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a guest
Oct 5th, 2016
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  1. # This file was generated by WPML
  2. # WPML is a WordPress plugin that can turn any WordPress or WordPressMU site into a full featured multilingual content management system.
  3. #
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  32. #: 'title_reply_after' => sprintf( '<span class="comments-count">%s <span class="new-icon-bubbles"></span></span> </h3> ' , intval( $comments_count['approved'] ) ),
  33. #: 'comment_notes_before'=> sprintf( '<p class="comment-notes"><span id="email-notes">%s</span> %s <span class="required">*</span></p>', __( 'O seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado.', 'imasters-theme' ), __( 'Campos obrigatórios são marcados com', 'imasters-theme' ) ),
  34. # wpml-name: 3ca11f2e9a5df20943650220c5a107d2
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  50. #: '<span class="name-comments">%s</span>
  51. #: <div class="comment-form-author"><input type="text" name="author" id="author" placeholder="%s"></div>',
  52. #: __( 'Comentando como ', 'imasters-theme' ) . '<strong> ' . ( is_user_logged_in() ? $current_user_info->display_name : __( 'Anônimo', 'imasters-theme' ) ) . '</strong>',
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  54. msgstr "Anônimo"
  55. msgid "Anonymous"
  57. #: return;
  58. #:
  59. #: $text = is_singular( IMasters_Manager_News::POST_TYPE ) ? __( 'Últimas notícias de ', 'imasters-theme' ) : __( 'Últimos artigos de ', 'imasters-theme' );
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  61. msgstr "Últimos artigos de "
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  64. #: return;
  65. #:
  66. #: $text = is_singular( IMasters_Manager_News::POST_TYPE ) ? __( 'Últimas notícias de ', 'imasters-theme' ) : __( 'Últimos artigos de ', 'imasters-theme' );
  67. # wpml-name: e4189e3562de418ce12e12827c0f103d
  68. msgstr "Últimas notícias de "
  69. msgid ""
  71. #: </a>
  72. #: </div>
  73. #: <span class="shared"><?php _e( 'Compartilhe!', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  74. # wpml-name: b20225b3242715a9e4215c439aed17b1
  75. msgstr "Compartilhe!"
  76. msgid "Share!"
  78. #: <span class="sep">
  79. #: <i class="count"><?php echo $author->get_shares_count(); ?></i>
  80. #: Shares
  81. # wpml-name: 1a62d99642071533bd778e9fffed5c4b
  82. msgstr "Saiba Mais"
  83. msgid "View more"
  85. #:
  86. #: <div class="meta-counters">
  87. #:
  88. # wpml-name: c62bdb0b5935ea294e58810131a15945
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  93. msgstr "Curtiu?"
  94. msgid ""
  96. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $author->site ); ?>" class="bio-icon-world">&nbsp;</a>
  97. #: <?php endif; ?>
  98. #: </span>
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  101. msgid ""
  103. #: 'email' => sprintf(
  104. #: '<div class="comment-form-email"><input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="%s"></div>',
  105. #: __( 'Qual é o seu e-mail?', 'imasters-theme' )
  106. # wpml-name: 381d6765f492ddf13dd4dd01ecae09c3
  107. msgstr "Qual é o seu e-mail?"
  108. msgid "What's your e-mail?"
  110. #: <div class="comment-form-author"><input type="text" name="author" id="author" placeholder="%s"></div>',
  111. #: __( 'Comentando como ', 'imasters-theme' ) . '<strong> ' . ( is_user_logged_in() ? $current_user_info->display_name : __( 'Anônimo', 'imasters-theme' ) ) . '</strong>',
  112. #: __( 'Qual é o seu nome?', 'imasters-theme' )
  113. # wpml-name: c7cac694010bdb3176f61dc9fd01a73a
  114. msgstr "Qual é o seu nome?"
  115. msgid "What's your name?"
  117. #: '<span class="name-comments">%s</span>
  118. #: <div class="comment-form-author"><input type="text" name="author" id="author" placeholder="%s"></div>',
  119. #: __( 'Comentando como ', 'imasters-theme' ) . '<strong> ' . ( is_user_logged_in() ? $current_user_info->display_name : __( 'Anônimo', 'imasters-theme' ) ) . '</strong>',
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  122. msgid "Commenting as"
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  129. msgid "Post comment"
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  132. #: array(
  133. #: 'title_reply' => __( 'Deixe um comentário!', 'imasters-theme' ),
  134. # wpml-name: db0bf340765c7c95cf9fc658b77bb224
  135. msgstr "Deixe um comentário!"
  136. msgid "Leave a comment!"
  138. #: <div class="like">
  139. #: <span class="count" data-element="text"><?php echo intval( $likes_model->likes ); ?></span>
  140. #: <i class="<?php echo intval( $likes_model->likes ) == 0 ? 'new-icon-heart' : 'new-icon-heart2'; ?>"></i>
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  148. # wpml-name: 613176192a4407d40ddc74b14972487b
  149. msgstr "Curtiu"
  150. msgid "Liked"
  152. #:
  153. #: <!-- <div class="ad-post">
  154. #: <div id='div-gpt-ad-1361751716353-0'>
  155. # wpml-name: 053c06429a2db90ce85cbf3975f39ba0
  156. msgstr "Acompanhe o iMasters em tempo real"
  157. msgid "Follow iMasters in real time"
  159. #: <span class="theme"><a href="<?php echo get_term_link( $term ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $term->name ); ?>"><?php echo $term->name; ?></a></span>
  160. #: <?php endif; ?>
  161. #: <span class="name-author"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( $author->author_url ); ?>"><?php echo __( 'Por ', 'imasters-theme' ) . strip_tags( get_the_author() ); ?></a></span>
  162. # wpml-name: ecf2339871a7548901c0c3139e4e3640
  163. msgstr "Por "
  164. msgid "By"
  166. #:
  167. #: if ( is_singular( IMasters_Manager_News::POST_TYPE ) ) :
  168. #: $title = __( 'Mais Lidas da Última Semana', 'imasters-theme' );
  169. # wpml-name: eee951b18808010c00dfe18cc41287e6
  170. msgstr "Mais Lidas da Última Semana"
  171. msgid "Most read from past week"
  173. #:
  174. #: $query = IMasters_Manager_Posts_Controller::get_query_most_viewed( 7, $args );
  175. #: $title = __( 'Mais Lidos da Última Semana', 'imasters-theme' );
  176. # wpml-name: 53755a8e0129c90a8a62165697bd1c3a
  177. msgstr "Mais Lidos da Última Semana"
  178. msgid "Most read from past week"
  180. #: <?php
  181. #: echo esc_html( $query_recents_tools->post_count );
  182. #: echo esc_html( _n( ' ferramenta recente', ' ferramentas recentes', $query_recents_tools->post_count, 'imasters-theme' ) ); ?>
  183. # wpml-name: a79903ebd4af1d84fbefd0001c5fb560
  184. msgstr " ferramentas recentes"
  185. msgid "recent tools"
  187. #: <?php
  188. #: echo esc_html( $query_recents_tools->post_count );
  189. #: echo esc_html( _n( ' ferramenta recente', ' ferramentas recentes', $query_recents_tools->post_count, 'imasters-theme' ) ); ?>
  190. # wpml-name: a7bb411067224e9f7d9e86839aa68b28
  191. msgstr " ferramenta recente"
  192. msgid "recent tool"
  194. #: ?>
  195. #: <div class="widget widget-last-published widget-recents-tools">
  196. #: <h5 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Todas as ferramentas de', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> <?php echo esc_attr( $term->name ); ?></h5>
  197. # wpml-name: 25a15dbfd846c8010f89ac2091dc5634
  198. msgstr "Todas as ferramentas de"
  199. msgid "All tools of"
  201. #:
  202. #: printf(
  203. #: _n( '%1$d vaga foi publicada nos últimos 30 dias.',
  204. # wpml-name: e21fb1f94274056214c292868601cb4c
  205. msgstr "%1$d vagas foram publicadas nos últimos 30 dias."
  206. msgid "%1$d job offers published in the last 30 days."
  208. #:
  209. #: printf(
  210. #: _n( '%1$d vaga foi publicada nos últimos 30 dias.',
  211. # wpml-name: 36a34ce80bc55b1bb6cb353d993e14f4
  212. msgstr "%1$d vaga foi publicada nos últimos 30 dias."
  213. msgid "%1$d job offer published in the last 30 days."
  215. #: ?>
  216. #: <div class="list-jobs-empty">
  217. #: <?php _e( 'Não encontramos vagas cadastradas de acordo com a sua busca. Continue procurando através do filtro ao lado.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  218. # wpml-name: 9b49451a412317d0f48396cb54f62401
  219. msgstr "Não encontramos vagas cadastradas de acordo com a sua busca. Continue procurando através do filtro ao lado."
  220. msgid "We didn't find any offer that match your query. Keep searching using the filters on the side."
