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Sep 18th, 2017
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  1. (3:39:31 AM) Tim: hey justin, what if a bank robber forced you at gunpoint to either rape an innocent person or die?
  2. (3:39:38 AM) Tim: would it be moral to rape that innocent person?
  3. (3:39:48 AM) czar bernstein: no
  4. (3:39:50 AM) Justin: I would probably rather get shot
  5. (3:39:51 AM) czar bernstein: immoral
  6. (3:39:53 AM) Tim: the examples, I think, shift dramatically when it's *you* who is doing it
  7. (3:39:57 AM) Gil: What if the innocent person wants it? :p
  8. (3:39:59 AM) Tim: ...
  9. (3:40:02 AM) Justin: Then it's not rape
  10. (3:40:03 AM) Gil: LOL jk
  11. (3:40:04 AM) czar bernstein: then id do it
  12. (3:40:06 AM) czar bernstein: jk
  13. (3:40:07 AM) czar bernstein: lol
  14. (3:40:11 AM) Gil: LOL
  15. (3:40:18 AM) czar bernstein: what if its a man who wants it
  16. (3:40:19 AM) czar bernstein: haha
  17. (3:40:26 AM) Gil: OH NOOOOO
  18. (3:40:28 AM) Justin: I don't know, I wouldn't rape her... But I suppose I might ask her if it is okay before I make a decision.
  19. (3:40:30 AM) Gil: So gay!
  20. (3:40:38 AM) Tim: "Hey, can I rape you?"
  21. (3:40:44 AM) czar bernstein: no
  22. (3:40:47 AM) Tim: a rape is by definition nonconsentual, lol
  23. (3:40:49 AM) Gil: Plead with her and say "Can you have sex with me... to save my life? :("
  24. (3:40:55 AM) Justin: Yeah, basically.
  25. (3:40:57 AM) czar bernstein: "Excuse me kind woman, do you mind saving my life?"
  26. (3:41:08 AM) Justin: Would it be morally permissable for her to say no?
  27. (3:41:09 AM) Gil: Hahaha!
  28. (3:41:36 AM) Tim: but the salient point here is that the examples shift dramatically when it's you who is forced to act, most of us, I think, would rather take the bullet.
  29. (3:42:09 AM) czar bernstein: yes...since even if the woman consented, its morally wrong to fornicate, and we should tehrefore take the bullet
  30. (3:43:10 AM) Justin: What's your point though, Tim?
  31. (3:43:30 AM) Gil: Fornicate or save a life? :O
  32. (3:43:39 AM) Gil: Or... end a life, rather.
  33. (3:43:58 AM) Gil: Moral dilemmas ftl >_>
  34. (3:44:01 AM) Tim: that your moral intuitions will shift depending on who is the perpetrator, meaning that there is something about these examples which make them dubious.
  35. (3:44:13 AM) czar bernstein: its not a be easy decision for me
  36. (3:44:21 AM) Justin: LOL, are you guys actually against fornication that much?
  37. (3:44:26 AM) ...
  38. (3:44:27 AM) czar bernstein: Im not
  39. (3:44:28 AM) Tim: I would take the bullet...
  40. (3:44:29 AM) Yes.
  41. (3:44:34 AM) Tim: And I'm not against sex
  42. (3:44:35 AM) Well, I am lulz
  43. (3:44:37 AM) Justin: You can't seriously call that a dilemma.
  44. (3:44:37 AM) czar bernstein: Tim!?!?!?!
  45. (3:44:40 AM) Tim: I want to have sex... once I'm married
  46. (3:44:55 AM) entered the room.
  47. (3:44:59 AM) Tim: LOL
  48. (3:45:02 AM) Gil: I'd rather attack the man with the gun and die trying I guess :p
  49. (3:45:03 AM) I know I'm having lots of it.
  50. (3:45:10 AM) czar bernstein: Are you seriously saying that if someone held a bullet to your head saying "if you dont have sex with this consenting woman, I will kill you" you would not have sex?
  51. (3:45:10 AM) left the room.
  52. (3:45:16 AM) Justin: You would rather die than fornicate?...
  53. (3:45:18 AM) Tim: I'm talking about rape
  54. (3:45:27 AM) I'd rather die than fornicate.
