue and thoughts were interrupted by a knock in the door.
  20. >Only Mr. Diaz went to answer the door since both teens were still minding their thoughts, sighing.
  21. >Mr. Diaz was surprised to see Star's parents at his door, noticing as well the royal chauffeur going into a dimensional rift, probably returning to Mewni "Well if this isn't a surprise, Star's parents, well please come in".
  22. >As soon as Star heard her mom , the mewni princess bolted to the entrance, huffing and not believing that her parents were actually there "M-m-m-mom, Dad!? What are you doing here, I have been using the wand with responsibility! Are you taking me to Saint Olga's !? NOOOO pleaaaase don't!!!!"
  23. >"Oh relax darling, we aren't here for that, we just wanted to visit you, can't a mother do that anymore?" said Queen Butterfly in a regal manner.
  24. >"Yeah I want to see how is my daughter faring in this dimension as well-----and to give you a hug" King butterfly muttered the last part.
  25. >Mrs. Diaz walked down the stairs as soon as she heard the commotion that was happening at that moment. "Oh my we have visitors today! And Star's parent no other less! Well please come outside to the backyard since it's such a nice day! I will prepare you something to drink."
  27. >After a few minutes everyone went into the Diaz's backyard, a total opposite of the front yard, a tree gave a wide shade for a sunny day like this one, a beautiful lawn that everyone would love to take a nap, and many flower patches, pride and joy of Mrs. Diaz
  28. > As Mr. Diaz took out a wooden table, and started taking out many drinks out of a wooden wine stand and a little stone bar that has a little fridge in it. Still Ms. Diaz was sweating because of the non-existent mother's day gift rather than sunny day upon Echo Creek.
  29. >"So we couldn’t over hear your conversation early but I'm quite interested in Earth's festivities" said Queen Butterfly as she took her seat in the wooden table.
  30. >King Butterfly was more curious and went to see what was upon this stone bar "I always wanted to see Earth's beverage , wonder if there's any alcohol in those…"
  31. >"Well we have beer, wine, the all-mighty tequila , scotch , whisky…here try this "Corona", best beer of Earth "
  32. >"Beer?" Asked King Butterfly as he saw curiously the crystal bottle, with is golden liquid shining inside.
  33. >"Ah right…Imagine an ale, but with stronger flavor, and much more tasty and refreshing, plus it has more alcohol per volume"
  34. >Meanwhile Star dragged Marco to the table as well murmuring "It's over marco, NO its game over, I'm gonna get transferred to Saint Olga's"
  35. >Marco couldn’t move because he was being dragged as a sack of potatoes "Calm down Star, can't you believe your mom for once…and let's be honest, you barely talk to her".
  36. >Star groaned, because for once she had to agree with the safety boy.
  37. >Although she was still very uncomfortable, since she was the exact opposite of her mom, she new since she was 5 she wouldn't ever get along with her.
  39. >Mr. Diaz and King Butterfly talked for a while about beer, since it was a new favorite for the King, to the point he couldn’t drink again the Royal Ale from Mewni.
  40. >As for Queen Butterfly and Mrs. Diaz, the explanation of Mother's Day as some Mexican heritage took about the same time.
  41. >Marco and Star just stood put for the entire time, mostly because Star was still too nervous to be around her mother for this much time.
  42. >"Well isn't that quite interesting….we should make a Mewni equivalent starting from this year right dear….dear?"
  43. >King Butterfly almost choked on his second Corona and hid it right away "Y-Yes, yes but of course, so we need a present right…I have the perfect idea!".
  44. >"Actually there is a legendary flower from the Deep Abyss Rainforest dimension, the Rainbow flower! Supposedly it is a huge flower that has a rainbow colored quartz in its center, and it’s the epitome of love demonstration!" said King Butterfly with confidence.
  45. >Mrs. Diaz eyes sparkled "Please TELL ME MORE!"
  46. >"Don't worry my friend I will mobilize the 1st Mewni Knight Division they will find this Mother's Day Present in no time!"
  47. >"Ahem…! Wouldn't you have to find it yourself, dear? I think that's the point of this celebration" said Queen Butterfly giving a murderer's sight to her husband.
  48. >"Or we could make a quick expedition ourselves to get it , right Mrs. Diaz!?" This was one rare occasion were star say her father sweating cold.
  49. >"LETS GO RIGHT NOW! Marco you are coming with us!"
  50. >Mrs. Diaz never gave Marco a time to reply he just dragged the Safety boy grabbing his hoodie.
  51. >"Lucky us my …spear….has a inter-dimensional scissors function as well…you owe me big" again King Butterfly muttered the last part.
  52. >"I will give you blueprints for you to make a brewery in mewni!"
  53. >"We are even! Let's go!"
  54. >Star tried to get up but she was took by her arm by her mother "Ah ah ah! Star, please….I want you to stay, make us some company".
  55. >"B-But mom they will need me!"
  56. >"They will be fine, remember your father it the Mewni Army General as well"
  57. >And in a flash Mr. Diaz, Marco and king were gone, so star was stuck with her mother. In defeat she slumped next to her.