  222. #:
  223. #: <?php if ( have_posts() ): ?>
  224. #: <p class="info-page"><?php _e( 'Últimas vagas cadastradas', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  225. # wpml-name: fae8c8b2e857a889e9f5138cf4a1daa6
  226. msgstr "Últimas vagas cadastradas"
  227. msgid "Last job offers added"
  229. # wpml-name: 07348bbe69515c1863c17d81b68fa6fe
  230. msgstr "%1$s comentários em &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
  231. msgid "%1$s comments in “%2$s”"
  233. # wpml-name: 99756abf280c25dd038903aec7e0ab12
  234. msgstr "1 comentário em &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
  235. msgid "1 comment in “%2$s”"
  237. # wpml-name: 1e884e3078d9978e216a027ecd57fb34
  238. msgstr "E-mail"
  239. msgid "E-mail"
  241. # wpml-name: c0289e98897ab58f231c168b19a67b2e
  242. msgstr "Nome"
  243. msgid "Name"
  245. #: $current_user_info->get_avatar( 42 ),
  246. #: ( is_user_logged_in() ) ? '<span class="author-logged">' . __( 'Comentando como ', 'imasters-theme' ) . ' <strong>' . $current_user_info->display_name . '</strong></span>' : '',
  247. #: __( 'Participe da discussão, lembre-se de ser respeitoso e construtivo :)', 'imasters-theme' )
  248. # wpml-name: b07181c22ebaa7ef008fb0604cddc3ab
  249. msgstr "Participe da discussão, lembre-se de ser respeitoso e construtivo :)"
  250. msgid "Be part of the debate. Remember to be polite :) "
  252. # wpml-name: 606ddd3b663c279158b49dc01e546f0b
  253. msgstr "enviar"
  254. msgid "send"
  256. # wpml-name: ef37adef930a08518e8887043045f377
  257. msgstr "Dê Sua Opinião"
  258. msgid "Give your opinion"
  260. #: <?php
  261. #: $total_categories = IMasters_Manager_Posts_Controller::get_count_categories_writed_by_authors( $author->ID );
  262. #: printf( _n( 'Escreve em %d seção', 'Escreve em %d seções', $total_categories, 'imasters-theme' ), $total_categories );
  263. # wpml-name: a2df9eec1f917282de302ea4fd47f5f3
  264. msgstr "Escreve em %d seções"
  265. msgid "Writes in %d categories"
  267. #: <?php
  268. #: $total_categories = IMasters_Manager_Posts_Controller::get_count_categories_writed_by_authors( $author->ID );
  269. #: printf( _n( 'Escreve em %d seção', 'Escreve em %d seções', $total_categories, 'imasters-theme' ), $total_categories );
  270. # wpml-name: 4b6b462a17c325cce24bae58bd6fdcca
  271. msgstr "Escreve em %d seção"
  272. msgid "Writes in %d categories"
  274. #: <?php
  275. #: $author_posts = get_the_author_posts();
  276. #: printf( _n( ' %d artigo publicado', ' %d artigos publicados', $author_posts, 'imasters-theme' ), $author_posts );
  277. # wpml-name: f13930515727dcd3ef380ff3160454ee
  278. msgstr " %d artigos publicados"
  279. msgid " %d articles published"
  281. #: <?php
  282. #: $author_posts = get_the_author_posts();
  283. #: printf( _n( ' %d artigo publicado', ' %d artigos publicados', $author_posts, 'imasters-theme' ), $author_posts );
  284. # wpml-name: 3db0ccb453473dd3923d31422647ab2f
  285. msgstr " %d artigo publicado"
  286. msgid " %d article published"
  288. #:
  289. #: <div class="description">
  290. #: <span class="cat-name"><?php _e( 'Perfil', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  291. # wpml-name: 326ffa2886c30eac51d2b3f126866732
  292. msgstr "Perfil"
  293. msgid "Profile"
  295. #: ?>
  296. #: </span>
  297. #: <span class="icon-calendar"><?php echo __( 'No iMasters desde ', 'imasters-theme' ) . intval( $author->get_first_date() ); ?></span>
  298. # wpml-name: ea9434f87659a9b4d55c00a931e1fc44
  299. msgstr "No iMasters desde "
  300. msgid "On iMasters since"
  302. #: <div class="container">
  303. #: <section class="statistics">
  304. #: <span class="icon-about"><?php echo __( 'Sobre ', 'imasters-theme' ) . esc_html( $author->display_name ); ?>:</span>
  305. # wpml-name: 20893cbdcd5a69be421b643960dd6d04
  306. msgstr "Sobre "
  307. msgid "About"
  309. #: wp_reset_postdata();
  310. #: else :
  311. #: printf( '<h6>%s</h6>', __( 'Em breve serão divulgadas as datas dos próximos webinars.', 'imasters-theme' ) );
  312. # wpml-name: 7fe8f5cca764db3aa10e558567650346
  313. msgstr "Em breve serão divulgadas as datas dos próximos webinars."
  314. msgid "The dates of future webinars will be available soon."
  316. #:
  317. #: <aside id="sidebar" class="col3 webinar-sidebar">
  318. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php echo ( $term == 'formacoes' ) ? __( 'Próximas Formações', 'imasters-theme' ) : __( 'Próximos ', 'imasters-theme' ) . esc_attr( $term ); ?></h4>
  319. # wpml-name: 2777cd45dd696e6d1e7285666c9937b7
  320. msgstr "Próximos "
  321. msgid "Next"
  323. #:
  324. #: <aside id="sidebar" class="col3 webinar-sidebar">
  325. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php echo ( $term == 'formacoes' ) ? __( 'Próximas Formações', 'imasters-theme' ) : __( 'Próximos ', 'imasters-theme' ) . esc_attr( $term ); ?></h4>
  326. # wpml-name: aac3c33c697bc38c162ec31f29b6f3a6
  327. msgstr "Próximas Formações"
  328. msgid "Next courses"
  330. #:
  331. #: <?php if ( ! is_null( $model_company ) AND ! $model_job->is_expired() ) : ?>
  332. #: <a href="#candidate-jobs" title="<?php _e( 'candidate-se agora', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>" class="btn fancybox-inline"><?php _e( 'candidate-se agora', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  333. # wpml-name: 74097f3a666560bba5cbe130aaada06a
  334. msgstr "candidate-se agora"
  335. msgid "Apply now"
  337. #: </div>
  338. #:
  339. #: <h3 class="accordion-header"><?php _e( 'Benefícios', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  340. # wpml-name: c6e2cabfebac86c0831a5f144c35eac5
  341. msgstr "Benefícios"
  342. msgid "Advantages"
  344. #: </div>
  345. #:
  346. #: <h3 class="accordion-header"><?php _e( 'Requisitos da Vaga', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  347. # wpml-name: 5dbcd66358f1e405c02e77889357df78
  348. msgstr "Requisitos da Vaga"
  349. msgid "Job requirements"
  351. #:
  352. #: <div id="accordion">
  353. #: <h3 class="accordion-header"><?php _e( 'Descrição da Vaga', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  354. # wpml-name: 7fe7898e46a1e564e9f713cad6f714e2
  355. msgstr "Descrição da Vaga"
  356. msgid "Job Description"
  358. #:
  359. #: <?php if ( $model_job->is_expired() ): ?>
  360. #: <div class="job-alert"><?php _e( 'Esta vaga já está expirada. Use o filtro ao lado e busque por novas vagas.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></div>
  361. # wpml-name: 65af837f2e9da6f14b881b1f9971ab7b
  362. msgstr "Esta vaga já está expirada. Use o filtro ao lado e busque por novas vagas."
  363. msgid "This job position has expired. Use the filters to search for new opportunities."
  365. #: <?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/template-part', 'breadcrumbs' ); ?>
  366. #:
  367. #: <h1 class="title-page"><?php _e( 'Vagas iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> <a href="<?php echo home_url( '/cadastro-de-vagas/' ); ?>" title="Enviar vaga" class="btn"><?php _e( 'Enviar vaga', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></h1>
  368. # wpml-name: 8bb45e33b7fa7d10cdf24031cb5586b4
  369. msgstr "Vagas iMasters"
  370. msgid "iMasters Jobs"
  372. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $reference_links ) ) : ?>
  373. #: <div class="section-links">
  374. #: <h3 class="title-section"><?php _e( 'Links de referência', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  375. # wpml-name: 1feed5b8f91528cb729a880d8999f8d5
  376. msgstr "Links de referência"
  377. msgid "Reference links"
  379. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $videos ) ) : ?>
  380. #: <div class="section-movie">
  381. #: <h3 class="title-section"><?php _e( 'Vídeos de implementação', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  382. # wpml-name: 48149d98502e45a170fc7b290d4fe5f4
  383. msgstr "Vídeos de implementação"
  384. msgid "Implementation videos"
  386. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $opinion ) ) : ?>
  387. #: <div class="single-box-our-opinion-text">
  388. #: <h3 class="title-section"><?php _e( 'Nossa Opinião', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  389. # wpml-name: 6800d7217400ccf97b596026a53afb3b
  390. msgstr "Nossa Opinião"
  391. msgid "Our Opinion"
  393. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $contributor->author_url ); ?>" class="name" itemprop="author"><?php echo esc_html( $contributor->display_name ); ?></a>
  394. #: <?php if ( $contributor->email != '' ) : ?>
  395. #: <a href="mailto:<?php echo esc_attr( $contributor->email ); ?>" class="email"><?php _e( 'Enviar email', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  396. # wpml-name: a8aa1112a11d20926bf1955c767c61f0
  397. msgstr "Enviar email"
  398. msgid "Send e-mail"
  400. #: </div>
  401. #: <div class="informations">
  402. #: <h4 class="title"><?php _e( 'Ferramenta indicada por:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  403. # wpml-name: 97517a5113ed34850ffdfe20c3bd7838
  404. msgstr "Ferramenta indicada por:"
  405. msgid "Tool suggested by:"
  407. #: <input type="search" id="input-search" name="s"
  408. #: placeholder="<?php echo __( 'Busque em mais de ', 'imasters-theme' ) . intval( $count_posts->publish ) . __( ' artigos do iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  409. #: <input type="submit" value="<?php _e( 'Buscar', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  410. # wpml-name: 113f74280bedb6175d4537bb4270b63c
  411. msgstr "Buscar"
  412. msgid "Search"
  414. #: <form action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">
  415. #: <input type="search" id="input-search" name="s"
  416. #: placeholder="<?php echo __( 'Busque em mais de ', 'imasters-theme' ) . intval( $count_posts->publish ) . __( ' artigos do iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  417. # wpml-name: 2f35e5d65d8f1b4ee790a038feaee6b8
  418. msgstr " artigos do iMasters"
  419. msgid "iMasters articles"
  421. #: <form action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>">
  422. #: <input type="search" id="input-search" name="s"
  423. #: placeholder="<?php echo __( 'Busque em mais de ', 'imasters-theme' ) . intval( $count_posts->publish ) . __( ' artigos do iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  424. # wpml-name: ed61447c9c8df0eada078e2d80754451
  425. msgstr "Busque em mais de "
  426. msgid "Search for more"
  428. #:
  429. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $year ) || ! empty( $month ) || ! empty( $cpt ) || ! empty( $category ) ) : ?>
  430. #: <h6 class="title"><?php _e( 'Filtrando por:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h6>
  431. # wpml-name: b091b770fcd1c25f90db638bc86462d7
  432. msgstr "Filtrando por:"
  433. msgid "Filtering by:"
  435. #: <form action="<?php echo $apiki_wp_theme->site_url; ?>">
  436. #: <input type="text" name="s" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Realize uma nova busca', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  437. #: <input type="submit" value="<?php _e( 'Busca', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  438. # wpml-name: d03a30f3d617a175f5a8624ebe7f5b9f
  439. msgstr "Busca"
  440. msgid "Search"
  442. #:
  443. #: <form action="<?php echo $apiki_wp_theme->site_url; ?>">
  444. #: <input type="text" name="s" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Realize uma nova busca', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  445. # wpml-name: db645b098369e2ef1c5ca56457011e9b
  446. msgstr "Realize uma nova busca"
  447. msgid "Make a new search"
  449. #: ?>
  450. #: <a href="<?php echo remove_query_arg( array( '_cat' ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Remover filtro', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  451. #: <?php echo __( 'Seção ', 'imasters-theme' ) . esc_html( $cat_name ); ?></a>