  55. (3:45:34 AM) He'd probably kill me anyways after and send me to hell.
  56. (3:45:35 AM) Tim: but, if she's not my spouse....
  57. (3:45:42 AM) Tim: I guess I'd take the bullet
  58. (3:45:47 AM) WOO TIM.
  59. (3:46:00 AM) czar bernstein: Wow....I guarantee that in this situation, all of you would choose as I would
  60. (3:46:03 AM) Justin: Sometimes you guys baffle me
  61. (3:46:15 AM) czar bernstein: yeah...its a trivially easy decision lol
  62. (3:46:18 AM) Tim: Hey Justin, if someone pointed a gun at you and told you to have homosexual sex with an 80 year old man or die, would you do it?
  63. (3:46:26 AM) czar bernstein: i would do it
  64. (3:46:29 AM) Justin: I would
  65. (3:46:30 AM) Tim: .......................
  66. (3:46:32 AM) ...
  67. (3:46:35 AM) czar bernstein: in a heartbeat
  68. (3:46:37 AM) Gil: LOL
  69. (3:46:51 AM) czar bernstein: and so would you Tim
  70. (3:46:52 AM) Tim: It would take him more than a heartbeat to get ready, lol
  71. (3:46:56 AM) Tim: NO, I'd rather die
  72. (3:46:56 AM) czar bernstein: lol
  73. (3:47:12 AM) czar bernstein: Tim, when you have a gun pointed at you, things change big time
  74. (3:47:17 AM) Tim: so let's revise that, if someone pointed a gun at you and told you to homosexually rape an 80 year old man or die, would you do it?
  75. (3:47:29 AM) czar bernstein: I would die
  76. (3:47:34 AM) Justin: Same
  77. (3:47:36 AM) Tim: what's the difference between the two then?
  78. (3:47:43 AM) czar bernstein: One is consenting
  79. (3:47:45 AM) Justin: Rape = without consent.
  80. (3:47:46 AM) czar bernstein: the other is rape lol
  81. (3:47:48 AM) Tim: ....
  82. (3:47:58 AM) Tim: since when does consent make it right -.-
  83. (3:48:00 AM) czar bernstein: you dont see the moral difference?
  84. (3:48:02 AM) Justin: LOL?
  85. (3:48:05 AM) czar bernstein: Thats not the PONT
  86. (3:48:11 AM) czar bernstein: You just proved my point
  87. (3:48:12 AM) czar bernstein: lol
  88. (3:48:13 AM) Justin: Is that supposed to be rhetoric?
  89. (3:48:14 AM) Tim: Consenting or non-consenting, it's still wrong.
  90. (3:48:15 AM) Gil: What if someone pointed a gun, and told you to make love to a extremely hot girl who was previously already flirting with you anyway? Timmy, ur answer!
  91. (3:48:24 AM) czar bernstein: Yeah, but it does not outweigh my right to life
  92. (3:48:52 AM) czar bernstein: Absolutely...I would...probably without the gun pointed at me
  93. (3:48:54 AM) czar bernstein: lol jk
  94. (3:48:55 AM) Tim: the right thing to do would be to take the bullet, but depending on my emotions, I don't know. I would really hope I took the bullet though.
  95. (3:48:59 AM) Justin: Now I'm starting to wonder if there's any bullets you guys wouldn't bite to justify a position.
  96. (3:49:20 AM) Tim: I'm not going to compromise my convictions simply because a gun is pointed at you
  97. (3:49:21 AM) czar bernstein: no...the wrong thing to do would be to die
  98. (3:49:45 AM) Justin: Wasting a human life is worse than having sex...
  99. (3:49:50 AM) Tim: How about this: If someone asked you at gunpoint if you believe in God and that if you did you would die, would you lie? (assuming you did)
  100. (3:50:16 AM) czar bernstein: My uncle is an orthodox Jew. He is commanded by God to not eat Pork. However, when I told him "someone points a gun at you, do you eat the pork?" he responded by saying "I would ask for the BBQ sauce"
  101. (3:50:26 AM) Gil: LOLOL
  102. (3:50:44 AM) czar bernstein: there are circumstances where its justified to choose to do something wrong to prevent a harmt hat is worse
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