  59. >The day for the hyperactive blond princess went from boring to horrible boring.
  60. >Asides the chat that her mom was having with Mrs. Diaz, which she wasn't paying much attention, she calmed down a little since it seemed she wasn't gonna get admitted into Saint Olga's anytime soon.
  61. >An hour passed , but for Star it felt like it was a month. She groaned but stood still in her place.
  62. >Suddenly a flash ripped through the yard.
  63. >"Yes finally Dad returned….not…." It was the first time she was not cool on Ludo and his minions appearing to fight her.
  64. >"Amm…guys could we do this another time? You know mom is visiting and…"
  65. >"Allright guys I want the royal mewnian apprehended and I want that WAND NOW!" screeched Ludo.
  66. >"Ammm which one boss….the old lady or Star?"
  67. >"Oh for god sake! Take the wand from Star Butterfly! Why would I want an old lady as a hostage!?"
  68. > Queen Butterfly raised her voice "Excuse me!? How rude!"
  69. >"Oh please stand put granny, we just want the wand!"
  70. >"G-g-g-granny!?" Queen Butterfly's normal blue diamonds in her cheeks turned pink, just as Star's hearts.
  71. >Star could see a vain popping in her mom's forehead, actually it was the first time seeing her mom this pissed "Oh boy..!"
  72. > "Star dear….could I borrow the wand for a few moments?"
  73. >"S-sure mom!" She gave the wand to her mom, and for the first time she was shaking, was it terror what Star was feeling?
  74. >As Queen Butterfly took the wand which morphed instantly into its crystal former shape, she tear out part of her dress, leaving in sight part of the translucent teal colored "royal fishnet", and at the same time she took off her white royal wig. This let free her natural, long blond hair color, very similar to star, but much longer, almost till her toes.
  75. >"As Ruler of Mewni I declare combat has been established!"
  76. >As soon as she ended reciting this combat spell, she tossed a few meters above her the wand, which instantly morphed into a crystal rapier.
  77. >At the same time parts of a crystal armor materialized in front of her, much a la twilight princess when stuff materialized, every piece fitting in the right place. Rather than a crude diamond shape, it looked as if she was wearing a glass armor.
  78. >Her diamonds turned into hearts as well, identical to Star's.
  79. >"What the…." Star didn't believe at all what she was seeing, first it was the first time ever to see her mom's natural hair, and second…she didn't know her mom could actually fight.
  80. >"Come and get it!" Said the ruler of Mewni, while she charged with a rainbow colored glow her "crystal rapier".
  81. >"Ok…awkward didn't expect that…Arrgh! Just get the wand!" Ludo screeched wobbling his tiny hands.
  82. >Ludo's minions separated into two groups, one to deal with Queen Butterfly, and the other one to "subdue" Star, and Mrs. Diaz.
  83. > DeerBeard plus 4 minions rushed to where star and Ms. Diaz "Ok maa'm please refrain on doing any rash actions and this will be over soon".
  84. >Star ran in front of Mrs. Diaz , trying to mimic Marco's karate pose "Get behind me Ms. Diaz! I'll take this guys out in no time, wand or no wand!"
  85. >"Oh my! These …. guys are trying to make a mess in my backyard, and harass my guests, I can allow that…" finished the sentence she flashed her leg as well but without losing her smile, revealing a hollister with a tazer gun, many replacements for the tazer gun itself, and a cylindrical compartment.
  86. >"What is that yellow thing…and why are you are aiming it at me Maa'm…as I said…" Deerbeard monologued.
  87. > Mrs. Diaz didn't let Deerbeard finish his sentence when she fired her tazer gun, the 2 wired probes hitting the monster in its chest.
  88. >"Owww! That is….annoying!" He tried to pull out the two probes, with no use "Owww this things are stuck… there has to be a way to AWWHHWSAndaiosujndiosandoaif!"
  89. >Deerbear finally received the shock, screaming a little till his body didn't respond anymore, making the other monsters back up a little seeing him drop to the floor, now shaking without control.
  90. >Mrs. Diaz quickly discarded the used tazer pack and replaced it with a new one, pointing it to the other monsters "Anyone wants more of this?".
  91. >She also took out an electric baton, expanding it to its full extension.
  92. >For the other monsters that action gave them confidence, since the baton itself was very thin, and not menacing.
  93. >Mrs. Diaz made some well placed wing, but because of the low speed of them, Random monster #1 had the chance to capture it with its hand "Now be careful Maa'm you can go swinging this metal stick because its dangero----- AaaAAaaaAaaaaH!"
  94. >Random monster #1 wiggled, and moved its limbs like noodles, since the electric shock was probably melting its muscles.
  95. >Mr. Diaz didn't let the random monster #1 finish it's sentence, because she turned on as well its shock feature, powerful enough to shock even a Bison, so it performed more than well in this average sized monster.
  96. >The remaining monsters either ran away in sheer fear or try to tackle Mrs. Diaz, resulting in more tazer or electric baton strikes.