  452. # wpml-name: 1c2abf5a140494f245bb3edf8197a03a
  453. msgstr "Seção "
  454. msgid "Category"
  456. #: ?>
  457. #: <a href="<?php echo remove_query_arg( array( '_cpt' ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Remover filtro', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  458. #: <?php echo __( 'Conteúdo ', 'imasters-theme' ) . esc_html( $post_name ); ?>
  459. # wpml-name: 1843361d52aef07a11f2a29906e8328e
  460. msgstr "Conteúdo "
  461. msgid "Content"
  463. #: <li><a id="open-cat-menu" href="#cat-menu" title="<?php _e( 'Categorias', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"></a></li>
  464. #: <li><a id="open-redacao" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/noticias' ) ); ?> " title="<?php _e( 'Redação', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"></a></li>
  465. #: <li><a id="open-realtime" href="#" title="<?php _e( 'Tempo Real', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"></a></li>
  466. # wpml-name: 563105d410227e578ea9f3aa24aac545
  467. msgstr "Tempo Real"
  468. msgid "Real Time"
  470. #: <li><a id="open-home" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url() ); ?>" title="Home"></a></li>
  471. #: <li><a id="open-cat-menu" href="#cat-menu" title="<?php _e( 'Categorias', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"></a></li>
  472. #: <li><a id="open-redacao" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/noticias' ) ); ?> " title="<?php _e( 'Redação', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"></a></li>
  473. # wpml-name: 3046ba50034035471c1273026f4a4219
  474. msgstr "Redação"
  475. msgid "Newsroom"
  477. #:
  478. #: <?php if ( is_single() and ( get_post_type() == Apiki_WP_Suppliers_Post::POST_TYPE ) ): ?>
  479. #: <h3 class="feedback-count"><?php printf( _n( '1 Feedback sobre o fornecedor', '%d Feedbacks sobre o fornecedor', get_comments_number(), 'imasters-theme' ), get_comments_number() ); ?></h3>
  480. # wpml-name: fac72fe5bccd08ba742748f254c905f4
  481. msgstr "%d Feedbacks sobre o fornecedor"
  482. msgid "%d Feedbacks about the supplier"
  484. #:
  485. #: <?php if ( is_single() and ( get_post_type() == Apiki_WP_Suppliers_Post::POST_TYPE ) ): ?>
  486. #: <h3 class="feedback-count"><?php printf( _n( '1 Feedback sobre o fornecedor', '%d Feedbacks sobre o fornecedor', get_comments_number(), 'imasters-theme' ), get_comments_number() ); ?></h3>
  487. # wpml-name: e327ee0a11f2da99cefec40c6434d75d
  488. msgstr "1 Feedback sobre o fornecedor"
  489. msgid "1 Feedback about the supplier"
  491. #: 'email' => sprintf(
  492. #: '<div class="comment-form-email"><input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="%s"></div>',
  493. #: __( 'E-MAIL', 'imasters-theme' )
  494. # wpml-name: 6d4c0b3a2648ea39cca32db8372dbc9c
  495. msgstr "E-MAIL"
  496. msgid "E-MAIL"
  498. #: 'author' => sprintf(
  499. #: '<div class="comment-form-author"><input type="text" name="author" id="author" placeholder="%s"></div>',
  500. #: __( 'NOME', 'imasters-theme' )
  501. # wpml-name: 863dcc4725f180fe9666479fc176c294
  502. msgstr "NOME"
  503. msgid "NAME"
  505. #: 'comment_field' => sprintf(
  506. #: '<div class="comment-form-comment"><textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="30" rows="10" placeholder="%s"></textarea></div>',
  507. #: __( 'MENSAGEM', 'imasters-theme' )
  508. # wpml-name: 60fa698b02f778b8f28748f56ac49bc0
  509. msgstr "MENSAGEM"
  510. msgid "MESSAGE"
  512. #: 'comment_notes_after' => '',
  513. #: 'comment_notes_before' => '',
  514. #: 'label_submit' => __( 'Enviar', 'imasters-theme' ),
  515. # wpml-name: 30cc00aea30ec70b7c1292b6458181c0
  516. msgstr "Enviar"
  517. msgid "Send"
  519. #: comment_form(
  520. #: array(
  521. #: 'title_reply' => __( 'Dê seu feedback', 'imasters-theme' ),
  522. # wpml-name: db8bf00257c291060264f6027d657b4d
  523. msgstr "Dê seu feedback"
  524. msgid "Give feedback"
  526. #: <h4 class="name"><?php comment_author( $feedback->comment_ID ); ?></h4>
  527. #: <?php comment_text( $feedback->comment_ID ); ?>
  528. #: <time><?php echo esc_attr( human_time_diff( mysql2date( 'G', $feedback->comment_date ), date_i18n( 'U' ) ) ) . __( 'atrás', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></time>
  529. # wpml-name: db00e60d5ae09616cbcd2aff799ead50
  530. msgstr "atrás"
  531. msgid "back"
  533. #: </script>
  534. #: <?php else: ?>
  535. #: <div id="r7banner-internal"></div>
  536. # wpml-name: 365653329083f4b458cb2cbca7876cdf
  537. msgstr "leia mais"
  538. msgid "read more"
  540. # wpml-name: a3bd2b7139f11d53c32204a1346bf024
  541. msgstr "Compartilhar"
  542. msgid "Share"
  544. # wpml-name: 0e8324225e67c749dc9163c9a11b202c
  545. msgstr "Compartilhar no WhatsApp"
  546. msgid "Share on WhatsApp"
  548. # wpml-name: 0006fe1b80cee4b6f06937963b10e117
  549. msgstr "Compartilhe:"
  550. msgid "Share it:"
  552. #: $count_categories = wp_count_terms( IMasters_Manager_Multimedia::TAXONOMY_NAME );
  553. #: echo $count_categories;
  554. #: echo _n( ' edição diferente', ' edições diferentes', $count_categories, 'imasters-theme' );
  555. # wpml-name: 3e3da3242be654b61251aac23868c4e6
  556. msgstr " edições diferentes"
  557. msgid "other editions"
  559. #: $count_categories = wp_count_terms( IMasters_Manager_Multimedia::TAXONOMY_NAME );
  560. #: echo $count_categories;
  561. #: echo _n( ' edição diferente', ' edições diferentes', $count_categories, 'imasters-theme' );
  562. # wpml-name: 1019b5fb9b5dc0f84c929b49b2f90b64
  563. msgstr " edição diferente"
  564. msgid "other edition"
  566. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  567. #: <!-- <li><a href="#" title="Item">Mais visualizados</a></li> -->
  568. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'comment_count' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais comentados', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais comentados', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  569. # wpml-name: 3de03bca33b993c4e116eaab8a3b9da0
  570. msgstr "Mais comentados"
  571. msgid "Most commented"
  573. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  574. #: <!-- <li><a href="#" title="Item">Mais visualizados</a></li> -->
  575. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'comment_count' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais comentados', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais comentados', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  576. # wpml-name: 1f903c2468a4766139715e0c8bb0287c
  577. msgstr "Ordene pelos mais comentados"
  578. msgid "Order by most commented"
  580. #: <ul>
  581. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  582. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  583. # wpml-name: adce75d6cae06da7c309d6b0068257df
  584. msgstr "Mais antigos"
  585. msgid "Oldest"
  587. #: <ul>
  588. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  589. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais antigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  590. # wpml-name: 609c712e39337e54521ef232c4e456ca
  591. msgstr "Ordene pelos mais antigos"
  592. msgid "Order by the oldest"
  594. #: <nav class="navigation-media">
  595. #: <ul>
  596. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  597. # wpml-name: b6c13ac57999bbbd1828b6c9dcc77509
  598. msgstr "Mais recentes"
  599. msgid "More recent"
  601. #: <nav class="navigation-media">
  602. #: <ul>
  603. #: <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Ordene pelos mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Mais recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  604. # wpml-name: c692e517754d8ed68372720adffcf816
  605. msgstr "Ordene pelos mais recentes"
  606. msgid "Order by more recent"
  608. #:
  609. #: <section class="statistics">
  610. #: <span class="icon-about"><?php _e( 'Sobre a seção ', 'imasters-theme' ); ?><em><?php single_term_title(); ?></em>:</span>
  611. # wpml-name: 986d5e4a48267a4390160f45c56cb516
  612. msgstr "Sobre a seção "
  613. msgid "About the category"
  615. #:
  616. #: <div class="social-sidebar">
  617. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php _e( 'Compartilhe', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  618. # wpml-name: e27d99314d444fef91df5be15ab8d351
  619. msgstr "Compartilhe"
  620. msgid "Share"
  622. #:
  623. #: <?php if ( '' != $course->address ) : ?>
  624. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php _e( 'Local', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  625. # wpml-name: 509820290d57f333403f490dde7316f4
  626. msgstr "Local"
  627. msgid "Venue"
  629. #:
  630. #: <?php if ( '' != $course->target ) : ?>
  631. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php _e( 'Público Alvo', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  632. # wpml-name: 4dfe5d27b6d0953e65c6f6afbb772c7b
  633. msgstr "Público Alvo"
  634. msgid "Audience"
  636. #:
  637. #: <?php if ( $status != IMasters_Manager_Course::POST_META_APPLY_STATUS_MOVIE ) : ?>
  638. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php _e( 'Inscrições', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  639. # wpml-name: fb7c371b09c5aa01bbf3d42e30dbd23f
  640. msgstr "Inscrições"
  641. msgid "Registrations"
  643. #: if ( $course_date_end > $current_date ) :
  644. #: ?>
  645. #: <h4 class="title-sidebar-event"><?php _e( 'Data e hora', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  646. # wpml-name: 3ddd12dec722629cea59656c6bd4d76b
  647. msgstr "Data e hora"
  648. msgid "Date and time"
  650. #: <?php if ( '' != $course->program_content ) : ?>
  651. #: <div class="box-single-webinar post">
  652. #: <h4 class="title-program"><?php _e( 'Conteúdo Programático', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  653. # wpml-name: 5383465929f9a66db6bc5df9a786ab8b
  654. msgstr "Conteúdo Programático"
  655. msgid "Program content"
  657. #: 'workshops' => __( 'Assista ao Workshop', 'imasters-theme' )
  658. #: );
  659. #: printf( '<a data-fancybox="video" href="%s" class="btn">%s</a>', esc_url( $video_url ), ( isset( $defines[ $term_slug ] ) ) ? $defines[ $term_slug ] : __( 'Assista', 'imasters-theme' ) );
  660. # wpml-name: 353cce7039043fd104fe0313536d8fcf
  661. msgstr "Assista"
  662. msgid "Watch"
  664. #: 'formacoes' => __( 'Assista à Formação', 'imasters-theme' ),
  665. #: 'webinars' => __( 'Assista ao Webinar', 'imasters-theme' ),
  666. #: 'workshops' => __( 'Assista ao Workshop', 'imasters-theme' )
  667. # wpml-name: 154102c0acc9e3e5e8bdad5900d9a59d
  668. msgstr "Assista ao Workshop"
  669. msgid "Watch the Workshop"
  671. #: $defines = array(
  672. #: 'formacoes' => __( 'Assista à Formação', 'imasters-theme' ),
  673. #: 'webinars' => __( 'Assista ao Webinar', 'imasters-theme' ),
  674. # wpml-name: e4b62db5523d63d5f9d727d043cc38c9
  675. msgstr "Assista ao Webinar"
  676. msgid "Watch the Webinar"
  678. #:
  679. #: $defines = array(
  680. #: 'formacoes' => __( 'Assista à Formação', 'imasters-theme' ),
  681. # wpml-name: be614975663868788e2ea66d527089c2
  682. msgstr "Assista à Formação"
  683. msgid "Watch the training"
  685. #:
  686. #: if ( ! empty( $apply_url ) ) :
  687. #: printf( '<a data-fancybox="link" href="%s" class="btn">%s</a>', esc_url( $apply_url ), __( 'Faça sua inscrição', 'imasters-theme' ) );
  688. # wpml-name: f6a93765684de4e19a7023eeb0be707f
  689. msgstr "Faça sua inscrição"
  690. msgid "Register"
  692. #:
  693. #: case IMasters_Manager_Course::POST_META_APPLY_STATUS_CLOSED :
  694. #: printf( '<p>%s</p>', __( 'As inscrições estão encerradas.', 'imasters-theme' ) );
  695. # wpml-name: d4989e59fde1dd3c7b8ad6c822d516e2
  696. msgstr "As inscrições estão encerradas."
