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Dec 16th, 2017
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  1. The point of this function is to return the most frequent word in a body of text. To do that, we take the function 'mostFrequentWord, a single argument, text, which is a body of text and returns the word that occurs most frequently in that text.
  2. First, we declare the variables var words = getTokens(text) // var wordFrequencies = {};
  3. Next, we loop through the words' length using the array's index. (It is filtering through the text over and over to find the most common word in the text)
  4. Then, we give the loop to possible outcomes using the "if" and "else" functions. If word in the array index is recognized more than once, then in the word frequencies will display it. Otherwise (else) the word will be equal to "1" & therefore not stand out.
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