  97. >Mrs. Diaz gracefully change many times her tazer pack, not stopping, and showing no mercy, leaving a trail of fainted or electrocuted monsters behind her.
  98. >This action made her separate from star, and begun to slowly drag to where Queen Butterfly was.
  99. >Meanwhile on Queen's Butterfly side, it looked more like she was dancing rather than fighting, her combat style made her look so graceful and elegant at the same time.
  100. >She rushed the mob in front of her, and went right to random monster #2, which was in the center of that mob, and lowered herself to thrust her rapier from below , leaving him unconscious hit one hit, leaving her right in the center of the monster mob.
  101. >Every monster tried to hit her at the same time, which was easily dodged by her jumping up high and making a mid air pirouette [since I can describe it, its like obi wan from clone wars the animation] , landing now behind them.
  102. > After landing, she made a wide slash, taking down 3 of them, leaving a rainbow colored afterglow.
  103. >Since the wand was in a rapier form , it started to "rainbow glow" more intensely as time passed.
  104. >"Now it’s the right time! Rainbow Supernova!" she war-cried.
  105. >In the tip of the rapier a little rainbow colored little orb appeared, quickly growing. After a few seconds she tossed that orb into the remaining monsters where it grew exponetially , starting to drag some of them into the center of it.
  106. >"No no no! not like this!" Random mosnter #3 cried as he grabbed with his claws the Diaz's lawn.
  107. >After a few seconds it stopped and exploded in rainbow colored blast , leaving some of the mosnters in rainbow colored flames.
  108. >"Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh ! I'm on fire!!!! With rainbows!!!!! It hurts so much!" cried in pain Bearicon while rolling himself on the ground trying to extinguish the flames, but not very effectively.
  109. > "You are all useless, getting pummeled by old ladies and….Oh …well" Ludo started to screech but he finally saw all his army was knocked out or running in rainbow fire, plus Queen butterfly and Mrs. Diaz were standing right next to him.
  111. >"Arrrggg how my arm can be twisted in that form! Mercy! Mercy! Nooo nooo! I'm not a football, stop kicking me…..Arrhahajbaabhjahjbhj…………….!"
  112. >Ludo's screams of pain were heard for an hour that day in the Diaz's street.
  113. > For the second time in the day, Star was stupefied seeing Mr. Diaz in her own way, and because she wasn't the one fighting the monsters.
  114. > And it was her mom and Ms. Diaz the ones that were kicking ass, and in what way.
  115. >But at the same time it was the first time she felt so close to her mother.
  116. >Mrs. Diaz and Queen Butterfly finally catched their breat in the wooden table.
  117. >Queen Butterfly took out her crystal helmet and spoke "Well….never thought you could fight so well….I wonder how your weapons work"
  118. >"I can say the same from you, I never thought you could sprint so fast. Well maybe I can bring you to the shooting range next time you visit Star…"
  119. >They both laughed.
  120. >Star timidly sat next to her mother "M-Mom….can I hugh you? I just got this feeling I should do it"
  121. >"Oww Star, but of course! Wait a moment please…." Queen butterfly finally returned the wand into its crystal form, and with that said, her crystal armor started to fade in the same way it was summoned, revealing Queen's Butterfly tattered dress.
  122. >She left the wand in the table and gave her daughter a big hug.
  123. >Star closed her eyes and started smiling "I never felt so close to you….ever!"
  124. >"Hey could you teach me some of your moves mom!"
  125. >Queen butterfly started giggling "Oh star….maybe next time"
  127. >A flash interrupted the scene as King Butterfly , Mr. Diaz and Marco returned.
  128. >"Hey guys you wouldn't believe what just happened-----wow----!" Star rushed to them just to see the their clothes with scratches, claw marks, and dirt and pieces of plants.
  129. >King butterfly remaining clothes were actually only his pants, since he was shirtless, revealing bruises and cuts all over his chest.
  130. > Mr. Diaz pants became short, plus his shirt was more rags rather than an actual shirt.
  131. > Marco returned without his hoodie, with some cuts in his face and a very dark eye.
  132. >" Wow dad I won't ever make fun of luchadores, who would have know it was very effective against a giant scorpion with 8 tails! --- -WOW MOM what happened here!" Marco stopped seeing the casualties of war in the backyard of his house.
  133. >"Pixie Beards! Honey….you….you fought right? Oh this is bad….this is bad" King butterfly panicked seeing all the unconscious or charred monsters and seeing how his wife's royal dress ended.
  134. >"Relax dear, some monsters tried to kidnap star so I did what any parent would have done, protect her daughter! And it was nice to stretch my legs"
  135. >Mr. Diaz noticed his wife as well "Well guess you made yourself into this fight as well amor…"
  136. >Mrs. Diaz just giggled.
  137. >"Anyway…behold the Rainbow Flower! After being lost in that forsaken rainforest, and fight against gigantic scorpions here is our gift for Mother's Day! " Mr. Diaz posed triumphant holding the flower.
  138. >After that Mr. Diaz passed out, with a smile on his face.
  139. >What a wild day was this mother's day.
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