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Jul 19th, 2019
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  1. Partner, Key, Label, Final
  2. generic, access_token, -, Access Token
  3. generic, account_code, -, Account Code
  4. generic, account_id, -, Account Id
  5. tencent, account_id, Account ID(账户ID), Account ID(账户ID)
  6. generic, account_sid, -, Account Sid
  7. actin, actin_token, ACTIN Token, ACTIN Token
  8. generic, adv_id, -, Adv Id
  9. dynalyst_for_games, adv_id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  10. line, adv_id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  11. generic, advertiser_id, -, Advertiser Id
  12. inmobi, advertiser_id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  13. taptica_network, advertiser_id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  14. youappi, advertiser_id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  15. generic, advertiser_name, -, Advertiser Name
  16. adroll, advertisible_eid, Advertisible EID, Advertisible EID
  17. generic, agency_beacon, -, Agency Beacon
  18. generic, akey, -, Akey
  19. generic, api_key, -, Api Key
  20. tapjoy_analytics, api_key, Analytics REST API Key, Analytics REST API Key
  21. karte, api_key, API KEY, API KEY
  22. iterable, api_key, API key, API key
  23. launchhub, api_secret, API Token, API Token
  24. radium_one_mobile_analytics, app_id, Application ID, Application ID
  25. localytics, app_id, Attribution ID, Attribution ID
  26. nanigans_twitter, app_id, Site ID, Site ID
  27. generic, app_id, -, App Id
  28. moengage, app_id, App ID, App ID
  29. adparlor, app_id, Partner ID, Partner ID
  30. nanigans, app_id, Site ID, Site ID
  31. tencent, app_id, App ID(iOS Store ID or Tencent 应用宝ID), App ID(iOS Store ID or Tencent 应用宝ID)
  32. spinapp, app_id, SPINAPP APP ID, SPINAPP APP ID
  33. generic, app_key, -, App Key
  34. pushwoosh, app_key, Application Code, Application Code
  35. moengage, app_password, Password, Password
  36. moengage, app_region, Region, Region
  37. generic, app_secret, -, App Secret
  38. generic, app_token, -, App Token
  39. generic, appreciate_yid, -, Appreciate Yid
  40. generic, auth_code, -, Auth Code
  41. generic, auth_key, -, Auth Key
  42. upsight, auth_token, Authorization Token, Authorization Token
  43. generic, auth_token, -, Auth Token
  44. socialcom, beacon, Beacon, Beacon
  45. generic, brand_id, -, Brand Id
  46. generic, bundle_id, -, Bundle Id
  47. generic, business_vertical, -, Business Vertical
  48. cognant, campaign_data_forwarding, Campaign Data Forwarding, Campaign Data Forwarding
  49. yahoo_display_network, cat_ids, Category ID, Category ID
  50. bidalgo, channel, Channel Name, Channel Name
  51. generic, cid, -, Cid
  52. generic, client_endpoint, -, Client Endpoint
  53. sensorsdata, client_endpoint, Client Endpoint, Client Endpoint
  54. generic, client_id, -, Client Id
  55. visual_iq, client_id, Client ID, Client ID
  56. widerplanet, client_id, Client Id, Client Id
  57. generic, client_key, -, Client Key
  58. generic, client_name, -, Client Name
  59. generic, client_pixel_id, -, Client Pixel Id
  60. generic, connection_id, -, Connection Id
  61. generic, connector_id, -, Connector Id
  62. generic, conversion_id, -, Conversion Id
  63. generic, customer_id, -, Customer Id
  64. adpure, customer_id, Customer ID, Customer ID
  65. pushwoosh, customer_key, Customer Key, Customer Key
  66. generic, customer_name, -, Customer Name
  67. generic, customer_token, -, Customer Token
  68. generic, database_name, -, Database Name
  69. generic, dataset_id, -, Dataset Id
  70. generic, db_id, -, Db Id
  71. devtodev, devtodev_app_id, API key, API key
  72. freakout_dynamic_ads, dmp_app_id, DMP App Id, DMP App Id
  73. freakout, dmp_app_id, DMP App Id, DMP App Id
  74. generic, domain, -, Domain
  75. spinapp, domain, Endpoint Domain, Endpoint Domain
  76. generic, enabled, -, Enabled
  77. generic, encrypt_key, -, Encrypt Key
  78. appboy, endpoint, Endpoint, Endpoint
  79. appboy, event_api_key, Event API Key, Event API Key
  80. generic, event_id, -, Id
  81. yahoo_gemini, event_pixel_id, Pixel ID, Pixel ID
  82. generic, event_tracker_id, -, Tracker Id
  83. generic, game_id, -, Game Id
  84. millennialmedia, goalid, Install Goal ID, Install Goal ID
  85. adbrain, id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  86. tapsense, id, Advertiser ID, Advertiser ID
  87. generic, id_site, -, Id Site
  88. double_click, install_activity_tag, Install Cat, Install Cat
  89. appboy, install_api_key, Install API Key, Install API Key
  90. zanox, install_cid, Install CID, Install CID
  91. generic, install_conversion, -, Install Conversion
  92. generic, install_conversion_target, -, Install Conversion Target
  93. generic, install_event_id, -, Install Event Id
  94. double_click, install_group_tag, Install Type, Install Type
  95. generic, install_id, -, Install Id
  96. generic, install_ids_set, -, Install Ids Set
  97. generic, install_key, -, Install Key
  98. yahoo_japan, install_labels, conversion label, conversion label