  697. msgid "Registrations are closed"
  699. #: );
  700. #:
  701. #: $event_type = ( isset( $categories[$term_slug] ) ) ? $categories[$term_slug] : __( 'O curso', 'imasters-theme' );
  702. # wpml-name: 9298575e5d1c13727c0e356a9c8fbb67
  703. msgstr "O curso"
  704. msgid "The course"
  706. #: 'webinars' => __( 'O webinar, ao vivo', 'imasters-theme' ),
  707. #: 'formacoes' => __( 'A formação, presencial', 'imasters-theme' ),
  708. #: 'workshops' => __( 'O workshop, presencial', 'imasters-theme' )
  709. # wpml-name: a295cf66adbf3e3bbd8a36eaf1e471db
  710. msgstr "O workshop, presencial"
  711. msgid "The workshop, on site"
  713. #: $categories = array(
  714. #: 'webinars' => __( 'O webinar, ao vivo', 'imasters-theme' ),
  715. #: 'formacoes' => __( 'A formação, presencial', 'imasters-theme' ),
  716. # wpml-name: 9361bfc5256490eec96546a00129fb65
  717. msgstr "A formação, presencial"
  718. msgid "The training, on site"
  720. #:
  721. #: $categories = array(
  722. #: 'webinars' => __( 'O webinar, ao vivo', 'imasters-theme' ),
  723. # wpml-name: 9f05980afaa84d8ae19163bb23680282
  724. msgstr "O webinar, ao vivo"
  725. msgid "The webinar, live"
  727. #: </li>
  728. #: <li>
  729. #: <?php _e( 'Atente-se à data do deadline. A vaga estará disponível até a data determinada.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  730. # wpml-name: 2ea7c17df5df66b76846a520b3371732
  731. msgstr "Atente-se à data do deadline. A vaga estará disponível até a data determinada."
  732. msgid "Beware of the deadline. The position will be available until the specified date."
  734. #: </li>
  735. #: <li>
  736. #: <?php _e( 'Em requisitos, detalhe bem os conhecimentos, assim podemos filtrar melhor os candidatos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  737. # wpml-name: 6da510ec511db8d8db3be882b132561c
  738. msgstr "Em requisitos, detalhe bem os conhecimentos, assim podemos filtrar melhor os candidatos"
  739. msgid "In requirements, be detalist, so we can filter well the candidates. "
  741. #: <ul>
  742. #: <li>
  743. #: <?php _e( 'Em descrição da vaga, fale um pouco das tarefas que o profissional deverá exercer na empresa', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  744. # wpml-name: 31f40ad1511599045413a4c5bd7cc851
  745. msgstr "Em descrição da vaga, fale um pouco das tarefas que o profissional deverá exercer na empresa"
  746. msgid "In job description, talk about the tasks that the professional will have to do"
  748. #: <div class="widget widget_tips">
  749. #: <div class="form-jobs">
  750. #: <h3 class="title"><?php _e( 'ALGUMAS ORIENTAÇÕES', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  751. # wpml-name: 10c8e5dc81ff858a00482273ac7fa505
  753. msgid "SOME ORIENTATIONS"
  755. #: </div><!-- webinars-list -->
  756. #:
  757. #: <h2 class="sub-title"><?php _e( 'Workshops já realizados', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h2>
  758. # wpml-name: 9422ac2b5b4a346f531f82300dba0100
  759. msgstr "Workshops já realizados"
  760. msgid "Previous workshops"
  762. #: </div>
  763. #:
  764. #: <h2 class="sub-title"><?php _e( 'Próximos Workshops', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h2>
  765. # wpml-name: 38ae66b31289504a3446ba676d552ded
  766. msgstr "Próximos Workshops"
  767. msgid "Upcoming Workshops"
  769. #: <?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/template-part', 'breadcrumbs' ); ?>
  770. #:
  771. #: <h1 class="title-page"><?php _e( 'Vagas iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> <a href="<?php echo home_url( '/cadastro-de-vagas/' ); ?>" title="Enviar vaga" class="btn"><?php _e( 'Enviar vaga', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></h1>
  772. # wpml-name: 19437a941e026e3f89bdeed5a56bb1b3
  773. msgstr "Enviar vaga"
  774. msgid "Send position"
  776. #:
  777. #: <div class="info">
  778. #: <p><?php _e( 'Inscreva sua vaga gratuitamente no nosso banco de vagas agora mesmo.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  779. # wpml-name: eb61ca312a60c319273e95f426f5d7bc
  780. msgstr "Inscreva sua vaga gratuitamente no nosso banco de vagas agora mesmo."
  781. msgid "Have your job offer in our database right now."
  783. #: <div class="send-job">
  784. #: <h3 class="title">
  785. #: <?php _e( 'Está em busca ', 'imasters-theme' ); ?><strong><?php _e( 'de um profissional?', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></strong>
  786. # wpml-name: 5aae6dc2e9e7bce3a9fa896da80ac75e
  787. msgstr "de um profissional?"
  788. msgid "a professional?"
  790. #: <div class="send-job">
  791. #: <h3 class="title">
  792. #: <?php _e( 'Está em busca ', 'imasters-theme' ); ?><strong><?php _e( 'de um profissional?', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></strong>
  793. # wpml-name: 8827630d1ca893ee41e853387df8a9c0
  794. msgstr "Está em busca "
  795. msgid "Are you looking for"
  797. #: <div class="widget">
  798. #: <div class="form-jobs">
  799. #: <h3 class="title"><?php _e( 'Filtro de Busca', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  800. # wpml-name: 9dd9bc39bb21286424f340d62c78eb6b
  801. msgstr "Filtro de Busca"
  802. msgid "Search filter"
  804. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $full_address ) ) :?>
  805. #: <address>
  806. #: <span><?php _e( 'Endereço:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  807. # wpml-name: 56b2ea08588af26bf8182121a24ce0d3
  808. msgstr "Endereço:"
  809. msgid "Address"
  811. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $portfolio ) ) :?>
  812. #: <div class="customers box">
  813. #: <h3 class="title-content"><?php _e( 'Clientes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  814. # wpml-name: a374d1e71547c65d874d94e11574c4b7
  815. msgstr "Clientes"
  816. msgid "Clients"
  818. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $content ) ) :?>
  819. #: <div class="about box">
  820. #: <h3 class="title-content"><?php _e( 'Sobre', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  821. # wpml-name: 627001bef69409088d0a84255603c2f9
  822. msgstr "Sobre"
  823. msgid "About"
  825. #: <ul>
  826. #: <li>
  827. #: <?php _e( 'Redes Sociais', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  828. # wpml-name: 44cc2204230d2fd45e18b039ee8c07a6
  829. msgstr "Redes Sociais"
  830. msgid "Social networks"
  832. #: <h1 class="title-page">
  833. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_post_type_archive_link( Apiki_WP_Suppliers_Post::POST_TYPE ) ); ?>">
  834. #: <?php _e( 'Catálogo de Fornecedores', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  835. # wpml-name: 5e21b9dca076333c62f4b94e285ed09b
  836. msgstr "Catálogo de Fornecedores"
  837. msgid "Suppliers List"
  839. #: else :
  840. #: ?>
  841. #: <p class="empty-list"><?php _e( 'Nenhum fornecedor foi encontrado!', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  842. # wpml-name: 3dbcf25901a2a1f21b1a8afdf3dd0668
  843. msgstr "Nenhum fornecedor foi encontrado!"
