

Nov 8th, 2017
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  1. about me.
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  186. who i'd like to meet.
  188. </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table bordercolor="ffcc99" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="435" bgcolor="ffcc99" border="0"><tr><td class="text" valign="left" align="left" width="435" bgcolor="ffcc99" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="whitetext12"></span></td></tr><tr><td><table bordercolor="313139" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="435" align="left" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="left" width="435" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">
  189. <div id="crdt"><a class="crd" href="/httk">→</a></div>
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  194. <a class="n" href="/home.php">home</a><a class="n" href="/home.php">message</a><a class="n" href="/home.php">comment</a><a class="n" href="/home.php">gallery</a><a class="n" href="/home.php">blogs</a>
  195. </div>
  198. <div style="width:212px; height:125px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left;"><img src=""></div><div style="width:212px; height:125px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left; background-color:#eee3ee; margin-left:2px;"><img src=""></div>
  200. <h1>I do everything for everyone. Everything to be perfect. The perfect daughter, the perfect sister, the perfect student. <x style="letter-spacing:6px; color:#77a5d3;">Can't I do this one thing for me?</x></h1>
  202. <div style="width:385px; height:126px; padding:5px; border-left:20px solid #313139; border-right:20px solid #313139; border-top:5px solid #313139; border-bottom:5px solid #313139; background-color:#f8f4f9; text-align:justify; overflow:auto;">Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.</div>
  205. <div style="width:212px; height:125px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left; margin-top:2px;"><img src=""></div><div style="width:212px; height:125px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left; background-color:#eee3ee; margin-left:2px;margin-top:2px;"><img src=""></div>
  207. <h1>Nothing this bad was ever supposed to happen here. But it did. <x style="letter-spacing:5px; color:#77a5d3;">I want to know why.</x></h1>
  209. <div style="width:385px; height:126px; padding:5px; border-left:20px solid #313139; border-right:20px solid #313139; border-top:5px solid #313139; border-bottom:5px solid #313139; background-color:#f8f4f9; text-align:justify; overflow:auto;"> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.</div>
  211. interests.
  213. </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table bordercolor="ffcc99" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="290" bgcolor="ffcc99" border="0"><tr><td class="text" valign="left" align="left" width="290" bgcolor="ffcc99" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="whitetext12"></span></td></tr><tr><td><table bordercolor="313139313139" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="290" align="left" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="left" width="290" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">
  215. <div style="width:122px; height:180px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left; margin-top:-9px;"><img src=""></div><div style="width:151px; height:174px; padding:4px; border:1px solid #313139; margin-left:3px; background-color:#f8f4f9; float:right;margin-top:-9px; overflow:auto; text-align:justify;"><h3>PERSONAL INFORMATION.</h3>
  216. <b>GIVEN NAME</b> Write about your <i>character's name</i> here.
  217. <br><b>ETYMOLOGY</b> Give some backstory to your characters <strong>names</strong>, how they <u>exist</u>, where they come from..<strike>pronounciation</strike>...etc.
  218. <br><b>NICKNAMES</b> Any nicknames? Put those here.
  219. <br><b>BIRTHDAY</b> Write about your character's birthdate here, do so in whatever format looks prettiest.
  220. <br><b>AGE</b> DANG! Your character is as old as dirt, write their age here.
  221. <br><b>ASTROLOGY</b> What the fvck is astrology? Ohhhh well.
  222. <br><b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION</b> How does your character respond sexually? Do they like the same gender? Opposite genders? All genders?
  223. <br><b>OCCUPATION</b> This is the place where you put what your character does -- all things that they do.
  224. <br><b>PLACE OF BIRTH</b> I mean, birth place can go here. The specific city, state, and location if you want.
  225. <br><b>PREVIOUS RESIDENCE</b> Write some sh*t about where they've lived previously, if they haven't? Who cares.
  226. <br><b>CURRENT RESIDENCE</b> Write some sh*t about where they live presently, who they live with. If they live alone? Who cares.
  228. <b>HEIGHT</b> DANG! You one tall a/ss motherfvcker, write your height here. x
  229. <br><b>WEIGHT</b> I don't know, bruh..but a woman never tells her weight. u a woman? x
  230. <br><b>HAIR COLOR</b> Write about your hair here, how you rock it too! Got a fohawk? Describe it.
  231. <br><b>EYE COLOR</b> Dem eyes, I could get lost in them forever.
  232. <br><b>BODY BUILD</b> LOOK AT THAT DONK!
  233. <h3>FAMILY INFORMATION.</h3>
  234. <b>SPOUSE</b> What are feels and how do I never encounter them?
  235. <br><b>CHILDREN</b> U got a bun in ur oven? Put that sh!t here.
  236. <br><b>PARENTS</b> Hide your mother, ya father. .... just kidding, write about dem people here.
  237. <br><b>SISTERS</b> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  238. <br><b>BROTHERS</b> Marcus has <u>three</u> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  239. <br><b>AUNTS</b> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  240. <br><b>UNCLES</b> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  241. <br><b>COUSINS</b>just kidding, write about dem people here.
  242. <br><b>GRANDPARENTS</b> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  243. <br><b>OTHER FAMILY</b> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  245. <b>PAST RELATIONSHIPS</b> just kidding, write about dem people here.
  246. <br><b>VEHICLES</b> That's one f i n e ass car right there, booiii.
  247. <br><b>SCARS/INJURIES</b> Dude...did someone fvck ur sh*t up? how's the other bro look?
  248. <br><b>ADDICTIONS</b> Addictions do a body good.
  249. <br><b>LIKES</b> I hate everything.
  250. <br><b>DISLIKES</b> I hate everything.</div>
  252. <h1>If I know what love is, it is <x style="letter-spacing:6px; color:#77a5d3;">because of you</x>.</h1>
  254. <div style="width:122px; height:180px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left;"><img src=""></div><div style="width:151px; height:174px; padding:4px; border:1px solid #313139; margin-left:3px; background-color:#f8f4f9; float:right; overflow:auto; text-align:justify;"><h3>RELATIONSHIP STATUS: <x style="color:#5072a8;">SINGLE</x>.</h3>
  255. <b>DATE</b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  256. <br><b>SIGNIFICANT OTHER</b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  257. <br><b>SONG DEDICATION</b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  258. <br><b>QUOTE</b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  259. <br><b>COMMENTS</b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  260. </div>
  262. <h1>Bobby pin. <x style="color:#77a5d3">Okay, Ms. MacGyver.</x> I learned that from the Nancy Drew <x style="color:#909090; letter-spacing:9px;">detective handbook</x>. </h1>
  264. <div style="width:122px; height:180px; padding:1px; border:1px solid #313139; float:left;"><img src=""></div><div style="width:151px; height:174px; padding:4px; border:1px solid #313139; margin-left:3px; background-color:#f8f4f9; float:right; overflow:auto; text-align:justify;"><h3>THE <x style="color:#5072a8;">DUDES</x>.</h3>
  265. <b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  266. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  267. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  268. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  269. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  270. <h3>THE <x style="color:#5072a8;">LADIES</x></h3>
  271. <b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  272. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  273. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  274. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  275. <br><b><a href="">connection name</a></b> Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring. Ya gonna need to put some sh!t about your character here. Make sure it's long enough to scroll. Otherwise, it might be a little bit boring.
  276. </div>
  278. </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><table bordercolor="ffcc99" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="290" bgcolor="ffcc99" border="0"><tr><td class="text" valign="left" align="left" width="290" bgcolor="ffcc99" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="whitetext12"></span></td></tr><tr><td><table bordercolor="313139313139" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="290" align="left" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="left" width="290" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">
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