  99. generic, install_name, -, Install Name
  100. generic, install_pixel_id, -, Install Pixel Id
  101. generic, install_pixel_ids, -, Install Pixel Ids
  102. generic, install_product_category, -, Install Product Category
  103. generic, install_urls, -, Install Urls
  104. generic, integration_id, -, Integration Id
  105. generic, item_group_id, -, Item Group Id
  106. yahoo_display_network, item_ids, Item ID, Item ID
  107. mparticle, key, Token, Token
  108. omniata, key, API Key, API Key
  109. amplitude, key, API Key, API Key
  110. gameanalytics, key, Game Key, Game Key
  111. upsight, keys, API Keys, API Keys
  112. generic, label, -, Label
  113. affilinet, lead_type, Install Rate Num, Install Rate Num
  114. generic, link_id, -, Link Id
  115. google_marketing_platform, link_id, Link ID, Link ID
  116. generic, location, -, Location
  117. generic, main_genre, -, Main Genre
  118. generic, mobile_app_id, -, Mobile App Id
  119. cognant, mz_code, MZ code, MZ code
  120. generic, network_id, -, Network Id
  121. condant, organic_fb_disabled, Don't Send Facebook and Organic, Don't Send Facebook and Organic
  122. generic, organic_only, -, Organic Only
  123. generic, organization_name, -, Organization Name
  124. bypass, p_id, P-ID, P-ID
  125. generic, package_id, -, Package Id
  126. generic, page_url, -, Page Url
  127. generic, partner_hash, -, Partner Hash
  128. generic, partner_id, -, Partner Id
  129. generic, partner_signature, -, Partner Signature
  130. generic, password, -, Password
  131. generic, permitted_account_ids, -, Permitted Account Ids
  132. adroll, pixel_eid, Pixel EID, Pixel EID
  133. generic, pixel_id, -, Pixel Id
  134. generic, postback_id, -, Postback Id
  135. generic, postback_key, -, Postback Key
  136. generic, product_group_id, -, Product Group Id
  137. cognant, production_only, Production Endpoint Only, Production Endpoint Only
  138. generic, program_id, -, Program Id
  139. sensorsdata, project_name, Project Name, Project Name
  140. inmobi, property_id, GPM ID, GPM ID
  141. yahoo_display_network, pt, Page Type, Page Type
  142. double_click, reattribution_activity_tag, Reattribution Cat, Reattribution Cat
  143. double_click, reattribution_group_tag, Reattribution Type, Reattribution Type
  144. generic, reattribution_ids_set, -, Reattribution Ids Set
  145. affilinet, reattribution_lead_type, Reattribution Rate Num, Reattribution Rate Num
  146. generic, reattribution_pixel_id, -, Reattribution Pixel Id
  147. kayzen, reattributions_enabled, Send Reattributions, Send Reattributions
  148. generic, referrer, -, Referrer
  149. generic, region, -, Region
  150. generic, retargeting_code, -, Retargeting Code
  151. scaleout, retargeting_id, Retargeting ID, Retargeting ID
  152. generic, retargeting_parameter, -, Retargeting Parameter
  153. yahoo_display_network, retargetting_ids, Retargetting ID, Retargetting ID
  154. tenjin, revenue_cut, Disable Tenjin Store Revenue Cut, Disable Tenjin Store Revenue Cut
  155. roihunter, roihunter_id, ROI Hunter ID, ROI Hunter ID
  156. generic, said, -, Said
  157. generic, sdk_keys, -, Sdk Keys
  158. generic, secret_key, -, Secret Key
  159. generic, send_clicks, -, Send Clicks
  160. generic, send_reattributions, -, Send Reattributions
  161. double_click, session_activity_tag, Session Cat, Session Cat
  162. generic, session_conversion, -, Session Conversion
  163. generic, session_event_id, -, Session Event Id
  164. double_click, session_group_tag, Session Type, Session Type
  165. generic, session_ids_set, -, Session Ids Set
  166. generic, session_key, -, Session Key
  167. generic, session_pixel_id, -, Session Pixel Id
  168. generic, sign_key, -, Sign Key
  169. generic, site, -, Site
  170. generic, site_id, -, Site Id
  171. generic, source, -, Source
  172. cognant, staging_only, Staging Endpoint Only, Staging Endpoint Only
  173. generic, sub_genre_1, -, Sub Genre 1
  174. generic, sub_genre_2, -, Sub Genre 2
  175. generic, table_id, -, Table Id
  176. stadia, table_id, TableID, TableID
  177. generic, table_name, -, Table Name
  178. neustar, tag_id, Tag ID, Tag ID
  179. pinterest, tag_id, Tag ID, Tag ID
  180. atlas, tag_id, Universal Tag ID, Universal Tag ID
  181. tencent, tencent_credential_id, Tencent Credential, Tencent Credential
  182. generic, title_id, -, Title Id
  183. generic, token, -, Token
  184. spinapp, token, Security Token, Security Token
  185. actionx, token, Advertiser Token, Advertiser Token
  186. chartboost, token, App Signature, App Signature
  187. generic, tracker_id, -, Tracker Id
  188. condant, tracker_public_key, Public Key, Public Key
  189. smadex, tracking_group_id, Tracking Group ID, Tracking Group ID
  190. dcmn, tracking_id, Tracking ID, Tracking ID
  191. generic, tracking_id, -, Tracking Id
  192. generic, unifier_id, -, Unifier Id
  193. generic, user_id, -, User Id
  194. generic, user_key, -, User Key
  195. sensorsdata, user_profile, User Profile, User Profile
  196. generic, user_token, -, User Token
  197. generic, write_key, -, Write Key
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