  844. msgid "No supplier found!"
  846. #: <div class="wrap-title">
  847. #: <h1 class="title-page">
  848. #: <?php _e( 'Fornecedores de TI', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  849. # wpml-name: 81797d64e8ad11f7dee17ed9d4e71d26
  850. msgstr "Fornecedores de TI"
  851. msgid "IT Supplier"
  853. # wpml-name: 6e1f3a4d85d1798cdf08b3eaf61f2541
  854. msgstr "TOP 5 da última semana:"
  855. msgid "Last week's top 5: "
  857. #: <h3 class="im-title gray">
  858. #: <span class="circle"><span class="icon cube"></span></span>
  859. #: <?php _e( 'Atividades no Facebook', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  860. # wpml-name: 394dbfd8523c6438da02c55deb72474e
  861. msgstr "Atividades no Facebook"
  862. msgid "Facebook activities"
  864. #: <h3 class="im-title dark-blue">
  865. #: <span class="circle"><span class="icon time"></span></span>
  866. #: <?php _e( 'Atividade recente', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  867. # wpml-name: 402a4901f2d7b3f78d376636eb9f2203
  868. msgstr "Atividade recente"
  869. msgid "Recent activity"
  871. #:
  872. #: <div class="im-rich-content">
  873. #: <p><?php _e( 'Se você deseja excluir sua conta iMasters, envie um e-mail para', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> <a href=""></a> <?php _e( 'fazendo a solicitação. Lembramos que esta operação é irreversível e excluirá todo o seu conteúdo.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  874. # wpml-name: 7dd78ba76cf081761d065338c986bfd5
  875. msgstr "fazendo a solicitação. Lembramos que esta operação é irreversível e excluirá todo o seu conteúdo."
  876. msgid "making the request. Please note that this operation cannot be undone and it will delete all your content published."
  878. #:
  879. #: <div class="im-rich-content">
  880. #: <p><?php _e( 'Se você deseja excluir sua conta iMasters, envie um e-mail para', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> <a href=""></a> <?php _e( 'fazendo a solicitação. Lembramos que esta operação é irreversível e excluirá todo o seu conteúdo.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  881. # wpml-name: d305a2fb1e9dc6c987b5169eb3e8036a
  882. msgstr "Se você deseja excluir sua conta iMasters, envie um e-mail para"
  883. msgid "If you want to delete your iMasters account, send an email to"
  885. #: <hr>
  886. #:
  887. #: <h3 class="im-title red"><span class="circle"><span class="icon cube"></span></span><?php _e( 'Excluir minha conta', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  888. # wpml-name: 207a69af9dc233d04f7694d6120c6c3d
  889. msgstr "Excluir minha conta"
  890. msgid "Delete my account"
  892. #: </div>
  893. #: <div class="field">
  894. #: <label for="strConfirmaSenhaAlt"><?php _e( 'Repita a nova senha:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  895. # wpml-name: f3e693b0e821e65125365c831ae1c762
  896. msgstr "Repita a nova senha:"
  897. msgid "Repeat new password"
  899. #: </div>
  900. #: <div class="field">
  901. #: <label for="strSenhaAlt"><?php _e( 'Digite a nova senha:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  902. # wpml-name: 4967985b80d4fed90b043f5b08b88ffd
  903. msgstr "Digite a nova senha:"
  904. msgid "Type new password"
  906. #:
  907. #: <div class="field">
  908. #: <label for="strSenhaAtual"><?php _e( 'Digite sua senha atual:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  909. # wpml-name: 54a2223e8452fd4a14c54c112ef35024
  910. msgstr "Digite sua senha atual:"
  911. msgid "Type your current password"
  913. #:
  914. #: <div class="submitArea">
  915. #: <button type="submit"><?php _e( 'Salvar alterações', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></button>
  916. # wpml-name: 7a0350156e28321e4de55947572c736e
  917. msgstr "Salvar alterações"
  918. msgid "Save"
  920. #: <label class="cover-checkbox">
  921. #: <input type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo checked( '1', $newsletter ); ?>
  922. #: name="vetNotificacoes[news]"> <?php _e( 'Novidades do iMasters e parceiros', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  923. # wpml-name: 696e8d0b1486ef7be9dcfd00028e8e3d
  924. msgstr "Novidades do iMasters e parceiros"
  925. msgid "News from iMasters and partners"
  927. #:
  928. #: <div class="field">
  929. #: <label><?php _e( 'Quando deseja receber email do iMasters?', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  930. # wpml-name: 707dce397f445542e18be8b2f3991651
  931. msgstr "Quando deseja receber email do iMasters?"
  932. msgid "When do you wish to receive iMasters e-mails?"
  934. #: <div class="section">
  935. #:
  936. #: <h2><span><?php _e( 'Notificações', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span></h2>
  937. # wpml-name: c5786b625719b0d0bceb3c9c307a9cb7
  938. msgstr "Notificações"
  939. msgid "Notifications"
  941. #: <div class="status-default">
  942. #: <label class="label"><?php _e( 'Alterar imagem:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  943. #: <div class="description"><?php _e( 'Você pode usar uma imagem em JPG, PNG ou GIF.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></div>
  944. # wpml-name: 2d0bb9c0d2269c356a8b5021bf556e39
  945. msgstr "Você pode usar uma imagem em JPG, PNG ou GIF."
  946. msgid "FIles can be in JPG, PNG or GIF."
  948. #: <div style="vertical-align: middle;" class="field">
  949. #: <div class="status-default">
  950. #: <label class="label"><?php _e( 'Alterar imagem:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  951. # wpml-name: a4a2b7b3faf802003f2f781937370fde
  952. msgstr "Alterar imagem:"
  953. msgid "Change image:"
  955. #: <div class="section">
  956. #:
  957. #: <h2><span><?php _e( 'Imagem', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span></h2>
  958. # wpml-name: b293465e208e56ba1fd04cfb9b49f992
  959. msgstr "Imagem"
  960. msgid "Image"
  962. #: <div class="inputArea">
  963. #: <label class="cover-radio inline"><input type="radio" <?php echo checked( 'm', $gender ); ?> value="m" name="indSexo"> <?php _e( 'Masculino', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  964. #: <label class="cover-radio inline"><input type="radio" <?php echo checked( 'f', $gender ); ?> value="f" name="indSexo"> <?php _e( 'Feminino', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  965. # wpml-name: 74d70e147772d5292a87e282193598b6
  966. msgstr "Feminino"
  967. msgid "Female"
  969. #: <label><?php _e( 'Sexo:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  970. #: <div class="inputArea">
  971. #: <label class="cover-radio inline"><input type="radio" <?php echo checked( 'm', $gender ); ?> value="m" name="indSexo"> <?php _e( 'Masculino', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  972. # wpml-name: bc3e9577a67fb864a2751329733faea2
  973. msgstr "Masculino"
  974. msgid "Male"
  976. #:
  977. #: <div class="field">
  978. #: <label><?php _e( 'Sexo:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  979. # wpml-name: 71bb88359ca8c6b95ffb5490a656997f
  980. msgstr "Sexo:"
  981. msgid "Gender:"
  983. #:
  984. #: <div class="field">
  985. #: <label><?php _e( 'Data de nascimento:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  986. # wpml-name: e37a3b1e513095353066d2641eb89568
  987. msgstr "Data de nascimento:"
  988. msgid "Birth date:"
  990. #: </div>
  991. #: <div class="field required">
  992. #: <label for="strSobrenome"><?php _e( 'Sobrenome:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  993. # wpml-name: 1cfe9fffefd67af7858b8ec85b463933
  994. msgstr "Sobrenome:"
  995. msgid "Last name:"
  997. #: <div class="multiple-fields">
  998. #: <div class="field required">
  999. #: <label for="strNome"><?php _e( 'Nome:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  1000. # wpml-name: 4471fb0fb015756b31430cad7feaf2f1
  1001. msgstr "Nome:"
  1002. msgid "Name:"
  1004. #: <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $user_login ); ?>" readonly="readonly">
  1005. #: <br /><br />
  1006. #: <span class="description"><?php _e( 'Seu nome de usuário não pode ser editado.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1007. # wpml-name: 3b0c02fb0acd9ce95fd9f26d8141c748
  1008. msgstr "Seu nome de usuário não pode ser editado."
  1009. msgid "Your username cannot be edited."
  1011. #:
  1012. #: <div class="field">
  1013. #: <label><?php _e( 'Nome de usuário:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  1014. # wpml-name: cad25e62f1a0d470dee84def144d86b6
  1015. msgstr "Nome de usuário:"
  1016. msgid "User name:"
  1018. #: <div class="section">
  1019. #:
  1020. #: <h2><span><?php _e( 'Dados pessoais', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span></h2>
  1021. # wpml-name: afc3b6834499e1172b0be9e7247e43d2
  1022. msgstr "Dados pessoais"
  1023. msgid "Personal information"
  1025. #: <li class="register">
  1026. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $register_page ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Cadastrar Fornecedor', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  1027. #: <?php _e( 'Cadastrar Fornecedor', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1028. # wpml-name: 57b4728d18272e3a3bcf0b7bb9665810
  1029. msgstr "Cadastrar Fornecedor"
  1030. msgid "Register supplier"
  1032. #: <li class="<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>">
  1033. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_post_type_archive_link( Apiki_WP_Suppliers_Post::POST_TYPE ) ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Todas as Categorias', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  1034. #: <?php _e( 'Todas as Categorias', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1035. # wpml-name: 19fadc6ee13cff4bb8bc44f5a0ecdd5b
  1036. msgstr "Todas as Categorias"
  1037. msgid "All categories"
  1039. #: <?php if ( ! empty( $filter_year ) ) echo $filter_year; ?>
  1040. #: </h3>
  1041. #: <p><?php _e( 'Nossa lista de eventos está dizendo que não houve nenhum evento nesse mês. Sabemos que isso pode não estar muito certo, mas sem os registros não podemos exibir nada aqui.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  1042. # wpml-name: f97ce125988c72e792c59969b5682ee8
  1043. msgstr "Nossa lista de eventos está dizendo que não houve nenhum evento nesse mês. Sabemos que isso pode não estar muito certo, mas sem os registros não podemos exibir nada aqui."
  1044. msgid "Our events list shows no events this month. We know it might not be right, but without registrations we can't show anything here."
  1046. #: <div class="static-notification">
  1047. #: <h3>
  1048. #: <?php _e( 'Estranho não termos nenhum registro de eventos do dia', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1049. # wpml-name: 4589020caa3bc4a60c23bddde92b5e86
  1050. msgstr "Estranho não termos nenhum registro de eventos do dia"
  1051. msgid "It's weird that there are no events registered in this date. "
  1053. #: $imasters_calendar_page_url = get_permalink( IMasters_Manager_General_Helper::get_page_id_by_template_page( 'template-page-calendar.php' ) );
  1054. #: ?>
  1055. #: <a class="cancel-filter" title="<?php _e( 'Remover filtro', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>" href="<?php echo $imasters_calendar_page_url; ?>">[X]</a>
  1056. # wpml-name: 0180baf847026bbd743a10357fd020e2
  1057. msgstr "Remover filtro"
  1058. msgid "Clear filter"
  1060. #: echo __( 'Exibindo eventos do dia ', 'imasters-theme' ) . $filter_day . '/';
  1061. #: else
  1062. #: echo __( 'Exibindo eventos de ', 'imasters-theme' );
  1063. # wpml-name: 076cad729fd9b9947a175d8cdfc72f2e
  1064. msgstr "Exibindo eventos de "
  1065. msgid "Showing events of"
  1067. #: <?php
  1068. #: if ( ! empty( $filter_day ) )
  1069. #: echo __( 'Exibindo eventos do dia ', 'imasters-theme' ) . $filter_day . '/';
  1070. # wpml-name: e82b7d12d176d6a2d05941138aa22b57
  1071. msgstr "Exibindo eventos do dia "
  1072. msgid "Showing events on "
  1074. #:
  1075. #: <div class="forgot">
  1076. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'action', 'lostpassword', $template_page_login_signup ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Esqueci a senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1077. # wpml-name: f854599334d5a42f83ed127e9de0bbd9
  1078. msgstr "Esqueci a senha"
  1079. msgid "Forgot password?"
  1081. #:
  1082. #: <div class="login">
  1083. #: <h2><?php _e( 'Faça login', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h2>
  1084. # wpml-name: f23265831f878b66724131a5248cf8b4
  1085. msgstr "Faça login"
  1086. msgid "Login"
  1088. #: <?php if ( current_user_can( 'author' ) || current_user_can( 'colaborator' ) ) : ?>
  1089. #: <li>
  1090. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'edit.php' ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Conteúdo', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1091. # wpml-name: e25f5ab3957dd0197120e5be89e46c55
  1092. msgstr "Conteúdo"
  1093. msgid "Content"
  1095. #: <?php if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
  1096. #: <div class="user-options">
  1097. #: <a href="#modal-login" id="btn-login-signup"> <?php _e( 'Faça Login', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1098. # wpml-name: ec04902841b72d128d51f93511eb6f54
  1099. msgstr "Faça Login"
  1100. msgid "Login"
  1102. #:
  1103. #: {{#if (equals 'type' 'comment' this)}}
  1104. #: <a href="{{permalink}}#comments" title="{{title_post}}" class="link">{{screen 1200 <?php _e( "'Ver Comentários'", 'imasters-theme' ); _e( "'Veja todos os comentários >'", 'imasters-theme' ); ?>}}</a>
  1105. # wpml-name: 190fe0e644cbe6ddaeef168b7861b756
  1106. msgstr "'Veja todos os comentários >'"
  1107. msgid "'See all comments >'"
  1109. #:
  1110. #: {{#if (equals 'type' 'comment' this)}}
  1111. #: <a href="{{permalink}}#comments" title="{{title_post}}" class="link">{{screen 1200 <?php _e( "'Ver Comentários'", 'imasters-theme' ); _e( "'Veja todos os comentários >'", 'imasters-theme' ); ?>}}</a>
  1112. # wpml-name: a0cda05d776747b982facea56dadeda8
  1113. msgstr "'Ver Comentários'"
  1114. msgid "'See comments'"
  1116. #: <strong class="author-name">{{}}</strong>
  1117. #: <time datetime="{{time}}">{{time_extensive}}</time>
  1118. #: <span class="information"><?php _e( 'Contribuiu com um', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> {{type_text}} <?php _e( 'em:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1119. # wpml-name: d1f76559fb6a3044f0957d0caec3e35e
  1120. msgstr "em:"
  1121. msgid "in:"
  1123. #: <strong class="author-name">{{}}</strong>
  1124. #: <time datetime="{{time}}">{{time_extensive}}</time>
  1125. #: <span class="information"><?php _e( 'Contribuiu com um', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> {{type_text}} <?php _e( 'em:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1126. # wpml-name: 1e837ea82aeeb2d634f99843bbfc16eb
  1127. msgstr "Contribuiu com um"
  1128. msgid "Contributed with an"
  1130. #: <strong class="author-name">{{}}</strong>
  1131. #: <time datetime="{{time}}">{{time_extensive}}</time>
  1132. #: <span class="information"><?php _e( 'Contribuiu com um artigo em:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1133. # wpml-name: e018c227763c2ea2f6759155e123a330
  1134. msgstr "Contribuiu com um artigo em:"
  1135. msgid "Posted and article in:"
  1137. #: <span class="most-commented">
  1138. #: <span class="icon">&nbsp;</span>
  1139. #: <?php _e( 'Mais comentado', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1140. # wpml-name: b70c6ff9b173b88b8745aef25729725f
  1141. msgstr "Mais comentado"
  1142. msgid "Most commented"
  1144. #: <span class="icon">&nbsp;</span>
  1145. #: <span class="numbers" data-element-number-comments><?php echo esc_attr( $comments_number->approved ); ?></span>
  1146. #: <span class="information"><?php _e( 'Comentários dos leitores', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1147. # wpml-name: 45713c31435bf7b6f2a0f14541f17290
  1148. msgstr "Comentários dos leitores"
  1149. msgid "Comments"
  1151. #: <span class="icon">&nbsp;</span>
  1152. #: <span class="numbers" data-element-number-articles><?php echo esc_attr( $posts_number->publish ); ?></span>
  1153. #: <span class="information"><?php _e( 'Artigos publicados', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1154. # wpml-name: 1e95649fcaf1a8d8523ffc2f8691e14a
  1155. msgstr "Artigos publicados"
  1156. msgid "Published Articles"
  1158. #: if ( $hosteds->have_posts() ) :
  1159. #: ?>
  1160. #: <div class="partners-label"><span><?php _e( 'Hospedado por:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span></div>
  1161. # wpml-name: 9d089100c0937889502e7aec941fcbe0
  1162. msgstr "Hospedado por:"
  1163. msgid "Hosted by:"
  1165. #: ?>
  1166. #: <div class="partners-branding">
  1167. #: <div class="partners-label"><span><?php _e( 'Este projeto é mantido e patrocinado pelas empresas:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span></div>
  1168. # wpml-name: 37f50e53370e3e02bfc2aeb963ade326
  1169. msgstr "Este projeto é mantido e patrocinado pelas empresas:"
  1170. msgid "This project is sponsored by these companies:"
  1172. #:
  1173. #: <div class="widget widget-columnists-list">
  1174. #: <h4 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Todos os Colunistas', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  1175. # wpml-name: 1d49fa17ab3862813daddb10dcec01bf
  1176. msgstr "Todos os Colunistas"
  1177. msgid "All authors"
  1179. #: <p>
  1180. #: <?php _e( 'Os dados informados não conferem. Será que você não', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1181. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'action', 'lostpassword', $page_url ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'esqueceu sua senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>?
  1182. # wpml-name: d06aa937110cfbbaf628ee5805bf44a1
  1183. msgstr "esqueceu sua senha"
  1184. msgid "forgot password?"
  1186. #: <h3><?php _e( 'Dados de login incorretos!', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1187. #: <p>
  1188. #: <?php _e( 'Os dados informados não conferem. Será que você não', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1189. # wpml-name: 467b0b32806a9832fbf02732ad2ca2b1
  1190. msgstr "Os dados informados não conferem. Será que você não"
  1191. msgid "The information is incorrect. Maybe you"
  1193. #: <div class="static-notification static-notification-error">
  1194. #:
  1195. #: <h3><?php _e( 'Dados de login incorretos!', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1196. # wpml-name: 8daf5477cfbb9b299ad0bc0190b259bf
  1197. msgstr "Dados de login incorretos!"
  1198. msgid "Incorrect login information!"
  1200. #: <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_url( $redirect ); ?>" name="redirect_to">
  1201. #: <input type="submit" style="float: right;" class="im-submit-button bg-dark-orange" value="<?php _e( 'Fazer login', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  1202. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'action', 'lostpassword' ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Esqueci minha senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1203. # wpml-name: faa3f120e2061e9971718549ce07a0f9
  1204. msgstr "Esqueci minha senha"
  1205. msgid "Forgot my password"
  1207. #: <div class="submit">
  1208. #: <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_url( $redirect ); ?>" name="redirect_to">
  1209. #: <input type="submit" style="float: right;" class="im-submit-button bg-dark-orange" value="<?php _e( 'Fazer login', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  1210. # wpml-name: 16f691fbfdff5687561f3166af80d21c
  1211. msgstr "Fazer login"
  1212. msgid "Login"
  1214. #:
  1215. #: <div class="field">
  1216. #: <label><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="rememberme"> <?php _e( 'Manter logado', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  1217. # wpml-name: cec6510b7c52d5d9564f6b5fd9712037
  1218. msgstr "Manter logado"
  1219. msgid "Keep me logged in"
  1221. #:
  1222. #: <div class="field">
  1223. #: <label for="strSenha"><?php _e( 'Senha:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  1224. # wpml-name: 26cff36d9efa80fa1bb4909107d645cd
  1225. msgstr "Senha:"
  1226. msgid "Password:"
  1228. #:
  1229. #: <div class="field">
  1230. #: <label for="strEmail"><?php _e( 'Nome de usuário ou Endereço de e-mail:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  1231. # wpml-name: dd4d5858b615e583a234a8c1dc57e9e6
  1232. msgstr "Nome de usuário ou Endereço de e-mail:"
  1233. msgid "User name or e-mail address:"
  1235. #: <form class="im-account-form" id="loginForm" method="post" action="<?php echo home_url( 'wp-login.php' ); ?>">
  1236. #:
  1237. #: <h2><?php _e( 'Bem-vindo de volta.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h2>
  1238. # wpml-name: d19d2bec115256c79c807ca35e66a6db
  1239. msgstr "Bem-vindo de volta."
  1240. msgid "Welcome back!"
  1242. #: <div class="submit">
  1243. #: <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'sent-mail', 'true' ) ); ?>" name="redirect_to" />
  1244. #: <input type="submit" style="float: right;" class="im-submit-button bg-dark-orange" value="<?php _e( 'Obter nova senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  1245. # wpml-name: f9eac8c5187701841d6f7a4cce984952
  1246. msgstr "Obter nova senha"
  1247. msgid "Get a new password"
  1249. #: <form class="im-account-form" id="loginForm" method="post" action="<?php echo home_url( 'wp-login.php?action=lostpassword' ); ?>">
  1250. #: <div class="field">
  1251. #: <label for="strEmail"><?php _e( 'Email:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></label>
  1252. # wpml-name: 6a1e265f92087bb6dd18194833fe946b
  1253. msgstr "Email:"
  1254. msgid "E-mail:"
  1256. #: <span class="im-section-circle yellow"><span class="icon alert"></span></span>
  1257. #: <h3><?php _e( 'Perdeu sua senha?', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1258. #: <p><?php _e( 'Digite seu nome de usuário ou endereço de email. Você receberá um link para criar uma nova senha via email.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  1259. # wpml-name: b88a3c3860de29f814a01c3e58aca917
  1260. msgstr "Digite seu nome de usuário ou endereço de email. Você receberá um link para criar uma nova senha via email."
  1261. msgid "Type in your user name or e-mail address. You'll receive a link to create a new password in your e-mail. "
  1263. #: <div class="static-notification static-notification-lost">
  1264. #: <span class="im-section-circle yellow"><span class="icon alert"></span></span>
  1265. #: <h3><?php _e( 'Perdeu sua senha?', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1266. # wpml-name: 6b1fcbf2567bca079fa1aeab85fede78
  1267. msgstr "Perdeu sua senha?"
  1268. msgid "Lost your password?"
  1270. #: <span class="im-section-circle green"><span class="icon alert"></span></span>
  1271. #: <h3><?php _e( 'E-mail enviado', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1272. #: <p><?php _e( 'Por favor, confira seu e-mail e leia as instruções para redefinir sua senha.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  1273. # wpml-name: df1b9800910e0a3a75f11a02f10755d9
  1274. msgstr "Por favor, confira seu e-mail e leia as instruções para redefinir sua senha."
  1275. msgid "Please check your e-mail and follow the instructions for a new password"
  1277. #: <div class="static-notification">
  1278. #: <span class="im-section-circle green"><span class="icon alert"></span></span>
  1279. #: <h3><?php _e( 'E-mail enviado', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1280. # wpml-name: 79b89fd91c27e77158cd18d4a92d455b
  1281. msgstr "E-mail enviado"
  1282. msgid "E-mail sent"
  1284. #: <?php if ( ! function_exists( 'add_action' ) ) exit; ?>
  1285. #: <div class="page-title section">
  1286. #: <h1><?php _e( 'Recuperar senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h1>
  1287. # wpml-name: 781ebf469d3ff82633e44da05c972230
  1288. msgstr "Recuperar senha"
  1289. msgid "Recover password"
  1291. #:
  1292. #: <div class="form-candidate-jobs" id="candidate-jobs" style="display: none; width: 600px">
  1293. #: <h3 class="title-candidate-jobs"><?php _e( 'Candidate-se', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1294. # wpml-name: 842d872df7b44f96c0c10bb321d7fd65
  1295. msgstr "Candidate-se"
  1296. msgid "Apply"
  1298. #:
  1299. #: <div class="read-now-section">
  1300. #: <div class="read-more"><?php _e( 'Leia Agora', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></div>
  1301. # wpml-name: 6850f5608682ffa1a87604768f602c5b
  1302. msgstr "Leia Agora"
  1303. msgid "Read now"
  1305. #:
  1306. #: <div class="widget widget-top-tools">
  1307. #: <h5 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Top 10 Ferramentas', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h5>
  1308. # wpml-name: 02422ebe24851a26d6e81d813af25722
  1309. msgstr "Top 10 Ferramentas"
  1310. msgid "Top 10 Tools"
  1312. #: ?>
  1313. #: </ul>
  1314. #: <a href="" title="<?php _e( 'Acesse o repositório »', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>" class="button"><?php _e( 'Acesse o repositório »', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1315. # wpml-name: add223307624a5011ed94ffe61c259c6
  1316. msgstr "Acesse o repositório »"
  1317. msgid "Access the repository »"
  1319. #:
  1320. #: <div class="widget widget_official-resources">
  1321. #: <h2 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Recursos oficiais iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h2>
  1322. # wpml-name: 3ad54fe563aea2b6bda6183b42a8452e
  1323. msgstr "Recursos oficiais iMasters"
  1324. msgid "Official iMasters Resources"
  1326. #: <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
  1327. #: </div>
  1328. #: <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="" class="btn-tools"><?php _e( 'Conhecer Ferramenta »', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1329. # wpml-name: d42cfe49aa3d4a82f63794b39f6a7707
  1330. msgstr "Conhecer Ferramenta »"
  1331. msgid "See tool »"
  1333. #:
  1334. #: <div class="widget widget-last-published widget-recents-tools">
  1335. #: <h5 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Ferramentas Recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h5>
  1336. # wpml-name: c58637df11e5193c3f74cfe9e816764b
  1337. msgstr "Ferramentas Recentes"
  1338. msgid "Newst tools"
  1340. #: <ul>
  1341. #: <li><a id="open-home" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url() ); ?>" title="Home"></a></li>
  1342. #: <li><a id="open-cat-menu" href="#cat-menu" title="<?php _e( 'Categorias', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>"></a></li>
  1343. # wpml-name: aa966585d8fb96a833fcbcfe0121bf21
  1344. msgstr "Categorias"
  1345. msgid "Categories"
  1347. #: global $apiki_wp_theme;
  1348. #:
  1349. #: $listing_title = __( 'Últimas ferramentas cadastradas', 'imasters-theme' );
  1350. # wpml-name: 6e40bc47ccff792f32b03ce8ff0a06d8
  1351. msgstr "Últimas ferramentas cadastradas"
  1352. msgid "Last tools registered"
  1354. #:
  1355. #: case 'topcomment':
  1356. #: $listing_title = __( 'Mais comentadas', 'imasters-theme' );
  1357. # wpml-name: 3c29fdaf9156049b7726fa84c492310a
  1358. msgstr "Mais comentadas"
  1359. msgid "Most commented"
  1361. #:
  1362. #: case 'topweek':
  1363. #: $listing_title = __( 'Top semanal', 'imasters-theme' );
  1364. # wpml-name: 3a9b1982b062b40c9a28a2a35ae5da96
  1365. msgstr "Top semanal"
  1366. msgid "Top of the week"
  1368. #:
  1369. #: case 'top':
  1370. #: $listing_title = __( 'Top10 ferramentas', 'imasters-theme' );
  1371. # wpml-name: bf6eb4af87941847c67c884d560ee94d
  1372. msgstr "Top10 ferramentas"
  1373. msgid "Top10 tools"
  1375. #:
  1376. #: case 'recent':
  1377. #: $listing_title = __( 'Ferramentas recentes', 'imasters-theme' );
  1378. # wpml-name: 9b9412a6b986fc98e1561fc3074281a3
  1379. msgstr "Ferramentas recentes"
  1380. msgid "Newest Tools"
  1382. #: switch ( $section ){
  1383. #: case 'popular':
  1384. #: $listing_title = __( 'Ferramentas populares', 'imasters-theme' );
  1385. # wpml-name: 639757f99c10f0b2601d2c7f27b490d7
  1386. msgstr "Ferramentas populares"
  1387. msgid "Popular Tools"
  1389. # wpml-name: cc4741017435f917d0e52b019eebfcb2
  1390. msgstr "Últimos artigos de"
  1391. msgid "Last articles of:"
  1393. #: {{#if term}}
  1394. #: {{#if will_happen}}
  1395. #: <a href="{{permalink}}" class="btn-watch"><?php _e( 'Inscreva-se agora', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1396. # wpml-name: 0843e82d14e90beb2719644e73de16e4
  1397. msgstr "Inscreva-se agora"
  1398. msgid "Subscribe now"
  1400. #: <?php endif; ?>
  1401. #:
  1402. #: <span class="tag"><?php _e( 'Destaque', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1403. # wpml-name: 8beda0f9d34482606b39729c4aed07d5
  1404. msgstr "Destaque"
  1405. msgid "Highlight"
  1407. #:
  1408. #: <div class="search-enterprises" data-component-search-enterprises data-attr-change=".enterprise-reference [type=hidden]" data-attr-text=".enterprise-name [type=text]">
  1409. #: <select data-placeholder="<?php _e( 'Procurar Empresa Cadastrada', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>" multiple data-attr-select>
  1410. # wpml-name: 3aefc85b9e0050f57a0597f3f6e20711
  1411. msgstr "Procurar Empresa Cadastrada"
  1412. msgid "Search for registered company"
  1414. #: <dl>
  1415. #: <dt>
  1416. #: <?php _e( 'Por categoria', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1417. # wpml-name: 805649bc4fbd4eb1d5455cb5a4c868cd
  1418. msgstr "Por categoria"
  1419. msgid "By category"
  1421. #: $search_param_with_cpt['_cpt'] = 'post';
  1422. #: echo add_query_arg( $search_param_with_cpt, $apiki_wp_theme->site_url );
  1423. #: ?>"><?php _e( 'Artigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1424. # wpml-name: b63d00671aba1b1538cf3845acaaada6
  1425. msgstr "Artigos"
  1426. msgid "Articles"
  1428. #: <dl>
  1429. #: <dt>
  1430. #: <?php _e( 'Por conteúdo', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1431. # wpml-name: bbe14d8df3333302857b571814f31c63
  1432. msgstr "Por conteúdo"
  1433. msgid "By content"
  1435. #: <dl>
  1436. #: <dt>
  1437. #: <?php _e( 'Por data', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1438. # wpml-name: 7e2a763aa4b1ba27758fba14b9d515b5
  1439. msgstr "Por data"
  1440. msgid "By date"
  1442. #: ?>
  1443. #: <div class="widget widget-filter">
  1444. #: <h4 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Selecione um Filtro', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h4>
  1445. # wpml-name: c35144830ac7e128d3f159880d02c8de
  1446. msgstr "Selecione um Filtro"
  1447. msgid "Select a filter"
  1449. #:
  1450. #: <?php if ( $search_query ) : ?>
  1451. #: <h5 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Resultado de busca para', 'imasters-theme' ); ?> "<?php the_search_query(); ?>"</h5>
  1452. # wpml-name: f6e82d048d0e779feb7b0e16a3978b75
  1453. msgstr "Resultado de busca para"
  1454. msgid "Search results for"
  1456. #: <h5 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Nenhum resultado encontrado', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h5>
  1457. #: <div class="excerpt">
  1458. #: <p><?php _e( 'Não encontramos nenhum resultado com os termos e filtros da sua pesquisa.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  1459. # wpml-name: d3f80f77165fd7d3bbf4d6987bc1f3d6
  1460. msgstr "Não encontramos nenhum resultado com os termos e filtros da sua pesquisa."
  1461. msgid "We couldn't find any results with the search terms and filters of your query"
  1463. #: ?>
  1464. #: <div class="widget widget-last-published widget-search-results">
  1465. #: <h5 class="widget-title"><?php _e( 'Nenhum resultado encontrado', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h5>
  1466. # wpml-name: 862b1847e091e28b1f598fb563d2886d
  1467. msgstr "Nenhum resultado encontrado"
  1468. msgid "No results found"
  1470. #: <?php endwhile; ?>
  1471. #:
  1472. #: <?php IMasters_Manager_Query_Controller::the_request_page( '#template-listing' , __( 'Carregar mais', 'imasters-theme' ) ); ?>
  1473. # wpml-name: 91711d3fa667c16247b9b8ded820f7b1
  1474. msgstr "Carregar mais"
  1475. msgid "Load more"
  1477. #: $box_category_count = wp_count_terms( IMasters_Manager_Box::TAXONOMY_BOX );
  1478. #: echo $box_category_count;
  1479. #: echo _n( ' categoria', ' categorias', $box_category_count, 'imasters-theme' );
  1480. # wpml-name: 430894c67fa1a535fa460327e27669c2
  1481. msgstr " categorias"
  1482. msgid " categories"
  1484. #: $box_category_count = wp_count_terms( IMasters_Manager_Box::TAXONOMY_BOX );
  1485. #: echo $box_category_count;
  1486. #: echo _n( ' categoria', ' categorias', $box_category_count, 'imasters-theme' );
  1487. # wpml-name: 386e6f7c7ed8c3be83990873747521b5
  1488. msgstr " categoria"
  1489. msgid " category"
  1491. #: $box_count = wp_count_posts( IMasters_Manager_Box::POST_TYPE );
  1492. #: echo $box_count->publish;
  1493. #: echo _n( ' ferramenta cadastrada', ' ferramentas cadastradas', $box_count->publish, 'imasters-theme' );
  1494. # wpml-name: accbc814269cf8af558ebd94e28c595a
  1495. msgstr " ferramentas cadastradas"
  1496. msgid "registered tools"
  1498. #: $box_count = wp_count_posts( IMasters_Manager_Box::POST_TYPE );
  1499. #: echo $box_count->publish;
  1500. #: echo _n( ' ferramenta cadastrada', ' ferramentas cadastradas', $box_count->publish, 'imasters-theme' );
  1501. # wpml-name: 108e37a765601996c859562427aa6abc
  1502. msgstr " ferramenta cadastrada"
  1503. msgid "registered tool"
  1505. #:
  1506. #: <section class="statistics">
  1507. #: <span class="icon-about"><?php _e( 'Sobre o iMasters Box', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1508. # wpml-name: 65dedff00ba3b0286684b2194babdc09
  1509. msgstr "Sobre o iMasters Box"
  1510. msgid "About iMasters Box"
  1512. #: <?php
  1513. #: $foo = IMasters_Manager_Boxes_Controller::get_count_publics_apis();
  1514. #: echo $foo . __( ' APIs Públicas', 'imasters-theme' );
  1515. # wpml-name: 02f38f1e35a34b8748d5564e0251f6f3
  1516. msgstr " APIs Públicas"
  1517. msgid "Public APIs"
  1519. #:
  1520. #: <section class="statistics">
  1521. #: <span class="icon-about"><?php _e( 'Sobre os colunistas:', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></span>
  1522. # wpml-name: 24d02ee81cd74070cf847c3a2d225f9c
  1523. msgstr "Sobre os colunistas:"
  1524. msgid "About the authors:"
  1526. #: <li<?php if ( 'config' == $screen ) echo ' class="active"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'screen', 'config', $account_url ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Configurações', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  1527. #: <li<?php if ( 'pwd' == $screen ) echo ' class="active"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'screen', 'pwd', $account_url ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Alterar senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  1528. #: <li><a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>"><?php _e( 'Sair', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  1529. # wpml-name: 790ed91ff5545849d3b4cb2e88c750e4
  1530. msgstr "Sair"
  1531. msgid ""
  1533. #: </div>
  1534. #:
  1535. #: <input type="submit" class="im-submit-button bg-dark-orange" value="<?php _e( 'Alterar senha', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>">
  1536. # wpml-name: 14f26d1372903547076ce8b1594af0a5
  1537. msgstr "Alterar senha"
  1538. msgid ""
  1540. #: <li>
  1541. #: <?php $template_link = $apiki_wp_theme->get_template_page_permalink( 'template-pages/template-page-account.php' ); ?>
  1542. #: <a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'screen', 'config', $template_link ) ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Configurações', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a>
  1543. # wpml-name: 2571dd516a1452eb3b5a17d007c5bac8
  1544. msgstr "Configurações"
  1545. msgid "Configurations"
  1547. #: <ul>
  1548. #: <li<?php if ( empty( $screen ) ) echo ' class="active"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo $account_url; ?>"><?php _e( 'Atividades recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  1549. #: <li><a class="admin" href="<?php echo admin_url( 'edit.php' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Meus Artigos', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  1550. # wpml-name: 859a2fa41e0e76a263d31039524ec98b
  1551. msgstr "Meus Artigos"
  1552. msgid "My articles"
  1554. #: ?>
  1555. #: <ul>
  1556. #: <li<?php if ( empty( $screen ) ) echo ' class="active"'; ?>><a href="<?php echo $account_url; ?>"><?php _e( 'Atividades recentes', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></a></li>
  1557. # wpml-name: 191425396b12d7f32e4dc3015e125431
  1558. msgstr "Atividades recentes"
  1559. msgid "Recent activities"
  1561. #: <span class="im-section-circle green"><span class="icon alert"></span></span>
  1562. #: <h3><?php _e( 'Sucesso!', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1563. #: <p><?php _e( 'Os dados foram atualizados.', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></p>
  1564. # wpml-name: f63f3ea04f8a19b1d6cd05676f94870c
  1565. msgstr "Os dados foram atualizados."
  1566. msgid "Data has been updated"
  1568. #: <div class="static-notification">
  1569. #: <span class="im-section-circle green"><span class="icon alert"></span></span>
  1570. #: <h3><?php _e( 'Sucesso!', 'imasters-theme' ); ?></h3>
  1571. # wpml-name: d95597f4cff10bf2527f2e8c515fa5a7
  1572. msgstr "Sucesso!"
  1573. msgid "Success!"
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  1580. msgid "back"
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  1585. # wpml-name: 73a093cda6c87f8a4e1485228cb8c9eb
  1586. msgstr " palestras e entrevistas"
  1587. msgid "talks and interviews"
  1589. #: if ( ! is_wp_error( $talks ) ) :
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  1591. #: echo _n( ' palestra e entrevista', ' palestras e entrevistas', $talks->count, 'imasters-theme' );
  1592. # wpml-name: 5ea386558cac33a754f655a367a090f6
  1593. msgstr " palestra e entrevista"
  1594. msgid "talks and interviews"
  1596. #: $video_count = wp_count_posts( IMasters_Manager_Multimedia::POST_TYPE );
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  1599. # wpml-name: 3509786139d1bceaacfb2238ea7dd64a
  1600. msgstr " vídeos publicados"
  1601. msgid "posted videos"
  1603. #: $video_count = wp_count_posts( IMasters_Manager_Multimedia::POST_TYPE );
  1604. #: echo $video_count->publish;
  1605. #: echo _n( ' vídeo publicado', ' vídeos publicados', $video_count->publish, 'imasters-theme' );
  1606. # wpml-name: f7920bb31600f0a3e9dd37e19387b906
  1607. msgstr " vídeo publicado"
  1608. msgid "posted video"
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  1670. msgstr ""
  1671. "No momento, estamos realizando ajustes para que a sua\n"
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  1687. msgid ""
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  1694. msgid ""
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  1699. # wpml-name: 68d93c4dea4a2c68e3da92352bb34c71
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  1701. msgid ""
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  1708. msgid ""
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  1714. msgstr "leia as versões digitais de todas as edições"
  1715. msgid ""
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  1718. #: ?>
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  1727. # wpml-name: a97178c2dc103c1b2d97590d5be32445
  1728. msgstr "Todas as Notícias"
  1729. msgid ""
  1731. #: <?php echo esc_html( $values['title'] ); ?>
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  1733. #: + <?php _e( 'Ver mais noticias da redação iMasters', 'imasters-theme' ); ?>
  1734. # wpml-name: bce274b28cb190853f45ee7f0a8730bd
  1735. msgstr "Ver mais noticias da redação iMasters"
  1736. msgid ""
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  1742. msgstr "Ver mais artigos em destaque de "
  1743. msgid ""
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  1749. msgstr "Ver mais"
  1750. msgid ""
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  1755. # wpml-name: 47e2e8c3fdb7739e740b95345a803cac
  1756. msgstr "em"
  1757. msgid ""
  1759. #: <?php
  1760. #: if ( $values['special_maintainer'][$i] === 'yes' )
  1761. #: printf( '<span class="special-maintainer">%s</span>', __( 'especial mantenedor', 'imasters-theme' ) );
  1762. # wpml-name: 7ede7877b394df8c9ba218a9e4d69f4c
  1763. msgstr "especial mantenedor"
  1764. msgid ""
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